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This is resource ZE4QC9F, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/11 -2015 05:04:35
9.3 years ago.

Ended:17/12 -2015 22:57:07
9.2 years ago.

Checked:17/12 -2015 23:03:06
9.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

Muffet Fin.swf

There are 3 links ending with .swf in this thread (2 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

 / > /fap/ > Thread 8020

 Age: 46.73d   Health: 1%   Posters: 23   Posts: 32   Replies: 28   Files: 1+3

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)05:03 No.24972 OP P1

 Muffet (Undertale)

 Sorry, this is my first post here, but a dude on tumblr did this muffet porn flash, and I thought
 I'd share.

  Muffet Fin.swf (10.16 MiB)
 1000x1300, Compressed. 1438 frames, 24 fps (01:00).
 Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
 Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
 [find in archive]

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)05:57 No.24973 A P2R1

 You know I never expected Undertale to get mixed with Dragonforce. It actually works pretty well,
 too bad it cuts off mid-song.

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)06:28 No.24974 B P3R2

 Here's the full thing:

 There's several easter eggs associated with the tab menu, but If I were Boogie I wouldn't
 appreciate them all being outed immediately, so I won't post them; you can always run it through a
 swf decompiler if you're really curious. Try submitting "voice" as your essay answer.

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)06:31 No.24975 C P4R3

 Oh shit the spider waifu comes

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)09:11 No.24979 D P5R4


 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)09:36 No.24980 E P6R5

 Are there answers to the essay that don't just give you Nigel eventually?

 I've tried like 100 different words and 3 "correct" words like butt, tummy, etc. give you Nigel.
 Voice gives you Nigel right away. The word Nigel gives you Nigel coming at you instantly.

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)09:39 No.24981 E P7


 Decompiled and checked, it's only Nigel, it's Boogie's own stupid in-joke he puts in fucking

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)10:21 No.24983 B P8R6

 There are a couple but it's all just links to youtube videos. Run it through a decompiler if you

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)11:32 No.24984 F P9R7

 when you type in spider it doesn't let you press enter for some reason

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)13:34 No.24986 G P10R8

 original source please

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)13:52 No.24987 H P11R9

 I've tried and gotten Nigel from: vore, legs, boogie and toby so far.

 Surprised there was nothing for "Gaster" or "Flowey"

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)14:08 No.24989 F P12R10

 sane thing happens when you type muffet

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)20:29 No.24997 I P13R11

 Well guys, putting the word cum makes it say YOU GET A GOLD STAR!

 >> Anonymous 1nov2015(su)20:47 No.24998 J P14R12

 Boogie a Vriska fan?

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)03:25 No.25006 K P15R13

 There is a version out there where she has all of her limbs now.

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)05:37 No.25007 L P16R14

 link pls

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)07:51 No.25009 M P17R15

 Type in "nothing", get a gold star.

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)09:53 No.25014 N P18R16

 I don't get that Nigel 'joke' at all...

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)14:05 No.25016 O P19R17

 I don't think this has been mentioned before but this is how you cum
 >get a "gold star" by:
 >pressing tab
 >type in nothing
 >type in cum
 >you can literally type in a single space
 >confirm it, tab box goes away
 >press space while the tab bar isn't open
 ta da

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)14:20 No.25017 P P20R18

 Or you just press space no need to do all that crap.

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)14:21 No.25018 Q P21R19

 Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our flashes.
 'Specially since they're such good theme and all.

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)16:06 No.25021 I P22R20

 Is boogie the history eraser button or that guy who made 3 porn flashes of meloetta

 >> Anonymous 2nov2015(mo)16:09 No.25022 I P23

and putting the word dick makes the box say THIS IS A CHILDREN'S SHOW ASSHOLE

 >> Anonymous 3nov2015(tu)16:58 No.25057 R P24R21

 Both, actually.

 >> Anonymous 3nov2015(tu)18:24 No.25062 I P25R22

 >>25057 thanks a bunch Now thats why he is saying something about meloetta in this

 >> Anonymous 3nov2015(tu)23:06 No.25067 N P26R23

 same happens if you write 'ass'

 >> Anonymous 15nov2015(su)12:48 No.25356 S P27R24


 >> Anonymous 15nov2015(su)14:30 No.25357 T P28R25


 >> Anonymous 15nov2015(su)14:48 No.25360 T P29

 also, we better get an Undyne one. or at least a Toriel one.

 >> Anonymous 16nov2015(mo)20:05 No.25385 U P30R26


 >> Anonymous 17nov2015(tu)07:40 No.25389 Q P31R27

 Why ask for a link instead of a upload? We're on a flash board, you know.

 It's already on swfchan ( but if it wasn't a upload
 would have made sure it got archived...

 >> Anonymous 19nov2015(th)00:00 No.25412 V P32R28

 probably not gonna happen since boogie dabbles mainly in shortstacks

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Created: 1/11 -2015 05:04:35 Last modified: 17/12 -2015 23:25:52 Server time: 15/03 -2025 03:24:47