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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource K7VB6S6, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/8 -2015 21:00:33
9.5 years ago.

Ended:28/8 -2015 23:34:52
9.5 years ago.

Checked:28/8 -2015 23:48:54
9.5 years ago.

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 62.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Minus 8 - Koopa Girl(Tail-less).swf-(1.42 MB, 720x480, Hentai)
[_] Much better name, I'll be posting this regularly till it catches on Anonymous
08/28/15(Fri)14:57:54 No.2888620

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:04:33 No.2888627

  literally the 3rd time the exact same autistic garbage posted here today

  report this for spam, help keep /f/ clean.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:06:20 No.2888628

  That's a weird way of spelling noko, op.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:09:05 No.2888630

  this is a good flash but
  >I'll be posting this regularly till it catches on

  kill yourself

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:09:25 No.2888632

  man minus 8 is a god, how did i ever live without his works

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:09:38 No.2888633

  this name sucks

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:11:18 No.2888634

  english please

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:13:46 No.2888635

  I see you posting the same comment in every thread and keep begging people to believe it lol.
  What a pity that you have to do that for people to like minus crap rather than people liking him
  for his works.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:14:43 No.2888638

  lol this is literally my first comment on /f/, sorry for newfagging

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:20:45 No.2888640

  oh. it must be a giant coincidence that th exact thing is posted everytime.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:22:53 No.2888641

  yeah, i can imagine he has quite a following, cause viday game porn tends to go well with vidya
  game music

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:25:49 No.2888643

  nope. hes been known to samefag the shit out of his threads and post the same cheap thing over
  and over again to get a few more views while other artists post a few flashes and get thousands
  of followers.
  minus8 is like the bottom of the list when it comes to flash artists

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:27:46 No.2888644

  ooh, name some more?
  I love flash animations at the moment!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:28:07 No.2888645

  Samefag or not I just turned my computer on, and this is great.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:28:10 No.2888646

  gibee me the names of others plz

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:31:31 No.2888647

  go to Hentai-Foundry and search for flashes. There are dozens of actual talented artists who
  produce decent fappable flashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:32:28 No.2888648

  do you even 4chan?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:38:51 No.2888653

  >dis bait
  >so delicious

  Minus 8 fucking sucks. The dude's dick detaches in a few frames.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:42:39 No.2888654

  >The dude's dick detaches in a few frames.
  detaches? or enhances?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:43:04 No.2888655

  This was the fault of the re-compiling, look up the original and you will see it's fine.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:51:31 No.2888664

  check out his other stuff guys:

  >hes been known to samefag would you know he has posted even once on /f/? your whole post is based on nothing except
  your own assumptions. his works are great, I doubt he would need to samefag even once

  only reason -8 would be at the bottom of any list is because he keeps a low profile. he doesn't
  even have his own place to post stuff on. that collection link i just posted is basically the
  only place to find all his stuff in one place and its only 2 days old

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:53:32 No.2888665


>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:55:30 No.2888667

  You just proved that he's saying truth

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)15:58:43 No.2888669

  > would you know he has posted even once on /f/?
  > he doesn't even have his own place to post stuff on
  So how does his crap magically appears on /f/ if people can't get it from anywhere else.

  > his works are great
  you said the same thing for the few threads already. he's pretty bad at drawing, animating and
  generally everyting if you campare it to the other artists.

  Still it's pretty entertaining to see the desperate tryhard nice comments and obvious samefagging
  like it's going to change anything. Calling him good would be an insult to the real artists who
  produce decent flash animations. Calling him 'god' in every thread is just pathetic samefagging.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:05:42 No.2888674

  no i didn't...

  i didnt say the same thing a few threads ago... also his crap magically appears on different

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:29:06 No.2888685

  >Much better name
  No, noko was short, easy to remember, translated perfectly.
  >I'll be posting this regularly till it catches on
  Kek, it already caught on under the filename of noko.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:29:31 No.2888686


  Someone is sour.

  And who do you consider decent? Meet and Fuck?

  minus8 is one of the better one's I've seen and I've been looking at flashes for a damn long time.

  But please, almighty knower of pornography flashes, show us better flashes than minus8. After
  all, the burden of proof goes on the man who made the claim, but since you happen to be an
  esteemed expert in your field I'm sure you happen to know dozens just off the top of your head.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:31:03 No.2888687

  how new are you?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:31:18 No.2888688

  >forcing this
  Go play on the nearest highway.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:32:02 No.2888690


  Minus 8 has released each and every single one of his animations and drawings free of charge. How
  getting a ton of followers helps him release stuff that is and always will be free is beyond me.
  Especially since he doesn't have a website he can call his own.

  Every place he's posted on, he's had to inevitably abandon due to issues with his country. From
  what he's explained, the legal and moral aspect of his pornographic endeavours is generally
  frowned upon. Eventually, whatever website he picks to host his stuff on gets blocked by his ISP,
  or other people catch on to him and report his work.

  If anything, Minus 8 is quite depressed about the whole ordeal. In his own very broken english,
  the guy has expressed that he just wants to make some friends. Of course, it doesn't help that
  whenever he attempts to do so, he's bombarded by comission requests, but that's beside the point.

  What's sad about this is not the dire situation he's in. I'm pretty sure the least that guy needs
  is people feeling sorry for him. Rather, the fact that everytime some of his work gets posted
  here, people break into fights. Whether it be over something petty as filename (which is
  pointless, since swfchan keeps a record of every filename anyways), or something stupid as to
  question people why his work arouses them.

  The whole point behind posting porn on flash is not to criticize each other's tastes, but to fap.
  As some Japanese dude once said on /int/: "through dick, unity".

  If it's not something you enjoy, then you don't fap to it, and move on. Simple as that. And if
  you find something on /f/ that you do not enjoy, then post something else you DO enjoy.

  If people like the content that you post, you're very likely to get more people to join in and
  post content similar to yours. This is how /f/ has established several designated days for
  certain topics in particular, like Touhou Tuesday or Thursgay.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:32:06 No.2888691

  hey don't talk shit on meet and fuck. I'm literally about to post the best meet and fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:33:09 No.2888693


  By no means does this mean that I'm partial towards either. I'm just saying that the only person
  that's limiting themselves to the content currently available on /f/ is you. Unlike every other
  board on 4chan, /f/ is small enough for you to be able to make a change and have an impact on it.
  Files rotate as quickly as you want them to rotate.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:33:25 No.2888695


  I never thought I'd see the day where a wall of text was posted in a fucking /f/ thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:33:57 No.2888697

  i literally just started a shitstorm...
  welp time to go install linux
  >inb4 OS war begins

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:34:32 No.2888700

  He's talking about OP, who is butthurt that his filename isn't a meme yet.
  He's been renaming this file and posting it since yesterday atleast.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:36:24 No.2888702

  thats a given, but heres what i'm getting at;

  there are no mods. I don't think moot even remembers we exist. Think about it man, how many times
  have you been here and it's nothin but knishes or tanzen

  report does nothin

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:38:29 No.2888706


  How long were you locked away in the text boards? moot left 4chan a while ago. It's currently
  under new adiministration.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:39:43 No.2888707


  Actually posting illegal flashes that violate US law often get taken down pretty damn fast.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:39:45 No.2888708

  He's still right though, the mods are pretty shitty.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:40:04 No.2888709

  Yeah but it's not like you can actually identify em.

  like who am I supposed to refer to when talkin about big bossman

  big bossman?

  snax has been gone for like a decade too

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:40:18 No.2888711

  Linux is pretty good.
  Which distro?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:40:47 No.2888712

  That's not what he's talking about.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:41:04 No.2888714

  do it, you won't

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:41:34 No.2888716

  Yes it is.
  >report does nothin
  Which >>2888707 debunks.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:41:54 No.2888717

  ubunto, might end up going for something else
  honestly only installing it cause of all the customisation, and to use kali cause i got too much
  free time

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:42:02 No.2888718


  >renaming my edit

  fuck you autist.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:43:23 No.2888722

  Search "flash" on Hentai-Foundry. This crap doesn't even count as a flash compared to the awesome
  stuff they have there.

  > bla bla bla same desperate samefagging crap
  You sure seem to know A LOT about minus8 for someone who just happens to visit /f/. His works are
  objectively bad and whats more annoying is that rather than trying to get better he samefags here
  the same posts to try creating an impression like people like his shit. Which is pretty sad. The
  samefagging mentality also manifests itself with posting the same flash here every hour.

  > Minus 8 has released each and every single one of his animations and drawings free of charge.
  Cheap shit is usually free, nothing surprising about that.

  >people break into fights. Whether it be over something petty as filename
  people complain about the same autistic crap being posted under a different name to clog swfchan
  so he can feel more popular, even though he's gaining more haters than followers.

  Long story short : This is one of the worst flash artists /f/ has ever seen and obvious
  samefagging attempts will only make it worse.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:44:32 No.2888724

  ubuntu is shite, it's linux for normies.
  It has amazon bloatware shipped in, so you don't want that.
  I'd do more research and find something else, and although gentoo or archlinux is probably
  superior, it's not what you want an inexperienced linux user to install.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:45:28 No.2888726

  That's not what he was talking about.
  You can report someone for spamming and nothing will happen.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:46:34 No.2888727

  found a couple of interesting things, there was an artist radek who had a nice artstyle, but i'm
  still looking

  yeah i'm a noob at linux, so hopefully i'll learn quick, love programming. If all else fails got
  a friend who's decent at it who can teach me

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:46:41 No.2888728


  actually the fuck up happened from decompiling.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:48:41 No.2888730

  Why would that friend suggest Ubuntu?
  I'd say go with debian if it wasn't so goddamn big...

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:49:56 No.2888732


  >His works are objectively bad

  You've posted *literally nothing* to say how his works are bad. All you're doing is saying
  "they're bad". I could say how John Kerry is literally gay until I'm blue in the face, but
  without evidence I have nothing to support my argument.

  Please, do an honest critique. Say something other than "it's shit" over and over again and I may
  stop laughing at you for being the pathetic troll you are.

  Oh and don't forget to call me out on samefagging, as that appears to be your catch all phrase to
  people who disagree with you.

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:50:45 No.2888733


  >Long story short : This is one of the worst flash artists /f/ has ever seen and obvious
  samefagging attempts will only make it worse.

  Damn son that's a lot of hate. I mean i'm not really gonna fap to it but the animation and all is
  pretty good, same with that one about mario kart. Far from one of the worst flash artists we've
  had here.

  Way way back in the old days we had to get by with terrible flashes all the time.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:51:18 No.2888734

  they didnt suggest it, I decided it because apparently it's the most user friendly, but it seems
  i might need to do a lot more research

>> [_] vipper 08/28/15(Fri)16:52:44 No.2888736

  ^winrar right here

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:53:22 No.2888737

  Not a lot, just like, ten minutes tops?
  Here, this is what I got for googling:

  First tip for linux: google all your problems, someone else probably already had them and solved
  it for you.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)16:58:34 No.2888741


  Lineart is inconsistent and drawn in a very lazy fashion. There is just a dull flat color rather
  than some shading. Animation tweens are okay-ish but still very lazy work. There isn'tr eally
  anything else to talk about since that's all he is.
  Damn the kids who do silly newgrounds animations make a much better job.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)17:02:29 No.2888745

  OpenSUSE looks pretty chill, especially the snapshot function, might give it a go

>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)17:27:42 No.2888778


>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)17:28:45 No.2888781



>> [_] Anonymous 08/28/15(Fri)17:30:01 No.2888783

  Especially because I've never seen similar for Zone-tan.

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Created: 28/8 -2015 21:00:33 Last modified: 28/8 -2015 23:54:38 Server time: 18/03 -2025 10:42:47