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Threads (6):
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Porn) [_] GARBAGE DAY = 2278154 fabulous fifteen Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2278159 Oh I'm not interested in the xbox, Ian. It's that purdy lil mouth of yours I want. >> [_] Anon 2278163 >ages 6 and up Is that why there are always children on GTAV and Call of Duty? This shit is actually marketed at little kids? >> [_] Anon 2278171 >As you can see, it's a lot lighter >> [_] Anon 2278173 /f/ - Youtube >> [_] Anon 2278193 >># Kids and Dudebros. They are the largest videogame playing demographic, right after mobile users. >> [_] Anon 2278196 That kid. >That hair >That nose >Those hands >> [_] Anon 2278202 As a 30-something year old male, I have this instant desire to strangle anyone male under 16 years old. I think its an instinct thing, like how roaming lions kill the offspring of females they find. >> [_] John Moses Browning 2278205 >># My favorit day >> [_] Anon 2278207 >Tell me about the controller >As you can see it's lighter How do I see weight >> [_] Anon 2278212 >making it one of the fastest x-boxes what. is he saying the 360 is as fast? I don't comprehend >> [_] Anon 2278226 o wow they look and sound gay >> [_] Anon 2278237 >># fucking christ man >> [_] Anon 2278267 >># Or you're a friendless piece of shit, but neither of us are professionals. >> [_] Anon 2278269 Good grief, Idiocracy was right. >> [_] Anon 2278282 Having two douche bags tell me what to buy is a bad marketing strategy. >> [_] Anon 2278287 Ian looks like a complete tool. No wonder Xbawks. >> [_] Anon 2278316 >video games this whole shit is why technology is going to shit, because the cancer that are gamers.
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Other) [_] we next generation now = 2221376 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] 2221382 who let them into internetz >> [_] Anon 2221392 >Hot video game system >Fabulous 15 list >Lipstick Is he going to fuck it? >> [_] Winged Kitsune 2221398 I wouldn't get a Shitbox One if someone held me up at gunpoint and ordered me to buy it. Fuck Microcock. >> [_] @Non 2221422 is this a gay porn or something? >> [_] Anon 2221423 >one of the best xboxes >> [_] Anon 2221428 he lost me and made me hate him at sweet headset >> [_] Anon 2221434 >># Oooooh wow an HDMI cable so fancy so genius including a cable you need to plug in the console super kewl thank you Microsoft for thinking about all those details >> [_] Anon 2221435 The moment I saw his face, I wanted to hurt him. The moment I heard his voice, I wanted to kill him. The moment I saw him talk about the hottest video game system with that body movement, I wanted to kill his family for allowing this fuck to exist. >> [_] Anon 2221436 >as you can see, it's a lot lighter Since when could you determine weight through sight alone? >> [_] Anon 2221438 >># but it has a sweet new headset. >> [_] Anon 2221451 >controller a lot lighter >"better" grips so it's easier wtf do they think we were doing it wrong? Were people complaining, "holy shit this 360 controller is so heavy how do i quickscope" >> [_] Anon 2221452 Look at that jaw I bet he could fit a really thick cock into his mouth >> [_] Anon 2221455 >># >># Why does /f/ has such reddit posts >> [_] Anon 2221464 >># >stop liking what i dont like >> [_] Anon 2221466 >># You're not using that phrase properly. >> [_] Anon 2221471 >># Only applies when the object in question is not in actuality a cancerous pile of shit that sinned against God, Man, and the Universe at large. >> [_] Anon 2221484 Anyone have the reversed one where he packs up the Xbone to return it to the store? >> [_] Anon 2221505 >One of the fastest Xboxs so far. >> [_] Anon 2221508 >># They don't mention that you have to download a patch to use the damn thing. They just say you can sit down and play right away, like it was some amazing fucking service Microshit is doing you by giving you another bloody HDMI cable. "Oh it's got an 8 core processor making it one of the best Xboxes so far!" That means fucking shit all to anyone. It annoys me that parents would watch this and think it's a legit review of the system. >> [_] Anon 2221516 ITS THE FUCKING TOYSNRUS TOY CHANNEL video is fucking aimed at 10yo's you are just stupid as fuck for watching it >> [_] Anon 2221530 No negation >> [_] Winged Kitsune 2221563 Here are the facts. The Xbox One wasn't even built for Gamers. The complete opposite in fact. Microcock wanted to build it to screw gamers and force them to watch Television. Then after E3, they figured out people weren't going to go for that shit, and would instead, buy a WiiU and a PS4. People are doing that anyway now. The microsoft dickheads even stated they could and probably will reinstate some of what the removed at a later date, once again screwing gamers. So think before you buy that shitty console, unless you want their dick in your ass in which case, bend over and let them deliver their bullshit. >> [_] Anon 2221564 all the /v/ in this thread
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Porn) [_] two days = 2189032 totally radical Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2189038 "can you tell me more about the specs" "yeah on the inside there s a really fast micropocessor" i dont even >> [_] Anon 2189042 cringed all the way through >> [_] Anon 2189044 That headset looks super sweet. Clearly that fact alone means I should buy it. Xd >> [_] Anon 2189046 >one of the best xboxes so far every time >> [_] Anon 2189058 It's essentially a CCTV for your living room. >"But Anon, why would Microsoft give info to the Govt. when the Govt. takes their money?" >What are oligarchies? >What are shared interests? >What is Globalism? >What is full-spectrum dominance? Go to /pol/, and stay there until you know better. >> [_] Anon 2189060 Why is their spokesperson a 15 year old? >> [_] Anon 2189067 >># >Toys Я Us [spoiler]The Я is for Яetarded.[/spoiler] >> [_] Anon 2189089 >># this but needs to implicate the jews a bit more not even kidding >> [_] = 2189090 >># This nigga knows what's up. >> [_] Anon 2189107 Anybody got the dubbed reverse version where he puts it back in the box and tells you to return it to the store? >> [_] Anon 2189123 It's a beast, try not to drown in pussy. >> [_] Winged Kitsune 2189127 After Microsoft tried to screw the gaming community with this console, I'll be surprised if it even outsells the WiiU. Hell, I'll be surprised if it sells a few million units world wide. >> [_] Anon 2189148 >># you underestimate the stupidity of fanboys
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Other) [_] ecksboner soon = 2172125 >> [_] Anon 2172130 i almost threw up >> [_] Anon 2172133 The purple shirt kid is hooknosed as fuck. Holy shit, the Jews are clever bastards. >> [_] Anon 2172160 their so desperate for customers they went to fucking toys r us >> [_] Anon 2172173 "Fabulous Fifteen list" Every fucking time >> [_] Anon 2172174 >okay >great >awesome >cool >super sweet >absolute beast >I love it >amazing >absolutely I think he wants to die everytime he says one of those words >> [_] Anon 2172178 >making it one of the fastest xboxes so far LOL >I heard the camera can recognize people ugh >> [_] Anon 2172186 Such faggotry...has never been achieved. UNTIL NOW. >> [_] Anon 2172188 the tall guys got like a peewee herman look going on >> [_] Anon 2172196 im sure you faggots think you know fucking everything about video games ever but what you do not know is that xbox has the best games and gameplay experience so nothing else really matters!!! >> [_] Anon 2172205 >># XIDF pls go. >> [_] Anon 2172229 >># nice b8 m8 >> [_] Anon 2172241 I love how he doesn't include the graphics card because its utter shit. >> [_] Anon 2172257 >># link_laughing.jpg >> [_] Anon 2172262 no one has made a comment about the kid on the right... >> [_] Anon 2172274 >># You should make this a paragraph long so it'll be worth reposting in other threads.
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Other) [_] Niggers! = 2151538 >> [_] Anon 2151557 Ha! Glorious PC gaming master race. >> [_] Anon 2151563 is that ,,buy now,, nessesary? looks like retarded add for 12 year old kids which need reminder that things needs to be bought >> [_] Anon 2151565 sweet mad beast hardcore rip ska bra mode toad road dude. >> [_] Anon 2151567 >># DID YOU EVEN WATCH THE ENTIRE THING YOU STUPID FUCK HE SAID "CLICK BUY NOW TO BUY THIS AMAZING PRODUCT ON OUR 2013 FANTASTIC 15 LIST" >> [_] Anon 2151569 >one of the fastest xbox's ever >> [_] Anon 2151570 Hey Guise, Did you hear??? 23 Games To download on Day one Guise, Thats totally Radical Guissseeeee..... >> [_] Anon 2151573 >># And none of them worth playing. >> [_] Anon 2151574 >># This kid is a genius. Look at his fucking hair style >> [_] Anon 2151578 >># Who do you think is the target market? >> [_] Anon 2151579 >># closed it as soon as i saw how gay this was, but now i need to hear this fgt say this. >i hate everything >> [_] Anon 2151582 >># > 6 and up > toy's r us inb4, what is a PC? >> [_] Anon 2151583 new and improved controller >new >improved pick one >> [_] Anon 2151587 also >also >>also also >> [_] Anon 2151588 >fabulous 15 >FABULOUS 15 >> [_] Anon 2151598 First off this thing looks like a TOTAL BEAST. radical killer wicked gnarly sick sweet titillating groovy tubular >> [_] Anon 2151605 As you can see its a lot lighter >see >lighter what don't consoles have these days, my mouse is heavy >> [_] Anon 2151614 >one of the fastest xboxes so far Fuckin' lol >> [_] Anon 2151628 >I can turn it on, it recognizes me and goes to my profile. cool, huh? >this jew-feeding-machine now knows who I am >*father hands me his mouser* >"no loose ends, my son" >... >> [_] Anon 2151634 >># Never come back >> [_] Anon 2151637 >># I'm back. >> [_] Anon 2151689 >># >mouser Shoot yourself with your tiny rodent. >> [_] Anon 2151700 Wow sports games, just what I want. You dumb cunt. The only reason I even bought a 360 was so I could play Talles of Vesperia. If I could read moon runes then then my 360 would just get pawned and I'd just get it on PS3. >> [_] Anon 2151703 Yeah just what I want, an all in one entertainment system, because I don't already own a computer and a blu-ray player. >> [_] Anon 2151705 >># Couldn't you just use an emulator for your PC? >> [_] Anon 2151707 Pc's garphics are waaaay better. >> [_] Anon 2151708 >># Nah I own a 4 year old Toshiba Satellite. It;s not a bad little laptop but it hardly plays Sims 3 on medium settings. >> [_] Anon 2151709 >># It's essentially the same damn machine as a PC. >> [_] Anon 2151712 >># No 360 or ps3 emulator >> [_] Anon 2151713 >># Really? Why not? >> [_] Anon 2151716 >># No, its not. My pc has 2x crossfire HD7970 and a fx8350, it smashes this console. Also I can use it for work and not just games. >> [_] Anon 2151718 >># I believe you received my computer by mistake. Pls send it back. >> [_] Anon 2151722 >># What are the rest of your specs >> [_] Anon 2151724 >># epik /b/ro ;^) >> [_] Anon 2151726 >># pls give it to me it has a case, and a processor, with multiple core. >> [_] Anon 2151728 >># That sounds totally gnarly, dood. >> [_] Anon 2151731 Is he wearing lipstick? >> [_] Anon 2151732 >># dood fuck off, it was $2000 at the time >> [_] Anon 2151741 the only thing that pisses me off about consoles nowadays is that they really are just computers rigged to only play games on a certain disk. surprised they got this far, wonder how much longer they will last >> [_] Anon 2151744 >># You could run any os off a ps3 >> [_] Anon 2151750 does this thing make watching tv better? all i want to do is buy one to improve my tv...experience...ALOT!!! >> [_] Anon 2151752 >># Yeah but think about it. My computer had just the minimum requirements to run GTA IV, then GTA V is going to be released on the PC and if I wanted to play that shit then I would have to upgrade. But my PS3 doesn't have to upgrade. >> [_] Anon 2151766 >># I'd just like to interject for a moment, if you had spent more then $400 on your computer and had a high budget you would have been able to have a pc that would last 2 console generations and would of had other uses beside a purely gaming machine. Not only would you save some money (2 consoles at launch = $1000 + games (say 20 per console 40*50 = $2000 (as you could pirate games on pc or wait for steam sale), plus you can emulate old consoles)) but you would also be able to upgrade your hardware in the future. >> [_] Anon 2151769 >># Can't play tales of Vesperia on a PC. there is a 360 emulator but it has been in beta for years and very little compatibility. >> [_] Anon 2151772 >># True, but their are many games for pc you cant play on console >> [_] Anon 2151774 >># I will give you that. And there are a lot of games I play on PC. Mainly rts games like Age of Empires, Age of Mythology and Command and Conquer. But when it comes to anything else. I just get the console version. >> [_] Anon 2151776 >># The old controllers were darker, as you can see this one is lighter. >> [_] Anon 2151779 >># Why not just pirate it (not that I do) >> [_] Anon 2151782 A quote word for word. "Maybe one of the best Xboxs to date" - Michael Fuck you Michael, not even a chance. >> [_] Anon 2151783 2cool! EZ & UHMAZING! >> [_] Anon 2151803 inb4 Superior PS4 MASTER RACE! >> [_] Anon 2151804 >># Vesperia is the tits. >> [_] Anon 2151809 >># I bet your father gave you his "mouser" more than a few times
File: Hey Brah Buy an Xbone.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x368, Porn) [_] Anon 2137942 Need a rape tag. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2137946 I prefer to buy new PC set. >> [_] Anon 2137949 >># AAHAHAHAHA the target audience for this... im glad im staying on PC... >> [_] Anon 2137951 >># B-but, it comes with an HDMI cable, so you start playing right away! >> [_] Anon 2137959 Good thing that headset has 1 ear so I can talk to my mom on my iphone while playing Call of Duty: Dog and getting blown by my boyfriend under my neckbeard carpet. >> [_] Anon 2137960 >making it one of the fastest Xboxes so far A+ >> [_] Anon 2137974 >as you can see, the controller is lighter... wut >> [_] Anon 2137981 Hey guys my 14 year old jew buddy will tell you all about this piece of shit console. >> [_] Anon 2137989 wow awesome i hope to get one for christmas >> [_] Anon 2138010 >mfw that jazz-neck at "fabulous" >> [_] Anon 2138012 >># that is too cool >> [_] Anon 2138013 >># that is too easy >> [_] Anon 2138017 I'm clicking Buy Now but nothing's happening :( >> [_] Anon 2138020 im getting both consoles but im still getting xbox one first >> [_] Anon 2138022 lol every single pro point is applicable to the ps3 xD >can play blueray >netflix >hulu >OMG IT COMES WITH CORDS!!!!!! ps3 has >crunchyroll >amazon >omg not only does it have cord but the cords to connect it to TV can fit ps2/1 and power cord only needs to be trimmed a little >> [_] Anon 2138024 B-but it has kinect 2.0 >> [_] Anon 2138028 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># >># You are all faggotyassniggerpissshitfuckingrapemorep enisashats with the shittiest taste around. All of you should kill yourselves immediately before you bring about the end of times. >> [_] Anon 2138031 >># XD the butthurt is strong with this one even the xbox fans are turning to playstation with how shitty the console turned out >> [_] Anon 2138054 Next to all the other things that are horribly wrong with this junkbox, it kinda looks like a 90s PC >> [_] Anon 2138056 >shitty new console >shitty new OS Microsoft is really fucking up big huh? >> [_] Anon 2138057 >># >yfw it was downhill ever since Vista came around >> [_] Anon 2138061 >># What the fuck are you talking about? Windows 8 is lighter and faster than 7 and is 100% compatible with all W7 programs. If you don't like modern UI, go buy start is back and fuck off. Everything else is better. -Posted by Steve Ballmer from his iPhone 5s >> [_] Anon 2138062 >># >Modern UI >Huge cubes of wasted space >Recommended apps/ads WELL GOLLY, IT RUNS JUST LIKE THE iPAD. >> [_] Anon 2138065 >># If you map a mouse key to the windows key you could actually open programs in Windows 8 faster than Windows 7. Also you can turn off the ads....but that there are ads to be turned off in the first place is to be questioned. -Reluctantly posted by Steve Ballmer from his iPhone 5s >> [_] Anon 2138069 I like how they want to sell this peace of crap to 6 year old kids >> [_] FISTY piccolo !AExJOadSsY 2138073 lel >> [_] Anon 2138075 >># The xbox would sit on my desk while the HDMI would be the only thing I'd use. >> [_] Anon 2138077 why in the fuck would anyone wanna buy this piece of shit fail console? they fucked up with the restriction talk before E3 then they're taking it off with a patch, come 1 year down the line when people playing the new shitty halo they will forget about the restrictions still built into the console and microsoft will just slow throw them back in >> [_] Anon 2138079 microsoft is crap this is why i use linux >> [_] Anon 2138080 hey guys anyone want to buy a very expensive TV playing plays TV really well apparently. >> [_] Anon 2138082 yeah and you still need your cable to watch it. so you have your cablebox, your dvd/blu player, and your xbox one 3 boxes all doggy piling eachother >> [_] Anon 2138085 >># >XD What are you? 12? Get the fuck off. >> [_] Anon 2138087 >># yeah because its illegal for anyone above the age of 12 to use emoticons an shit like that how bout you go an hero and make us all proud >> [_] Anon 2138093 >># it's on the fabulous 15 list you fucking jew, can't you tell quality when you see it?! This is too cool >> [_] Anon 2138103 >># Holy shit you are retarded >> [_] Anon 2138105 >># Trolled hard. >> [_] Anon 2138109 >># The sad thing is, tons and tons of fanboys will still buy it. Bigtime companies can do whatever the bitch they want. THIS is why computers should have always stayed that critical nerdy little minority's hobby. >> [_] Anon 2138132 >One of the best xboxes so far >Sweet headset >> [_] Winged Kitsune 2138138 I hope Microsoft's Console Department crashes and burns after the tried to fuck us all over. >> [_] Anon 2138141 >># >winged kitsune I wouldn't expect you to realize both companies were going to do this until Microsoft had backlash, and I really don't know what makes you think only Xbox is like this when really all of Microsoft does business this way. |