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Threads (2):
File: Space Gnome.swf-(8.34 MB, 256x144, Other) [_] Anon 2843281 >> [_] Anon 2843287 its pretty good >> [_] Anon 2843292 hell ya! so edgy >> [_] Anon 2843295 this is true >># > HAHAHA THIS IS EDGY I ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEAN AM I COOL ENUFF FOR 4CHINZ >> [_] Anon 2843303 >># It's pretty dumb and the video maker seems to think his vapid arguments are actually deep, insightful and cool. Seems like typical teenage edge to me >> [_] Anon 2843308 It's a bit biased to be honest, I feel if he didn't spout his smartass around everywhere and generalize, I'd be able to take him seriously. >> [_] Anon 2843309 Damn, the other thread died fast. But if the other dude is here, I'm still interested to see the thermal imaging stuff. >> [_] Anon 2843311 >># Yep im here still. I can show you official websites. Officials made reports of this house. Spirits: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=hau nted+house+gary+indiana Can all these websites be lying about the same claim? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/02 /zak-bagans-buys-demonic-h_n_4713309.html Also, there were some medical officials that saw the levitation. >> [_] Anon 2843314 >># >Can all these websites be lying about the same claim? 1. Yes, it'd be possible for all of them to lie about the same claim. 2. It's also possible for them to report the same thing, but just be wrong. And it didn't look like a whole lot of proof was provided outside of anecdotal evidence. And just because officials saw something, it could be wrong. There have been cases of people seeing the same thing and being wrong. We have professional illusionists and magicians who do that all the time. Or even people just being wrong/mass hallucinating the same thing. And I'm drawn between them. On one hand, I do believe that paranormal shit happens. Hell, I believe in paranormal stuff way beyond some spirits. Personally, I'd probably believe it. But I also know that it's gullible to buy into everything. I know that skepticism is necessary in order to find the truth and actually prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it exists. I just don't think most paranormal events have had that kind of evidence. There's anecdotal evidence and people saying things, but nothing that's really particularly solid. Nothing that'd even hold up in a court. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and we're just as bound by that as anyone else. >> [_] Anon 2843315 >># Can 1.2 billion people by lying about Islam? It's pretty easy to sucker people into believing a beautiful lie than an ugly truth. >> [_] Anon 2843316 >># "the religious freaks" "the atheists" *the atheist freaks normal people exist who are atheist just like normal people who exist are christian >> [_] Anon 2843317 >># I dont agree with alot of what he was saying. Just some concepts he has stated is worth considering. >> [_] Anon 2843318 >># Anything demonic and paranormal stuff that happens is caused by spirits. Spirits of darkness and such. Most of them are just called demons who do seek to destroy, steal and kill. >> [_] Anon 2843320 >># Well i'd love to chat more but this battery is dying and its very late at night. If i remember tomorrow, perhaps i can upload the flash again if you wish to talk more? >> [_] Anon 2843322 >># >Anything demonic and paranormal stuff that happens is caused by spirits. But how can we show that? Is Bigfoot, for example, a demonic spirit of some kind? Was Dyatlov Pass caused by spirits? Or what about spirits that come in the form of dead people? Are they demons? Because the whole ghost thing is very incompatible with Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Because it's a misconception that once you die, you go right to heaven. You don't. Even in the Bible and those holy texts it never says that. You die and that's it, the next thing you know you're waking up for the Final Judgment and THEN go to whatever paradise god has chosen for his believers. Your spirit doesn't go anywhere until that Final Judgment when god gets all of the people up and then judges them. It's why you even see on artwork about the Final Judgment people coming out of their coffins. Their spirits never left in the first place. God wouldn't send you to heaven and then bring you back down to be judged. That's a modern thing people made up because it sounds nice and it just kinda caught on. So, if these spirits are in any way human, then whatever the spirit life may be, it's not the one from the Abrahamic religions. >> [_] Anon 2843326 >># Here's your reply >> [_] Anon 2843327 >># No no this is just exactly what the bible talks about. Jesus delivered a man who had a legion of demons in him. Its not against Christianity. And we all possess a spirit. Not all spirits are evil. Angels are spirits. And we, we are human. We have a spirit and a soul. The bible explains all this. >> [_] Anon 2843332 >># The idea of human spirits is very much against the Abrahamic faiths. They're not supposed to come back at all until Judgment Day when ALL will be judged. Nobody would go to heaven and come back down to be judged yet again. As I said, it's why all the artwork about it shows people rising from coffins. When they die, that's it until Judgment Day, which will seem like only a moment passing. Like you went to sleep. And then your spirit is sent to paradise or eternal death. But before that your soul isn't doing anything. It's waiting for Judgment Day to then rise up and stand before God to be judged. As I said, the idea that once you die you immediately go to heaven or hell is a new, modern invention that is nicer to hear than the actual truth. It was probably just a tale told to kids because it sounds nicer than what was written down, and just caught on and became a large, prevailing idea. Similar to how tales of Genesis often leave out the whole "Nephilim fucking people and creating hybrids and teaching people magic made god wipe out mankind in a flood" or that Lot fucked his two daughters because they thought the world ended after Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed. >> [_] Anon 2843336 >Advocating Hume's brand of bullshit Fuck off, please >> [_] Anon 2843339 >># Who said they were coming back? Leaving that out, its not against the bible. That moment you said, "Like you went to sleep" and going to heaven immediately after death... thats the same amount of time at least measured to the consciousness. The idea of having a human spirit isnt against the bible. Its stated in the bible. >> [_] Anon 2843341 >># >Who said they were coming back? You, or the people claiming hauntings are done by human spirits. >The idea of having a human spirit isnt against the bible. Its stated in the bible. It is stated in the Bible. The human spirit to them does exist, but it can't be the cause of hauntings, even hauntings that look like people. Because their human soul cannot be there. It's stuck inside of the body as god decreed until they rise up on Judgment Day. It's for all intents and purposes dead until that day. So, there can't be any proof of the human soul, in let's say, a haunted house or anything like that. Because according to the Abrahamic faiths it is not possible until god decrees that they rise up and be judged. Or, if there is proof of human spirits at these places, then the Abrahamic faiths as we know them are either wrong on a fundamental level about the soul, or whatever spirit world there may be is nothing like what those faiths claim it is like. Because according to the Abrahamic faiths, there should be no way any human spirits are up and walking around before the day of judgment. >> [_] Anon 2843342 >># yeah same >> [_] Anon 2843379 I recall a theory a while back that ghosts are more or less what bloodstains are in the Souls games; replays left behind from the extra electromagnetic energy exerted by the human brain during a moment of extreme emotion. I don't give enough of a fuck to pull up pertinent data like the rest of the lazy fucks here who aren't really pulling up their citations. >> [_] Anon 2843383 >># It's a shit theory anyway. How would a "replay" or psychic impression account for ghosts that act out more than just what happened? Or interact with people? And why would it only work for some people? Not all houses with such activity have amazingly soul crushing stories. So, why isn't every murder or death resulting in these impressions? Hell, they've found god damn torture chambers in dictatorships that didn't have ghosts laying all around. Half of the time you can go on a historical tour of such places. And I'd say that's far more likely to leave an impression than someone who just killed themselves in a house now sticking around. >> [_] Anon 2843392 >># Just wait 1000 years and arguments like these will die off and they'll have the answer or not. >> [_] Anon 2843417 jesus christ, this thread all these people acting as though what they do or don't believe is an issue >> [_] Anon 2843427 >># I may do just that. see you in 3015
File: Space Gnome.swf-(8.34 MB, 256x144, Other) [_] All bow to the Space Gnome! Anon 2164255 >> [_] Anon 2164258 View in HD on YouTube: watch?v=u0H5JxHlOZM >> [_] Anon 2164271 What does the space gnome have to say about the flying spaghetti monster? >> [_] Anon 2164277 >Science this, science that. >> [_] Anon 2164289 >you dont fucking know what a shitty squirl >> [_] Anon 2164356 I go by simple logistics, no science. The bare simplistics. I'm an >athiest not an >antitheist. Space Gnome also over-emphasizes the worst of the black and white. In saying so, I express his bias and ignorance. >> [_] Anon 2164361 >There are no laws or no facts >Science is shit >We can't prove science wrong >We can't prove something as a fact Dropped. >> [_] Anon 2164362 >># Indeed, this flash was made by a fucktarded neckbeard. Dropped, saged and recorded in my mind as retardation. Yes, I know sage doesn't work on /f/, fuck you. >> [_] Anon 2164364 >># Can you prove you exist? >I'm just fucking with you >> [_] Anon 2164366 Everything said is truth. With that said, Space Gnome is inferior to my collection of understanding. ~DarkGnome >> [_] Anon 2164371 An argument presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. /thread >> [_] Anon 2164383 On a semi-related note, why DOES gravity work? I know it causes a smaller body to move towards a much larger body, but I never did understand why or how. Is it magnetic fields or something? >> [_] Anon 2164392 >># gravity is nicknamed the "occult force" by some academic traditions for the reason that we don't understand gravity very well; we don't know why, it just sort of is. Gravity is just sort of something that happens when you have mass, we don't understand why very well. Higgs fields seem to be our best guess so far. Newton and Einstein's descriptive models are useful for the pragmatic side of gravity, but they don't tell us what gravity is. Higgs, on the other hand, might be able to show us both why and how gravity works. Wikipedia is able to guide you to specific mathematical formulas and such if you desire them. >> [_] Anon 2164406 >># Agreed, If you want to hold a sound existential argument you don't use straw-man tactics and derogatory language. I can't take the seriously. >> [_] Anon 2164420 >># Not trolling here, we have no fucking idea. Some physicists have posited the existence of 'Gravitons' which are the fundamental units of gravitational charge but nobody really listens to them. I think the current theory is something relating to nuclear force in very massive objects (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fo rce) but Im not sure how much credence that has. Gravity, its fuckin magic. The closest we have gotten to an explanation is Einstien thinking it was something to do with curvature of space time planes (though its gravity that causes the curvature in the first place so I have no idea how that works) and Newtons slightly half-baked and unfinished theory that its a constant force that just acts on everything at once. >> [_] Anon 2164441 I'm going to guess that the gnome is God, and the squirrel is Jesus >> [_] Anon 2164467 >># That's not quite accurate It's true our understanding is pretty crude at best on the subject, but as >># says we have some ideas that seem to be panning out. Sort of. |