File: lastkingofscotland.swf-(9.9 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] I've sen worse, but holy fuck. Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)12:08:42 No.3042570
You be the judge.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)12:16:07 No.3042573
Anyone know a way to embed an mp4/webm video in a flash rather than using that shite codec?
Only barely made it under the limit this time.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:18:21 No.3042609
Yes, I agree. Posting political videos on /f/ is bait and should be treated as such.
Report and ignore.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:35:10 No.3042612
Having your citizens being able to shoot your citizens is good for your citizens.
This is the logic.
Ok. This is a coherent way to frame the debate.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:35:14 No.3042613
>inb4 this is anti-gun propaganda by making it look like gun owners are niggers
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:49:42 No.3042623
tl;dr: other countries are already mature enough to realize guns have no purpose, but america is
filled with manchildren who can't sleep without a loaded gun in the drawer of their night stand.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:56:58 No.3042624
I can't tell what side you favor, but "daddy government shouldn't let people have things that can
hurt people" is possibly the dumbest argument
espcially since gun homicide is such a tiny percentage of homicides which is a tiny tiny tiny
percentage of deaths
better to ban prescription drugs, cigaretts, alcohol, cars, and bodies of water
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)14:57:31 No.3042627
>In my ideal world, marksmanship is a hobby no one gets to enjoy unless a judge is hovering over
their shoulder to make sure that the shot is being made at a particular distance or in a
particular stance.
Please also say that games have no purpose so we can get some /v/egans in here.
>Also, guaranteed 347089124708932740987140987980981324.2 replies thread.
Also, also, I literally never see the argument of psychological profiling when it comes to gun
control ever. Seriously. Nor do I ever see it in regards to how we should hire police (hiring
someone who's not an actual deranged psychopath who just wants to shoot people).
I also enjoy but actually hate how folk see things like this as being a matter of simplicity like
it's a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no. I mean, hey, it's why the entire
world is using nuclear energy instead of petroleum, right? Right?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:04:49 No.3042633
>I literally never see the argument of psychological profiling when it comes to gun control ever.
That was used to institute a complete gun ban in new zealand.
The sheriff had to confirm that you are medically sound enough to posses a firearm, with a note
from a doctor. Of course this led to everyone being denied for some unspecified mental
disturbance regardless.
It's also harder than you'd think to figure out who's a dangerous lunatic beforehand, especially
with the amount of weirdos that exist. I don't think there's a notable gain compared to the cost
of doing that.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:13:43 No.3042637
>It's also harder than you'd think to figure out who's a dangerous lunatic beforehand, especially
with the amount of weirdos that exist.
That's unfortunately a problem I considered as I was writing that: people who go their entire
lives looking like normal folk while being completely defunct under the hood.
Maybe medical science needs to advance a bit more before such an implementation can be achieved
but regarding the gain, there honestly isn't one.
I guess it's just culturally ingrained in me that folk have the right to possess a firearm and
I'm just naive enough to constantly forget that while I may not kill someone with it, others
would. Which I guess is why I'd want to push for guns "being in the right hands" as opposed to
otherwise. But even then, if Humans were the ones doing the evaluations, there'd surely be some
biases and then we'd have yet another "discrimination against blacks" problem because that would
most certainly be a thing in Texas.
So, here I sit, sighing defeatedly at the incompetence of a species which understands not the
idea of peace. Dammit.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:15:50 No.3042639
Addendum: I do think that a world totally devoid of guns would be okay but paradoxically, such a
world where everyone agrees to give up their guns for the sake of peace is also a world where
it's safe to let people have guns because they understand the stupidity involved in killing
eachother. Problems without solutions.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:16:47 No.3042640
>guns have no purpose
how about self defense, you retarded faggot
Europeans sure love to act superior to Americans, but this is one regard where they're are
completely retarded, and so spoiled from living in a safe little white neighbor that they have no
idea what it's like for the rest of us who have to live with niggers and spics
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:19:01 No.3042642
>I do think that a world totally devoid of guns would be okay
I disagree.
I'd rather not have to worry about a 200 pound gorilla having free reign to fuck weaker people up.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:25:28 No.3042643
imo I think having a gun is cool, but it does more bad than good
you can't really protect yourself from a gun with a gun
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:28:13 No.3042644
I'm honestly glad there aren't any laws against body armor. That would be complete bullshit.
>tfw no rich police-state protester has started handing out bullet-proof vests to people in
protest of police shootings.
Imagine just how embarrassing it'd be for a cop if they shot someone with the intent to kill and
that person survived.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:30:45 No.3042645
>Imagine just how embarrassing it'd be for a cop if they shot someone with the intent to kill and
that person survived.
The vast majority of police shootings are good shootings.
Soft body armor probably woldn't save you if the cop knew what they were doing.
So, it would be embarrassing. and the cop would be dead.
>> [_] Bread 03/16/16(Wed)15:31:16 No.3042646
Lift more
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:41:41 No.3042657
Owning a gun only does more bad than good if you don't trust yourself enough to handle it
responsibly. Personally, I would rather own firearms and run the risk of getting shot by criminal
than not owning firearms and running the risk of getting stabbed by a criminal.
It's in my best interest to seek as much representation and power as I can. If I can come to a
mutual agreement with my countrymen by which we can all own firearms so we can all be certain
that our interests as a state governed people aren't neglected by the state, then I am more than
happy to oblige. Mass shootings account for a very very small portion of gun deaths in America.
They use these mass shootings to push a gun-control agenda because they know that they cannot
disarm the people who are doing the other 99.9% of gun violence whom are criminals.
Even if they did disarm these criminals, the violence they commit is not preventable by
disarmament. They will go back to using knives, knuckle dusters, explosives, or just smuggle guns
from other countries to kill their competition.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:46:37 No.3042662
In short, this.
>Europeans sure love to act superior to Americans
k lel
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)15:52:52 No.3042666
Just to play devil's advocate... Why can't you defend yourself with a gun against a gun?
If someone is going to preemptively attack you without your knowing, a gun will do a lot less
damage than someone with a knife. How is it any different?
If you ARE aware of the attacker, then you are at less of a disadvantage than if you both had
The skill gap for becoming proficient with a gun is a lot smaller than the skill gap for knife
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:01:23 No.3042667
Nice trips
In Sweden crime is low; especially if you consider all the Muslims we take in. I'd bet the most
likely reason for this is it's difficult getting armed.
If we're talking fights, rather than crime: I don't worry about getting in a fight and if I ever
were, the worst that could happen is I get my face punched in.
Why would I need a gun? If people have access to guns, everyone's suddenly armed, increasing the
lethality of fights.
People don't wear knives in Sweden, if we fight we use our fists. Correct me if I'm wrong but
that sounds 'quite' better than getting shot.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:02:25 No.3042669
Please ignore my faulty English, headache is killing me.
>> [_] John Moses Browning 03/16/16(Wed)16:21:30 No.3042679
It's not about shooting citizen, it's about how gun control leads to gun bans.
Do you agree with what Colin Noir said? Yes or no?
You can fucking hate guns, but thaaat wasn't the question at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:27:53 No.3042684
>If people have access to guns, everyone's suddenly armed
That's not what happens in real life. Not everyone is out to wreck cunts.
>increasing the lethality of fights.
Also not accurate.
>I don't worry about getting in a fight and if I ever were, the worst that could happen is I get
my face punched in.
that depends on the kind of fight. Getting robbed is not the same as getting into a heated drunk
argument and fighting, and an honourable fight among people with a thing to settle is like
I know swedes think about these things strangely (because language, probably) but the stats I've
seen on this don't line up with what you're saying. Specifically in places where it's made easier
to harry handguns. In Nevada, there were debates using "road-rage shootouts" as a point to keep
concealed carrying illegal for regular people. Th person who said that apologised a few years
later when nothing came of it though.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:29:28 No.3042685
Wait, there aren't? For some reason I've been living under the assumption that they've always
been. Someone probably gave me false information at some point.
So this whole gun safety/good guy with a gun debate is a bullshit false dichotomy? Why do we
never hear anyone on either side advocating bulletproof vests?
And where can I get one? Buying tips?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:31:47 No.3042686
True enough, but even in the United States fights rarely escalate into murder. Most of our murder
(around 60%) is committed by blacks who are only 20% of the population and are concentrated in
the south.
I wholeheartedly believe that violent crime stems from a cultural (and therefore ethnic)
predisposition to criminal behavior.
My state of Utah has about the same homicide rate as Sweden though we are ranked one of the most
liberal in terms of gun control and have one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the US.
As of 2012, there is 1 homocide for every 60,000 people which means there are about 1.6 homocides
for every 100,000 people which is lower than Sweden's figure of 2 according to wikipedia.
Just some food for thought. Our nation is larger than the whole of Europe and it seems unfair
that as Westerners who have been taught the importance of civil liberties and how firearms
protect these liberties are slowly being disarmed due to the actions of a few mass shooters.
If you've ever been to /pol/ you'll know the the US doesn't have a gun problem, we have a nigger
problem in the same way Sweden has a Muslim problem in relation to their high reports of rape.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:34:12 No.3042688
a country with unarmed civilians is ultimately a weak nation.
The more control the government has over its citizens the less rights they will have.
Once the citizens are disarmed the government can do pretty much whatever it wants with its
citizens without fear of a revolution.
After all with unarmed citizens its not the citizens' country anymore it belongs to their
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:38:27 No.3042691
>Why do we never hear anyone on either side advocating bulletproof vests?
There was a push for a federal ban on body armor in he US a while back. A lot of pro-gun people
came out against that.
>And where can I get one? Buying tips?
Decide if you want a plate carrier (hard steel armor) or kevlar (soft body armor) and search for
online stores selling them.
Neither are cheap, but you should be able to find reviews of most brands online. (for the plate
carrier, what matters is the plate you put into it)
If you want something to wear every day, you might be better off looking at getting a kevlar stab
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:38:31 No.3042692
I live in Mississippi. I can confirm 1-2 black people die in the black part of my town (or
ghetto) at least once a month, sometimes more.
and its rarely a gun. more likely to be from a knife.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)16:39:11 No.3042693
keep voting for the party of militarization who appeases you with a safety blanket
:^) "yes, you're safe. you're very safe."
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:17:41 No.3042709
"If we limit gun ownership people won't have guns!"
America is stupid.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:20:15 No.3042710
Reminder that this guy's whole argument is based on the idea of a "slippery slope," which is, by
definition, a logical fallacy.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:25:07 No.3042713
>"slippery slope," which is, by definition, a logical fallacy.
how so?
if you're standing on a dry slope when it rains the slope becomes slippery.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:31:07 No.3042714
Seriously though, guns shouldn't be banned. If someone is going to break the law, they're going
to illegally acquire a gun or any other weapon anyway. Even if guns stopped existing, they'll
just hit you with a baseball bat. Or a tree branch. Or any other thing that's lying around. This
is all about gaining as much control over other people as possible.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:31:35 No.3042715
I'm accustomed to wearing a weight vest already, so it doesn't have to be too light, but I would
like an everyday vest that's not overly restrictive or obtrusive. Any brands or protective
ratings I should know about?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:34:25 No.3042720
It ceases to be a slippery slope argument when there is historical context of it happening
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:34:56 No.3042721
The only thing to debate is:
"Can I use force to defend myself against an attack?"
If you say yes, you can't be for gun control.
If you say no, then how can you expect our society to be civilized.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:37:00 No.3042722
>espcially since gun homicide is such a tiny percentage of homicides
It's the weapon of choice 2/3rds of the time, with handguns being used more than any other.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:37:36 No.3042723
>there are no other forms of self defense!!!!!
don't be dense
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:39:08 No.3042726
What's the difference if I kill somebody in self defense using a knife or a gun? The victim
should be given the advantage over the attacker where possible.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:39:12 No.3042727
>If you say yes, you can't be for gun control.
Gun control doesn't necessarily mean BAN ALL GUNS EVER!
You can be pro-gun control while still thinking firearms like shotguns, rifles, hell even
handguns are okay.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:39:17 No.3042728
ar500 is a pretty popular rating. Can't think of any brands off the top of my head.
It'd be pretty odd to wear a steel plate everywhere though.
The point of the video is about whether or not there's an end goal of gun control.
He posits that there isn't anything reasonable.
They're stats for murder.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:40:46 No.3042729
History says that's what all forms of gun control lead to.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:42:54 No.3042732
the knife can't misfire, go off accidentally, or hit someone it isn't supposed to
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:43:41 No.3042733
>They're stats for murder.
>Not murder
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:44:35 No.3042735
not all homicide is murder matey.
One's a subset of the other.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:45:00 No.3042738
And you have to be trolling.
please tell me, what do you think a victim can do to defend themselves if their attacker has and
knows how to use a firearm?
not any of the other anons you'd commented to. i just want to know what you think.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:51:16 No.3042741
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:52:32 No.3042742
Slow your roll, in the UK, there are laws against body armor. In the US, there are some state
laws banning body armor for felons. Not pushing an agenda, but thought I should clarify that
regulations and restrictions do exist.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)17:57:09 No.3042744
Putting aside all these dumb arguments about safety or what not.
The question I would propose to you all is this.
If the majority of a country's citizens want access to guns shouldn't they be allowed them?
I mean I think gun rights and regulations should be voted on by the citizens.
I don't think the Government should have any say in the matter. The Governments of free countries
are supposed to be a tool of the people and if they want to change gun laws they should let the
people vote.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:04:22 No.3042751
>Scotland outlaws airsoft guns
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:08:01 No.3042753
If we ignore the Constitution, and imagine it was never written, gun laws ought to be decided on
a state-by-state basis, and not federally.
>> [_] bootymastre 03/16/16(Wed)18:20:38 No.3042765
I say keep the guns, Fuck em
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:23:43 No.3042767
>I don't worry about getting in a fight and if I ever were, the worst that could happen is I get
my face punched in.
on occasion when a fight is lost you are likely to get curb stomped, often fatal always brutal.
I'd just as soon avoid the entire altercation and often the mere presence of a gun deescalates
things cuz shit just got serious...
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:27:12 No.3042772
ar500 dot com plates alone run ~100 bux a full loadout vest ~200 ish still legal as of today but
they tried once already to make it illegal, get it now while you can
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:29:58 No.3042773
Everyone will say the US invaded Iraq for false reasons- whether oil, or lobbied by Israel/Saudi
Arabia, or just to destabilize an "enemy" region.
For whatever reason this has shown that a standing national army will fight against it's nation's
actual interests for special interest groups. Patriotism was initially the driving force behind
America's military, now it is the payoff from serving. You get free healthcare, training, you can
even earn a degree while in the military.
You don't even have to be an American citizen to join.
Multiple anti-Americans have joined and sabotaged it from within- Bergdahl, Al-Hassan, Manning,
Our military is increasingly mirroring Rome's, more a mercenary force than it is people serving
their nation.
An actual militia is made up of citizens with no profit motive. People who are risking their
lives for their beliefs and interests. If we destroy our citizens ability to maintain their
freedom then we are no longer a free society, Europe is not a model for freedom. For now they
have internal peace, but as their situation worsens both economically and demographically that
will change. There may be a time when they wish they had the firearms to throw off their
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:35:44 No.3042782
Haha I remember hearing that prior to gay marriage being legalized. Now I am hearing about
transsexuals getting their own bathrooms.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:42:50 No.3042793
Alot of men especially certain "types" of men are very uncivil and ape like and if you lose a
fight to them they'll have no problem kicking your head a bunch of times and giving you severe
brain damage or breaking an arm badly etc...
Fights unless you live in an area with only civil intelligent people will usually be quite
dangerous and life threatening.
Also for you Europeans.
When a pack of muzzies chases you down to beat your ass to a pulp wouldn't it be nice to have a
Nah... just let them cuck you, faggots.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:46:42 No.3042802
after the gun ban crime in scotland is at a 40 year low holy shit
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:49:33 No.3042807
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:52:09 No.3042808
I'm not an American and I'm very happy about the low amount of guns in Sweden but I don't think
USA should ban guns. It's just too late for that, the bed is made and you'll have to sleep in it.
Take away guns from people that respect the law now will only give an edge to those that don't.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:53:41 No.3042809
man, right in the feels. what happened to this world?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:55:30 No.3042810
Why are you happy?
Do you not trust your fellow Swedish people?
Do you think they are bad/uncivil people who would murder others or commit robberies?
That isn't the view I had of the Swedish people atleast prior to the Muslim tidal wave.
I thought Swedes are intelligent and civil men who I would fully trust to own a gun and not
misuse it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:58:26 No.3042815
>rest of the world is mature enough tee hee
>literally being genocided by their own government through forced immigration
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)18:59:20 No.3042816
>the number of recorded sex crimes has seen a rise of 12% since 2013
>A larger percentage increase was visible in cases of recorded rape - up 24%
>Sexual crimes have been on a generally upwards trend since 2008-09 and are now at the highest
level since 1971
luls, does anybody actually care about these numbers? more girls are just yelling rape because
they now think feminist rape is real rape (and some of those numbers are just being collected
but decrease in crime at the same time as numbers are collected better? damn that's impressive.
good to know that scotland is a nice country
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:00:22 No.3042818
>our women were mating with males before
>they are still mating with males now
>if we can't get laid its the fault of the new males!!!
Yeah... take off the racism glasses and you'll see how dumb you sound burger.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:00:49 No.3042820
I'm just happy to know that most criminals are armed with a knife instead of with a gun. Any
pussy can kill with a gun, it just isn't as likely with a knife.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:03:57 No.3042825
Most criminals don't actually want to murder though and if you're being attacked by a mob or a
small group of criminals having a gun is really a good defense.
I still think gun control laws should be decided by the people but anyway you seem like a nice
guy, have a good one.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:04:57 No.3042827
Bend over Swedish boy.
I will give you a taste of my weapon.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:08:22 No.3042829
That's also a thing, accidental murder happens a lot more often with a gun. Same with school
shootings and spirit-of-the-moment killings. Police is put more on the edge if they think the
criminal they are dealing with is likely to have a gun as well, another reason I'm happy with few
guns in Sweden.
You have a good evening as well mate, I'm off to bed soon. It's 8 past midnight.
Yeah, I'm fully aware of the muslim problem. There's not much I can do about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:10:57 No.3042832
>That's also a thing, accidental murder happens a lot more often with a gun.
Accidental murder doesn't exist.
There are stats suggesting that you're more likely to be injured if someone's threatening you
with a knife than a gun though.
firearms don't just "go off" even if you're a functional retard.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:11:11 No.3042833
I wasn't talking about Muslims. I just wanted to sex your blond butt.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:15:08 No.3042838
And the award for most retarded anti-gun answer goes to....
>Any pussy can kill with a gun, it just isn't as likely with a knife.
So, if you have an asshole with a gun breaking into your house, you'd rather stab him than have
your own gun and be done with it?
That is seriously the most autistic thing i've heard this year anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:17:22 No.3042839
Nah he was saying that the criminal would only have access to a knife.
Though honestly I think I would rather have a gun fight then a knife fight. Knife fights are
scary as fuck and make physical strength far more important.
Some young woman living alone is not gonna be able to fight off a knife guy criminal even if she
has a fucking Samurai sword.
For her having a gun and being practiced with it would be the only way for equal or superior
footing over the criminal.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:18:13 No.3042841
1) two people pointing their gun at each other at 5 meter distance in a stressful situation
2) two people pointing a knife at each other at 5 meter distance in a stressful situation
I would argue that it is much less likely for an accidental murder to happen in situation 1.
I see, I'm just tired... Actually I've got a headache Anon, let's do it tomorrow?
That have nothing to do with anything, don't be so defensive dude. I've said I think you should
keep your gun laws. I'd just be happy to know that if someone breaks into my house in Sweden he
will most likely not have a gun.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:21:52 No.3042844
You can't accidentally murder someone.
If you're the swede, 90% of this is you not fully understanding english.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:25:29 No.3042849
I see, so that's what you were getting at. You probably understand what I meant though so there
wasn't really a need to mark on words in the first place. But glad you cleared things up.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:27:00 No.3042853
>You probably understand what I meant though so there wasn't really a need to mark on words in
the first place.
I can guess what you mean, but even if I guessed right, I still think you're wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:28:12 No.3042856
Sorry sorry. its late for me too. and i was watching Trump make a mockery of the US again online.
I'm american
I took US law in college.
Just because.
I still don't understand half of the meaning behind most of our laws.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:28:30 No.3042857
please, just take 5 secs to type into google "define homicide."
actually no heres the definition.
"the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder."
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:28:43 No.3042859
anyone who has access to 3/4 and 1 inch water pipe can make a 12 gauge shotgun. anyone who has
access to 5/16 brake line can make a .22 zipgun. only fools think laws will stop a criminal
intent on mischief or that you need a machine shop to make a gun.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:28:59 No.3042861
doesn't he realize that he's fighting an uphill battle right from the get go because he's black?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:29:30 No.3042862
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:31:11 No.3042863
colin noir is on the side of right don't care what color he is
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:33:27 No.3042867
Did you get a slightly different result than I did?
here's mine:
Murder is pre-meditated homocide.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:33:38 No.3042868
>much less
whoops, that should say "much more"
yeah i get that since you wrote this before
>firearms don't just "go off" even if you're a functional retard.
but that's not true. someone pressured so much that his hands are shaking while holding the
trigger can very likely shoot someone just by being startled. or by falling over for that matter.
hell, ive seen a video of a baby fumbling with someones gun and pulling the trigger, shooting
some guy in the side.
im off to bed so no more replies from me, apologies for that and don't take offense by any of
this please. bottom line from me is that usa cant get rid of guns now, it's too late for that.
and besides, it's in the constitution anyway. those things shouldnt be taken lightly
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/16(Wed)19:34:51 No.3042872
>someone pressured so much that his hands are shaking while holding the trigger can very likely
shoot someone just by being startled.
Learn how modern firearms work.
you'd be amazed.