File: Fact Seagull.swf-(1.05 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)03:18:40 No.2884391
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)03:43:38 No.2884401
>Nobody is keeping tally of your feeble existence but you
Yep, there's that daily dose of pessimism I needed. Nothing matters and we're all going to die.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)04:27:22 No.2884414
>Your children will grow up in an uncaring and indifferent world
>Your offspring will be just as mundane as you
Jokes on you, fact seagull! Humans don't asexually reproduce.
>> [_] Gay 08/24/15(Mon)04:37:55 No.2884418
not yet anyway
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)05:51:08 No.2884445
well i was happy, then that music hit me
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)07:30:27 No.2884470
thanks for the reminder fact seagull!
you are always here to cheer me up :3
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)07:54:36 No.2884481
I love this thing, one moment facts, next moment its trying to hit me feels for massive damage.
Cept I am immune to feels before i have my coffee.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)08:58:40 No.2884502
More like Opinion Seagull if you ask me.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)10:36:40 No.2884545
Boring existential-crisis stuff, but I like the whole there's a reason why nobody has tried to
prove that there's a soul bit.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)10:40:27 No.2884547
This would be better if the majority of statements were objective facts, getting serveral "Your
offspring will just be as mundane as you" in a row ruins the effect.
>> [_] Squares are my friends 08/24/15(Mon)10:45:13 No.2884551
Cba reading all of these, but most of them seem actual facts.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/24/15(Mon)10:48:31 No.2884553
>"Your recent increase in frequency of sleepless nights is simply a sign that you will never
again see what you once dreamt of"
Failure and neglect? I think it has more to do with my alcoholism and stress levels.