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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8. Discovered flash files: 1 File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] all those people that you know Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)03:39:22 No.3038337 okay. i accept that /f/ is well and truly in the shitter and it's never going to be as good as it once was. so i'm going to give in and shitpost along with the rest of you. "The dead dog floats with the stream." - crowley Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)05:01:01 No.3038363 I like it. Its weird. >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)06:33:31 No.3038387 >HURRDURR /[INSERTBOARD]/ USED TO BE GOOD BUT NOW ITS A SHITHOLE SO GUESS ILL JUST SHITPOST >imblying >> [_] cat 03/09/16(Wed)08:20:50 No.3038409 >>3038337 what is /f/ if not shit posting what is 4chan if not shit posting what is internet if not shit posting what are you, a wikipedia mod? >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)09:26:48 No.3038435 Modest Mouse did the song. That was confusing, this song is my alarm on my phone. >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)09:38:58 No.3038450 you're a fagget you should leave >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)09:40:41 No.3038452 >>3038337 /f/ has always been shit you fukin fagit go and eat your mum's fishy pussy you fukin cat >> [_] Anonymous 03/09/16(Wed)10:49:17 No.3038489 I've seen many people both older and newer than I express the belief that 4chan or a specific board was once great and is now crap. Maybe 4chan was once amazing and is continually decreasing in quality, but I think it's all just memory bias. Something like a confirmation bias or fading affect bias. Isn't there a bias of believing rare but memorable events were more common? I can't find it in the list of memory biases on wiki. But I'm hella tired and I might be misreading. There has always been good stuff on 4chan but it's always been rare, and I think the future will hold the same. |