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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8712 Age: 29.19d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 6 Replies: 4 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 30036 [IMG] TheBoogie - Muffet.swf (10.16 MiB) 1000x1300, Compressed. 1438 frames, 24 fps (01:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 30438 fuking through the fire and flames after cum scene 10/10 >> Anon 30441 Song sauce: https://soundcloud.com/wendyfag/through- the-core-and-ruins >> Anon 30442 little easter egg: press tab, type in legs and press enter >> Anon 30451 Type BOOGIE, STOMACH, GUT, BELLY, VORE, LEGS, BULGE, LATEX, MUSIC, VOICE, SIZE, SHORT, DANCING, TOBY, NIGEL, or THORNBERRY for Nigel. Other commands, grouped together for what they do: 1. FUCK, SHIT, PISS, ASS, CUNT, DICK, COCK 2. MIDNA, TRISTANA 3. MELOME 4. FREAKAZOID, UNDYNE 5. PUPSPIDER, MUFFET, SPIDER, MULTIPLE, CHUCK NORRIS 6. SONG, DRAGONFORCE 7. TEM 8. SONIC, SANIC 9. (Typing anything else) 10. FUCK YOU >> Anon 30452 >># Whoops, uh... never mind all that. This is the wrong version. Those commands work for the one where Muffet has six arms.
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8020 Age: 46.73d Health: 1% Posters: 23 Posts: 32 Replies: 28 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 24972 Muffet (Undertale) Sorry, this is my first post here, but a dude on tumblr did this muffet porn flash, and I thought I'd share. [IMG] Muffet Fin.swf (10.16 MiB) 1000x1300, Compressed. 1438 frames, 24 fps (01:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 24973 You know I never expected Undertale to get mixed with Dragonforce. It actually works pretty well, too bad it cuts off mid-song. >> Anon 24974 >24973 Here's the full thing: https://soundcloud.com/wendyfag/through- the-core-and-ruins There's several easter eggs associated with the tab menu, but If I were Boogie I wouldn't appreciate them all being outed immediately, so I won't post them; you can always run it through a swf decompiler if you're really curious. Try submitting "voice" as your essay answer. >> Anon 24975 Oh shit the spider waifu comes >> Anon 24979 FINALLY GOOD PORN! ITS BEEN WEEKS SINCE THE LAST GOOD FLASH >> Anon 24980 Are there answers to the essay that don't just give you Nigel eventually? I've tried like 100 different words and 3 "correct" words like butt, tummy, etc. give you Nigel. Voice gives you Nigel right away. The word Nigel gives you Nigel coming at you instantly. >> Anon 24981 >># Decompiled and checked, it's only Nigel, it's Boogie's own stupid in-joke he puts in fucking everything. >> Anon 24983 >># There are a couple but it's all just links to youtube videos. Run it through a decompiler if you care. >> Anon 24984 when you type in spider it doesn't let you press enter for some reason >> Anon 24986 original source please >> Anon 24987 I've tried and gotten Nigel from: vore, legs, boogie and toby so far. Surprised there was nothing for "Gaster" or "Flowey" >> Anon 24989 >># sane thing happens when you type muffet >> Anon 24997 Well guys, putting the word cum makes it say YOU GET A GOLD STAR! >> Anon 24998 http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/kill ed-by-br8k-spider Boogie a Vriska fan? >> Anon 25006 There is a version out there where she has all of her limbs now. >> Anon 25007 >># link pls >> Anon 25009 Type in "nothing", get a gold star. >> Anon 25014 I don't get that Nigel 'joke' at all... >> Anon 25016 I don't think this has been mentioned before but this is how you cum >get a "gold star" by: >pressing tab >type in nothing >type in cum >you can literally type in a single space >confirm it, tab box goes away >press space while the tab bar isn't open ta da >> Anon 25017 >># Or you just press space no need to do all that crap. >> Anon 25018 >># Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our flashes. 'Specially since they're such good theme and all. >> Anon 25021 Is boogie the history eraser button or that guy who made 3 porn flashes of meloetta >> Anon 25022 and putting the word dick makes the box say THIS IS A CHILDREN'S SHOW ASSHOLE >> Anon 25057 >># Both, actually. >> Anon 25062 >># thanks a bunch Now thats why he is saying something about meloetta in this >> Anon 25067 >># same happens if you write 'ass' >> Anon 25356 >># https://static1.e621.net/data/99/d3/99d3 dbccafa84e0d8b5e0a7225d6ccf0.swf >> Anon 25357 >># aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAH FUUUUUUUUCK >> Anon 25360 also, we better get an Undyne one. or at least a Toriel one. >> Anon 25385 >># Agreed. >> Anon 25389 >># Why ask for a link instead of a upload? We're on a flash board, you know. It's already on swfchan (http://swfchan.com/37/180838/?Muffet+6. 2.swf) but if it wasn't a upload would have made sure it got archived... >> Anon 25412 >># probably not gonna happen since boogie dabbles mainly in shortstacks |