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This is resource QYEK8KU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/10 -2015 18:50:16

Ended:25/10 -2015 23:02:21

Checked:25/10 -2015 23:11:05

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)13:47:53 No.2935547

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)14:07:35 No.2935552

  >mfw I immediately recognize this because I was a JW
  >mfw every "movie" they have (especially the ones geared to children) are like this

  The worst part about being a JW isn't the shunning, or the isolation from friends and family,
  it's sitting through their shitty movies that try to teach about God through "religi-tainment".

  [spoiler]Being a Catholic feels gud.[/spoiler]

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)14:19:05 No.2935557

  Yo fyi it's ALL a con job.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)14:21:49 No.2935558

  >>2935552 I bet Harry Potter wasn't part of your childhood

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)14:21:51 No.2935559

  Baby steps my friend. At least Catholics don't interrogate me when I skip the occasional mass.
  They also don't try and make me leave all my friends and family behind if they're not Catholic.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:01:57 No.2935574


>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:03:32 No.2935576

  Where's the /ss/?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:09:03 No.2935579

  is the name of the boy "K-lop" ??

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:10:08 No.2935580

  Dang Caleb, your mom's a manipulative bitch. I'm assuming that's why your dad isn't around. He
  probably left that crazy bitch.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:20:59 No.2935583


>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:29:29 No.2935589


  Caleb...would Jehovah want you to have that life saving blood transfusion and medical care?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)15:47:44 No.2935597

  Religi-nuts rejoice, all the implying they know what "god" wants. I mean if someone from a couple
  thousand years ago writes a book, their daily life, and the ways of interpreting, then the book
  splits getting conflicting interpretations over the years...
  What is something to live by, to imply they know what an all powerful being likes and dislikes.
  Even the very existence is questionable

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)16:28:01 No.2935610

  I like how Jehovah's bible is literally the same thing but with every instance of "God" replaced
  with "Jehovah".

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)16:55:44 No.2935622

  fucking this

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:01:25 No.2935625

  Poor little dude's gonna grow up a crazy person.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:11:07 No.2935632


  Is it really?

  Jesus at least Smith put some effort into his fan fiction.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:13:24 No.2935634

  I know right? It's a pretty elaborate book too. Honestly impressed by the skill it would have
  taken to write that shit at the age of 14.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:22:58 No.2935642


>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:23:53 No.2935643

  holy shit, my parents were like this.
  I wasn't allowed to watch or play with pokémon because they were satanic or something.
  Teletubbies were also from satan and since there was a spell book in the game Tibia I wasn't
  allowed to play that either.

  I swear because of my folks I'm pretty sure all of my "friends" thought I was autistic in
  elementary school.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:33:28 No.2935649

  I'm sure you meant "peers in name only" (PINOs)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:48:55 No.2935659

  >Teletubbies were also from satan
  By the looks of it I would believe that

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:49:14 No.2935660

  >You made mommy very happy ;^)

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:50:46 No.2935663

  Sparlock the warrior wizard is just ineffective stats, i mean c'mon, you are trying to play a
  Strength and a Intellect primary, in one character.
  He'd be better off as a spell sword, anyways

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:51:43 No.2935664

  You were probably better off without that last one honestly. And I'd totally believe the
  Teletubbies are demonic incarnate.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:57:30 No.2935670

  Well it came to my mom in a dream.
  In the dream she saw the teletubbies take their masks off and underneath there were demonic
  figures or something.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:57:41 No.2935671

  Well, at least we know caleb will be beaten up even more so at school the next day.

  "YO Caleb, where's the toy I lent you faggot!"

  "My mom made me put it in the trash cause of jehovah was unhappy with me playing with something

  "Woah, hang on, so now I can't get my toy back cause your mom and some guy which doesn't exist
  are unhappy, come here for your beating faggot!"

  Also, this >>2935576

>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)17:59:46 No.2935674


>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/15(Sun)18:00:21 No.2935676

  I feel this kind of rage overcoming my brain right now but I take solace in the fact that this is
  a cartoon.


  This guy gets it.
Created: 25/10 -2015 18:50:16 Last modified: 25/10 -2015 23:11:20 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:29:18