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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 2138 Age: 82.28d Health: 0% Posters: 10 Posts: 22 Replies: 20 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 6299 Sex in MLPonyville version 0.1 The first test release for my game. It's a work in progress. [IMG] Sex in MLPonyville 0-1.swf (8.06 MiB) 640x480, Compressed. 2 frames, 24 fps (00:00). Ver10, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> >> Anon 6300 I like the idea but GOOD GOD it looks awful, you really need to up the graphical quality, other than that though everything's pretty solid >> Anon 6301 Thank you for your feedback. Are you referring to the environment and buildings or the models themselves? >> Anon 6303 The graphics are not that bad, just need to get rid of the grain effect, probably something from when you rendered it right? other then that its a great start, +simple solid story. >> Anon 6305 Yeah I later found out I had to set the amount of ray samples used in ray tracing to a higher value. The next version will have the animations re-rendered with better quality. >> Anon 6323 i predict this project will be dropped if it isn't i predict the final flash file will be over 9000 megs in size >> Anon 6363 Yes I plan to add at least a hundred animations so the final flash will be over 9000 megs. Unfortunately this site only allows up to 60 megs. I will upload it elsewhere when I reach that point. >> Anon 6364 >># 30 megs if your flash has video so maybe avoid that But dude, a flash over 30-60 megs isn't very common on the web. You best get some skills in streaming your game, if people will have to wait until 100% is loaded online its gonna be a long wait. Fun fact: 95% of all flashes that has a loading screen could have skipped it completely if only the author knew how to awesome the streaming capabilites of flash are. If the beginning of the animation/game/whatever is loaded why the hell force people to wait needlessly until everything is loaded? >> Anon 6384 I think you need to work on camera angles. We shouldn't be so far away from the action even with those closeups. Change the color of the player, if you can. Brown is ugly and he blended in with the background there. The focus of a scene is supposed to stand out from the background so give him a little more color (or at least not brown). All the moving around will get confusing and annoying, so cut a little of that out or simplify it if you can. On the actual content, good stuff. Animations are good and you certainly have me interested. >> Anon 6443 This is OP thank you for your feedback. I will look into the streaming capabilities. Maybe you have a link to get me started? I still have to rely on stencyl to create the flash file so I'm not sure how much configuration I can do there. also 6384 thank you for your feedback. I will try to get a different angle and player color. I will also try to fix the moving around. However as the space gets bigger the player will be able to move greater distances so it may be complicated in the end. I'll try my best though. >> Anon 6447 >># Don't have a link, I just know from experience. You can probably get away with just not using a load screen. Then flash takes care of stuff automatically. If you want to you can have small ActionScript checks on buttons, for example if a button takes you to frame 30 it checks "is frame 30 downloaded". If true, show frame 3, otherwise show a small message that says "the game is still downloading to your computer, please wait a while and then press the button again". >> Anon 6810 You could probably post it on when it gets too big. I think they would gladly take it. And another question, when will next version be out? >> Anon 6965 This is OP Still working on the next version. It involves Pinky Pie and sugarcube corner, but constructing sugarcube corner is a bitch. So many details and nothing fits like it should Pinkie pies room is out of proportion. Hopefully it will be done in a couple of weeks >> Anon 6968 >># Take your time and don't rush it >> . 7027 ponyfag lol >> Nanonymous 7048 needs better renders, the models need toon edge and some better textures, also the movies should have better resolution, also maybe the cum shot should be done separately, the fluid just doesn't look right in the way it moves. >> Anon 7078 Sophie needs a ponier name. Like 'Hobknob' or, uh... That's not very pretty, better name her after booze! Worked out for Applejack. >> Anon 7103 >># Thanks for your help. I will render the animations at a higher resolution and I'll try to get that toon edge. Also I've only started getting into fluid simulation, maybe I'll adjust it when I have the skills to do so. >># I'm open to suggestions. I haven't seen the show and I'm not familiar with the pony names other then the one's I need. Sophie just came into my mind when I needed a new name. >> Anon 7122 >># Watch out with higher resolution in the movies (are there any movie clips?) because that increases the flash file size A LOT. Also, you're making a big pony porn game even though you haven't seen the show? 0_o >> Anon 7131 >># Well, I'd suggest Blueberry, Berryblue, or Bluebell. The booze name that could of fit, Blue Blazer, is more of a stallion's name. >> Anon 7173 This is OP >># Yes increasing the resolution will also increase the file size. I will experiment with different settings and see what works best. I don't watch the show because I would feel too closely connected to the characters to make this game. >># Thanks for the suggestions. The name of Sophie will be changed to Bluebell >> Anon 7352 This is OP New version here: |