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Threads (12):
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] Anon 3431838 *laughs evilly* Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3431888 >># that's incredibly satisfying movement though >> [_] Anon 3431911 >># holy shit
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] All Those People that you Know Anon 3232620 is it wrong that this gets me wet? >> [_] Anon 3232621 >># It gets me wet, too. Wanna 69? No homo, tho. >> [_] Anon 3232622 >># Probably, but I'm not judging. Carry on. >> [_] Anon 3232630 >># this makes me sweat and get uncontrollably horny >> [_] Anon 3232696 interesting >> [_] Anon 3232727 >># modest mouse? thought everyone was bothered by them
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] All Those People that you Know Anon 3230531 ... i have no idea. >> [_] Anon 3230537 >># >... i have no idea. What did he mean by this?
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] I just clicked on every link in /f/ and they were all shit Anon 3093539 so why go against the trend? >> [_] Anon 3093560 I like this. >> [_] Anon 3093583 Humble rat's own: Satan is a wage slave
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, 900x700, Other) [_] all those people that you know Anon 3038337 okay. i accept that /f/ is well and truly in the shitter and it's never going to be as good as it once was. so i'm going to give in and shitpost along with the rest of you. "The dead dog floats with the stream." - crowley Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3038363 I like it. Its weird. >> [_] Anon 3038387 >HURRDURR /[INSERTBOARD]/ USED TO BE GOOD BUT NOW ITS A SHITHOLE SO GUESS ILL JUST SHITPOST >imblying >> [_] cat 3038409 >># what is /f/ if not shit posting what is 4chan if not shit posting what is internet if not shit posting what are you, a wikipedia mod? >> [_] Anon 3038435 Modest Mouse did the song. That was confusing, this song is my alarm on my phone. >> [_] Anon 3038450 you're a fagget you should leave >> [_] Anon 3038452 >># /f/ has always been shit you fukin fagit go and eat your mum's fishy pussy you fukin cat >> [_] Anon 3038489 I've seen many people both older and newer than I express the belief that 4chan or a specific board was once great and is now crap. Maybe 4chan was once amazing and is continually decreasing in quality, but I think it's all just memory bias. Something like a confirmation bias or fading affect bias. Isn't there a bias of believing rare but memorable events were more common? I can't find it in the list of memory biases on wiki. But I'm hella tired and I might be misreading. There has always been good stuff on 4chan but it's always been rare, and I think the future will hold the same.
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, Other) [_] Deathbysnuggle 1865856 >> [_] Anon 1865859 what >> [_] Anon 1865860 What the fuck is this. >> [_] Deathbysnuggle 1865865 fantastic is what it is, Grover is not pleased. >> [_] Anon 1865873 the devils workday from modest mouse. enjoy the sauced even if it was not asked for >> [_] Anon 1865924 I remember posting the original of this back I was working on it. >> [_] Anon 1865946 >># ever make any progress would be very interested. >> [_] Anon 1865958 >># okay. sauce on music pls >> [_] Anon 1865990 >># see this: >>#
File: allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf-(183 KB, Other) [_] All those people that you know Anon 1763625 I wish I knew what this was, aside from creepy. >> [_] Anon 1763679 The song is by Modest Mouse. I was their concert once, and yes. This song is very creepy-ish. >> [_] Anon 1763703 Fucking Wicked. >> [_] Lux Lighshield !cUvVHYa3YU 1763710 I wanna spike his head on the fence >> [_] Anon 1763789 Still have no idea what that dude is supposed to be >> [_] Anon 1763793 >># Looks like a strung out Grover from the Muppets.
File[omgwtf.swf] - (187 KB) [_] [L] Breakfast in your shorts Anon 1352445 o.O >> [_] Anon 1352453 ♫ All those people that you know ♪ ♬ All those people that you know ♫ >> [_] Anon 1352461 use the whole song faggot >> [_] Anon 1352466 First you love me for posting Ed, then you call me a fag. Make up your damn mind. XD >> [_] Anon 1352496 moar?
File[allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf] - (187 KB) [_] [?] THIS is nightmare fuel. Anon 1092699 In response to >>#.
File[allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf] - (187 KB) [_] [?] creepy Anon 1090106 >> [_] Anon 1090170 he reminds me of a sesame street character... >> [_] Anon 1090195 preemptive strike on song /r/ing, its called the devils workday by modest mouse >> [_] Anon 1090201 sup grover >> [_] Anon 1090209 Confirmed. Creepy. >> [_] Anon 1090211 >># I have a feeling that's the reason why this is so freaky. >> [_] Anon 1090367 reminds me of the flying monkeys from wizard of oz the way he jumps up and down >> [_] Anon 1090375 now i want to listen to some modest mouse
File :[allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf] - (187 KB) [_] [?] name of song? Anon 981480 I think its modest mouse but i'm not sure >> [_] Anon 981510 Modest Mouse - The Devil's Workday, off GNFPWLBN >> [_] Anon 981512 thanks >> [_] Anon 981515 Explain. What is that thing. How does the flash name relate? Just... what the fuck? Its old, I know, but still? >> [_] Anon 981519 >># Flash title is some lyrics from the full version of the song. Idk what the thing is but it's awesome. >> [_] Anon 981521 >># "All those people that you know" is a line of lyric from the song that this flash is inexplicably set to. Cool animation, but afaics there's no clear connection between the song and this bizarre muppet fellow. But why am I searching for reason on /f/? >> [_] Anon 981522 I can honestly say, that CD is worth the download. >> [_] Anon 981533 Jeezus christ, Grover got mean after that Elmo kid moved in on his turf.
File :[allthosepeoplethatyouknow.swf] - (187 KB) [_] [L] Anon 952749 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 952751 is that grover? >> [_] Anon 952754 Great song, great band... but what the hell is this? >> [_] Anon 952814 i dont know what this is but i think it's awesome! >> [_] Anon 952819 >># what band/song is it? >> [_] Anon 952826 >># Modest Mouse - Devil's Workday >> [_] Anon 952901 >># gonzo on acid. |