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Threads (25):
File: noodle_loop.2.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] you'll cowards don't post [H] Anon 3364871 >> [_] Anon 3364884 I love noodle so much. is this new? I'd be surprised if it was new because that song is like 10 years old or something. >> [_] Anon 3364902 >># >year 2001 >be 12 >want to hug noodle because I don't know anything about sex >> [_] Anon 3364904 >># Noodle is nasty shit, get a STD shot for chrissakes >> [_] Anon 3364959 IT'S DARE
File: noodle.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3221662 Can't wait for the new album. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3221702 Disgusting pickle man >> [_] Anon 3221738 Smash the fash >> [_] Anon 3221784 >># where do you download your music? im still lost since got raided. >> [_] Anon 3221788 >># if not there then this one's not torrent based but I found 95% of what I had been looking for >> [_] Anon 3221791 >># cool, thanks for the tips mate! >> [_] Anon 3221796 >># seems to be down at the moment >> [_] Anon 3221802 >># it seems so :-/ but it worked last week I swear >> [_] Anon 3221804 >># i dont believe you! just kidding, maybe it'll be back later. maybe it's another site that has died or moved. thanks again!
File: HOT GORRILA SEX.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] [O][R][N][Y] Anon 3220478 >> [_] Anon 3220480 >># really smooth animation >> [_] Anon 3220481 >># heck anon, you know what smear frames are >> [_] Anon 3220490 >># yeah I know but they are supposed to be at least semi transparent this way it's just painfully obvious >> [_] Anon 3220491 >># There's not nearly enough Murdock porn. >> [_] Anon 3220493 >dare >when the scene is from on melancholy hill dropped >> [_] Anon 3220505 >># I'm not sure what part of it is on melancholy hill >> [_] Anon 3220527 >># >Hello, I am anon, and I am a seasoned animator who knows everything there is to know about animation. Transparent my ass, you're trolling right? >> [_] Anon 3220530 >># i was for real excited to see what gorilla sex looked like then it was gorillaz bamboozled again >> [_] Anon 3220531 >># Non-key frames are supposed to blend animation smoothly with as little frames possible, hence why they look retarded. (and you end up seeing newfags everywhere on /a/ posting them in QUALITY threads when that was never what QUALITY meant) These are pretty clearly visible. These are not smear frames in the traditional sense of animation. This is just a face texture duplicated upwards in a short period. Similar effect, but it always looks awful with sharp vector graphics IMO. >> [_] Anon 3220532 Video related. W14
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8128 Age: 62.59d Health: 1% Posters: 12 Posts: 29 Replies: 28 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 25637 I'll show you a white light. [IMG] noodle_loop.swf (7.22 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 161 frames, 24 fps (00:07). Ver24, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 25643 I wonder if the band members of Gorillaz has seen this and I wonder what their reaction was. >> Anon 25646 >># I doubt porn of their character is on their mind,considering how goblin esque the characters are. >> Anon 25654 >># Jamie Hewlett has drawn some of his characters nude before, so I'd argue that. Pretty much every artist is a deviant. >> Anon 25656 This makes me more aroused than it should. >> Anon 25657 Wish she wasn't so ugly in Zone's art. Seen hotter images of Noodle done better by amateurs. >> Anon 25663 >># Huh,didn't know that,would be interested in seeing some of those if they're floating online anywhere. >> Anon 25670 >># Zone is usually very true to the original material. If you've seen 'hotter' from other artists then these might have changed Noodle to look better. >> Anon 25672 I just noticed this. where's all that juice coming from? it's too fluid to be cum... >> Anon 25674 Umm thats not Noodle, that's girl came after she left >> Anon 25677 >># Just a few examples of those I remember from the past and fapping to. I fapped to more from exhentai that keeps her looking a lot like the original source. Noodle's head in general in Zone's flash looks too horrible and looks nothing like Noodle to me. Because of this, I can't fap to it. >> Anon 25682 >># It's not straight up porn, but a few things he drew in Tank Girl had the main character naked if I remember right. Just sayin', if you wanna draw people well you need to know anatomy, which includes the fun bits. So going from drawing nude characters to porn, or at least being okay with the idea, isn't that big of a jump. Plus, there's been a history of well known artists who had secret (or not so secret) stashes of weird fetish drawings. Always a treat when that gets to the public. >> Anon 25683 >># I wouldn't mind a few examples since I'm not exactly well-versed in that area. >> Anon 25684 >># Osamu Tezuka is probably the best example. A few years ago his daughter found a stash of some interesting drawings he made. content/uploads/2014/03/tezuka-erotic.png I think the lead artist behind Lilo & Stitch also drew porn. There's probably a few more examples at Disney I'm forgetting about. >> Anon 25693 >># Jamie Hewlett confirmed to be Zone?!?!?! >># Considering how many sexual undertones there are in 80% of all childrens cartoons I wouldn't be surprised if all of them have drawn porn at some point or another. And that's fine. >> Anon 25694 >># Oh yeah i know what you mean,like those rugrat drawings that are all kinds of fucked up. >> Anon 25695 >># Noodle never left the band and was never replaced by anyone. She is present during the story arc for Phase 1 (Gorillaz) and Phase 2 (Demon Days) and was actually supposed to be the one who wrote all the music for Demon Days and performed pretty much the entire song DARE. This flash looks like it's supposed to be out of DARE given the red lighting and what not. The only time she isn't present technically is during Phase 3 (Plastic Beach) after disappearing at the end of Phase 2. Instead she is replaced by Cyborg Noodle who looks more or less identical to Noodle but with a bullet hole in her head. Noodle then appears at the end of Phase 3 during the unreleased Rhinestone Eyes video (there is a storyboard of the whole thing you can find online that shows this) and apparently kills the Cyborg Noodle offscreen. Phase 4 hasn't been released yet. I bet 90% of you didn't know there was an actual storyline for the Gorillaz. >> Anon 25698 >># I need a link to those please? Any of Angelica? >> Anon 25700 >># >I bet 90% of you didn't know there was an actual storyline for the Gorillaz. I didn't know this trivia. Is the story told via the music videos or what? >> Anon 25706 >># Music videos and interviews with the characters. Like for example Rhinestone Eyes just ends with Noodle reappearing and looking down at Cyborg Noodle, and then later on there was an interview where Murdoc says Cyborg Noodle goes haywire and tries to kill him and the real Noodle puts her down. Noodle is also the only character who ages as you can kinda see throughout the different albums where she starts out obviously a child in Gorillaz, is more of a pre-teen/teen in Demon Days, and then a young adult in Plastic Beach. The artists said that they age her based on real time that takes place between album releases. >> Anon 25710 >># I see, so they make special non-music cartoon videos where the characters are interviewed? >> Anon 25742 >># Sort of, I mean it's "real" interviews in the sense that it's real interviewers interviewing them, it's just the interview is done with the fake cartoon character rather than the actual musicians. Think something along the lines of Roger Rabbit or Cool World. >> Anon 25746 >># >># Off the top of my head, I know they made an MTV Cribs episode, an interactive website where you could explore their old studio, and also a number of audio interviews where Murdoc talks about the production behind some of the music videos (like how he used the El Manana's filming as a ploy to kill Noodle). I'm sure there are a bunch of little Easter eggs and nods towards these things in liner notes, songs, and other stuff, not to mention in the music videos and music tracks themselves. The music videos for DoYaThing, El Manana, Rhinestone Eyes (a canceled music video, only the storyboard was completed), as well as pretty much all of Plastic Beach focus on the actual story behind the band instead of just serving as music videos to the music. I think there were also some animated shorts used for MTV (?) back in like 2007 or 2008. >> Anon 25751 Cool beans >> Anon 25768 Seeing people passionate about Gorillaz, on a site usually used for porn no less, warms my heart a bit. I'm excited for the new album. >> Anon 25771 >># Anon is complex. We're not all about porn. I didn't know there's a new album coming. Come to think about it I probably haven't heard much of their newer music... >> Anon 25772 >># Plastic Beach came out in like 2010, but the lead musician and the artist had a falling out after it. They recently got back together and started production on the new album in September. They're aiming for a 2016 release. Plastic Beach wasn't as good as their old stuff, but Damon Albarn's solo album he released last year was great. I'm excited. >> Anon 25788 Speaking of plastic beach,SuperFast jellyfish is an amazing song. >> Anon 26363 >># IDK pre-cum?
File: Gorillaz - Noodle 2.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2930742 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2930768 >># what is noodle 1? >> [_] Anon 2930839 >># without music i think >> [_] Anon 2930843 He put his Feel Good Inc into her Feel Good Stink >> [_] Anon 2930908 >># wooooooooooo >> [_] Anon 2930919 >># So why are his balls up top of his cock? >> [_] Anon 2930938 >># Who the fuck knows with Murdoc. >> [_] Anon 2930940 >># >># kek
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Loop) [_] Wakfuck was too big Anon 2872921 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2872925 putting his feel good inc in her feel good stink >> [_] Anon 2872926 sbout time >> [_] Anon 2872935 Does he release she's a robutt? That's like, Gorillaz 101. >> [_] Anon 2872937 >># you havent watched their recent stuff havent you? >> [_] Anon 2872940 >># Eh, what do you mean? Surely they wouldn't retcon that. >> [_] Anon 2872967 >># real noodle puts a bullet in cyborg noodles head...forgot which song, i'll find it >> [_] Anon 2872973 >># >real noodle This isn't a thing that should exist. Noodle was always just a robot, it tied into how Murdoc was enslaving 2D, giving him someone to play with or some shit I can't remember. >> [_] Anon 2873024 >># >># >># >># Why would he Care? Gorrilaz is gay as shit >> [_] Anon 2873025 >># You are a faggot. >> [_] Anon 2873048 >># Noodle wasn't always a robot. Noodle was a japanese girl they started taking care of. She "died" during the filming of La Mulana due to her parachute or something not deploying. Murdok got a cyborg noodle mainly because others didn't know noodle was dead and he needed protection due to pretty much pissing everyone off. It was also to keep 2D in line as 2D was the vocalist and therefore the "face" of the gorillaz I thought it was interesting when I was younger. >># No anon, you're the gay. >> [_] Anon 2873053 Gorillaz lore is deep as shit. Aren't real Noodle and Cyborg Noodle seen together in Plastic Beach though? >> [_] Anon 2873054 >># Oh right, yeah I only lightly got into it, so never knew any of that. What about in Stylo though, with Noodle all borked and sparking? Surely that kinda broke the whole charade, but 2D doesn't seem too fussed about it. >> [_] Anon 2873071 The fuck is going on with murdoc's balls? Is his cock beneath his sack or somethin? >> [_] Anon 2873081 >># Underrated post.
File: Zone Noodle Loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] GORILLAZ IS COMING BACK IN 2016. Anon 2828831 >> [_] Anon 2828838 IT'S THERE >> [_] Anon 2828840 Noodle's black eye gets me hot. >> [_] Anon 2828844 Can someone post or link Zone's new big hero 6 loop? >> [_] Anon 2828845 >># It's been posted every day since it released. How have you not seen it? >> [_] Anon 2828847 >># Nope, I've been busy. Can you tell me the filename? pls bae. >> [_] Anon 2828848 >># Holy fucking CPU usage, Batman. >> [_] Anon 2828851 >># nvm found it. >> [_] Anon 2828852 >># At least it looks pretty. >> [_] Anon 2828914 das amazin >> [_] Anon 2828922 really hate how horrible he drew noodle's face. >> [_] Anon 2828927 >># I think it looks all right. >> [_] Anon 2828937 >># It's cute :D >> [_] Anon 2828948 the anime is literally "squid girl" not that hard >> [_] Anon 2828954 >># Wrong thread m8. >> [_] Anon 2828955 >># Think you're in the wrong thread m8.
File: Zone Noodle Loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Need some H up in here Anon 2827723 >> [_] Anon 2827782 This is awful. Did it cost money? >> [_] Anon 2827786 >># Worse: someone spent TIME making this. >> [_] Anon 2827799 I don't see a reason for these complaints. Zone tried his best to mimic the animation seen in Gorillaz music videos and succeeded for the most part. (Noodle even has scars around her right eye, a reference to one of the videos.) >> [_] Anon 2827800 >># Hmm. Yes, that is worse. I've heard Zone charges up to $40 for loops. That's nuts. >> [_] Anon 2827801 >># It's not that Zone is bad at what Zone does, it's that this was just not worth paying actual money for. It's also boring and uninspired. >> [_] Anon 2827805 >># I can see your point there. >> [_] Anon 2827806 >># >$40 for a looped animation sounds like a screaming deal to me. >> [_] Anon 2827812 >># $40 dollars for loops? For fucking real? Nah dude, your average sanic fanboy earns this for 2 shitty commissions. >> [_] Anon 2827819 >># Where did you hear this info and where can I learn more? >> [_] Anon 2827848 why are his balls above his dick? >> [_] Anon 2827856 id like to see something sad. could anyone post something sad?
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Porn) [_] Anon 2704469 >> [_] Anon 2704551 I have NEVER seen this before? When was this made? >> [_] Anon 2704555 thanks OP, you're a god among us >> [_] Anon 2704558 >># It's been around for a while. At least a year maybe?
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] get hype for tonight Anon 2701973 new zone tonight as any real /f/aggot would know, now if only they would update Hues Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2701980 My hype is the realest, you don't even KNOW!! >> [_] Anon 2701983 meh this guy does nothing but anal... zone sucks. >> [_] Anon 2701992 >># Naw man, thats Noill >> [_] Anon 2701993 Always hated Gorillaz' art style. Pure shit >> [_] Anon 2701999 >># naw man, that's mittsies >> [_] Anon 2702000 >># naw man, that's shadman >> [_] Anon 2702001 >># naw man, that's minus8 >> [_] Anon 2702002 >># >># DOUBLE TRIPS >> [_] Anon 2702004 >># On a board where you can easily get consecutive posts that's not really a big deal. >> [_] Anon 2702006 >># >># >># >># Naw men, that's Rock Candy >> [_] Anon 2702008 >># naw man, that's boogie >> [_] Anon 2702017 wow a zone flash i havent seen before, huh. >> [_] Anon 2702062 >># >guy you really don't know zone, huh? >> [_] Anon 2702065 In case you don't know yet the flash just dropped >> [_] Anon 2702067 So someone should get on that. >> [_] Anon 2702069 Murdoc is such a boner killer >> [_] Anon 2702071 FLASH IS OUT SOMEONE POST FULL VERSION QUICK >> [_] Anon 2702076 >zone >releasing on time That fucker has been missing shit since Horo. >> [_] Anon 2702078 >># Thank you. Someone with a sense of urgency. >> [_] Anon 2702080 I've had to wait for this shit for FAR too long. I need someone to provide us all with the FULLEST of versions. Lol >> [_] Anon 2702087 >># >># i got access tell me how to save it >> [_] Anon 2702090 >># Confirm guy nigga. Sorry your dreams of a female hentai flash artist never came true. >> [_] Anon 2702091 >># >> [_] Anon 2702093 >># No you don't bitch. >> [_] Anon 2702094 >># right click on page > view page source > ctrl f .swf find the file and save it to your compouter then uplaod it here >> [_] Anon 2702095 >># Somebody help this man >> [_] Anon 2702097 >># vanja exists >> [_] topkek 2702103 this thread is everything I expect from a good /f/ experience Now if only someone got that new Zone, it's released already >> [_] Anon 2702105 >># I'm kinda waiting for the generous anon who will gift it unto us. >> [_] Anon 2702109 I'm uploading it. ETA: 1-3 minutes. >> [_] Anon 2702114 >># and no one heard from him again >> [_] Anon 2702115 >># I really hope you're serious right now. >> [_] Anon 2702116 links to what i found if you guys can pull it out of the code cause as you guys linked me the swf should be a valid link cant figure that out. >> [_] Anon 2702118 >># oh yeah man me too totally >> [_] Anon 2702121 >># This guy knows what he's talking about. Mittsies is the one who only does fur. >> [_] Anon 2702123 >># here we go. a (dot) pomf (dot) se/dlholp.swf >> [_] Anon 2702126 >># >># Even Rock Candy himself says that vaginal sex is boring and anal is the way to go. >> [_] Anon 2702128 >># I love you >> [_] Anon 2702130 >># This better not be the demo. >> [_] Anon 2702131 >># >a (dot) pomf (dot) se/dlholp.swf THAKNS >> [_] Anon 2702132 >># it's real >> [_] Anon 2702133 >># Oh I know now... >> [_] Anon 2702134 >># you're da best mon >> [_] Anon 2702136 >># How do I save this? >> [_] Anon 2702138 >># how do get kiryuin satsuki scene? >> [_] Anon 2702139 >># The only Satsuki scene is anal, thanks for nothing Zone. >> [_] Anon 2702140 >># You can use DownThemAll on firefox to save it. >> [_] Anon 2702141 >># How do I save this? >> [_] Anon 2702143 >Satsuki scene is anal god fucking damit >> [_] Anon 2702146 can anyone tell us how to get to the secret scenes? >> [_] Anon 2702147 click the life fiber at the end for satsuki scene >> [_] Anon 2702150 >># after any time senketsu comes apparently, not just the end >> [_] Anon 2702156 i release my semen all over the room like a tsunami, thanks ! >> [_] Anon 2702157 >># In other words, let the scene run and wait for the fiber to fly by. >> [_] Anon 2702173 >># This >> [_] Anon 2702176 >># after going to the site. open your history and right click, save link as .swf >> [_] Anon 2702178 >># thank you
File: Click this to smile.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Porn) [_] Muchknuuuuuckles Anon 2590532 2muchmuch4u >> [_] Anon 2590534 You're a faggot. >> [_] Anon 2590548 when did zone make a gorillaz flash? >> [_] Anon 2590571 My gorilla died today. >> [_] Anon 2590577 >># kek/10 >> [_] Anon 2590600 yes but did your dog die today? >> [_] Anon 2590602 i was already smiling but now i'm masturbating too
File: Click this to smile.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Other) [_] My dog died today :( Anon 2588946 >> [_] Anon 2588951 we should demand a version without the shitty vocals. My dick hasn't achieved diamond status only because of that >> [_] Anon 2588954 >># >sexualizing Noodle no >> [_] Anon 2589090 >># agreed. It`s a pretty good flash, but no. Noodle is pure maiden. >> [_] Anon 2589103 >># thirded
File: Noodle.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2539730 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2539765 youve hurt me so >> [_] Anon 2539801 This would be so much better if it weren't DISGUSTING FUCKING ANAL. >> [_] Anon 2539821 >># >Not liking anal Literal shit taste >> [_] Anon 2539837 >># Ima have to agree with that. Anal is not my thing, kind of disgusted by shit/shit smells I guess we're crazy >> [_] Anon 2539851 >># noodle is not for sex >> [_] Anon 2539862 Please do not doodle the Noodle >> [_] Anon 2539900 >># Oh god I can't breathe >> [_] Anon 2539907 She sounds like a fucking parrot what the hell >> [_] Anon 2539914 Song sauce in the background? >> [_] Anon 2539919 >># Don't you DARE ask that question again, newfag. God, how could you possibly now know this song, you ignorant GORILLA of a neckbeard. >> [_] Anon 2539931 probably one of my favorite things of his already >> [_] Anon 2539943 >># So anyway, sauce? >> [_] Anon 2539944 >># dude, fuck you >> [_] Anon 2539948 >># Please, spare my filthy neckbeardness and supply me with sauce. >> [_] Anon 2539949 >># song sauce in the background? >> [_] Anon 2539950 >># if you really were a neckbeard, you'd know this. >> [_] Anon 2539951 >># >># >># Darude - Sandstorm >> [_] Anon 2539955 >># I kek'd but no really, sauce now. >> [_] Anon 2539957 >># Dude be less retarded and >># read this carefully. >> [_] Anon 2539961 >># >I guess we're crazy No, you're not crazy. You're a fucking disgusting sociopath with no respect for a very proper form of sex, are not welcome here on 4chan, and should gtfo. >> [_] Anon 2539971 >># >># >># >># I'll just spoon feed you this since apparently simple clues like capitalizing whole words in a sentence, VERY basic clues and solving exorcise is wasted on you. Gorillaz - Dare
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2510776 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2510785 voices are horrible 0/10 >> [_] Anon 2510813 its the lizard girl song >> [_] Anon 2510824 >># It's DARE >> [_] Anon 2510957 by far the shittiest flash zone has ever done
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] i'm not a fan, but w/e Anon 2485357 >> [_] Anon 2485474 how is the song in the background called? >> [_] Anon 2485484 Dare By Gorillaz >> [_] Anon 2485488 >># I dare you to wear your sister's dress in public today with nothing on underneath >> [_] Anon 2485509 >># IT'S DARE >> [_] Anon 2485527 >># k, ill wear pants over the dress then
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Porn) [_] Zone loop Zone noodle loop 2480370 zone update #8 >> [_] Anon 2480393 >># gorillaz didn''t know that existed
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2474183 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2474233 I've never seen this- probably because it's horrible >> [_] Anon 2474345 noodle is looking especially nigger like in this flash. fucking nasty. >> [_] Anon 2474348 >># that's what it looks like when all the animation goes into the hair physics >> [_] Anon 2474378 >># this. A billion times this. Fucking shit. Zone could have sourced the original character design and made it cute. Zone could have looked at any of the many decent to awesome fan depictions of the character...male, female.... But nope, had to go for this shitty art style...had to go for that fucking horrid shitloving thing that we see here. And of course, has to be that ugly rapist fuck giving her anal... fuck Zone. fuck /f/ for promoting this shit. >> [_] sonic sucks 2474383 I don't feel like this was actually made by zone. >> [_] Anon 2474393 that was horrible. >> [_] Anon 2474397 >># i fucking love zone >> [_] Anon 2474400 >># >muh free porn is bad fuck off >> [_] sonic sucks 2474401 it isn't that bad but she's done way better. I could jack off to this if it wasn't just a loop, but had multiple positions and facials and shit like dat.
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] fap away comrades Anon 2429031 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2429033 lol monkays >> [_] Anon 2429039 eww why was this made, zone quit wasting time and make something that's physically appealing :c >> [_] Anon 2429044 It's dare! >> [_] Anon 2429055 >># >physically appealing >completely imaginary cartoon characters >> [_] Anon 2429058 >># >fapping to something you find unappealing confirmed not human >> [_] Anon 2429059 >># No, no, he was mocking you for finding drawings attractive. Doesn't realize he's on 4chan. >> [_] nonymous 2429065 name of background song ? >> [_] Anon 2429082 >># >> [_] Anon 2429086 >># "Dare" by gorillaz Sorry, new to this posting shit >> [_] Anon 2429089 What I'm interested in is as to how you recreate the muffled effect on the music? >> [_] Anon 2429097 >># Welcome to 4chan's world of posting. You are a faggot and always will be one. Good day. >> [_] Anon 2429129 >># audacity >> [_] Anon 2429140 I gotta admit, Zone's works are so much better in quality compared to some of Zone's earlier stuff >> [_] Anon 2429143 >># I think that's only natural for someone's talents to get better over time. >> [_] Anon 2429149 >># hot >> [_] Anon 2429176 Kinda surprised this took so long for Zone to do. Gorillaz and Zone are a pretty perfect match. >> [_] Anon 2429206 >sexualizing Noodle >> [_] sage 2429208 >># except that this is shit. >># that's not always true, faggot this flash sucks. sage goes in all fields >> [_] Anon 2429244 >># Figured it was going to either be Dare or Clint Eastwood. >># >>sexualizing Noodle I know. Doesn't help that everyone in Gorillaz is snaggletoothed and pug nosed. But familiarity breeds attraction. >> [_] Anon 2429247 >># >not sexualizing Noodle since the Dare video came out >> [_] Anon 2429264 >># Don't sexualize the noodle D: >> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 2429267 >># Except for the miniature cunt, that's pretty much how people would look in Gorillaz' style. Dunno how you can't find it appealing. >> [_] Anon 2429282 this is gross and shouldn't have happend.
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 2426499 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2426650 >zone did gorillaz can't say i expected this but ok >> [_] Anon 2426674 completely butchered the Universal intro forever. >> [_] Anon 2426689 No cumshot... why even bother? >> [_] Anon 2426690 >># Wait a few seconds. >> [_] HAVING A NAME TWO LINES LONG BECAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL BIG IN THE PANTS 2426710 >># anyone else notice that his ballsack defies the laws of physics?
File: Noodle & Murdoc.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Zone's new flash on Noodle Anon 2415090 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2415106 holy shit Zone is still alive? >> [_] Anon 2415119 >># >anal wtf Zone you too? >> [_] Anon 2415120 >># no taste >> [_] Anon 2415127 >># at least make it interchangeable >> [_] Anon 2415129 >># fag >> [_] Anon 2415144 >Noodle >Murdoc ...I'm not sure how I feel about this >> [_] Anon 2415145 >># Vaginal isn't as hot. Also, Frankie got anal, Jinx did too and many others. Acting like Zone never did anal before. Azumanga girl flash was anal only. >> [_] Anon 2415156 >># This is probably the worst zone yet, right after the scanty & kneesocks one >> [_] Anon 2415158 >># worst is the bioshock one because her face was fucked up. this is the next worst because her face is once again fucked up and not sexy as noodle really look. the scanty one was hot >> [_] Anon 2415166 >># >sexy as noodle really look. All of the Gorillaz look dirty and sinister. It's the art style they're made in, Zone kept it true to the Gorillaz art rather than following rule34 sites that try to make her cuter than in the album art. >> [_] Anon 2415168 2D fans getting btfo >> [_] Anon 2415169 Music's good, ha! >> [_] Anon 2415179 now Id rather see dmx yelling about the hood than this SHIT every fucking day. well, it's close. wear the hood. wear the hood. WEAR THE FUCKIN HOOD OUT ! >> [_] Anon 2415207 >># illaz%29.full.754051.jpg That is hot. This flash is not. >> [_] Anon 2415313 >># >># >># You're a bunch of faggots. The Bioshock one was worst because of the face? Please show us exactly how good you are at animating and coloring and programming by yourself you fucking faggot. I think the Bioshock one is one of the best. >> [_] Anon 2415327 >># And your probably one of those fags who liked bioshock infinite despite it being a mediocre shooter with a babbys first jrpg plot.
File: noodle_loop.2.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] For a friend Anon 2412595 delete this idiot >> [_] Anon 2412608 Noodle is my waifu Thanks op >> [_] Anon 2412609 Well that was dissapointing >> [_] Anon 2412616 >># music sauce >> [_] Anon 2412618 >># A Zone Flash of decent quality? This is unheard of. >> [_] Anon 2412622 >># Apez - A red >> [_] Anon 2412625 >># Darude - Sandstorm >> [_] Anon 2412634 >># Gorillaz- Dare enjoy >> [_] Anon 2412665 I like zone stuff but honestly no wants to see this. >> [_] Anon 2412666 >># Yea, the guy is disgusting, and Noodles face is kinda meh in this. >> [_] Anon 2412677 Yeah, the only good thing about this is that it's anal. Zone at least knows that's where it's at. >> [_] Anon 2412678 >># If you're a fan of the Gorillaz then this is awesome anyway man I've totally had fantasies of Murdoc forcing me into his Winnebago >> [_] Anon 2412683 >># you probably play dota or something (shots fired) >> [_] Anon 2412687 >># >shots fired >>>/reddit/ >> [_] Anon 2412708 >># I'm a fan of them. This flash is pretty bad. >> [_] Anun 2412710 >># >> [_] Anon 2412720 >># >A Zone Flash of decent quality? This is unheard of. In every fucking Zone thread ever.
File: noodle_loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] ZONE Anon 2410560 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2410602 Thanks. >> [_] Anon 2410788 it kind of looks weird, she gave more detailed animation than the original artist >> [_] Anon 2410789 anyone else notice there arms phase through eachother? >> [_] Anon 2410808 oh god noodle you sexy bitch i promised myself i wouldn't jerk it to cartoon characters anymore >> [_] Anon 2410809 This is why we can't have nice things. >> [_] Anon 2410814 >tfw when you enjoyed the music more than the flash >> [_] Anon 2410824 No sir, I don't like it. Too hyper-real. >> [_] Anon 2410854 Needs to have more rythm with the music... it's noodles we are talkin' about here after all :P
File: noodle_loop.2.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2409158 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2409160 nothing like fucking noodle while her song plays in the background >> [_] Anon 2409204 well this makes my day, saved, i'm out. >> [_] Anon 2409250 I want to know why all these artists are making ugly ass faces in their loops now. >> [_] Anon 2409252 >># have you never seen gorillaz? thats how they look, literally. has nothing to do with zone >> [_] Anon 2409256 >># This. I love Noodles face, esp. in this though. I wish they wouldn't have chosen Murdock as the one fucking though. >> [_] Anon 2409260 I never seen this loop, when was it released? >> [_] Anon 2409261 >># I dunno, her face is kind of off >> [_] Anon 2409287 >># because her eyes are open >> [_] Anon 2409297 Well well well. Finally a good Zone release.. >> [_] Anon 2409301 i'm not sure how i feel about this... something about this rubs me the wrong way but not really sure what to pin point wether it's the that the song never gets to the good part, or her eyes are open, or that she has no belly button or that it had to be murdock. just don't know about this zone.. eugh. >> [_] Anon 2409305 >># Doesn't quite feel like what 'Noodle' should be >> [_] Anon 2409310 >># Do you know anything about decent r34 porn? Also, her face isn't THIS FUCKING UGLY She's also a lot flatter than this. Zone failed, stop defending a shitty flash >> [_] Anon 2409312 >># >no belly button It's robo Noodle. She'd be 3d but Zone can't into render. >> [_] Anon 2409329 >># >># This is phase 3 Noodle. Her eyes are open now and one of them is bruised, you just rarely see her behind the mask. She would have removed it at the end of the Rhinestone Eyes video, but you can see it in Plastic Beach promotional images too. She doesn't look much like she used to, but she was like 12 in phase 2. >> [_] Anon 2409342 She finishes him off by jerking him into her ass what the fuck I just instantly got a boner and started cumming right in that two seconds she actually held fucking still and helped him cum into her ass there is no greater expression of love than this >> [_] Anon 2409349 Why are his balls above his dick
File: noodle_loop.2.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai) [_] Noodle no f4r !HanakoDlmg 2407891 New zone, enjoy. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2407909 Any parked car, back alley or empty club during the wee hours in my town. >> [_] Anon 2407929 >noodle >open eyes what the fuck is this shit >> [_] Anon 2407972 daily reminder of talented artists wasting their time and energy on shitty characters >> [_] Anon 2407978 >># Plastic beach >> [_] Anon 2408001 >># >noodle >shitty U WOT M8 >> [_] Anon 2408008 Oh come on, even Noodle? >> [_] Anon 2408029 Her eyes makes this impossible to fap to for me. I've seen worse porn of Noodle that at least looked like her that I could fap to. IF this was supposed to be the cyborg, if Zone somehow made her in 3D I might have settled with it. >> [_] Anon 2408030 >># >implying you wouldn't noodle noodle >> [_] Anon 2408083 >># Do not sexualize the Noodle >> [_] Anon 2408090 >># >Implying Noodle didn't want the D in Dare. >Implying her robot didn't want the D 24/7 >> [_] SAGE ALL PORN FROM /f/ 2408095 >># Daily reminder that people who spent years learning to draw are wasting their time to do shitty and useless porn so pieces of shit from 4chan can masturbate and waste their lifes as well >> [_] Anon 2408102 >># If they enjoy it, then it's not a waste of time. Otherwise, everything anyone ever does for leisure is automatically a waste. >> [_] Anon 2408104 Zone should really stop wasting his time on loops, they wont be remembered or cared about a month after being made >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2408110 >># Funny, considering zones stuff from 2008 still gets posted here regularly. >> [_] Anon 2408112 >># Funny, because you missed the point entirely This is nothing but a loop, its pretty much a gif, its not a mini, its not a game, its not a parody. It's a waste of time >> [_] Anon 2408116 >># You think he rather make full animations? >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2408118 >># Then why are you wasting your time on a waste of time? >> [_] Anon 2408120 >># Just because no one else says something, doesnt mean its not worth saying But I know fanboys love living in their own circle jerk hug boxes >> [_] Anon 2408123 Wow, I was not expecting Gorillaz of all things >> [_] Anon 2408200 What if Jamie sees this? You can't let him see this or he might never do gorillaz again. >> [_] Anon 2408203 >># someone show this to him please do the world a favor >> [_] Anon 2408241 >># Where are the noodles? >> [_] Anon 2408270 Wow, the loop actually has a climax >> [_] Anon 2408275 >># This is better than some of his other recent stuff >> [_] Anon 2408286 2.swf_a.gif 2.swf_b.gif >> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 2408359 >That hair animation My dick is now diamonds >HANG ON >HANG ON >HANG ON >ITS DEEER Perhap's not
/ > /fap/ > Thread 5717 Age: 49.73d Health: 1% Posters: 9 Posts: 12 Replies: 10 Files: 3+2 >> Anon 13252 Noodle Zone noodle [IMG] noodle_loop.2.swf (7.22 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 161 frames, 24 fps (00:07). Ver24, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: >> fat boy 13253 Prepare for Nerds,Bronnies,Anon's incoming! just dont even bother commenting here, no one gives a shit about your opinions* xoxo >> Anon 13255 I am pleasantly surprised by this. >> fat boy 13256 >># >you mean this? [IMG]hos.jpg >> Anon 13258 isnt this the guys from that monkey song? >> Anon 13260 >># Why yes, yes it is. >> Anon 13261 Great upload OP btw. You're the hero we need! >> Anon 13262 this is the shittiest rendering of Noodle I have ever seen. >> Anon 13274 meh, can't even fap the biocock one was really elaborated, but this's only a loop anyway >> Anon 13283 Stop butthurting, I fapped to this so hard. >> fat boy 13306 >># thank you for sharing with us your loser thug life* >> Anon 13475 >holy shit did zone do a gorillaz loop? >HOLY SHIT ZONE DO A GORILLAZ LOOP [IMG]HHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNGGHHHH HHHH.jpg |