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This is resource FIBLTGE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/10 -2015 18:06:33

Ended:18/10 -2015 21:08:24

Checked:18/10 -2015 22:44:37

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 34.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:05:51 No.2930063

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:10:24 No.2930066

  is this real?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:15:30 No.2930070

  Yes, one hundred percent serious as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:18:39 No.2930073

  these people are fucking delusional.

  let the kids use their imagination.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:19:39 No.2930076

  That toy probably cost your friend a decent amount of money you ungrateful fuck. But real talk I
  had a friend I grew up with who's family was this. Needless to say we hung out at my house most
  of the time.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:19:40 No.2930077

  >implying jesus wasn't magic

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:20:41 No.2930078

  fucking this. at least you could give it back to the friend.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:22:56 No.2930081


>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:26:12 No.2930082

  funny part is the original versions of the Bible and the Tanakh actually taught magic for certain
  things, considering it a holy form of energy. Catholic church deemed it evil and such, then every
  other religion followed suit. Don't want people being all self empowered now would we. Second
  part that bugs me here is implying that Jehovah hates magic... first off, if Jehovah is God,
  supposedly he doesn't hate anything at all... so wtf

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:26:33 No.2930083

  jesus christ

>> [_] qtip 10/18/15(Sun)12:40:31 No.2930090

  This is some shit my grandma would tell me. She honest to God will not allow Harry Potter in her

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:41:25 No.2930091

  >Jehovah is God, supposedly he doesn't hate anything at all... so wtf
  He doesn't hate anyONE. Of course there are some things he hates, and sin is one of them. And
  magic is a sin.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)12:54:06 No.2930099


  good thing miracles don't count as magic anon

  for one thing we know that the clothes the apostles wore were capable of "miracles",like healing
  the sick simply due to the fact that they had been worn by sounds like what people do
  with sigils,but since it comes from "god",it's all k

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:15:18 No.2930108


  dubs thread?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:15:22 No.2930109

  goddamn way to fuck over your kids childhood with your religious bullshit. so glad my parents
  werent hardcore christian

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:19:22 No.2930112

  This. It wasn't "Magic", persay, that was verbotten, but particular sources of it.
  Transubstantiation, in and of itself, where the Priest elevates the Heavenly Host, and it
  literally becomes the body and blood of Christ, signifying the transmutation of the mundane into
  the divine, is a form of magic. They're okay with that. What they are NOT okay with, is magic
  that does not come from YHWH himself. And since the Priestly class is the only caste (allegedly)
  capable of using magic that originates from YWHW, that makes any other magic, by definition,
  heretical and vulgar, and thus from demonic sources.

  Twisted logic, but then the Bronze Age was a twisted time.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:29:38 No.2930116

  >This is some shit
  >honest to God
  You seem a little conflicted there, /f/riend.

  Scholarly. What the fuck are you even doing here? It's like St. Francis preaching to the sparrows.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:29:45 No.2930117

  strange enough,in the book of enoch we can see how the angels that descendedfrom heaven started
  to teach magic arts to humans and that too was forbiden even though "magic" that angels had a
  knowledge of was clearly from god since they had descended from heaven,where YHWH himself resides

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:31:14 No.2930119

  >american prods

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)13:54:43 No.2930126

  Even the scholarly like to get their kick on the imageboards from time to time, fellow Anon.
  Whether that be for lulz, or just as a general timesink, is irrelevant.

  that wasn;t enough...he had to go and create a whole other world full of creatures to worship him
  and convert to doing so.

  >"But he loves you, Anon..."

  Bullshit, the only concept that deity loves is the concept of himself and his own power, and all
  of his alleged actions circle back around to show it contrary to his claims.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:06:14 No.2930135

  oh shit, kicking up a notch with Kabbala :^)
  All I can add to this is

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:11:39 No.2930143

  Everyone in this thread should read Berserk. It's a good read pertaining to this topic.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:17:43 No.2930151

  Dub(le) Rainbow

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:18:33 No.2930152

  I'd fuck that milf

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:18:53 No.2930153

  holy shit

  the reincarnation of griffith the godhand through cascas' baby as humanborn was the first thing
  that came to mind

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:21:32 No.2930156

  Is any rule 34 for this ?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:22:39 No.2930157

  >Jews stealing childrens happiness

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:23:34 No.2930159

  >"You made mommy very happy"
  >*Pedophile Smile*
  What was this shit made in? Microsoft Connect?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:29:02 No.2930162

  You are truly doing God's work, anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:34:37 No.2930167

  No you wouldn't. Fact: JW's have no genitals. They are bad. Very baaaad. Makes Jehoover very sad.
  Do you want Jabloney to be sad with you?

  Of course. NO EXCEPTIONS, not even this.'s_Witnesses/1
  This one's on me, try a little harder next time.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:36:44 No.2930171


>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:42:27 No.2930179

  Im a christian, and I think that almost all Jahova's witnesses are false prophets

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)14:56:21 No.2930190

  spurdo spärlogk :DDDDDDD

>> [_] Anonymous 10/18/15(Sun)15:05:37 No.2930196

  Fuck off back to /r/atheism, edgelord.
Created: 18/10 -2015 18:06:33 Last modified: 18/10 -2015 22:44:49 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:10:54