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yoga with a rooster.swf
6,75 MiB, 02:46 | [W] [I]

Threads (31):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 28/8 -2021 20:05:48 Ended: 30/8 -2021 00:59:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Loop)
[_] Anon 3471305 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3471318 >># I think this show was already autistic, the editing only enhanced it
>> [_] Anon 3471368 >># This rooster is sosacher.
>> [_] Anon 3471401 the fuck is this, lol.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 29/10 -2020 09:30:45 Ended: 30/10 -2020 06:04:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Get in here. How did this happen? Anon 3443875 Why did this thread get so many comments??? 86/#2806424_1
>> [_] Anon 3443876 such a off-putting flash that got its way for a day
>> [_] Anon 3443901 >># here's a sum up 86/#q2806424_4
>> [_] Anon 3443902 >># I think that day /f/ broke and no new flashes could be posted, which means the last ones get more comments than usual.
>> [_] Anon 3443917 >>#
>> [_] Anon 3443940 >># LOL I remember that day. Yeah, the board broke and nothing would expire for nearly 24 hours. It's happened a number of times before.
>> [_] Anon 3443948 >># wish i was there when it happened. I only started visiting flash like 2 years ago

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 1/4 -2020 20:27:49 Ended: 1/4 -2020 20:27:49Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: Yogi stretches children with big brown cock.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] Anon 3423293 I feel like I need to take a shower after watching this.
>> [_] Anon 3423349 >># just remember to breathe
>> [_] Anon 3423395 Haven't seen this since Letterman made fun of it decades ago.
>> [_] Anon 3423440 girls should have skirts

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 31/5 -2018 19:51:27 Ended: 31/5 -2018 19:51:27Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 3338878

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/5 -2018 01:14:23 Ended: 5/5 -2018 16:21:54Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Loop)
[_] Anon 3333654 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3333667 this is fucking amazing surprisingly, the bird imitation and screech, which is the most famous/memed thing, was the least cringy and bizarre part
>> [_] Anon 3333669 >># this whole thing is legendary, its pretty much decided.
>> [_] Anon 3333674 Nice tomato, I'll save that for my sandwich!
>> [_] Anon 3333685 >># I wouldn't trust that rooster behind me
>> [_] Anon 3333785 VEGETABLE

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 28/2 -2017 06:03:59 Ended: 28/2 -2017 16:34:25Flashes: 1 Posts: 21
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 3219646 remember when this broke /f/ and we got 750 posts
>> [_] Anon 3219647 no
>> [_] Anon 3219652 >># well remember harder
>> [_] Anon 3219659 Are you breathing, Christian?
>> [_] Anon 3219696 >># Yes, somewhere I have a .maff capture of the thread.
>> [_] Anon 3219697 >># could I see this perhaps?
>> [_] Anon 3219699 >># noy him but 86
>> [_] Anon 3219703 >># Thanks!
>> [_] Anon 3219705 every time i click a flash it opens in a new tab and prompts me to save to my computer, help plz
>> [_] Anon 3219710 >># Install arch linux
>> [_] Anon 3219718 >># if I can find it, got a few old laptops, it's on on of the drives somewhere. If I ever do find it, I'll post.
>> [_] Anon 3219720 >># enable flash in chrome(search google how to do that)
>> [_] Anon 3219721 >># >chrome
>> [_] Anon 3219727 >># how long has it been?
>> [_] Anon 3219735 >># Memes aside, it's a problem with a recent update to windows. It causes a corrupt data file for some people when it extracts itself to system 32. if you click on my computer, then click on C: and then to windows you should see "system 32". delete this folder, it may pop up some administrative prompts but ignore them. if you did this right windows should automatically re-download the sys32 update. Make sure you have automatic updates on. if all else fails install gentoo and mcafee security suit as you may have a virus.
>> [_] Anon 3219736 >># >security suit it's SWEET, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
>> [_] Anon 3219737 >># >not just ending explorer.ex in task manager still running XP grandpa?
>> [_] Anon 3219738 >># trolling is an dead art
>> [_] Anon 3219740 >># Cannot kill a troll.
>> [_] Anon 3219741 >># thanks bud, you were a big help :)
>> [_] Anon 3219749 why does my computer automatically try to save the flashes now instead of playing them?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/3 -2016 04:13:07 Ended: 27/3 -2016 07:20:15Flashes: 1 Posts: 8
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 3049445 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3049474 >># is this where that black kid seizuring came from? I'm scared.
>> [_] Anon 3049508 >># >2 Black Boys >3 White girls >:^)**
>> [_] Anon 3049514 This dude definitely sucks his own dick
>> [_] Anon 3049542 >># just over enthusiastic men trying to teach children a technique to ensure physically fittness in a manner that could easily be misconstrued as them being both paradoxically raging homosexuals and dangerous child molesters.
>> [_] Anon 3049557 This flash makes me so hard Just look in the eyes of those kids, you just KNOW they banged Yogi is known to be THE most hung guy on his farm, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantuan thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. i'm estimating his size to be at least 8.5'' bone pressed, with OVER 7'' of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed the tender holes of those kids. they would have spend hours and hours on foreplay, getting them lubed up enough just so they can take it. i can just imagine them begging for it, with yogi barely able to force it past the knob, and those kids moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it deeper. they would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to the base, their g-spots and prostates getting pounded to the rhythm of a bongo. the orgasms would have been powerful, with those kids' vaginas and sphincters clamping down on liams throbbing monstrosity, their whole bodies quivering in euphoria.. i bet they still yodel their dicks and clits to the memory of it, basking in their humidity
>> [_] cat 3049558 >># you over thought the flash buddy
>> [_] Anon 3049562 >># You'll have to meme harder

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/1 -2016 18:12:35 Ended: 13/1 -2016 20:29:49Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2998109
>> [_] Anon 2998115 HHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!
>> [_] Anon 2998161 Someone thought that making this was a good idea. There are DVDs of this in peoples' homes right now.
>> [_] Anon 2998167 >># Well, it has loli and chocolate so

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/11 -2015 23:41:14 Ended: 1/12 -2015 00:39:42Flashes: 1 Posts: 8
File: Yogi stretches children with big brown cock.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] Ogeydogey 2965459
>> [_] Anon 2965462 kek
>> [_] Chris Hansen 2965477 Why don't you have a seat...
>> [_] Anon 2965507 >># kill your self name fag
>> [_] Anon 2965514 that black kid tho
>> [_] Anon 2965519 this cannot be unseen
>> [_] Anon 2965556 how old is this again?
>> [_] Anon 2965563 wQ0

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/10 -2015 18:08:06 Ended: 24/10 -2015 21:30:13Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2934633
>> [_] Anon 2934665 >># What the hell.
>> [_] Anon 2934674 what in fuck's cunt

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 20/9 -2015 16:23:17 Ended: 20/9 -2015 16:23:17Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2908569

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 4/8 -2015 16:59:09 Ended: 4/8 -2015 20:31:13Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] EiEi Yoga Anon 2865986
>> [_] Anon 2866024 Which kid got raped the hardest?
>> [_] Anon 2866082 Yogafags are some of the worst people.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/8 -2015 01:24:14 Ended: 25/8 -2015 05:36:34Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
/ > /show/ > Thread 7537 Age: 23.16d Health: 61% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 21879 [IMG] yoga with a rooster.swf (6.75 MiB) 480x360, Uncompressed. 4964 frames, 29.97 fps (02:46). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/6 -2015 21:15:24 Ended: 22/6 -2015 23:58:34Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Discussion thread. Talk about anything ITT! Anon 2821251 Just like the time we got 758 posts. Maybe we can break the record? So where do you live? California here. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2821362 that dude has probably touched some children in his days.
>> [_] Anon 2821395 >># That record is getting broken dude!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 10/6 -2015 07:29:10 Ended: 10/6 -2015 12:18:29Flashes: 1 Posts: 14
File: Yogi stretches children with big brown cock.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] OGIE DOGIE Anon 2808353 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2808362 >># Fucking shit anon, you finally uploaded this with that file name. Bravo!
>> [_] Anon 2808437 CO-CO-DO-DO-DOODLY-DOOO, WOP
>> [_] Anon 2808506 This was a true delight, It's amazing what exists. Funny thing is, this show seems honestly harmless.
>> [_] Anon 2808507 >># dot png best thread
>> [_] Anon 2808533 >># Hell yeah!
>> [_] Anon 2808542 >># Try searching around Google. His wife usually pops up on pages and starts insulting people. Tries to get DMCA'd. Massive butthurt. It's hilarious.
>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 2808543 Seriously thought this was legit porn till the kids came out, then it was like... whut?
>> [_] Anon 2808544 >># Thanks anon, I missed how many replies that got and have been meaning to check
>> [_] Anon 2808546 >># Exactly. It's just teaching kids Yoga. The host is such a weirdo hippie though, but it's to be expected.
>> [_] Anon 2808550 >># He gives each of the kids a hug at the beginning of the show. That's weird as fuck mang. The worst part for me is that some parents watched this show and though: "Now this is a program I would like my child to be apart of!"
>> [_] Anon 2808553 >># That's just part of the hippie mentality though. Platonic hugging. And yeah, it's weird. But the parents are most likely hippies as well if they feel that it's important that their children learn Yoga.
>> [_] Anon 2808556 Fucking amazing find OP, holy shit. Actual porn would be less disturbing than this.
>> [_] Anon 2808580 >># It depends on the porn.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 7/6 -2015 20:12:10 Ended: 8/6 -2015 16:50:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 659
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)-[Embed] [_] Anon 2804686▶ >># >># Marked for deletion (old). [_] Anon 2804692▶ >># why did i leave /f/ [_] Anon 2804693▶ >># >># I think this producer is pedophile as fuck. Someone have to kill him before he produce more of this kinky stupid terrifying shit. [_] Anon 2804695▶ Renamed as 'yoga with brown cock and children.swf' [_] Anon 2804756▶ >># >># Seriously, this guy is so obviously a pedophile. [_] Anon 2804768▶ What a lucky yogi, gets to milk a big pretend cow while reminding the kids "don't forget to breathe". I wouldn't even take pay for that. Ya, one of the creepiest things i've ever seen, including goatse. [_] Anon 2804775▶ the important lesson is remember to breathe especially when your yoga teacher molests you otherwise you might pass out and that wouldn't make your yoga teacher very happy! you might also not get to milk the big cow later! [_] Anon 2804778▶ Gooooood one aaron!..... [_] Anon 2804779▶ >># (OP) >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE >YOGI OKIE DOKIE [_] Anon 2804787▶ >># >># an obvious pedophile would never NEVER wear spandex around children. [_] Anon 2804793▶ >># depends on just how obvious (^_0)
[_] Anon 2804801▶ So that's where that gif of the black kid is from. [_] Anon 2804853▶ Lost at chicken scratching dirt [_] Anon 2804911▶ 10/10 [_] Anon 2804970▶ >># >># >># >># >># >># Is yoga actually helpful for anything or is it just a meme? [_] Anon 2805002▶ Everything is a meme nowadays [_] Anon 2805018▶ >># It is a form of exersise, basically just stretching but it's better than nothing at all and helps with flexability. And some people find it relaxing or good for de-stressing. [_] Anon 2805021▶ >># >># It used to be a physical art that Hindu monks practiced to help them calm themselves down for deep meditation. But it's always been a joke to everybody else. You can get spiritually in tune with any physical exercise that gives focus. [_] Anon 2805046▶ I love it when old productions like this meet the race quota of having an asain, a black, and a girl They usually make the asian or black a girl to get two birds with one stone and the rest are white kids who you would suspect to be bullied alot because all the alpha kids didnt watch tv, they were outside [_] Anon 2805091▶ VEGETABLE! [_] Anon 2805158▶ >># >># Chick in dark blue === best grill How about you, /f/? [_] Anon 2805170▶ >># > implying pedophile Gee, you got any proof for that 'fact'? Guess child massages are pesophile as fuck too, huh? [_] Anon 2805176▶ I was hoping for an Etotama clip. [_] Anon 2805179▶ >># The only time I ever use it is to stretch before full body day at the gym. Even then, you can do regular stretches and warmups to avoid pain. It's a meme. [_] Anon 2805180▶ I always wondered where that clip of the niglet came from, wasnt expecting to find it here. [_] Anon 2805222▶ >># it makes you flexible, and thats healthy. Everything else is voodoo spiritual shit, but its kinda relaxing. [_] Uncle 2805260▶ >># I thought I recognized this and now I know why. I had this on VHS as a kid. FUCK, this explains so much about why I'm here now [_] Anon 2805284▶ >># >But it's always been a joke to everybody else. Around the turn of the 20th century, Europeans and American got real big on new age spirtualism, Eastern religion/philosophy, and merging of religion and science. Holistic living, exercise (as opposed to just work), eating healthy, and other such ideas also took off. This was also got big in India, which was under British colonial rule. Yoga as practiced by most today is a combination of various exercise routines with distant religious, but mostly secular and new age health conscious origins. All of this stuff was big among the wealthy in the US, died during the Great Depression eras, and came back with a vengeance in the late 50's with the counterculture movement. [_] Anon 2805287▶ >># Nice. OMG TORRENTZ PLZ [_] Chollux 2805299▶ >># "Assume the position!" kids stick out tongues and make the noise. In unison. There are no words. [_] Anon 2805313▶ >># > "Assume the position!" When the fuck was that? > kids stick out tongues and make the noise. In unison. What, you mean at the end? > There are no words. Sure there is, namefag! hott [_] Anon 2805329▶ >># >># >># >blue filthy reifag spotted [_] Anon 2805359▶ >># > imblying Asuna all the way, Anon. This thread is supposed to be dead. It's supposed to be fucking dead. [_] Ralfchat 2805390▶ the first black kid after the intro looks like black guy from american history X [_] Anon 2805400▶ >># >># so is this the >>>/panic/ thread? /f/ is acting up, and this is the most blatant example [_] Anon 2805403▶ >># >># >># red pixel is a qt fuck your dark blue plebshit [_] Anon 2805404▶ Don't forget to breath, /f/! [_] Anon 2805406▶ >># YES THIS AND >># → WHAT THE FUCK IS FUCKING HAPPENING [_] Anon 2805409▶ >># >># Red pixel? Who's that? [_] Anon 2805412▶ >># >># Besides, dark blue is objectively better. [_] Anon 2805444▶ wew [_] Anon 2805446▶ >># Also, this thread: >># → [_] Anon 2805476▶ >># poasing in teh 13 hour >># >># >># >># fuck all you philistines, pink tutu is best qt [_] Anon 2805484▶ >># >marked for deletion >for three hours [_] Anon 2805487▶ immediately lost it at COCKALADOODLEEDO [_] Anon 2805504▶ >># >># > >marked for deletion > >for three hours No, I don't think you understand. this thing has been marked for deletion ever since yesterday. Also, see: >># → >># → [_] Anon 2805507▶ >># >># >something goes wrong with /f/ >new admin decides to delete the board instead of messing with it and fixing it It's been a good run lads. [_] Anon 2805511▶ >># >># What? /f/ isn't deleted, and I've seen it in far worse shape than this before. Quit panicking and put your pants back on. [_] Anon 2805512▶ >># >># >/f/ isn't deleted Not yet, no. Blue palm tree man will say otherwise, eventually. [_] Anon 2805518▶ >># Relax. If /f/ got deleted for good every time it broke, there'd be an /f/ shaped hold reaching down to the Earth's core. [_] Anon 2805564▶ >># Bumping this thread, I refuse to let it die [_] Anon 2805567▶ >># >># >># They don't die. They get bumped off of the list, but they don't vanish. As long as you have the page open, the flash still exists. [_] Anon 2805573▶ >># yay never ending flashes! it's pretty good for flexibility, i do yoga for weightlifters on youtube and even after two sessions there was a big difference in my flexibility. my sister does that bikram yoga crap, which is pretty much just yoga in a hot humid room, and she raves about how good it is for you. Honestly i haven't seen any difference in her physique since she started doing it though. [_] Anon 2805577▶ It's the end times flashes aren't dying [_] Anon 2805586▶ >># >># >># > As long as you have the page open, the flash still exists. No, you can close the page, but the flash will still be there. If you go back in your history and open it, then you'll get it back. I knew what you meant, though. [_] Anon 2805588▶ >># >># >># Does nobody else use the thread watcher? [_] Anon 2805589▶ >># >># >># ....and I suppose nobody has a logical explanation on why this is happening, right? [_] Anon 2805603▶ >># >># Thread watcher? Why would you need that? What does it really even do? I just look if the clover icon in the tab has an X on it to see if it's dead. >># MODS=FAGS MOOT IS KILL TOO MANY FAGGOTS RENAMED FLASHES AND NOW WE HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES [_] Anon 2805607▶ >># >># >># >....and I suppose nobody has a logical explanation on why this is happening, right? I don't know if you somehow missed it, or if you're new, but the 4chan codebase isn't exactly going to win any awards for stability. Shit breaks all the damn time. >># >Thread watcher? Why would you need that? What does it really even do? Saves me from needing to keep 500 tabs open to watch for new posts. [_] Anon 2805608▶ >># Why DID you leave, Anon? [_] Anon 2805610▶ >># >># >># >># > Saves me from needing to keep 500 tabs open to watch for new posts. Damn, I need that shit. Alright, I enabled it. How exactly does it work? [_] Anon 2805614▶ >># >># >># >flashes aren't dying the post record on /f/ is 535 replies who wants to see if we can break it? [_] Anon 2805618▶ >># >># Let's fucking do it. Come on, /f/. We can win this. [_] Anon 2805619▶ >># >># >># >How exactly does it work? You watch threads by clicking the clover at the top or bottom of the page (or by hitting 'w' if you've enabled keyboard shortcuts). At the top of the page is a list of all the threads you're watching, with the number of new posts in each thread. >># >the post record on /f/ is 535 replies Christ, how? [_] Anon 2805623▶ >># I mean, I know its fucked up, ive seen it before, im just asking if anybody knows why. >># At the end of a thread or in the thumbnail, click the clover and it adds to the watcher. Then from time to time you can click the refresh button in the watcher and it displays the new posts and if something is dead [_] Anon 2805624▶ >># >># >># DISREGARD THAT, I know how to use it now. Now I just wish that I could reload all my tabs easily like I can in Firefox. >># Thanks, Anon. You truly are my greatest ally. >># YEAH LET'S DO IT! [_] Anon 2805626▶ >># >># >># >># Here's the record Also the 500 get >># General shitposting [_] Anon 2805628▶ >># >># >># WE WILL BREAK THIS RECORD. [_] Anon 2805630▶ Well, shit. What do we talk about now that we have decided to break the record? [_] Anon 2805631▶ >># >># >># is shitposting for a good cause still shitposting, right? [_] Anon 2805632▶ racist rooster is racist [_] Anon 2805633▶ >># Shitposting for a good cause is still shitposting, but if you can prove it was for a good cause you'll get a royal pardon. [_] Anon 2805634▶ >># >tfw goodposting [_] Anon 2805636▶ >># Damn, I would've liked it to be my thread, but this flash is better. LET'S GO! POSTING IN AN EPIC THREAD [_] Anon 2805638▶ >># itt shitposting [_] Anon 2805642▶ >># Fuck, guys. It's been years since I've been on /b/. I forgot how to shitpost. [_] Anon 2805643▶ >># >># >># >># toasting in le ebin bread >># liek dis [_] Ryoh 2805644▶ >># Shitposting? No, I don't think we should shitpost. We should just keep arguing over who is best grill in the flash, which is dark blue. Don't mind the namefag, just wanted to be immortalized in an epic thread. [_] Ryoh 2805645▶ >># Nice poset, Rasta! [_] Anon 2805647▶ >># >># nice shitpost any good tips [_] Anon 2805650▶ >># keep mashing that post button [_] Anon 2805652▶ >># >># A-am I s-s-shitposting c-correctly, A-anon-kun? [_] Ryoh 2805653▶ >># >># Pink tutu is a fantastic choice, but dark blue is obviously objectively the best. > inb4 somebody actually likes red [_] A-anon-kun 2805655▶ >># >># > stammering Yes! [_] Anon 2805657▶ >># blue girl best girl [_] Anon 2805660▶ >># >># I-I'm glad y-you're proud of m-me, Anon-san. [_] Anon 2805663▶ That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die. [_] Anon 2805664▶ Are you seriously going to try to make a record with a pedophile and a rooster? [_] Ryoh 2805665▶ >># Good job, faggot. >># Fucking THIS Anybody know the resolution for this flash? [_] Anon 2805666▶ >># >># >># >># but, if we break the record, wouldn't people be mad that we did it due to thread not dying? [_] Anon 2805668▶ >># That will just make it better. It will be a record that's impossible to break. [_] Anon 2805669▶ >># >># Well Satan, a loophole has opened up. What kind of people would we be if we didn't exploit that? [_] Anon 2805670▶ >># >># >mfw thread is not dying because /f/ is about to get a second page [_] Ryoh 2805671▶ >># >># > 666 Nice trips! It's weird that you feel that way, Satan. [_] Anon 2805673▶ >># >># Nice try, Satan [_] Anon 2805676▶ >>#>>#>>#>>#>># 05688>># >>#>>#>>#>>#>># 05712>># >># >># >># >># >># >># So, legitimate question, /f/: What (non /f/) boards do you browse? [_] Ryoh 2805678▶ >># >># > implying that /f/ will get a second page > implying that threads just don't get bumped off and then come back to life HA [_] Anon 2805680▶ >># /tv/ /qa/ [_] Ryoh 2805682▶ >># >># >># >># >># Used to browse /h/, then /k/, and right now I'm on /g/. What do you guys do on your other boards, /f/? I do the /cyb/ Generals on /g/, more or less. [_] Anon 2805683▶ >># >>>/wsg/ >>>/b/ also occasional >>>/gif/ >>>/t/ >>>/a/ [_] Anon 2805685▶ >># >># >10 pages of /f/ goodness >># /sci/ here, god doesn't real [_] Anon 2805687▶ >># >># ssshhh, let me enjoy the delusion [_] Anon 2805688▶ >># Mainly /g/. Sometimes /co/, /tg/, /sci/. Also /t/. [_] Anon 2805689▶ >># >># >># >tfw everybody recognizes you as Satan except yourself [_] Anon 2805691▶ >># >>>/a/ >>>/e/ >>>/g/ >>>/w/ >>>/wg/ [_] Ryoh 2805692▶ >># :^)
[_] Ryoh 2805693▶ >># Disregard my previous posts, I'm a huge faggot [_] Anon 2805694▶ >># >># /out/ is the only other board I visit >># >What do you guys do on your other boards, /f/? Try to give helpful advice, ask questions about gear and that kind of stuff [_] Anon 2805695▶ >># >>>/a/ >>>/int/ >>>/g/ >>>/wsg/ >>>/vp/ >>>/vg/ >>>/b/ [_] Anon 2805696▶ >># Well, I'm glad you asked, Anon! I browse: >>>/h/ >>>/o/ >>>/r/ >>>/s/ >>>/e/ >>>/c/ >>>/o/ >>>/c/ >>>/k/ [_] Anon 2805698▶ >># I mostly just browse threads. /f/ is the board that I post the most on. [_] Ryoh 2805699▶ >># >># > Disregard my previous posts, I'm a huge faggot > not DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS lol@newfags Also, 15:10 > everything else [_] Anon 2805700▶ >># /tg/ and /wsg/ >># Magic threads on /tg/ as something to do in-between the better lore, world building and storytiem threads. Mindless entertainment on /wsg/ (/f/ is still more fun). [_] Anon 2805701▶ >># >># >># >I do the /cyb/ Generals on /g/, more or less. Do you visit /cyb/ on LC? >># >10 pages of /f/ goodness I can't help but wonder about the downsides to that. Would we see more spammed shit? [_] Anon 2805704▶ >># >># /f/ is my one and only [_] Ryoh 2805705▶ >># >># >># >leaving space between the text and quote marks i'm being meme'd aren't i [_] Ryoh 2805706▶ >># > Do you visit /cyb/ on LC? Used to. I was an archiver for LC's /cyb/ while I didn't have a computer. [_] Anon 2805707▶ >># >>>/g/ >>>/e/ >>>/t/ >>>/r/ >>>/e/ >>>/k/ >>>/t/ [_] Anon 2805709▶ >># >># But what do you do with the rest of your day? /f/ isn't fast enough to occupy all of your time. [_] Ryoh 2805710▶ >># Oh yeah, and > I can't help but wonder about the downsides to that. Would we see more spammed shit? Yes. I think board quality would go down as a whole. >># :^)
[_] Anon 2805711▶ >># >># >># >># >># Wait, people actually browse /out/? I thought that board was just created to send our shitposters to. [_] Anon 2805712▶ >># >># >># >># /f/ is for weebs right? Isn't it? Who /jp/ here [_] Anon 2805713▶ >># >># >tfw no /mu/friends here to talk about damon albarn with [_] Anon 2805714▶ >># get the fuck >>>/out/ [_] Anon 2805716▶ >># >># Lots of people. Not a lot, but yes outdoorsmen browse /out/. Outdoor stuff isn't a popular hobby, a lot of it is expensive and time consuming, so it has a small userbase. /out/ is a good community though. Very insightful and helpful. I often forget that it's part of 4chan at all. >># He needs to take Gorillaz seriously and stop being such a goddamn diva. [_] Ryoh 2805717▶ >># Yeah, gonna have to agree with >># here, there's absolutely no way that /f/ can occupy all of your time. >># Nope. > muh Mora knives >># > /f/ is for weebs right? Isn't it? Of course it's for weebs! See /f/'s first rule. Also, > /jp/ - Onaholes [_] Anon 2805718▶ >># >># From what /a/ has told me, /jp/ has nothing but paedophiles and touhou fans. [_] Ryoh 2805719▶ >># > paedophiles and touhou fans. Both of those things are true. /jp/ was originally created to get the Touhoufags the fuck out of /a/, you know. [_] Anon 2805720▶ >># >># >># you should check out /trv/ [_] Anon 2805721▶ >># >># >># I still go to /jp/ occasionally but I realized I'd rather be playing Touhou than arguing about cannon. Also I don't really read enough VNs anymore to justify regular visits to /jp/. [_] Anon 2805722▶ >># Yoga done at any level increases flexibility and is great for stress and stretching out your muscles. Properly, Yoga is just a term for a school of thought in Hindu religion, with the one most people know as "yoga" just being some of the Asana, or poses, of Hathavidya. It'd be sort of like taking a few of the basic stances of Shaolin Monk martial arts, teaching them to people with some basic breathing exercises, and then everybody refers to that as "Shaolin". There's a lot more to proper Hathavidya that is essentially methodology of discipline and meditation and exercise that is great for you, since discipline is great for you, meditation is great for you, and exercise is great for you. Most of what you get in a yoga class is basically just stretching, though. Still good for posture and flexibility and stress though. [_] Ryoh 2805724▶ BLUE GRILL === BEST GRILL >># > /trv/ - Little Brown Girls [_] Anon 2805725▶ >># >># >># /trv/'s downfall is that it's so slow it isn't helpful. You can at least get some helpful responses on /out/. [_] Ryoh 2805727▶ >># Tell me about it. Gotta love those radio generals. [_] Anon 2805728▶ >># >># Same here I really have no reason to be browsing /jp/ other than the threads about the new Touhou games that came out. [_] Ryoh 2805731▶ You can't spell >>>/f/ >>>/a/ >>>/g/ >>>/g/ >>>/o/ >>>/t/ Without >>>/f/ ! [_] Anon 2805732▶ >># I posted there once on a 5 month old thread. a month later I got a reply. [_] Anon 2805733▶ >># >># >># /fa/ /mu/ /v/ /fit/ /lit/ /adv/ /soc/ [_] Anon 2805734▶ >># >># Yeah, I've been on /jp/ a lot recently because of ULiL and the LoLK demo [_] Anon 2805737▶ >># >># >># is /mu/ any good for metalheads? Ive been there just a couple of times and just found the same stoner/doom albums over and over again [_] Anon 2805738▶ Some lewd ass threads on /b/ earlier. "I want to make anon cum!" And all this circlejerking. Was good. [_] Ryoh 2805740▶ >># Are you serious? /vg/ is pretty tight, too. Gotta love those /hgg/s. [_] Ryoh 2805741▶ >># Anybody play Custom Maid Online? I can't into it [_] Ryoh 2805743▶ >># >># What is ULiL? What is LoLK? [_] Anon 2805744▶ >># >># >># >># >># Might as well ask if we're going to break the record, even though this isn't /jp/. What's your favorite VN? First? My firsts and favorites were Planetarian and Wind: A breath of heart. Wind happened to be the top on vndb when I played it, but now I don't see it anymore. [_] Anon 2805745▶ >># >># I want to, but I can't into moonrunes. [_] Anon 2805746▶ >># >># 2hu [_] Ryoh 2805747▶ >># >># ye, me too, and I've already run out of disk space. >># Who is best 2hu? [_] Ryoh 2805748▶ >># >># What's one of the best doujins you've read, /f/? [_] Anon 2805749▶ >># >># armpit sisters [_] Ryoh 2805750▶ >># Sauce? FUCK THIS NEW CAPTCHA [_] Anon 2805751▶ >># >># I'm not him, but I was a fan of Hoshimemo, though from what I've heard on /a/, that means I'm a filthy casual when it comes to VNs. I spend far more time watching Mongolian cave drawings than reading VNs. [_] Ryoh 2805752▶ >># > tfw no /g/entoomen to funpost with to try to beat the record ;_; [_] Anon 2805753▶ >># >># >># >># [spoiler]Geiger Counter. I would spoiler if you could on /f/.[/spoiler] [_] Anon 2805754▶ >># >># >># >># There's this one called Double Peace Maker 116.html I came the hardest at the same time my sides quantum divided into another dimension [_] Anon 2805756▶ >># >># There are a couple of /g/aymen in this thread. You just need to get a conversation going. Talk about Windows 10 or something, that will get people talking. [_] Ryoh 2805757▶ >># >># >># >># Gonna have to say mine is Bath Flower. I'll review your tastes in just a minute, I hope you'll do the same to me! [_] Ryoh 2805758▶ >># >># > /g/aymen > Talk about Windows 10 Ewwwww, but those are the bad /g/entoomen! WANGBLOWS A SHIT [_]Cormos!!5FfIyvKysyS06/08/15(Mon)12:55 :47 2805759▶ >># Someone mentioned getting immortalized in this thread. One upping them by being a fag. [_] Anon 2805760▶ >># >Not even 666 /f/ i am disappoint [_] Anon 2805761▶ >># Seems like a nice VN. Translated too. I think you have good taste. Fuck /a/, I'm a rebel. [_] Anon 2805762▶ >># >># >># Well, the goal is shitposting, what else are you going to shitpost about? [_] Anon 2805763▶ >># >># >shredding there are meal generals every day brah [_] Ryoh 2805764▶ >># >># > Geiger Counter > Contents > BondageRapeDeflorationPubic HairPettankoDirty Old ManLoliStalkingMouth GagMind BreakSmegmaBreast SuckingLickingMaledomCunnilingusMeganeFi ngeringBlackmailImpregnation ALREADY SHIT WHY Just tell me what happens at the end. I don't wanna have to read through another one of these. >># 10 secks [_] Ryoh 2805765▶ >># >># All me. :^) Namefag > tripfag EVERY TIME [_] Anon 2805766▶ >># >># >># >># I haven't been on /g/ in a year, has anything changed? [_] Anon 2805767▶ >># well, it seems its time to come back then! [_] Ryoh 2805769▶ >># > shitposting It's not shitposting, it's funposting! Can't you just feel the QUALITY in this thread? [_] Anon 2805770▶ >># >># Eh, it ends without anything too bad happening. Loli gets kidnapped, never to be seen again. No guro. [_]Cormos!!5FfIyvKysyS06/08/15(Mon)13:02 :28 2805771▶ >># >># Whatever works for you. Help sail the SS Shitpost to "the end of /f/" I have to go to work and sadly can't see the end of this. Captcha is making me hungry. [_] Ryoh 2805772▶ >># >># >># Well, what was around before you left? Then we can tell you what has changed from that. I've been on the /sqt/s most of the time, so I'm probably not a good point of reference. [_] Anon 2805776▶ >># >># how many stupid questions can one man have [_] Ryoh 2805777▶ >># >># Ah, fuck, that's pretty bad, but not as bad as some of the other ones I've seen. Based on what I've seen in the comments, there's a sequel? Have you read that yet? I fucking hate that I have to read a story to the end once I start, so that's why I didn't read that one, especially with being one that I didn't like. >># Also, another one that's gonna have to be a close second is A Country Which Can Be Seen Between The Parting Clouds. [_] Anon 2805778▶ >># come on /f/, we are not even halfway into it! [_] Ryoh 2805780▶ >># >># Alright buddy, I'll do it for all of us. >># That's a pretty stupid question, Anon. [_] Anon 2805782▶ >># >># In the second one (just read it) she gets raped more, then released back to her family and it shows how fucked up mentally she is, then it ends with him about to kidnap another loli. [_] Anon 2805783▶ >># >># Are people still using non-anime pics for the DPT OPs? [_] Anon 2805784▶ >># >># If you split your replies into multiple posts, you get extra bumps, y'know? [_] Anon 2805785▶ >># >># Probably Subarashiki Hibi. I loved Planetarian, might check out Wind [_] Ryoh 2805787▶ >># >># >># Fuck that shit, man. What made you so fucked up? Could you give me a timeline? >># You mean /dpt/? Nope. That being said, though, I haven't been on /g/ for the last month, and there may be some outliers. >># Yeah, I do, but then I have to wait another minute to post again :^( [_] Anon 2805788▶ >># >># >># turns out I've read this one before. I remembered all the vanillafags lost their shit to this. It's not bad, but if only it wasn't a neckbeard, it'd be better. not that I care though >># it's good, although dangerously close to genderbend/trap/yaoi thank god there's no penis [_] Anon 2805789▶ >># >># if you posted every minute, we would be over with this pretty soon [_] Anon 2805791▶ >># >># >># /f/ probably isn't that active at this time, hopefully it'll pick up [_] Anon 2805792▶ >># >># Honestly, Geiger Counter isn't actually that hot, I just posted it because, as >># said, vanillafags lose their shit over it. Not sure what my actual top would be, typically I just browse sadpanda when I want to fap. [_]Cormos!!5FfIyvKysyS06/08/15(Mon)13:18 :11 2805793▶ >># >># One last post before heading out, GL everyone. [_] Anon 2805794▶ >># >># >># the thing is, I want to see this end, but Ive got things to do later, so Im between finishing this in the nextcouple of hours or hoping it will last another 10 or so [_] Ryoh 2805795▶ >># >># > Double Peace Maker > Tags: dilf (2,969) ahegao (11,264) defloration (9,844) lolicon (32,998) masturbation (2,770) rape (16,572) sundress (485) english (31,453) translated (34,557) Alright, I just read some of the first few pages, and I gotta say, it is sorta fucking stupid. Also, > liking raep > any year How do people even get off to this stuff? [_] Anon 2805797▶ >># /a/ /jp/ whatever else I feel like which includes /sci/, /g/, and /ck/ I came here when moot left. [_] Ryoh 2805798▶ >># >># I post almost every minute, though! FUCK THESE CAPTCHAS THEY'RE NOT HELPING EITHER [_] Anon 2805799▶ >># I'm hoping it will last another 10 hours >># thanks m8 [_] Anon 2805800▶ >># Mods are asleep [_] Ryoh 2805801▶ >># >># > it's good, although dangerously close to genderbend/trap/yaoi > it's good Thank you. Also, it's reverse trap/tomboy, one of the greatest. [_] Anon 2805802▶ >># >># Sometimes people need that little kick to get them off. it's not about the rape, it's about how stupid it is that it's great. Sorta like 4chan itself in a nutshell. also rape is a tame shit. go to /d/ and you'll find a real fucked up people in there [spoiler] I've been there [/spoiler] [_] Anon 2805803▶ >># >># >># >># what is everyone eating for breakfast this morning? [_] Anon 2805804▶ >># >># Tomboys = m-mah dick [_] Anon 2805805▶ >># If /f/ really is dying I can guarantee the last post will be "sauce?" That anon will never get sauce. [_] Ryoh 2805806▶ >># Oh okay. Cool, Anon! Glad I didn't read it, but it probably isn't as bad as some of the other doujins I've read. > vanillafags How did you know [_] Anon 2805807▶ >># Steamed rice, chicken sticks with Spam lite life as an asian nigger. [_] Anon 2805809▶ >># >>>/jp/ [_] Ryoh 2805810▶ >># >># Thanks, goy. >># I've got nothing to do, it's probably not going to last ten hours. Unless I and some other Anons go to sleep. [_] Anon 2805811▶ >># >># >># they are way easier than before although apparently I dont know how a birthday cake looks like [_] Anon 2805812▶ POASTING IN TEH 18TH HOUR UNIVERSE IMPLODES WITH A WET FART SOUND [_] Anon 2805813▶ >># they're far more annoying, also ever since they were introduced I almost never get an auto-checked captcha, feels like that system was never introduced [_] Anon 2805814▶ >># >># >I haven't been on /g/ in a year, has anything changed? /g/ seems to have gotten a lot worse in the last few months. Previously there was a bit of moderation, which forced the trolls and shitters to be a little subtle, or to go elsewhere. Now the janitors are gone, and people are just posting crap without even trying to hide it. That said, I think it might have started to recover a little in the last two weeks or so, though it's still pretty bad. [_] Anon 2805815▶ >># So that's where the girl with the rabbit is from. I'll check it out, if you check out Wind! >Tag: Madness >This IS /JP/!! [_] Ryoh 2805817▶ >># >># >># > go to /d/ and you'll find a real fucked up people in there > implying I've never been to /d/ > recommending other people to go to other boards Musclegirls and monstergirls are pretty great. [_] Anon 2805818▶ >># >># it lasting or not doesnt depend on you, but on when this inmortal threads issue gets fixed, so it could [_] Ryoh 2805821▶ >># I don't know about everyone else, but I had a bowl of apple oatmeal a couple of hours ago. >># IKNORITE [_] Anon 2805822▶ >># >># >># >># >implying /d/ickgirls posts anything other than /d/ickgirls and girls with /d/icks [_] Ryoh 2805824▶ >># >># lel >># They're shit. Used to be that I could just tab then enter the first word then niggers and then I could hit enter. Now I actually gotta move the mouse, which fucking sucks. [_] Anon 2805825▶ TbM [Embed] [_] Anon 2805826▶ >># >># >># >not liking dickgirls What're you some kinda faggot? [_] Anon 2805827▶ >># >># >># >># how about >inflation >pregnant >recurring pregnant >genderbender >absorption >furry >metamorph >other fucked up shit I can't name [_] Ryoh 2805828▶ >># >># Oh yeah, and it's no longer /g/ - Techloligy ;_; [_] Anon 2805829▶ >># >># IF you actually could read the goddamn first word, that is [_] Anon 2805830▶ >># at least I'm not wapanese [_] Anon 2805833▶ >># which reminds me I should check /d/ more often [_] Anon 2805834▶ >># >># >Musclegirls and monstergirls are pretty great. I sorta miss those being posted on /tg/ [_] Ryoh 2805835▶ >># Yeah, two variables. >># > imblying it doesn't [_] Anon 2805836▶ >># >># >># >># Alcohol. On that note, what's /f/ drinking right now? It's 4:30 here. [_] Anon 2805837▶ >># >># These captcha are shit now. It was fine back when google was shit at this and didn't have enough data to tell if something was actually sushi or just something colorful. Now you have to actually strain to make sure everything you're choosing is sushi or actually a hamburger or whatever. Even worse is when it asks you to choose a specific kind of cake from a whole palette of cakes. Secondly, now we have to do shit like select all the food, and if more than 80% of the palette happens to be food, it assumes you're choosing too many and it's incorrect. Same with too little. Now there are also times when you can choose all the steaks or pizza or whatever, and it'll just tell you to "solve more to be verified" essentially making you do two or more captchas to post, even if it's correct. I could probably go on for a while about this. [_] Ryoh 2805840▶ >># > What're you some kinda faggot? We're all faggots, Anon. >># Yeah, IF. Fucking hated double dots, too. > tfw no more easy-peasy three-number captchas [_] Anon 2805841▶ hot memes! [_] Anon 2805842▶ >># >># And almost all of those threads get dickgirls in them, everywhere, all the time. You'd know that if you actually went to /d/. You'd also know that furry isn't allowed on /d/. [_] Anon 2805844▶ RIP /f/ ;_; [_] Anon 2805845▶ >># 7:30 PM drinking milk because I'm a pleb [_] Anon 2805846▶ >># 7:37 am, and not drinking. Smoking a big fat bowl. Booyaa. [_] Ryoh 2805847▶ >># >># They were posted on /tg/ once? Shit, dude. Must feel like it does with /g/ and lolis. How long ago did it stop? [_] Ryoh 2805850▶ >># freedom [_] Anon 2805851▶ >># >># Eh, it's better than this: ng_base64e7b2e28be74b0640.png I use a script like Appchan X and it makes the captcha pictures black and white, for some reason, and it makes it harder, but still bearable. [_] Anon 2805852▶ >># >># >># what's the bump limit on /f/ [_] Anon 2805853▶ >># >># hey I'm not bothered to go through all of them just to check if there's furry I'm just a passerby, and a second longer I stays there I would be eligible for psycho-reconstruction at the nearest mental ward. [_] Anon 2805854▶ >># >># about 8 fiddies [_] Ryoh 2805855▶ >># >># >># > Even worse is when it asks you to choose a specific kind of cake from a whole palette of cakes. Shit dude, it does that? > Secondly, now we have to do shit like select all the food, and if more than 80% of the palette happens to be food, it assumes you're choosing too many and it's incorrect. Same with too little. So that's why I keep getting them wrong. I wish 4Chan passes were 5 bucks again. FUCK THIS CAPTCHA [_] Anon 2805856▶ >># It's almost 8 in the morning and I'm still awake. /f/ is broken. Yay for Mondays [_] Anon 2805857▶ >># >># how much are they now? [_] Ryoh 2805858▶ >># > furry > /d/ NEWFAG DETECTED Shit, I forgot to post this. [_] Anon 2805859▶ >># >I'm just a passerby Which is exactly my point as to why you didn't know that /d/ is just /d/ickgirls in every thread. It's all just different flavors of /d/ickgirls. Only a few threads are still safe havens from people who don't have a futa fetish, and even those get futa postings here and there. Also fuck you most /d/ goers are perfectly sane. Our dicks on the other hand... [_] Ryoh 2805861▶ >># >># LOLZ NONE [_] Anon 2805862▶ >># we're almost halfway Keep up the good work [_] Anon 2805863▶ behold the last post of this thread! [_] Anon 2805864▶ >># >># >># Around 2010-11. /tg/ was almost self moderated before then, a few bad threads but they managed. Then a mod came along they nicknamed FagMod or NaziMod. NaziMod deleted just about everything that wasn't 40k, M:tG and D&D. /tg/ lost a lot of draw and writefags. moot eventually got rid of the mod after /tg/ harassed him enough. [_] Anon 2805865▶ Cockadoodlydoo [_] Ryoh 2805866▶ >># >># I'd take those back over these shitty image captchas any day. At least they'd stop after a while. [_] Anon 2805867▶ >># >># contriboot some more [_] Anon 2805869▶ >># >># >># >># >Shit dude, it does that? Admittedly, not often. It will sometimes give you a selection of cupcakes and birthday cakes and wedding cakes and ask you to select all the wedding cakes out of them all or something to that effect. The bread and hamburger thing is more common though. I'm talking about where it asks you to select all the bread, but puts a hamburger in there and it pretty much becomes a gamble on whether google counts the hamburger bun as bread or not. [_] Ryoh 2805870▶ >># >># WHOOOOOO >># Last I checked, twenty bucks. [_] Anon 2805871▶ >># been here since the 100th post contribootin [_] Anon 2805872▶ >># >># >># >># >># these CAPTCHAs are /ck/ biased [_] Anon 2805874▶ >># >># 20 bucks? what a bunch of jews [_] Anon 2805875▶ >># >Select all the cakes >select a cake >too few images selected >select a cake and a pudding >accepted fuck [_] Anon 2805876▶ >># >not burger biased [_] Anon 2805877▶ >># Yeah, I wonder how /ck/ feels about them? [_] Anon 2805878▶ >># Bring back NaziMod, our current mod allows threads that are explicitly and exclusively about video games, as well as the /tv/ "lore" threads and blatant flameposting and SJW shitposting everywhere. [_] Ryoh 2805881▶ >># Well shit. That fucking sucks. Must by like /k/s one mod and Inspector Redwood from that one cosplay board. Was he that bad? /k/s mod deleted a suppressor thread because 'MKING A SUPPRESSOR IS ILEEGAL1111!!!!' [_] Anon 2805882▶ >># >># >># >># Any /a/nime you like this season? I like Re-Kan. I'm also into Punchline and Yamada-kun and the 7 Witches. [_] Ryoh 2805884▶ >># >># >># >># That fucking sucks, man. WHY WON'T THEY CHANGE IT BACK WHY THEY KNOW WE FUCKING HATE IT [_] Anon 2805886▶ >># >># >># >># I just have to click the checkbox for mine, what captcha are you talking about? [_] Anon 2805887▶ >># >># /jp/'s mods delete everything that isn't a shitty fucking general or touhou shitposting, it's like they hate actual discussion [_] Anon 2805888▶ >># >these CAPTCHAs are /ck/ biased they need CAPTCHAs for all boards >select all images with Dickgirls [_] Ryoh 2805889▶ >># IKNORITE? That being said, though, it was for the site to continue operation while giving back something to the community. But yeah, they're fucking Jews. Twenty bucks is a bit too much. [_] Anon 2805891▶ >># >tfw I haven't watched anime for the past 3 month >my weeaboo friends excommunicated me because I'm no longer sugoi >my normal friends says I'm too weeaboo to join their circle of normal people [_] Anon 2805892▶ >># >># Because moot's gone. There's nothing left but embers. [_] Anon 2805893▶ >># >># >># how the fuck do you get the auto captcha on your side? as soon as they switched to this image horse shit I've only had it auto-fill in I think twice? Fuck I hate it [_] Ryoh 2805894▶ >># >># The older captchas they used to have. [_] Anon 2805895▶ >># >># >Amami Hibiki is a girl who can see ghosts and other supernatural phenomena in her surroundings. The stories follow her daily life with both her friends and the otherworldly. >genres: comedy,school,seinen >supernatural phenomena >seinen is it good? [_] Anon 2805896▶ >># >># ...I actually like it. I never once had a problem picking the pictures since they became colored, and it prefer this to having to type shit out that I can hardly understand. Don't be afraid of change anon. [_] Anon 2805897▶ >># There are 54 unique posters in this thread. [_] Anon 2805900▶ >># >># I have no clue, it didn't work the first week they started doing it but now it works for me every time [_] Anon 2805901▶ >># >># Re-kan Punchline Houkago no Pleiades Teekyu and Rinne I'm watching more those are my main ones, I suppose. I haven't watched any anime in about two weeks, except pleiades, and punchline. I made the mistake of picking up more than I could handle and just stopped caring I guess. I'll try to catch up either today or tomorrow. [_] Anon 2805902▶ >># Watching [UTW]'s subs of F/SN UBW. Kekkai Sesen is really good so far. I'm watching everything else airing this season, but none of it is really worth mentioning. [_] Anon 2805903▶ >># >># >what's the bump limit on /f/ Let's find out. [_] Anon 2805904▶ >># 55 now [_] Anon 2805905▶ >># >># The moderation seems to be more lenient now. I see blog posts and I posted a 'home alone on a friday night?' thread that lasted a while. But you're talking about actual discussion topics right? I know. [_] Ryoh 2805906▶ >># There is literally nothing wrong with onahole threads [_] Anon 2805907▶ >># >># /k/ mostly. I come here for my lulz fix. [_] Ryoh 2805908▶ >># ;_; [_] Ryoh 2805910▶ >># >># Yup, it auto-fills in at least twice, then it goes straight to the image captchas or one word captcha then the image captchas. Fucking hate this shit. [_] Anon 2805911▶ >># >># >># These: ages/2014/20141018/15-dont-type.jpg Fucking hated those. [_] Anon 2805914▶ >># >># >># It's cute for me, but that's probably why /a/ doesn't really like it. Later episodes introduce a drama aspect that really gets to you. I swear, a couple episodes, man. [_] Anon 2805915▶ >276 replies I thought there was some amazing flamewar going down in here but I managed to spot someone talking about breaking the reply record while scrolling down. awwwwww... [_] Anon 2805916▶ >># why is this thread so long? what the fuck? [_] Anon 2805917▶ >># nah I mean, 2 auto-fills since they introduced images. If I got 1 free post a day I'd be happy [_] Anon 2805918▶ >># okay, we shall see how it turns out [_] Anon 2805919▶ >># >># >It's cute for me, but that's probably why /a/ doesn't really like it What /a/ do you browse? /a/ only likes anime with cute girls. [_] Anon 2805920▶ >># Because we can. Why not join in, and chat while /f/ burns? [_] Ryoh 2805921▶ >># >># > I never once had a problem picking the pictures since they became colored When were the captcha pictures ever NOT colored? And having to take my hands off the keyboard is a huge minus to me. > Don't be afraid of change anon. > implying that all change is inherently good FUCK YOU YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM [_] Ryoh 2805924▶ >># >># Are you using Jewgle services? Are you using Chrome? Gotta love the street signs pictures, they're the easiest. [_] Anon 2805926▶ >># I don't know [_] Anon 2805927▶ >># >># >># Is this the meme thread? The one where we discuss memes? [_] Anon 2805928▶ >># >># >># >># >># shit, is it because I'm on firefox? are google really this fucking petty? [_] Anon 2805930▶ >># >># no, we're funposting. all topics allowed [_] Anon 2805931▶ >># wanna b dat cock [_] Ryoh 2805933▶ >># >># >># Yeah, same thing on /g/ sometimes. They actually let this sort of shit pass. It might be our fault, though. I know I never report shit, how about you guys? [_] Anon 2805934▶ >># >># >When were the captcha pictures ever NOT colored? before they were colored. Duh. Having to take my hands from my mouse is a bigger problem for me, so I welcome this. >FUCK YOU >YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM No anon.There is no problem here. Here we can all be happy. Here we can all feels safe. Calm down. It's okay. No one here can hurt you. No captcha can hurt you. Just match the pictures anon. It isn't hard. It'll all be okay. I promise. [_] Anon 2805936▶ >># The rooster is Grim! [_] Anon 2805937▶ >># well. it doesn't crash that often although still using as much as memory as ff I just use it basically to view youtube in 60fps anyway. [_] Anon 2805938▶ >># >it pretty much becomes a gamble on whether google counts the hamburger bun as bread or not. Possibly the most amusing original thing I've seen on /f/ in a while [_] Ryoh 2805939▶ >># Fucking loved those. I never had to take my hands of the keyboard for those. Makes shitposting for fast typers a breeze. [_] Anon 2805940▶ >># they are, although idk if this is really implemented. Resist, fellow anon firefox user [_] Anon 2805941▶ >># >># I like funposting. [_] Anon 2805943▶ >># >># >># oh shit bump limit [_] Ryoh 2805944▶ >># this >># It truly is a glorious thread. [_] Anon 2805945▶ >># not too much funposting these days, 4chan is too strict and unfun, it's like I'm posting on a shitty forum [_] Anon 2805946▶ >># >># Basically, the more info you hand Google, the easier CAPTCHAs they give you. They claim it's because it's easier to check that you're not a bot, but I have my suspicions that they're trying to lure us into the botnet. >># I report shit obsessively. On some boards and times you can actually watch the shit get cleaned up as it gets posted, other times the report button seems like pure placebo. [_] Anon 2805947▶ >># >># >># >># >># what now? [_] Anon 2805948▶ >># I hate those things. >pick the sandwiches >sub sandwich >McDonald's hamburger what the fuck [_] Anon 2805950▶ >># >># keep funposting until bread 404 record not broken yet [_] Anon 2805952▶ >># >># Our post count is in italics now. >># I wonder what'll happen now? [_] Anon 2805953▶ >># Gonna start watching Houkago no Pleiades now. [_] Anon 2805954▶ >># inception? [_] Ryoh 2805955▶ >># >># > before they were colored. Duh. And when the fuck was that? > No anon.There is no problem here. > implying > Here we can all be happy. Here we can all feels safe. Calm down. It's okay. Where do you think you are? > No one here can hurt you. No captcha can hurt you. > what is NSA > what is carpel tunnel > what is arthritis > Just match the pictures anon. It isn't hard. It'll all be okay. I promise. lolno [_] Anon 2805956▶ >># >># Kind of don't want this thread to go now [_] Ryoh 2805957▶ >># > shit, is it because I'm on firefox? Maybe. > are google really this fucking petty? Have you seen Google Play and Jewtube? [_] Anon 2805958▶ >># >># we can always just continue the discussion in some other thread whilst /f/ is still broken [_] Anon 2805961▶ >># >># >># It doesn't get bumped anymore. When it falls of the list... it'll only be accessible to those who are looking for it already. [_] Anon 2805962▶ >># >># >And when the fuck was that? Eh, like a couple weeks ago IIRC. It was basically the same as it is now, except all the picture were B&W. Color made it a lot less confusing. >Where do you think you are? Okay, well maybe not happy. What the fuck does the NSA want with a bunch of faggots posting on a broken board? How the FUCK are you gonna get carpel tunnel and arthritis from a few clicks? [_] Anon 2805963▶ >># but for the time being, lets continue here [_] Ryoh 2805965▶ >># >># WHAT THE END IS NEAR BUMP LIMIT CONFIRMED 300 [_] Anon 2805966▶ > 300 answers my question [_] Anon 2805967▶ >># It'll be alright until the later hours when the posting starts to pick up. By then the mods will awaken and fix /f/. [_] Ryoh 2805969▶ >># >># >># No, even worse, if it falls off the list, we won't be able to screenshot it that easily for proof. [_] Anon 2805970▶ >># Oh shit. We'll just have to link to it from the other threads. [_] Anon 2805971▶ >># >># >># Embarrassingly enough, /v/ Sometimes /mu/ I come for the porn more than anything to be honest [_] Anon 2805972▶ >># >># TELL ALL /f/ TO COME HERE AND TO STOP BUMPING OTHER STUFF [_] Ryoh 2805973▶ >># >># > until bread 404 > he doesn't know [_] Anon 2805974▶ >># >># >># just screenshot the stats on the lower right [_] Anon 2805975▶ >># >># >># Did /v/ ever stop being so awful? I left around that whole #GG thing to do something else and never looked back. [_] Anon 2805976▶ >># I know the board is broken anon it's just an anticipation when the mods fix this shit (if they ever did)
[_] Anon 2805977▶ >># >># but screencapping a single line is a lot easier and convenient [_] Anon 2805979▶ >># But guilty gear is great mate [_] Ryoh 2805980▶ >># >># > Eh, like a couple weeks ago IIRC. It was basically the same as it is now, except all the picture were B&W. Color made it a lot less confusing. How many weeks ago? Because that's fucking bullshit. > Okay, well maybe not happy. :^) > What the fuck does the NSA want with a bunch of faggots posting on a broken board? Everything's done for a reason - I'm sure they have theirs. > How the FUCK are you gonna get carpel tunnel and arthritis from a few clicks? You don't get carpel tunnel and arthritis from a few clicks, you get it by fapping a lot. This is /f/, remember? [_] Anon 2805981▶ >># bump [_] Anon 2805982▶ >># >this goy still bumping [_] Ryoh 2805983▶ >># >># >># Then go to /vg/ and stop being a cancerous faggot, not necessarily in that order. There's awesome porn games there. [_] Anon 2805985▶ >># >># >># No bullshit, i remember it. Like 4 or 5 weeks ago, shit was black and white. Also, I go to /gif/ to fap nigga. Who the fuck comes to /f/ to fap? [_] Anon 2805986▶ >># >># >># Check it out: 2805986 [_] Anon 2805987▶ >># so how did /f/ get 600 posts anyway? did someone make a gamergate thread or moot or something? [_] Anon 2805988▶ >>#>>#>>#>>#>># 05998>># >># >># >># Smash face on keyboard, post results. nbhj4v3 nmjb n5jBH [_] Anon 2805989▶ >># >># >/vg/ >not cancerous Depends where you go. I personally dislike watching generals for games I enjoy devolve into shitposting, ebig FOR THE WIN memes and trip circlejerking. Or maybe I just pick bad games to enjoy and talk about with others. >># Checked, look at my 7 [_] Anon 2805990▶ >># >># Papers, Please > > >># ytiuoptyy6tmf [_] Anon 2805991▶ >># >># >># But screencapping isn't reliable at all The only way you can really prove it is to screencap dozens of times and stitch them together so there's irrefutable proof that all the posts happened. [_] Ryoh 2805992▶ >># >># >># YOU FUCKTARD IF YOU DO THAT, THEN IT'LL DEFINITELY GET BUMPED OFF >># Nope. Those can be doctored easily, and they won't know what board it came from. You gotta have the flash name, the post count, the size, and the date it was posted, then you gotta get the archive to back it up. [_] Anon 2805994▶ >># I d-do... [_] Anon 2805995▶ >># aw47 [_] Anon 2805996▶ >># hgh56 [_] Anon 2805997▶ >># gfesaz [_] Anon 2805998▶ >># Mechanical keyboard cant post result [_] Anon 2805999▶ >># wizard [_] Ryoh 2806000▶ >># >># >># >># I do. You must not know what JSK or Thursgay is. :^)
[_] Anon 2806001▶ >># >># >biting this hard >># or just save the fukken thread [_] Anon 2806003▶ >># >># man I want new JSK stuff [_] Anon 2806005▶ 3-fiddy! [_] Ryoh 2806006▶ >># you're a faggot [_] Anon 2806007▶ >># >># >># >or just save the fukken thread That sounds far too easy. It would be better to just screenshot everything and stitch it together. [_] Anon 2806009▶ >># Stop eating internets. It's giving you 4th-dimensional gas. Also, lets drive this bus off the cliff. Only about a dozen more posts. [_] Anon 2806010▶ >># >># ONE NAKED MAN [_] Ryoh 2806011▶ >># Well, say what you like, but the /hgg/ and the other general there has a bunch of fucking porn games. It's fantastic. The only problem is that some of it is in moonrunes. [_] Anon 2806012▶ >># MY FATHER [_] Anon 2806013▶ >># >># TWO NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806014▶ >># >># >># >># >># THREE NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806015▶ >># >The only way you can really prove it is to screencap dozens of times and stitch them together so there's irrefutable proof that all the posts happened. In Firefox: Shift+F2 screenshot foobar.png --fullpage [_] Anon 2806016▶ >># >># FOUR NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806017▶ >># Five naked men. [_] Ryoh 2806018▶ >># >># Me too, Anon. Me too. > tfw I >># get trips Feels good man. Somebody check'em! [_] Anon 2806019▶ >># ONE NAKED MAN [_] Anon 2806020▶ >># >># FOUR FACKED NEM [_] Anon 2806022▶ >># >># >># >trips meaning anything here Not even mildly amusing [_] Ryoh 2806023▶ >># >># Or you could just use screenshot --fullpage on Firefox. Unless you're a Chrome(tm) babby. [_] Anon 2806024▶ >># FOUR NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806026▶ >># >># >># >># we have an archive [_] Ryoh 2806027▶ >># >># FIVE NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806029▶ reply to this thread until we break 4chan, that should get the admins' attention [_] Anon 2806030▶ >># >># SIX NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806031▶ >># >># since the board is fucked up, archives are not monitoring this rite now [_] Ryoh 2806032▶ >># C'mon, man. We're funposting here! Somebody's gotta check'em! >># I know, see >># , but that's no fun. [_] Anon 2806033▶ *replies* [_] Anon 2806034▶ >># Anyone reading Wizard's Soul? The card game mango? [_] Anon 2806035▶ >># >># CHECK 'EM [_] Ryoh 2806036▶ >># Actually, that IS true. I was looking for some sauce earlier, for 700.swf, but the newest post didn't show. It was the oddest thing! Thanks for confirming, Anon! >># Oh yeah, nice dubs :^)
[_] Anon 2806037▶ >># >># >># how come this thread is still alive, it was here yesterday [_] Anon 2806038▶ >># >># I wonder, how many of the anons posting here haven't watched the actual .swf? [_] Anon 2806039▶ >># it'z da j00s [_] im m00t 2806040▶ >># >># >># sorry lads, you've been memed :^(                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [_] Ryoh 2806041▶ >># >># >># >># What .swf? The naked men .swf? I've watched it. >># > he doesn't know [_] Anon 2806042▶ >># tgvrfbzc5rvfg5cb [_] Anon 2806043▶ >># apart from best board /f/? /wsg/ /fit/ /tg/ and /vr/ occasionally /an/, /vp/, and /diy/ once in a while ...and /d/ [_] Anon 2806044▶ >># >># >The naked men .swf? watching it now 9 NAKED MEN JUST WALKING DOWN THE ROAD [_] Anon 2806045▶ >># :^)
[_] Anon 2806046▶ >># This is the end-times, make your perpetrations. [_] Anon 2806047▶ >># >># >># >># nah, i meant this threads' what was the record, again? [_] Anon 2806048▶ >># >># Anon means the OP. [_] Anon 2806049▶ >># ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
[_] Anon 2806050▶ >># >># FOUR NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806052▶ >># >># >># FOUR NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806053▶ >># byhv ggvnt7jfbh bghvn gvhtvbycv f4 =drtx4 bghv6bf ghtvbf gb hnjbyhn [_] Gippo Dudee 2806054▶ >># >># Why do you think I can see it as the first half of the day before I get a good idea but I have a great way to go to the game. [_] Anon 2806055▶ >># FOUR NAKED MEN [_] Anon 2806056▶ >># >># >browsing pleb boards [_] Ryoh 2806057▶ >># CAUSING TROUBLE FOR ALL CONCERNED Nice dubs, by the way. Checked. [_] Anon 2806058▶ >># See >># [_] Anon 2806059▶ >># Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 14, maybe 15 hours. That's what posting on /f/ today is like. [_] Anon 2806061▶ >># >># >># wew lad is 4chan's newest meme. >when you hear a good song wew lad >after an epic drum solo wew lad >when you meet a qt wew lad >your favourite band announces a new album wew lad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [_] Anon 2806062▶ >># >># >># >># what did you get for breakfast this morning? I ate some home made banana bread. [_] Anon 2806063▶ >># We only need a couple hundred more posts [_] Anon 2806064▶ >># >># Whatthefuckdidyoujustfuckingsayaboutme,y oulittlecutie?I'llhaveyouknowIgraduatedto pofmyclassintheHuggersNCuddles,andI'vebee ninvolvedinnumeroussecretspanksonyourcute butt,andIhaveover300confirmedcuddles.Iamt rainedingorillahuggingandI'mthetopkisseri ntheentireUSadorableforces.Youareeverythi ngtomebutjustanothercutie.Iwillkissyouthe fuckoutwithprecisionthelikesofwhichhasnev erbeenseenbeforeonthisEarth,markmyfucking words.Youthinkyoucangetawaywithbeingthata dorabletomeovertheInternet?Thinkagain,fuc ker.AswespeakIamcontactingmysecretnetwork ofspiesacrosstheUSAandyourIPisbeingtraced rightnowsoyoubetterprepareforthelove,hone y.Thelovesthatwipesouttheadorablelittleth ingyoucallyourself.You'refuckingcuddled,s weetie.Icanbeanywhere,anytime,andIcanlove youinoversevenhundredways,andthat'sjustwi thmybarehands.NotonlyamI extensively trained in unarmed love, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Sex Shops and I will use it to its full extent to please your adorable ass off the face of the continent, you little cutie. If only you could have known what holy retribution your romantic "clever" comment was about to bring up upon you, maybe you wouldn't have held your fucking tongue. But you could, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you loveable cutie. I will love you all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking mine, <3. [_] Anon 2806065▶ >># >># >># Fuck, it looks like /s4s/ found this thread, I'm out. [_] Anon 2806066▶ >># see that, a hole appears in teh dyke, and /b/ comes flooding in :( [_] Ryoh 2806067▶ >># Yeah, I watched it, see >># Probably a bunch, though. > what was the record, again? 535. >># Whoops. See above. [_] Anon 2806068▶ >># I slept through anything that could possibly be called "breakfast", but I did have a very late lunch of cereals. >># Yeah, it's actually really off-putting. [_] Anon 2806069▶ >># >bump limit reached I wasn't aware /f/ had a bump limit [_] Anon 2806070▶ >># >># >># >eating breakfast >not being generally lethargic and having an overall bad diet I eagerly await severe health problems [_] Anon 2806072▶ >># >># sorry to burst your bubble, but it actually is the /f/ population now. [_] Anon 2806073▶ >># What? [_] Anon 2806074▶ >># >># >># the same thing i eat every morning, oats, banana, peanut butter, milk, all blended together to make one god awful shake is bretty gud tho [_] Ryoh 2806075▶ >># IKNORITE [_] Anon 2806076▶ >># >># real men eat weetbix, how many do you do? [_] Anon 2806077▶ >># >># >># Apparently, it's 300. Which makes me curious how that thread made it to 550. >># Yeah, I need to get my shit together too. >># You should put honey in it. [_] Ryoh 2806078▶ >># >># >># >># Fuck off, niggers. [_] Anon 2806079▶ >># >># you didnt answer my question. whats the closest thing from your breakfast you ate? >spot the icecream fuck you google I dont want to test your image recognition neural networks [_] Anon 2806080▶ >># >># >># yeah, what he said [_] Anon 2806081▶ >># >># 420th poast *hits bong* [_] Anon 2806082▶ >># >># >># Just ignore them. [_] Anon 2806083▶ >># 421st, you failed, try again next year [_] Anon 2806084▶ >># >># >># >># >># /f/ is a population of cross-boarders, so they have to be from somewhere. I refuse to believe that any board but /s4s/ can produce such shit-tier posting. [_] Anon 2806085▶ >># >># >># >># >># bout tree fiddy [_] Anon 2806086▶ >># think again [_] Anon 2806087▶ >># >># This one is at 427 already [_] Anon 2806088▶ >># >># >># >Did /v/ ever stop being so awful? Nope, #GG is probably the moment in which /v/ became most similar to old /v/ that I know >># Please don't assume I take part in the usual shitposting just because I browse that board [_] Anon 2806089▶ >># >># Oh well when I woke up I made a chicken sandwich I got from a wholesale place. Used three pieces of bread instead of two because I sort of enjoy indigestion. [_] Anon 2806090▶ >># lmao XDDD !!1!!1 lol because that was hitlers birthdat :))))
[_] Anon 2806091▶ Check 'em. [_] Ryoh 2806092▶ >># >># This question has been asked before in this thread, you know. [_] Anon 2806093▶ >># >># wew lad is 4chan's newest meme. >when you hear a good song wew lad >after an epic drum solo wew lad >when you meet a qt wew lad >your favourite band announces a new album wew lad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [_] Anon 2806094▶ >># >># Okay can someone explain what's going on with /f/ today? [_] Anon 2806095▶ >># >># TRAINWRECKING FAGGOT GO HOME you ruined my buzz :( [_] Anon 2806096▶ >># >># Please stop. [_] Anon 2806097▶ >># >># did you read the replies on any flash lately? the levels of retardation found there can be shocking. how_to_f.swf should be a sticky. [_] Anon 2806098▶ >># wew lad is 4chan's newest meme. >when you hear a good song wew lad >after an epic drum solo wew lad >when you meet a qt wew lad >your favourite band announces a new album wew lad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [_] Anon 2806100▶ CHECK EM [_] Anon 2806101▶ >># I'm about to go grab a bagel and slap some cream cheese on it [_] Ryoh 2806102▶ >># >># >># >># > /s4s/ > not [s4s] Yeah, it sucks dick. [s4s] used to just satire the cancer to an extreme extent and create original content, but now I guess they ARE the cancer. [_] Anon 2806103▶ >># >># >image board >cant post images nice board faggots [_] Anon 2806104▶ >># >># Fuck you nigger, [s4s] is here! wew lad is 4chan's newest meme. >when you hear a good song wew lad >after an epic drum solo wew lad >when you meet a qt wew lad >your favourite band announces a new album wew lad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    [_] Anon 2806105▶ >># >># >># I guess. >># Yeah, but we're cheating. >># >Used three pieces of bread instead of two Sounds like you know how to make good sandwiches. What else was in it? >># That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die. [_] Anon 2806106▶ >># >># *cues loin king circle of life* [_] Anon 2806107▶ >># >># >>>/b/ rudeposters pls go [_] Anon 2806108▶ >># >># not that I ever looked at [s4s] but I'm guessing >everyone posts satire >newfags come along >irony = satire >irony devolves into pure shit (though irony is pretty high in shit purity)
[_] Anon 2806109▶ >># >loin king oh my [_] Anon 2806110▶ >># I approve of Lovecraft quotes in literally any circumstances. [_] Anon 2806111▶ >># >># >># I'm just waiting for a bit more to be released before I start reading it. What I've seen so far on /tg/ looks good. [_] Anon 2806112▶ >># >># sorry I saw the thread 10 minutes ago and didnt feel like reading through 400 replies of /f/riends [_] Ryoh 2806113▶ >># >># >># Feels good man. [_] Anon 2806114▶ >># nice numbers [_] Anon 2806115▶ >># ikr [_] Ryoh 2806116▶ >># What about /b/? >># :^)
[_] Anon 2806117▶ >># obligatory thread theme KaI [Embed] [_] Anon 2806118▶ :^)
[_] Anon 2806119▶ >># honestly /f/ and /fit/ are the only two boards I browse on here. [_] Anon 2806121▶ >># >># >># >># I'm not even sure that newfags are to blame. I've always had a bit of a hypothesis at the back of head that people's personalities are far more linked to their immediate environment that we admit. People will copy what they see around them, and yet fully believe that it's something internal to them. [_] Anon 2806122▶ >># Enough mayonnaise to keep the center relatively soft but not so much that the edges and crust get any softer, thus leading to stomach discomfort when I eat it. >># It is really quite interesting, I think they need to dial it back a bit though. You might understand as you read it, but it's not a huge issue really. [_] Anon 2806123▶ >># >># breh, i did twelve when i was a teenager >tfw more wheetbix than tana >># honey eh? might try it [_] Anon 2806124▶ >># >># What do you nominate as the thread theme, /f/? wPE [Embed] [_] Ryoh 2806125▶ >># > Please don't assume I take part in the usual shitposting just because I browse that board Sorry, man, but if you come from a shit board, chances are you're a shitty person. Doesn't mean you are, but that's just the way it is. Just look at /soc/. [_] Anon 2806126▶ >># the only vn I read was MGQ, if you can call that a VN. I dont know about them, if I want to read a lot I'll just grab a book, I'm not really interested by the mediumb [_] Anon 2806127▶ >># >># >tfw more wheetbix than tana You hear Jerry Collins died recently? [_] Anon 2806128▶ >># Favourite I'm not sure about, maybe Rewrite if the ending didn't feel so shitty and the writing was consistent, first was Saya no Uta. Favourite nukige is Marunomi [_] Ryoh 2806129▶ >># >># > he doesn't know [_] Anon 2806130▶ >># >># >># jesus, i dropped in on /v/ one day and there's no way in hell that im ever going back, that place is worse than /lit/, /mu/, /sci/ and /b/ all together >please select images of steak >select one image of ham >apparently this is good enough for google wat [_] Anon 2806131▶ >># >># >># >># Yr8 [Embed] [_] Ryoh 2806132▶ >># Yeah, man. [_] Anon 2806134▶ >># >># >># >># >># No i don't. And i don't want to read through 300+ posts to find out. [_] Anon 2806135▶ >># >please select images of sushi >pick two random things >A-OK >please select images of spaghetti >pick spaghetti >NO NO NO TRY AGAIN NO NO The worst [_] Anon 2806136▶ >># >># youd be suprise [_] Ryoh 2806137▶ >># > not dubstepposting shit nigger what are you doing [_] Anon 2806138▶ >># >># >please select images of steak >select one image of ham >apparently this is good enough for google I've been telling Google that coffee is a kind of soup all evening. >># Good call >># Whatever, fair enough. /f/ is broken, so threads aren't being removed. [_] Anon 2806139▶ >># better than your shitty board m8 >website about Chinese cartoons >can't post cartoons [_] Anon 2806141▶ >># >># c'mon man, obviously a nzfag here, its all over the papers [_] Anon 2806142▶ >># >># >># I feel like this is true, perhaps I'll get more of a personality once I'm older, or if I ever do something recognizable enough to craft a purseowner around [_] Ryoh 2806143▶ >># > >image board > >cant post images > what are flashes > implying moving pictures don't have images lel@faggot [_] Anon 2806144▶ >># buhjnm [_] Anon 2806145▶ >># >># >># It was already stated not even twenty posts above yours. That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die. [_] Ryoh 2806146▶ >># > rude > not #rewd What is this, amateur hour? [_] Anon 2806147▶ >># >># >># Nzfag living in Aus. The only people at work who know about union over here told me "who gives a shit, did you catch Origin", fucking backed up on news over here. Only reason I know is because my Mum gave me a call. [_] Anon 2806148▶ >># >># will this thread ever 404? [_] Anon 2806149▶ >># >># So why can't we post images on /f/? [_] Anon 2806150▶ >># >># As the thread is about to get bumped off the page, the theme changes to Burly Brawl. T8w [Embed] [_] Anon 2806151▶ >481 replies yay, around fifty more and we set the new record [_] Ryoh 2806152▶ >># > what is Ctrl + F [_] Anon 2806153▶ >># >># Contribution [_] Anon 2806154▶ >># >># have to agree, anon, i watched with horror as my mum picked up a slight accent once while we were travelling. but yes, i cant help but see people do that, i tryto stop myself, but its unconscious >># had to read purseowner about three times before it made sense lel [_] Anon 2806155▶ >># It's like you faggots don't know how to read. >># [_] Anon 2806157▶ >># >># Think we'll break the record? >select the images with steak >click two pictures that look like meat Fuck are you guys on about? Am I the only person this shit works properly for? [_] Ryoh 2806158▶ >># BAWW [_] Anon 2806159▶ Takeo Ishii! [_] Anon 2806160▶ >># >># >># how is aus lately? a mate of mine living in melb was talking about how they are worried about the slow down [_] Anon 2806161▶ >># This is the best day of my life. [_] Anon 2806163▶ >># Mine works fine too. And I think we'll break it. [_] Anon 2806165▶ >># Why would you want them to read the news? Everything except the ABC is just news written on toilet paper freshly used by Rupert Murdoch's dirty wrinkly won't-just-fucking-die-already arsehole [_] Anon 2806166▶ TSUKARETA~! [_] Anon 2806167▶ >># why? google seems to have a fixation on hamburgers [_] Anon 2806169▶ >># >># I don't actually know if there's an age factor to it. Now that I think about it though, most imageboards and fourms sit in a pretty tight age band, so who knows? >># Sure. The interesting question is when? >># >># >but yes, i cant help but see people do that, i tryto stop myself, but its unconscious Hey, I'm not the only one then. The good news it that this cuts both ways - that's why it sometimes only takes a few dedicated people to drag a thread full of shitters back to a real discussion. [_] Anon 2806170▶ >># >># >># >># >># Let's re-enact flashes. >BootToTheHead.swf As the executor of Mr. Maldune's estate I have been empowered to read his last will and testament. [_] Anon 2806171▶ >># >># >># What the fuck is happening? [_] Anon 2806173▶ >># boot to the head [_] Anon 2806174▶ >># >># No idea. Strange things seem to happen since that incident yesterday. [_] Anon 2806175▶ >># DDOS TIME! [_] Anon 2806176▶ X GON GIVIT TO YA [_] Anon 2806177▶ >># >># Aus is a shithole, any sort of progress we might've made was flushed down the toilet, our dollar's worth is down the shitter, our politics have always been swirling around the bowl but man they're really fucking down there now, I want out, even burgerland would be better than this shit [_] Ryoh 2806178▶ >># Yeah, gonna have to say that 纤夫的爱尹相杰;于文华 is the way to go. [_] Anon 2806179▶ >># The apocalypse. Run while you still can. [_] Anon 2806180▶ >># contribootin [_] Anon 2806181▶ >># yaknow ive been wondering this off and on for a while now, can an oldfag pls enlighten? >># anon we are entering uncharted territory, and unheard of post counts soon, we need new music 7WY [Embed] [_] Anon 2806182▶ IT'S HABBENING [_] Anon 2806183▶ >># >># >># >># this is soooo predictable *slurps coffee and ducks* [_] Anon 2806184▶ >># >># >># >># -grabs you by the throat- shut the fuck up!?!? [_] Anon 2806185▶ FHI [Embed] In memorial of stuff3 [_] Anon 2806186▶ >># >># About as average as ever. When I moved and settled into work I researched some news and shit to see if I could get a conversation going, turns out no one really gives a fuck about anything if you just labor for a living. As long as I can keep posting on here and I don't get a knock on my door asking where I hide my loli porn, AU can keep shitting all over itself. [_] Ryoh 2806187▶ >># Oh shit, that's actually a pretty fucking good choice as well. Gonna have to go with this. [_] Anon 2806188▶ >># ... [_] Anon 2806189▶ 20 more posts to go [_] Anon 2806190▶ >># >># >trip_hq I have been driving down this road for a large amount of time and now this truck is angering me. [_] Anon 2806191▶ >># Wanna go to space? >Nobodies going to space mate! Oh i know. >... ..Space SPAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEEEEEE!!1!! [_] Anon 2806192▶ >># I GOT THIS BURNIN' LIKE MY VEINS ARE FILLED WITH NOTHING BUT GASOLINE [_] Anon 2806193▶ >># >># >># *unzips dick* [_] Anon 2806194▶ 1No&index=1&list=LLyyTHso1UuttZchFLlx7B9A [Embed] [_] Ryoh 2806195▶ >># >># It's literally about fifty posts in, and there's even a thread dedicated to it. [_] Anon 2806196▶ >># I kekd. Also we won. [_] Anon 2806197▶ OP accidentally the whole /f/ in one pedo flash [_] Anon 2806198▶ >># AND WITH A SPARK, IT'S GONNA BE THE BIGGEST FIRE I'VE EVER SEEN [_] Anon 2806199▶ >># >># >># >># >># there is a strong correlation between interaction with others and similarity "tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are" Ironically, us weebs, neets and other misfits are recreating here the same phenomenons we despise in society: fitting in and doing like the others. An intereresting question for you: how did the chans in general affected you world views and behavior IRL? don't you think it all affected us in the same way? [_] Anon 2806200▶ IN MY BRAAAAINNN [_] Anon 2806201▶ >># >># >># I need exact change only I SAID exact change only [_] Anon 2806202▶ >># >># I confess, that's pretty close to my thoughts on Australian politics as well. [_] Anon 2806203▶ WE DON'T GIVE A WHAT!?(WHAT!?)
[_] Anon 2806204▶ >># CUT ME DOWN OR LET ME RUN, EITHER WAY IT'S ALL GONNA BURN [_] Anon 2806205▶ >># *unsheathes twin katanas and slashes your throat open* -hat cover my eyes nothin personal kiddo in deep voice [_] Anon 2806206▶ >># >rave fire.swf [_] Anon 2806207▶ >># record when? [_] Anon 2806208▶ >># >># I WANT YOU TO BE QUIET NOW CLYDE! [_] Anon 2806209▶ >># >># me2. All because a bunch of sexist cunts couldn't handle a woman PM, we've gone from contending with US's dollar down to like 80 cents ....IN A YEAR [_] Anon 2806210▶ and voila we busted the record. [_] Anon 2806211▶ >># >># WHERE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOCATED? [_] Anon 2806212▶ >># one boot to the head for all.. [_] Anon 2806213▶ >># >># >># we did it lads [_] Anon 2806214▶ knishes de la potato [_] Anon 2806215▶ >># >Ironically, us weebs, neets and other misfits are recreating here the same phenomenons we despise in society: fitting in and doing like the others. Everyone want's a place to fit in anon. Even if it is just superficial, like the internet. You can be yourself and never be legitimately judge, hell you can be a horrible as you want to be and never suffer for it here. [_] Ryoh 2806216▶ >># DISREGARD EVERY OTHER RECOMMENDATION I'VE MADE, THIS SHOULD BE IT: E-Q [Embed] [_] Anon 2806217▶ >># Let's aim for 1000 [_] Anon 2806218▶ >># [Embed] [_] Anon 2806219▶ >># Where do we move our funposting to lads? [_] Anon 2806220▶ >># ATTRACTIVE FELINE-HUMAN HYBRIDS BUT ACTUALLY PEOPLE DANCE [_] Anon 2806221▶ uOk [Embed] [_] Anon 2806222▶ gotta run, hope this is still up in a couple hours [_] Anon 2806223▶ >># “Friends? Your friends? If you lock them together in a room with no food for a weekThen you could see what it is, friends! ” [_] Anon 2806224▶ >># wew lad. [_] Anon 2806225▶ >># Well done /f/! >># Was listening to this. Got to the lolicatgrils part just as I saw the record [_] Anon 2806226▶ >># >>>2806209 >All because a bunch of sexist cunts couldn't handle a woman Dunno if you're legit or not on that but it seems ausfags can't handle PMs in general. Everytime one gets voted in it's >BAWW NO ONE WANTED THIS PERSON THEY RUINING STRAYA [_] Ryoh 2806227▶ >># Thanks, Anon. >># > Think we'll break the record? > Am I the only person this shit works properly for? Yes and yes. [_] Anon 2806228▶ WITH THESE WANGS WE WILL DESTROY AND WITH THESE WANGS WE WILL REBUILD [_] Anon 2806229▶ >># >># >># solid contribution anon, way to go! >># dont talk about... the incident... >># i lold hard when the nz$ got within cents of the aus$, and honestly, from the little ive seen of aussie politicians they seem like a rare breed of idiot. but burgerland is fucking awful. well, most of it is, i was in vt for a little last new years and loved it there, want to visit washington sate too. [_] Anon 2806230▶ >># >Ironically, us weebs, neets and other misfits are recreating here the same phenomenons we despise in society: fitting in and doing like the others. That's not all that surprising, is it? We're still human. >An intereresting question for you: how did the chans in general affected you world views and behavior IRL? don't you think it all affected us in the same way? That's a pretty tricky question for me personally, because I got big into 4chan just after my life went to shit. Still, I've definitely picked up a bit of /g/'s paranoia. [_] Anon 2806231▶ what is happening thread reaching critical mass [_] Anon 2806232▶ >># oiU&index=2&list=LLyyTHso1UuttZchFLlx7B9A [Embed] [_] Anon 2806233▶ Posting in a thread that's way too long for it's own good [_] Anon 2806234▶ >># I made you believe that this phone call was made for a different reason. It is actually a phone call regarding a fighting match with John Cena. [_] Anon 2806235▶ Gratz /f/ mang [_] Anon 2806236▶ >># >loli >attractive you're alright mate [_] Anon 2806237▶ CAN WE CREATE AN OVERFLOW [_] Ryoh 2806238▶ >># >># > he doesn't know [_] Anon 2806239▶ >># >># HALF WAY THERE NEGGERS [_] Anon 2806240▶ eric...simply eric [_] Anon 2806241▶ Fuck you [_] Anon 2806243▶ I still don't know hot this happened. [_] Anon 2806244▶ to the moon [_] Ryoh 2806245▶ >># BOOT TO THE HEAD >># > inb4 AT&T [_] Anon 2806246▶ >># (OP) >Second to link to OP Okey Dokey Lokey [_] Anon 2806247▶ Don't stop us now n2U [Embed] [_] Anon 2806248▶ >># >># I wanna eat more drugs Kng [Embed] [_] Anon 2806249▶ bump [_] Anon 2806250▶ >># >># >># >># >># Christ, are you seriously aiming at the 1k mark? Is that at thing we could really do? [_] Anon 2806251▶ >># end of le world? [_] Anon 2806252▶ >># >># >># Tony was legit the first PM i ever felt that way about [_] Anon 2806253▶ >># Imagine the possibilities [_] Anon 2806254▶ >># this is now a dubs thread [_] Anon 2806255▶ >># POOP!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHH FUNNY POOPIES!!!!!!!!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXXDDDXDXXXXDXDXDXXD ELELELELLELELELELELELELLELELELELELELELEL PPPPPPPOOOOO OOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY YYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! HAHAHAH AHAHAH AHAHAHA FUNNY POOP! POOP FUNNY! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY FOR POOPIE! GOOD POOPIE! POOPIE FUNNY! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP POOP LELELELELELELELELELELELLE XDXDXDXDDXDXDXDX POOPY FUNNY! YAY! FUN FUN POOP ! TEE HEE XD POOP! POOPY! YAY! POOP MAKE ME HAPPY! HAPPY HAPPY P OOP POOP! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH HDXDXDXDXDXDDXDXDXDXDXDDXDXDXXXXXDDDDDDD UH OH< I THINK I MADE A POOPIE :^)^)^)^)^))^)^:^)^:^))^)^)^^:^::^:^:^:^ :^:^)^)^))^)^)^):^)^)^::)^)^)))^):^:^:^:) ^)^)^)^)^)^: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! POOP IN PANTS! NO DIAPER! THAT'S FUNNY! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OOPSIE! POOPY UNDERWEAR NOW! TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE TEE HEE WE WANT POOPIES! WE WANT POOPIES! WE WANT POOPIES! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH HHHHHHHH :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) AHA POOP! [_] Ryoh 2806256▶ >># Here's a fifty. [_] Anon 2806257▶ >># UoQ&index=10&list=LLyyTHso1UuttZchFLlx7B9A [Embed] [_] Anon 2806258▶ splitting this atom.. WITH NO SURVIVIORS [_] Anon 2806259▶ you are all homosexual -[s4s] [_] Anon 2806260▶ Your body yearns for those temptresses, but does your heat? My penis is fully erect from this coversation, I'm caressing it just like I would to what would be left of your penis if you were here with me. I can just imagine it, blowing my load on your face. Your stubs (I'd make you an amputee and tun the hole in the stubs into mini anuses, like any good owner would) clawing at my crotch begging for more of my hot mayo. You're searching for something aren't you anon? The reason you're so angry and have one night stands with the wrong people. Once you come with me you'll become a part of me, no wait, an extension of me. I'd do whatever I want and you'd just roll your eyes back into your skull, arch your back and beg for more. Trust me anon you'll love it, they all do. [_] Anon 2806261▶ >># holy shit someone save anonymous he's dying [_] Anon 2806262▶ >># Thank you. This guy. The single person willing to actually say something relevant. >># >># >># [_] Anon 2806263▶ >># >># that's an interesting observation, having somewhere to belong isn't to be despised tho. as for how the channels affected me, i probably dont care much for hippies now, tolerate less bullshit, and have better jokes to tell, but maybe that's just because im a little older now. also i have a huge ass now, th-thanks /fit/ [_] Anon 2806264▶ >># with the power of friends, yes! and by that I mean /s4s/ and /b/ spambots, and maybe the accelerator [_] Anon 2806265▶ >># >># >># „„-~^^~„-„„_ „-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„ ..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\ ./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '| .../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : | ...\„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :'| .../ . . . . . . '| : : : : : : : :| ..../ . . . . . . . .'\ : : : : : : : | ../ . . . . . . . . . .\ : : : : : : :| ./ . . . . . . . . . . . '\ : : : : : / .../ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*' .'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| / . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .| ../ . . . . . . . .'/ . . . . . . .'| ./ . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . .'| '/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| '| . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . .| '| . . . . . . \„_^- „ . . . . .'| '| . . . . . . . . .'\ .\ ./ '/ . | | .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .'' / . '| | . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .| | . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .| [_] Ryoh 2806266▶ >># AND WITH A SPARK IT'S GONNA BE THE BIGGEST FIRE THEY'VE EVER SEEN [_] Anon 2806267▶ >># potsing in a legendery thread [_] Anon 2806268▶ >># [s4s] managed over 13,000 replies images/4/4d/-s4s-_reply_record.jpg/revisi on/latest?cb=20140324052100 anything is possible if u jus b urself [_] Anon 2806269▶ >That feel when game of groans stuck on connecting to peers [_] Anon 2806270▶ >># wew lads [_] Anon 2806271▶ >># ONCE YOU'VE STARTED READINGTHIS YOU CAN'T GET OUT! READ ON IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE A year ago A girl named Kathy was hated by everyone. Everyone made fun of her. She was ignored. Even by messages. One day she decided to kill herself. Beca...use..................... even her parents ignored her. She jumed out her window. No one noticed utill people started dissapearing. Kathy haunted them. She made them suffer like the way she did. She hung them slowly and stabed them over and over very slowly so they could suffer like she did. If you don't send this message to 15 diffrent comments you will die tonight by Kathy. Because she considers it ignooring her. Example 1: Dave looked at the first sentece and said, "Spam" And the next day the neighbors found him in his backyard, dead. Example 2: Joane was alone. She didn't have kids or a husband. She had alot of friends. When She had a sleepover with them she quickly had to check her e-mail.She saw this message and sent it to only 6 people because she thought she couldn't die that night beacuse she was surounded by people. The next morning Joane's friends found her in her bathtub, dead. If you don't send this, Kathy WILL find you [_] Anon 2806272▶ >># Tony was the only one I ever saw people actively complain about as he was getting voted in, by almost everyone. People retrospectively complained about the others. [_] Anon 2806273▶ >># ░░░░░░▄▀▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░█▒▒▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▄ ░░▄▀▒▒▒▄█████▄▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▄█████▄▒█ ░█▒▒▒▒▐███████▌▌▒█▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐██████▌▒█ ▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀█████▀▒▒█▒░▄▒▄█▒▒▀█████▀▒▒▒█ ▒▒▐▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒█▒░▒▒▀▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▒▌▒▒▒░░░▒▒▒▒▒▄▀▒░▒▄█▄█▄▒▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌ ▒▌▒▒▒▒░▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▄▒▒█▌▌▌▌▌█▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐ ▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌▒▒▀███▀▒▌▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌ ▀▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▀▄▒▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀ ▒▒▀▄▒▀▄▀▀▀▄▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀░░░░▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▒▒▒▒▀▄▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐ ░▄▄▄░░▄░░▄░▄░░▄░░▄░░░░▄▄░▄▄░░░▄▄▄░░░▄▄▄ █▄▄▄█░█▄▄█░█▄▄█░░█░░░█░░█░░█░█▄▄▄█░█░░░█ █░░░█░░█░░░░█░░░░█░░░█░░█░░█░█░░░█░█░░░█ ▀░░░▀░░▀░░░░▀░░░░▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░▀░░░▀░▀▄▄▄▀ [_] Anon 2806274▶ >># how are there so many posts? wtf [_] Ryoh 2806275▶ >># THE ONLY WAY THAT THEY'LL EVER LEARN [_] Anon 2806276▶ B [_] Anon 2806277▶ >># >># 4 u bby ;)
[_] Anon 2806278▶ >># D94&index=12&list=LLyyTHso1UuttZchFLlx7B9A [Embed] [A] [_] Anon 2806279▶ roll [_] Ryoh 2806280▶ >># RECORD NOW [_] Anon 2806281▶ Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped--turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys Who were up to no good Startin makin trouble in my neighborhood I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.' I begged and pleaded with her day after day But she packed my suite case and send me on my way She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket. I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'. First class, yo this is bad Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass? Is this what the people of Bel-Air Live like? Hmmmmm this might be alright. But wait I hear they're prissy, bourgeois and all that Is this the type of place that they send this cool cat? I don't think so I'll see when I get there I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air Well, ah, the plane landed and when I came out There was a dude looked like a cop standin' there with my name out I ain't trying to get arrested yet I just got here I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I can say that this cab was rare But I thought 'Man forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel-Air' I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo holmes smell ya later' I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air [_] Anon 2806282▶ JUST [_] Anon 2806284▶ >># >># Saged,reported,hidden,calledthecops,call edtheFireDepartment,calledpizzahut,called theUSN,calledtheRoyalNavy,calledtheRedArm y,calledtheFBI.calledtheCIA,calledInterpo l,calledtheKGB,calledtheUSMC,calledtheUSA F,calledtheRoyalAirforce,calledMI6,called ScotlandYard,calledtheUSNationalGuardofev erystate,calledNYPD,calledObama,calledthe Queen,calledPutin,calledDavidCameron,call edeveryGovernorofeveryUSState,usedmytimep honetocallWinstonChurchhill,AswellasHitle r,Stalin,TheodoreRoosevelt,GeorgeWashingt on,Montezuma,everCaesar,andGilgamesh,call edUSArmy,calledBritishArmyineveryera,call edeveryphonesexline,calledpapajohn's,call edtheUSCoastGuard,calledmyStateSenators,c alledmySenators,calledeveryrepublicaninth eUS,calledDr.Who,calledthePope,calledmylo calGanglords,calledtheStatePatrolofeverst atewestoftheMississippi,calledallofmyloca lnews channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called ever free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of ever city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada. [_] Anon 2806285▶ >># >># We president now [_] Anon 2806286▶ >># checked [_] Anon 2806287▶ >># C===3 [_] Anon 2806288▶ >># WE'VE GOT TO TURN IT OFF, FLIP A SWITCH FLIP A SWITCH [_] Anon 2806290▶ >># I thought it was true of most of 'em. Tony just turned it into an artform. >># >that's an interesting observation, having somewhere to belong isn't to be despised tho. Of course not. I'm (>>#) actually claiming the opposite, being around others doesn't change us; our environment actually forms a key part of our identity. [_] Anon 2806291▶ WE DID IT REDDIT [_] Anon 2806292▶ toasting in an ebin bread [_] Ryoh 2806293▶ >># > FUCK YEAH WE DID IT! [_] Anon 2806294▶ Aww shittt [_] Ryoh 2806296▶ >># >># What incident? [_] Anon 2806297▶ >># >># >># >># This thread doesn't go up anymore, so if it reaches the bottom it will go 404. So you have only time until 9 new flashes are posted. [_] Anon 2806298▶ >># The switch is broken, also nice dubs. [_] Anon 2806299▶ daily reminder that /f/ is property of [s4s] check my dubs, lads [_] Anon 2806300▶ >># WE CAN MAKE IT TO 1000 REPLIES fHU [Embed] [_] Anon 2806302▶ >># ░░░░░░▄▀▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░█▒▒▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▄ ░░▄▀▒▒▒▄█████▄▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█▒▄█████▄▒█ ░█▒▒▒▒▐███████▌▌▒█▒▒▒▒▒█▒▐██████▌▒█ ▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▀█████▀▒▒█▒░▄▒▄█▒▒▀█████▀▒▒▒█ ▒▒▐▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒█▒░▒▒▀▒▒█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▒▌▒▒▒░░░▒▒▒▒▒▄▀▒░▒▄█▄█▄▒▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌ ▒▌▒▒▒▒░▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▄▒▒█▌▌▌▌▌█▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐ ▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌▒▒▀███▀▒▌▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌ ▀▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ▀▄▒▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▄▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▄▄▀ ▒▒▀▄▒▀▄▀▀▀▄▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀░░░░▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▒▒▒▒▀▄▐▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐ [_] Anon 2806303▶ >># >># ,、-――ー-- 、__, て // / __,ノノノ、 く ( / / 、_, 从 | イヤア //l/ / o=,、 ''、!| l|ノ i |l イ | l|イ! `' , l;;メ川l ,, !l川 ノ| " (`ヽ "川 "''ー- 、,, _ モミ ノVl|ハト、_ `´ ノノノ |  ̄`l モミ ノノ _ '´⌒ヽ ,-、 | | / / nノ´ ´ l´)_,ヽ .| | | l l´ ) :r;: Y ノ / | | . ズッ `/ ゙ | / /● | | . ズッ // / ̄`ヽ / / | __ / / ' / ヽノ /// / / /´  ̄ ̄' ´ l⌒l ヽ /_ / / // lλ ' ヽ \ ヽー''" _) / ノー----/::::,'、_ _,ノ `ー`ヽ ヽ―''"´ / /', `''‐- |::ノ(| ゚。 ̄/// ( \ ヾ / / /`) '、:::: ''‐- 、,, / `ヽ、つ_) l | / u`" // "'' ヽ/ / ノ ノ [_] Anon 2806304▶ >># I came for daft punk. I stayed for daft punk. I came for daft punk. [_] Anon 2806305▶ >># good try! [_] Anon 2806306▶ >># 10 MINUTES BEFORE NAMEK EXPLODES [_] Anon 2806307▶ >># If the boards not moving either uploading isn't working, or they're just not being listed. [_] Anon 2806308▶ >># AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [_] Anon 2806309▶ >># like any of us is going anywhere >># missingno pls [_] Anon 2806312▶ >># >># >># We'll just link to this thread from the other threads. WE CAN BUILD OUR OWN BOARD. [_] Ryoh 2806313▶ >># WHOOOOOOO >># YES WE CAN DO IT, ANONS! LET'S KEEP GOING UNTIL IT AND EVERYONE IN HERE GETS LOLB& [_] Anon 2806314▶ >># Someone post this on /s4s/ [_] Anon 2806315▶ >># MOTHERFUCKER DIDNT YOU READ WHAT I JUST TYPED? [_] Anon 2806316▶ YOU’VE BEEN HIT BY THE |^^^^^^^^^^^^](ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ |KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., __. |____===|= _|__|, ] | ”(@ )’(@ )”“”“*|(@ )(@ )*****(@ MOTHERFUCKER ONCE U BEEN HIT, U HAVE TO HIT 8 FUCKING KAWAII ASS PEOPLE. IF YOU GET HIT AGAIN YOU’LL KNOW YOUR REALLY SO FUCKING KAWAII IT’S SO FUCKING SUGOI PEOPLE WILL PISS THEIR PANTS AND SHIT BRICKS AND YOU WILL BE THE MOTHERFUCKING LORD OF THE MOTHERFUCKING KAWAII! IF YOU BRAKE DIS MOTHERFUCKING CHAIN, YOULL BEE CURSED WITH UN-KAWAIINESS AND SHITINESS FOR 9000 YEARS SO PAS EET; HIT WHO EVER YOU THINK IS LE KAWAII [_] Anon 2806317▶ >># >># FHg&list=LLyyTHso1UuttZchFLlx7B9A&index=15 [Embed] [_] Anon 2806318▶ >># >># T H I S H I S [_] Anon 2806319▶ >># >># and so came to be /f/'s first General, let the cancer begin [_] Anon 2806320▶ >>#                                  ▲                               ▲  ▲                            ▲  ▲  ▲                         ▲              ▲                      ▲  ▲        ▲  ▲                   ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲                ▲                                  ▲             ▲  ▲                            ▲  ▲          ▲  ▲  ▲                     ▲   ▲ ▲       ▲              ▲                ▲              ▲    ▲  ▲        ▲  ▲         ▲  ▲       ▲   ▲ ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲  ▲ ▲  ▲  ▲ [_] Anon 2806321▶ TOAST IN 20TH HOUR O.O [_] Anon 2806322▶ GETTER ROBO [_] Anon 2806323▶ >># it's sad, we had interesting anons for a little while, and now we are all enjoying the dankest of memes [_] Anon 2806324▶ >about to sit down in class >suddenly 10/10 3DPD in a skirt bends over in front of me >she's not wearing panties >dick gets up >don't want to fuck 3D but a baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do >loudly say "It can't be helped" and whip out my 12 incher and thrust it in >she doesn't stop me because she knows I'm a fucking sex pro alphamensch >I'm going like a fucking piston >professor walks in, and she's like 80 but I can tell her cunt is getting wet watching the two of us go at it like primates >whole class stands around and cheers us on >I tell her I'm about to cum because I don't want to interrupt class >she begs me not to cum inside, it's a dangerous day >class starts chanting to cum inside >I believe in democracy so I let out the biggest load in the history of mankind into her >I pull out my dick and she falls to the floor >she says I better take responsibility >everyone comes up and starts high-fiving my dick >just an average day [_] Anon 2806325▶ HIT IT [_] Anon 2806326▶ A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. ”How old is this rock, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian” ”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real then it should be an animal now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them! The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity. [_] Anon 2806327▶ >># AVc [Embed] [_] Anon 2806328▶ Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyi this post 666 [_] Ryoh 2806329▶ >># > he doesn't know >># Fuck off nigger. [_] Anon 2806330▶ Damn, I know we're getting lots of posts now, but I kinda enjoyed chatting about chicken sandwiches, 4chan and sociology. [_] Anon 2806331▶ >># Listened to this while scrolling down /f/, it was enjoyable. [_] Anon 2806332▶ >># >Saged, reported, hidden... chu getz a b& for dat [_] Anon 2806333▶ >># Zelda is shit [_] Anon 2806334▶ well why the everloving fuck are so many replies here?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/10 -2014 23:18:42 Ended: 24/10 -2014 03:06:42Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] middle aged man shows his flexible cock Anon 2573473 Nice pose Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2573647 black kid is high as fuck
>> [_] Anon 2573686 >># Negga I know, fucking lol!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/9 -2014 02:47:15 Ended: 18/9 -2014 04:41:46Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] [O][S][E] Anon 2531801
>> [_] Anon 2531807 liberals
>> [_] Anon 2531879 >># cultural marxists
>> [_] Anon 2531964 >># this is horrifying
>> [_] Anon 2531970 It's true, yoga is a secret satanist practice that liberals spread in an attempt to undermine Christianity. The breathing exercises allow demons to enter your body and possess you. The demons will make you feel good at first, and you'll innocently attribute it to the exercises and stretching, then when you're tired and your guard is down, they completely take you over. The scene end of this clip is the proof, demons have full taken over their bodies.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 3/9 -2014 23:44:06 Ended: 4/9 -2014 02:29:17Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] Anon 2513806 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2513813 tfw taking a yoga class and this isn't my instructor
>> [_] Anon 2513830 >># tfw we can't have faces on /f/
>> [_] Anon 2513833 We don't allow right wing roosters.
>> [_] Anon 2513889 >># You can't be a right wing and be Jamaican. That's unnatural.
>> [_] Anon 2513904 >># >># Right-wingers don't practice Yoga. It's a Satanic practice that allows demons to possess you. The demons enter your body when you do the special breathing techniques, they make you feel good at first with the stretching and exercise so you'll accept them, then they fully possess you and you start acting like everyone at the end of this clip.
>> [_] Anon 2513957 So this is where that Black guy in the red shirt came from
>> [_] Anon 2513970 >># With that guy as an instructor I think Satan entering your body would be the least of your worries.
>> [_] Anon 2513989 I just remembered to breath thanks doc
>> [_] Anon 2514042 How many of those kids do you think this guy molested

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/8 -2014 13:31:16 Ended: 22/8 -2014 20:14:03Flashes: 1 Posts: 7
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] >2014 AND NOT YOGAING IN A BARN Anon 2498041 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2498061 >># I have a wooden shed, does that count? Also, yoga is really good. You should get into it, bro.
>> [_] Anon 2498082 where do I download the full HD version of kids yoga?
>> [_] Anon 2498103 He has a big, black cock on his children's show?
>> [_] Anon 2498165 wow Its unbelievable how many flashes and reaction images have come from this video and I never even knew the source
>> [_] Anon 2498179 REMEMBER TO BREED
>> [_] Anon 2498201 Holy shit This is the best thing ever

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/8 -2014 14:24:01 Ended: 6/8 -2014 20:34:26Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Porn)
[_] Anon 2478083 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2478150 >># what the fuck
>> [_] Anon 2478222 how is this not disturbing?
>> [_] Anon 2478296 Wait. This isn't Takeo Ishii?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 28/7 -2014 14:21:39 Ended: 28/7 -2014 18:19:08Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2467183
>> [_] Anon 2467192 >># oh man this is some weird shit
>> [_] Kuma 2467218 this pedo is livin' the dream
>> [_] Anon 2467223 >rhaster This is fucking genius
>> [_] Anon 2467225 So thats where that gif came from...
>> [_] Anon 2467340 i feel it

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/7 -2014 17:21:20 Ended: 23/7 -2014 21:37:51Flashes: 1 Posts: 9
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Yoga farmer Anon 2461230 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2461236 daily reminder that men arent allowed to be positive role models for children otherwise they get accused of being pedophiles.
>> [_] Anon 2461244 >># somehow this all changes if you're a rooster
>> [_] Anon 2461313 I never knew the sauce of that crazy nigga .gif.
>> [_] Anon 2461358 >># He's clearly not a pedophile A pedophile will never dare to use yoga pants while touching kids.
>> [_] Anon 2461371 >># I teach kids how to swim, I touch kids all the time. I hold their heads up, put my hand on their back, and hold their legs in the right position. Sometimes I have to help girls tie their suits when they come undone. On more than one occasion a child has left the locker room without a swimsuit on.
>> [_] Anon 2461383 remember to breed dont forget to breed are you breeding, christian?
>> [_] Anon 2461388 >># Soon.
>> [_] Anon 2461451 >># living the dream, eh?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 20/7 -2014 20:43:03 Ended: 21/7 -2014 00:31:26Flashes: 1 Posts: 15
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Loop)
[_] Anon 2458076 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2458079 I'll stick to Takeo.
>> [_] Anon 2458082 what fresh hell is this
>> [_] Anon 2458086 Rasta
>> [_] Anon 2458091 This is what liberals believe.
>> [_] 7acen7Dragon !t6HNuoEi5g 2458096 hey look something new, let's post it every day 10 times a day until we have a deep hatred towards it.
>> [_] Anon 2458132 >># It's not that new.
>> [_] Anon 2458145 Fuck a doodly doo.
>> [_] Anon 2458150 >that one kid in the green and purple Thanks doc.
>> [_] Anon 2458159 som lil kids gettin raped
>> [_] Anon 2458172 Thanks OP, I almost forgot to breathe today.
>> [_] Anon 2458186 >># >># >Not checking out everything is terrible.
>> [_] Anon 2458203 waht the fuck fuck
>> [_] Anon 2458242 This is wrong I know for certain that this is wrong
>> [_] Anon 2458251 Frankie Boyle mentioned this.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/7 -2014 00:01:04 Ended: 13/7 -2014 03:54:54Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Remember to breathe! Anon 2449674 Remember to breathe! Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2449684 is that a pedo?
>> [_] Anon 2449685 yep, i think so!
>> [_] Anon 2449799 that is so utterly disturbing.
>> [_] Anon 2449807 >># are you breathing, christian?
>> [_] Anon 2449873 >># You just wanna Weed? Rasta.
>> [_] Anon 2449884 oh lol what is this?
>> [_] Anon 2449891 Never watched this all the way through before... Wow.
>> [_] Anon 2449921 REMEMBER to BREAAAATHE
>> [_] WKZworks 2449935 Well...the title is exactly as it says it was....not much else to say, really.
>> [_] Anon 2449943 sauce pls
>> [_] Anon 2449990 i bet he sacrifice a victim in the middle.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 11/7 -2014 17:29:07 Ended: 11/7 -2014 22:17:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2448257 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2448280 I need to remember to not show my kids stuff like this.
>> [_] Anon 2448294 that black kid this shit is whack
>> [_] Anon 2448353 >tfw you will never be a giant rooster named Rasta
>> [_] Anon 2448356 >># >tfw you'll never being doing bong rips of hash with Rasta backstage after the show
>> [_] Anon 2448357 >># before the show would be ideal
>> [_] Anon 2448360 >># You're RIGHT!
>> [_] Anon 2448362 wtf is going on?!?!
>> [_] Anon 2448372 Is amazing in to see what people was interested when there was no internet...
>> [_] Anon 2448469 I've seen worse. The musical Belgian farting pig cartoon for example.

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/6 -2014 07:58:48 Ended: 24/6 -2014 09:51:52Flashes: 1 Posts: 11
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] louise 2427719
>> [_] Anon 2427721 remember goy, dont be a positive role model for kids other wise people will imply you are a pedophile.
>> [_] Anon 2427725 >># Yes, master.
>> [_] Anon 2427730 >># This whole notion bugs me so much. Everyone should go watch The Hunt.
>> [_] Anon 2427732 Test
>> [_] Anon 2427744 Ill save that mother fucking tomato for my sandwich
>> [_] Anon 2427751 >># I am conciously aware he is most likely just good with kids, but good fucking god "Are you BREEEEEEEATHING christan?"
>> [_] Anon 2427763 all that Mmm reminds me of somthing >>#
>> [_] Anon 2427766 >># DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE
>> [_] Anon 2427774 oh man this shit wouldn't fly today
>> [_] Anon 2427799 good to see we are teaching our children marginally offensive stereo types so young

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 16/5 -2014 05:38:08 Ended: 16/5 -2014 07:35:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] this is my farm yogi yogi dogi 2385187 a healthy mind and body is my game
>> [_] Anon 2385199 COCK COCK DOODILY
>> [_] Anon 2385202 >># Nice pose, roster!
>> [_] Anon 2385237 feel da wind
>> [_] Anon 2385238 Is this real? it seems like some kind of disturbing Adult Swim shenanigan.
>> [_] Anon 2385240 takeo ischi shoop when?
>> [_] Anon 2385261 This is why I hate farmers.
>> [_] Anon 2385272 >># Rasta
>> [_] Anon 2385277 >yeah, thats nice little girl, okay bye now >ohh michael...very nice....let me give you a hand....
>> [_] Anon 2385278 >># >yogi yogi dogi 009/07/you_dont_need_yoga_to_make_a_creep y_kids_show_but_it_helps.html oki_dokis_yoga_farm entertainment/ca-3887 it exists
>> [_] Anon 2385304 >that fucking black kid getting BTFO that's posted as a gif everywhere kek

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/5 -2014 18:09:17 Ended: 12/5 -2014 22:38:04Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2381600 don't forget to breathe Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 2381607 nice pose rasta!
>> [_] Anon 2381634 what in the fuck
>> [_] Anon 2381664 a kid's show that features blatant multicultural diversity and an old man touching little kids and making them do strange poses. this is what the world has come to
>> [_] Anon 2381712 >># Isn't this show called 1999? Where the rooster is supposed to be a satanist and made a demonic summoning on the show?
>> [_] Anon 2381723 Don't forget to breathe, little yogis.
>> [_] Anon 2381735 >># Sounds like my kind of show.
>> [_] Anon 2381745 Who would win in a cockfight? Yogi Yogi Dogi or Takeo Ischi?
>> [_] Anon 2381750 >># Are you me? I said this aloud while watching the flash.
>> [_] Anon 2381788 >># really? the multiculturalism is what creeped you out? wtf man

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/5 -2014 03:05:33 Ended: 8/5 -2014 05:25:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 10
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2376540
>> [_] Anon 2376547 Roster is too cool for this.
>> [_] Anon 2376554 so this is the source for that one gif
>> [_] Anon 2376561 >># Yes.
>> [_] Anon 2376588 >># >Roster Whoever came up with this was high. On yoga maybe. Maybe not.
>> [_] Anon 2376604 Tim & Eric we're involved with this. 9_Q
>> [_] Anon 2376614 This seems like the prelude to a sex offender case
>> [_] Anon 2376615 REMEMBER TO BREATHE
>> [_] Anon 2376647 >># I was wondering what gif you were talking about then BAM fucking nigga high as fuck
>> [_] Anon 2376741 its my worst goddamn nightmare.

[V76QLKD]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/5 -2014 05:50:09 Ended: 6/5 -2014 08:20:18Flashes: 1 Posts: 18
File: yoga with a rooster.swf-(6.75 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anon 2374722
>> [_] Anon 2374724 Everything about this is wrong
>> [_] Anon 2374728 "Are you breathing Christian?"
>> [_] Anon 2374744 And I thought getting raped by my priest was traumatic.
>> [_] El Dorado !wb7Ljfqs6E 2374745 oh beebus
>> [_] Anon 2374759 This is why I hate farmers.
>> [_] Toad 2374770 >># This is no more representative of farmers than it is of white men.
>> [_] Anon 2374772 remember goy, dont exercise or live healthy or encourage others, especially children, to do so or someone might imply you are a child molester.
>> [_] Anon 2374774 >># this it was still funny tho
>> [_] Anon 2374775 Nice pose, Roster.
>> [_] A_A 2374807 This is honestly the funniest, most fucked up thing I've seen to date that was allowed on television... XD
>> [_] Anon 2374844 Staying with a friend who recently had a kid, and I can say this with sincerity: Nothing about that was unusual, in the scope of children's television.
>> [_] Anon 2374849 Am I the only one laughing my ass off at the big black cock?
>> [_] Anon 2374852 Jesus fuck , what is this Morning Yoga with Tim & Eric ???
>> [_] Anon 2374872 That ending was pure satanic...
>> [_] Anon 2374881 too painful to watch
>> [_] Anon 2374898 Pedophile and roosters... fucking shiet
Created: 6/5 -2014 05:56:05 Last modified: 30/8 -2021 02:17:01 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:41:54