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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 88. Discovered flash files: 1 File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other) [_] >guaranteed replies = 04/10/15(Fri)10:59 No.2744845 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] John Moses Browning 04/10/15(Fri)11:01 No.2744848 I hope this will become a Rule 34 of the mom thread >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:07 No.2744852 Mother of Dog >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:13 No.2744855 "God wants you to throw out things that your friend paid for." "God wants you to not live up to your promise to return that toy." "Jehovah wants you to not have fun." >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:13 No.2744856 Well I was going to shit post about religion, but after seeing >>2744848 comment. I've just went full NOPE.jpg >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:16 No.2744858 >>2744856 Don't be like that! Somebody's WRONG! On the INTERNET, no less! Are you just going to leave this be? What kind of man are you?! >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:20 No.2744861 >>2744858 where is the mom r34 >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:26 No.2744864 It a pity that the kid will be going to hell as a thief for not returning his friends toy. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:40 No.2744867 >>2744848 i thought the same >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:43 No.2744868 is the name of the kid "K-lobb" ?? >> [_] Mr not white 04/10/15(Fri)11:43 No.2744869 >>2744845 jehovah dosnt love magic?! sheesh he must me fun at partys >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:45 No.2744870 >>2744868 It's Malicious Magic >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:46 No.2744871 req r34 of mom and son. toy in mom's ass please. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:47 No.2744872 >>2744848 >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:50 No.2744873 >>2744861 It was hidden somewhere unintuitive because it kept getting too many hits. I had it bookmarked but it was on my old computer. I know it's out there >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)11:52 No.2744874 >>2744873 Never mind, I'm full of shit >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:06 No.2744879 This remembers me of the time when I was 8 and my mom threw out my dragon book because she doesn't believe i shouldn't be reading it. This explains why. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:15 No.2744884 >>2744845 YHWH is all about magic though. He gave King Solomon a magic imbued ring that could enslave demons, which he then used like pokemon and helped build his temple with. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:20 No.2744885 >>2744884 That sounds awesome. Jerusalem-based SMT fucking when? >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:48 No.2744908 >>2744868 Caleb, fool. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:53 No.2744912 What kind of god gets sad when a kid is happy playing with a piece of plastic? >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:54 No.2744914 >>2744912 Mormon jesus. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)12:55 No.2744916 >>2744845 Man, that mom just sounds like a massive cunt who wants people to just blindly follow shit like she did. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:00 No.2744921 >>2744885 The old testament is baller as fuck. One thing I like about it, and a lot of people don't realize this, but YHWH never says there aren't other gods, he says don't put other gods before him. That means he's competing with other gods in the Levant trying to assert his dominance as a regional deity over all the others. If you read the old testament like Jehovah is fighting and killing the other neighboring gods around him to become the one and only it's pretty goddamn awesome. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:00 No.2744922 its piece of shit people like that that ruined my childhood. my mom and dad were like this and i couldent even watch super man as a kid WHAT THE FUCK >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:11 No.2744929 >>2744845 magic=power YHWH doesn't want you to have power. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:15 No.2744930 You idiots know this is mormon religion right. Not normal christianity. As a Christian I can say that Mormons are pretty darn messed up. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:23 No.2744932 >>2744930 As a Mormon, I'm gonna go ahead and say you're retarded. Stop drinking the kool-aid, nerd. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:28 No.2744937 >>2744921 Its more than that. Far from being alluded to, you can find the historical references to the gods that later became Jehovah, or Yahweh. Its generally thought a couple of tribal gods squashed together to become kindly ol jehovah, at least one of them was the head of his own pantheon (the Canaanite religion) Its easier with islam, because it was founded later. Their original god Allah originally was just the main god, but had plenty of other gods hanging around. The big black square they all run around was originally a temple full of different god statues. Then one day they decided 'actually, theres only one bitches' and threw out all their other gods. What boggles my mind is how people still continue to believe in their religions when you can literally look back to their origins, or the hundreds of religions that came before and around it, each with their own sets of rigid beliefs. Its just depressing. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:31 No.2744938 >>2744930 Its a religion. Its magical thinking. Its literally all the fucking same. The moment your brain breaks down to the point where afterlives, souls, wine-blood, child-sacrifice etc. makes sense to you is the moment mankind has lost another brain that could have been doing something useful. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:32 No.2744941 >>2744938 >tips fedora >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:34 No.2744942 >>2744941 i love this meme >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:36 No.2744946 >>2744845 Parents who do this sort of shit don't deserve to be parents. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:43 No.2744950 >>2744855 >2744855 >>2744864 >>2744869 >>2744879 >>2744884 >>2744912 >>2744916 >>2744922 >>2744930 >>2744932 >>2744938 >>2744941 >>2744946 U 8 THE B8, M8s >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:46 No.2744953 >>2744950 well, the replies were guaranteed. Didn't you read the OP? >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:54 No.2744960 >>2744930 >with my own opinion, I can say a different opinion is messed up >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)13:59 No.2744965 >>2744845 Ahh yes, even the people who believe in god think the Jahovas witnesses are fucking nuts. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:01 No.2744967 >>2744938 how does it feel to be 15? >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:08 No.2744972 >>2744855 >>2744864 Where is there any indication that he was gonna give the toy back? >>2744912 It's idolatry. >>2744916 She has every right to help save Caleb's soul. >>2744922 Saving your soul =/= ruining your childhood. Although considering that you're dishonoring your mother and father, society damned you despite their efforts. >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:09 No.2744974 >>2744929 Murdering people is also a form of power, He doesn't want you doing that either. >>2744930 >picking and choosing which parts of your faith you want to follow, ignoring the rest Unfortunately, you ARE a normal Christian. >>2744937 I don't understand why people believe astronomers when astronomers used to think that the Earth was the center of the universe. I'm such a pessimistic, faithless dog that other people having faith depresses me. >>2744938 Serving the Lord is the most useful thing a human being can do. Mankind is meaningless without God, as is everything else in this doomed universe. Hedonism is the only logical choice in a Godless world, which also means that mankind "loses another brain." >>2744941 Thank you, somebody on the /f/ that isn't a heathen, or at least doesn't appear to be. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:10 No.2744976 >>2744974 >>2744972 OH BOIIIIIIIIIII >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:23 No.2744981 >>2744908 how the fuck someone would that figgure out ?! nobody on the entire planet has such a stupid name, and if your name is caleb too, plx kill yourself. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:24 No.2744983 >>2744972 >>2744974 Here we go >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:32 No.2744985 >>2744981 Caleb isn't even an uncommon name, unless you're a godless third-world sack of shit. If that's the case. consider suicide. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:33 No.2744986 >>2744972 >>2744974 >>2744985 >trying this hard >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:37 No.2744988 >>2744967 >says the one who believes in magical angels >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:39 No.2744990 >MAGIC MIKE DON'T BULLSHIT ME MOM >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:39 No.2744991 >>2744986 Defending those that aren't here to defend themselves. >>2744988 Angels aren't magic you ignoramus, you don't know what you're talking about. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:40 No.2744993 >>2744985 ur shit and ur religion is shit Jehovah witnesses is a cult of pedophiles mascaraing as a religion >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:40 No.2744994 >>2744991 >you don't know what you're talking about >says the one who believes in god >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:44 No.2744997 >>2744993 The pedophile meme applies to the Catholic priests you ignorant ass goblin. >>2744994 >doesn't capitalize God >*I* don't know what I'm talking about yeah, okay. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:44 No.2744998 >>2744993 >low quality bait >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:45 No.2745000 >>2744998 This entire thread is low quality bait. Which sucks because this clip is gold. >> [_] S-senpai... 04/10/15(Fri)14:46 No.2745001 I don't think Jehova gives a fuck. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:47 No.2745003 >>2744991 >angels aren't magic >god created angels >god used magic to create angels >angels are magical constructs rekt. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:52 No.2745004 >>2744872 not gonna lie i really didn't expect someone to have done it >> [_] •▬• 04/10/15(Fri)14:52 No.2745005 >>2745003 >god used magic to create angels That's bullshit headcanon though, go fuck yourself. You're only showing your own ignorance, read a Holy Bible sometime. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:58 No.2745013 >>2745000 Jehova is gold? You a cunt m8? >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:58 No.2745014 SHE MADE HIM THROW OUT HIS TOY AN ADULT THAT THE CHILD RESPECTS MANIPULATED HIS EMOTIONAL WELL BEING TO PLEASE HERSELF AND HER BELIEFS HE ONLY DID IT SO THAT HIS MOTHER AND "JEHOVAH" WOULDN'T GET SAD SHE DID IT ONLY BECAUSE OF PERSONAL PREFERENCE OF NOT LIKING MAGIC MAGIC AND GOD ARE BOTH ANTIQUATED CONCEPTS DATING BACK HUNDREDS OF YEARS. HOW MANY BELIEFS ARE STILL WIDELY HELD FROM THAT TIME PERIOD? >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)14:59 No.2745015 >>2745005 >refers to religion with term 'headcanon' >fictional universe This b8 is getting stale. >> [_] Anonymous 04/10/15(Fri)15:01 No.2745017 >>2744997 Have you read the news lately or does reading upset your false God too |