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This is resource TZFZ7PM, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/1 -2016 13:37:53

Ended:14/1 -2016 20:31:20

Checked:14/1 -2016 21:06:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Song That Might Play When You're A White Supremacist.swf-(9.89 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)07:36:25 No.2998796

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)10:46:25 No.2998855


  >help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me
  help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me
  help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me

  My fucking sides

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)10:53:28 No.2998859

  Don't post YT rips here, [s4s].

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)11:14:11 No.2998869

  song sauce?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)11:16:33 No.2998872


>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:14:34 No.2998927

  maybe you should keep it on youtube instead of posting it to /f/ - FLASH

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:16:40 No.2998929

  I'm not OP. I told him not to post them.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:21:01 No.2998930

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:21:42 No.2998931

  Better than Thursgay or 2hu.
  So, You know, there's that.
  I'll take anything over Forced Meme Tuesdays/Thursdays. This board has its own Cancer.
  > Inb4 lol Newfag
  I remember when flash was dead, but at least then it wasnt this shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:22:40 No.2998932

  >Better than Thursgay or 2hu.
  It isn't. Gtfo.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:26:47 No.2998934

  What substance is there to 2hu or Thursgay shit? Its not funny, Catchy, fun to listen to, its
  Loud, pointless, and Asinine. I wouldnt have an issue with it, except that there are only 30
  Slots on /f/, and more than half of them are these content-less, unfunny, waste-of-bandwidth
  tripefests you all seem to be so infatuated with. Fucking Faggots, the lot of you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:27:48 No.2998935

  Nice Maymay bruh

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:31:28 No.2998937

  >Its not funny, Catchy, fun to listen to, its Loud, pointless, and Asinine.
  >content-less, unfunny, waste-of-bandwidth tripefests
  That better fits these shitty YT rips.


>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:34:19 No.2998941

  I never defended YT Rips, I Simply stated I would much rather have them than the fucking garbage
  we've got. Were this board properly moderated we might actually get some content, since reposts
  of reposts of the same content (Thursgay and 2hu expressly) are forbidden.
  But Mods = Faggots.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:36:38 No.2998942

  >I never defended YT Rips, I Simply stated I would much rather have them than the fucking garbage
  we've got.
  In other words, yes, you did and you've got some shit, Reddit-tier opinions.

  >Were this board properly moderated we might actually get some content, since reposts of reposts
  of the same content (Thursgay and 2hu expressly) are forbidden.
  They haven't been for years.

  Get out newfag.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:42:34 No.2998945

  >In other words, yes, you did and you've got some shit, Reddit-tier opinions.
  Yes, I can certainly see where the logical progression based on comprehensive reading lead to
  what I said meaning something totally different. Also
  > Reddit-tier
  Kek, Nice Meme bro, Normies out AmIRight?
  You're showing just how new you are, Faggot.
  >They haven't been for years.
  You Clearly wouldn't know, Otherwise you'd remember "Just Howlin" and how well posting that
  content-less tripe over and over again got people b&.

  tl'dr: I respect your Opinion, but you're wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:50:00 No.2998946

  >Yes, I can certainly see where the logical progression based on comprehensive reading lead to
  what I said meaning something totally different.
  Believing that shitty YT rips are somehow different or better than Thursgay and 2hu is.

  >Kek, Nice Meme bro, Normies out AmIRight?
  Redditors aren't "normies", so no. You really do seem like you're from Reddit.

  >You're showing just how new you are, Faggot.
  You aren't rubber. This isn't how newfaggotry works.

  >You Clearly wouldn't know, Otherwise you'd remember "Just Howlin" and how well posting that
  content-less tripe over and over again got people b&.
  I know about that, but that's irrelevant. Posting the same flash everyday is allowed. The problem
  with Just Howlin was that it was constantly up.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)13:57:36 No.2998949

  >Believing that shitty YT rips are somehow different or better than Thursgay and 2hu is.
  It is Intrinsically Different, a YT rip is just a low Quality video posted to /f/, It can be
  anything, and frankly I prefer the Diversity of a shitty quality video to the other garbage
  options. In other words; No, YT rips are not okay, but If I have to chose between that and what
  we formerly discussed, Im going to pick a diversity of content every time.
  >Redditors aren't "normies", so no. You really do seem like you're from Reddit.
  Wew lad, I see you've got a Firm grip on those Straws.
  >You aren't rubber. This isn't how newfaggotry works.
  You're a prime example of how it Works, actually. I am beginning to wonder if this is b8.
  >I know about that, but that's irrelevant. Posting the same flash everyday is allowed. The
  problem with Just Howlin was that it was constantly up.
  I check /f/ at least once a day in my spare time, This Garbage IS always up, in some way shape or
  form. You can continue to lisp out "Itscch Differenth!!!" but the fact remains, you're bloody
  wrong m8.

  That said, It has been an Intelligent conversation at least.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)14:08:57 No.2998956

  >It is Intrinsically Different, a YT rip is just a low Quality video posted to /f/, It can be
  anything, and frankly I prefer the Diversity of a shitty quality video to the other garbage
  options. In other words; No, YT rips are not okay, but If I have to chose between that and what
  we formerly discussed, Im going to pick a diversity of content every time.
  Go find a chan where it isn't allowed then. You can ask here to enable flashes to be posted on
  /r9k/ (the only board where reposts aren't allowed). >>>/r9k/23675577 could apply to flashes.

  >You're a prime example of how it Works, actually. I am beginning to wonder if this is b8.
  Again, you aren't rubber.

  >I check /f/ at least once a day in my spare time, This Garbage IS always up, in some way shape
  or form. You can continue to lisp out "Itscch Differenth!!!" but the fact remains, you're bloody
  wrong m8.
  Yeah, that's on you. I don't think you understand why Just Howlin was different. Just Howlin, the
  same exact flash, was able to be up 100% of the time, i.e. Zero breaks. You can't do that now.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)14:12:18 No.2998959

  I can see we just have Two different Opinions, but thanks for the Idea. It sounds better than
  what We have to put up with here. I simply remember when /f/ had content, and now It's... this.
  Just Awful.

  > Yeah, that's on you. I don't think you understand why Just Howlin was different.
  For the purposes of my Argument, the point I was making is that Just Howlin was always up, and
  some form of this garbage is always up, and so something that is basically no content, and that
  everyone has seen a billion times is always up. In that way, 2hu/Thursgay and Just Howlin are
  Exactly the Same.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)14:15:30 No.2998961

  >Exactly the Same.
  I think you mean virtually. If you do, I get it. But /f/ isn't /r9k/ for flashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)14:17:56 No.2998962

  >Let's continue shitposting even though it's fruitless

  Obviously the one guy on here getting mad over Thursgays has some closet gay issues.
  >Minority vs majority battle.
  He's either a newfag, baiting or on his blue period.
  Just ignore him.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/16(Thu)14:30:13 No.2998965

  Very memery and catchy.
Created: 14/1 -2016 13:37:53 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 07:39:59 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:43:18