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This is resource W9CTU1D, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/3 -2016 07:57:46

Ended:6/6 -2016 11:05:50

Checked:6/6 -2016 11:12:25

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 109.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 8754

   Age: 80.13d   Health: 0%   Posters: 54   Posts: 109   Replies: 86   Files: 1+3

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)07:48 No.30235 OP P1

    Minus8 Pearl.swf (7.44 MiB)
   500x700, Compressed. 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
   Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)08:58 No.30236 A P2R1

   Ok this DEFINITELY needs a seeker version. Dayumm.

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)09:00 No.30237 A P3

   Also the nose should be moved a slight to the left.

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)10:24 No.30239 B P4R2

   Reskins,reskins as far as the eye can see my boy.
   Although,i was expecting this to be much worse,good job.

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)10:25 No.30240 C P5R3

   Aww... I was thinking about the little girl from Phoenix Wright... what a letdown.

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)17:25 No.30259 D P6R4

   Not bad. Could use a seeker version though

   >> Anonymous 11mar2016(fr)17:56 No.30261 E P7R5

   Fucking lol'd! Great work! Looks good. Femnazis need to see this.

   On the subject of Steven Universe, I heard they tried to sneak some lesbianism in it (just
   dancing) but the scene was cut away in UK. Of course the SJW were outraged. They are such
   hypocrites; everything needs to be censored to not be offensive but don't anyone dare to censor
   them. UK is just trying to make sure kids have a chance to grow up and be normal, like any
   responsible parent should. If the kid then actually want to break the norm in the teens it's up
   to him/her to make that decision.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)04:41 No.30293 F P8R6

   What the fucking shit are you even on about? Being gay is not a choice. Seeing gay people in
   your youth will not turn you into a gay adult, you fucking faggot.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)05:06 No.30296 G P9R7

   People can be conditioned to be gay. It happens to children who have two mothers/fathers. They
   lack a parent figure in these families that will cause them to crave that figure

   A boy growing up with two mothers will become gay.
   A girl growing up with two fathers will become gay.

   >> The guy who made this 12mar2016(sa)05:24 No.30299 H P10R8

   >seeker version
   What a that?

   I'm will be redoing this flash in the future, hopefully by the end of this week. I need a way to
   get rid of those fucking annoying lines. I have no experience in flash or drawing so it was a
   bitch to make, fun but a bitch. Any suggestions of what programs i should use? All i used was
   that free JEPEX decomplier to export and import .pngs and photoshop to edit them, it was a lot
   of trail and error.

   Honestly did not expect to see with in the top of the list.
   Glad some of you like it

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)08:17 No.30308 I P11R9

   You've gone full potato friendo.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)10:12 No.30312 J P12R10

   He isn't all wrong...
   Prostitutes/porn-stars mostly had no father figure as well.
   That's a well known fact in the industry.
   Obviously you can't generalize this. It doesn't happen to every single one, but it makes it more
   I can see this happen this way with gay couples as well. But since this is only allowed recently
   we have no data on this to prove or disprove it directly.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)14:14 No.30317 K P13R11

   >Being gay is not a choice
   Remember that when you bash a Pedophile or a Necrophiliac or a Rapist
   It's not a choice.
   Being fat isn't a choice either...

   We're in 2016, we don't have to own up to any responsibility for our own actions anymore.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)16:09 No.30320 L P14R12

   And now you're just intentionally being retarded.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)16:23 No.30321 K P15R13


   How does Homophilia differ from Pedophilia or Necrophilia then?
   "It's bad/sick/disgusting" isn't an argument, that's exactly what anti-gay people think about

   If Homophilia ISN'T a choice, neither are the others.
   If Necrophilia IS a choice, then so are the others.

   Nothing wrong with being gay, but stop the fucking "It wasn't my choice" excuses.
   Just own up to your choice.

   I chose to be Heterosexual.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)16:35 No.30322 M P16R14


   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)16:39 No.30323 K P17R15

   Am I being an inconvenience?

   "I have nothing to do with it it's my genes, there's really nothing I can do"
   Grow a pair of balls and a sense of self-worth.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)17:40 No.30324 N P18R16

   Yes, you just choose the stuff you are attracted to.

   I hope everybody gets this, if you have some sexual preference, IT'S YOUR CHOICE. It has nothing
   to do with genes. You can't be just attracted to boys or girls, you have being CONDITIONED to be
   attracted to either.


   So is being a fucking loser, as you can see in this thread. I hope all the politic talk adds to
   your fapping to animated pixels experience, be it male pixels or female pixels.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)17:45 No.30325 N P19

   If you guys want to talk about politics, why don't you do it with friends, foes, and families in
   real life, or in some dedicated political discussion sites?

   Do you expect anyone to take your opinion seriously in some animated drawn porn thread? Are you
   all fucking stupid?

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)17:55 No.30326 N P20

   The edit is decent. Anon 1 is right, a seeker ver. would do wonder, because the fucked silly
   face in the original and this one are the most enjoyable, but doesn't last long.

   The hair can use some rework, the rugged edge doesn't bind with the rest of dandy line work
   really well. She can lose that wand for a spear. Also, in all honesty, Pearl is a plank, she can
   drop some of them big boobs.

   But again very nice work, the flash works on SU is amazingly scarce, so anything, even beef
   curtain I would say, is a nice addition to the flash parodies.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)18:38 No.30330 K P21R17

   Cut me some slack I didn't choose to have this discussion on this Mongolian pottery forum.
   My genes forced me to do it.

   >> Anonymous 12mar2016(sa)21:19 No.30336 B P22R18

   Holy shit it turned into stupid town in here.

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)01:25 No.30340 O P23R19

   >turned into
   this isn't worse than the replies to the "color fixed" flashes earlier this month

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)13:31 No.30352 P P24R20


   this is nothing compared to Youtube comments, where morons hang out in common section, even
   worse shit like Tumblr or 4chan

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)17:31 No.30353 Q P25R21

   I was thinking of fixing this up and making it have a seekbar, but upon closer inspection I
   found that the guy who edited this replaced a bunch of vector shapes with shitty aliased bitmaps
   (which would explain some of the line problems and how this looks bad zoomed in). I ain't really
   in the mood to fix this unless someone knows how to get the color code from a bitmap fast and
   easy like #0000FF (blue).

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)18:52 No.30355 R P26

   This was gonna be a decent thread, but then someone had to start talking about
   homosexuality/pedophilia/niggers in a thread that has nothing to do with them. This kind of
   derailment is what I'd expect of a Youtube comment section, not a fucking Vietnamese comic book
   For fuck's sake, just shut the fuck up and fap you bunch of cunts.

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)19:08 No.30356 S P27R22

   shame really. But I guess SWFchan is reserved for trolls and retards.

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)19:52 No.30359 T P28R23

   >Out for 2.5 years, still no good swfs made
   I lol'd
   also this version is better than the original by a vast margin

   >> Anonymous 13mar2016(su)22:33 No.30372 H P29R24

   What are you using to make the seeker?

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)00:15 No.30373 U P30R25

   I would take the seekable version that is up right now, extract the internal SWF using
   flashbulb, change the assets through swfdecompiler, and reinsert that back into the original
   flash with flashbulb. That is how you edit the seeker version

   I might try doing to the pearl one here sometime later, but I only have paint (cant use because I don't have SP1) so I will have to use the RGB values. Kinda annoying cause I
   would have to extract each and every bitmap, then open them up in paint and then I would get the

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)02:23 No.30379 H P31R26

   I'm the retard that did that. Im redoing the flash and changing all the bitmaps into .svg files
   with vectors so they dont look so bad when the camera zooms in. Thanks for sharing the programs
   you use, only thing i used was JPEXS, and the reason i had to use .pngs because i didnt know

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)03:06 No.30381 U P32R27

   No problem. I was actually in the middle of editing the flash and changing parts I could into
   pearl. However I have no art skills, nor do I have any way to make vector art so i couldn't
   replace things like the hair and face (really all I can do is just color and delete things). I
   will wait on your revised flash before I continue working again (if you can't do the seeker

   As for how you can make the seeker version yourself, you can do the following.

   1, Grab and run Flashbulb
   2. grab
   3. open the flash in flashbulb
   4. A few entries should pop on the left side.
   5. Left click "1 DefineBinaryID...."
   6. There are two sets of little green buttons. We will only be using the ones of the left side.
   click on the big green triangle Pointing to the right/the center pane (if you hover your mouse
   over it, it should say "edit tag").
   7. On the center pane should say "internal swf file".
   8. Hit export. It will save the flash with the extention .bin Just rename it to .swf and it will
   play properly. The flash is about 16 megs
   9. You can edit this like the pearl flash you edited.
   10. Once you are done editing. Head back into flashbulb
   11. If you didn't leave it on, you need to repeat steps 1-7.
   12. This time hit import. Select your edited flash.
   13. Now this is important. Above the LEFT red X is a big green triangle pointing to the LEFT. on
   hover it should say "overwrite tag". Click this
   14. This is also important. Go to file->SAVE AS
   15. Save your new flash. I recommend you don't overwrite the old one in case you broke something.
   16. Run your new flash and it should work as long you didn't change frame numbers or anything
   like that.

   I hope that helps.

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)03:13 No.30382 U P33

   Forgot to mention, but I have found that at least one of the messed up lines in the flash is
   because there is a black outline on one of the clouds you replaced with a bitmap. If you either
   simply edit the color of the original,or make proper vector art, it should fix those line

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)05:34 No.30385 V P34R28

   There are a metric fuckton of loops in this.

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)14:37 No.30392 F P35R29

   I don't bash those people, personally. I think they have a very unfortunate sexual attraction in
   that they are attracted to things that can never give consent. Corpses and children cannot give

   >> Anonymous 14mar2016(mo)21:00 No.30399 W P36R30

   >Being gay is not a choice.

   If homosexuality is comparable to infertility, then it is a disability.
   If homosexuality is comparable to straight people engaging in oral sex, then it is a fetish.
   If homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, why do they have sex?
   If homosexuality is safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDs and literally tear apart each
   others’ sphincters?
   If homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them
   If homosexual “love” is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?
   If there is nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual
   society cease to exist beyond a single generation?

   Degenerates and liberals will take you on a wild chase through fallacious logic and appeals to
   emotion, but at the end of the day, the truth has always been our very first thought as children
   when we saw gays.


   Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error. Somewhere
   in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred. In what other situation is an
   error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today’s media? You may ask yourself
   how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to
   believe, can be indoctrinated. Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay
   skyrockets in the presence of gay “parents”?

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)04:21 No.30416 N P37R31


   homosexuality still not a choice

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)04:22 No.30417 N P38

   you might want to watch out a little and not make him feel too stupid

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)05:20 No.30418 X P39R32

   >it's a bigots bitch about homosexuality while ignoring the cool flash thread
   shiggy diggy doo

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)14:06 No.30424 Y P40R33

   If beeing gay would be a choice I'd be gay by now so I don't have to deal with woman and their
   Since it's not I'm stuck with the bullshit.

   >[...]Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay skyrockets in the presence of gay
   This MIGHT be true, but please show me any kind of statistic concerning this.
   The thing is: As of now there is no statistic for this, so we don't know if it's true or not.
   Further disscussions regarding this issue are simply pointless... yet every idiot here is
   posting his opinion on the matter as if it were an absolute truth.

   As a matter of fact: Sexuality is something you are either born with or something you 'learn'
   over the early years of your life.
   We don't know which of these it is. I think it might be a combination out of the two.
   But it definitely is not a choice.

   Same goes for Pedophiles and Necrophiles, but not for Rapists.
   That's an entirely different thing.

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)22:18 No.30432 Z P41R34

   >"People" actually believe that homophilia is not a mental disease

   >> Anonymous 15mar2016(tu)22:18 No.30433 Z P42

   >"People" actually believe that homophilia is not a mental disease/disorder

   >> Anonymous 16mar2016(we)06:33 No.30436 I P43R35

   Look at you, double posting like a noob. So adorable.

   >> Anonymous 17mar2016(th)03:29 No.30456 AA P44R36

   Look at you, double posting like a noob. So adorable.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)00:31 No.30474 AB P45R37

   Homosexuality isn't a choice, but it is fucking disgusting and wrong. Little kids shouldn't be
   exposed to that shit.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)00:50 No.30475 AC P46R38

   >monster tits on pearl

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)02:42 No.30480 Z P47R39

   Homosexuality is a choice because it has a cure.

   Saying that homosexuality is not a choice is like saying having syphilis is not a choice while
   there is a treatment for that (penicillin).

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)08:51 No.30485 AD P48R40

   >Homosexuality is a choice because it has a cure.

   Now you went full retard.
   Never go full retard.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)10:22 No.30487 Z P49R41

   Mental disorders can be treated.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)11:59 No.30489 AE P50R42


   >homosexuality is a disease

   By that logic, coming into contact with homosexual people would make you homosexual. It is
   obviously not a physical phenomenon.

   >homosexuality is a mental disorder

   This implies that those "suffering" from the homosexual "disorder" are to some level either in
   pain or at least experience a degree of discomfort, which is not the case. Your discomfort
   doesn't count, by the way, though the behavioral patterns and symptoms you exhibit would mark
   you down for a number of psychological disorders.

   >homosexuality has a cure

   It doesn't need a cure because it is not a disease. Again, to qualify as a disease, the source
   has to cause some level of discomfort, pain, or threaten life. It's right there in the word:

   >homosexuality is a choice

   How, then, do some members of the 120 odd (mostly mammal) other species choose to be homosexual?
   Analyzing your surroundings, rather than merely perceiving them, is a skill reserved for human
   beings. Making choices based on logic, rather than instinct, more so.

   >homosexuality is a choice because it has a cure

   Your reasoning is flawed to say the least. Even if it were true, according to your statement,
   influenza is also a choice because it has a cure. Headaches, you guessed it, are a choice. And
   cancer? Sure, that's a choice, too. It is well known that only people who want to get cancer
   actually get cancer.

   Homosexuality is not learned behavior, nor is there any existing data that would support this
   point of view. Your likes and dislikes, however, are for all intents and purposes facsimile of
   the environment you were raised in; i.e. learned behavior. Stating your personal tastes as fact
   does not make them so. Unless you can provide credible sources that support your statements,
   stop spouting nonsense.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)16:10 No.30495 K P51R43

   >By that logic, coming into contact with homosexual people would make you homosexual.
   It increases your likelihood, yes.
   (But you'll disregard that as anecdotal or unproven research)

   >This implies that those "suffering" from the homosexual "disorder" are to some level either in
   pain or at least experience a degree of discomfort, which is not the case.
   Mental discomfort and "suffering" is pretty common, according to gays.
   (But you'll disregard that as society's fault for not embracing gays enough)

   >It doesn't need a cure because it is not a disease.
   >the source has to cause some level of discomfort, pain, or threaten life.
   As above.

   >Analyzing your surroundings, rather than merely perceiving them, is a skill reserved for human
   That is currently and has been, up for debate for a lot of years now.
   Many mammals do that as an integral part of their daily life.
   (But you'll disregard with "citation needed")

   >according to your statement, influenza is also a choice because it has a cure.
   Not getting cured is a choice.
   (But you will disregard this as me attacking the strawman)

   >Homosexuality is not learned behavior, nor is there any existing data that would support this
   point of view.
   That means that children can't learn their sexuality from others, which in turn blows a gaping
   hole in the side of the "Kids can't give consent, because they don't understand sexuality" debate

   How can a person with a self-perception/self-understanding deemed low enough that they can't be
   given the "right" to control and understand their own bodies be gay if it isn't learned/taught

   And no...
   I'm not saying we should fuck children...

   >> sage 18mar2016(fr)16:48 No.30498 W P52


   Except you were proven wrong already, faggot.
   >there is no statistic
   Every study ever done.
   >Sexuality is something you are either born with or something you ‘learn’ over the early years
   of your life.
   Oh, so you even admit that you were lying when you said you were born with it.
   >We don’t know which of these it is.
   We know exactly which it is.
   >I think it might be a combination out of the two.
   Everyone on Earth is born straight but can be turned into a faggot, yes.
   >But it definitely is not a choice.
   It’s a choice, you worthless sack of illiterate shit.
   >Same goes for Pedophiles and Necrophiles, but not for Rapists. That’s an entirely different
   Now you’re just trolling.
   It’s a choice, you fucking retard.
   >By that logic, coming into contact with homosexual people would make you homosexual.
   Faggots are generally infected with toxoplasma gondii, so yeah, that’s a valid statement to make.
   >It is obviously not a physical phenomenon.
   >This implies that those "suffering" from the homosexual "disorder" are to some level either in
   pain or at least experience a degree of discomfort, which is not the case.
   73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those
   psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization.
   Source: Lief, H. Sexual Survey Number 4: Current Thinking on Homosexuality, Medical Aspects of
   Human Sexuality, 1977, pp. 110-11.
   Kill yourself, queer apologist.
   >It doesn’t need a cure
   So you admit there IS one.
   >because it is not a disease.
   It is definitionally a disease.
   >Again, to qualify as a disease, the source has to cause some level of discomfort, pain, or
   threaten life.
   Guess what faggotry does.
   >members of the 120 odd (mostly mammal) other species choose to be homosexual?
   Because they’re not faggots. That they engage in faggoty behavior isn’t the same as human
   faggotry. Animal faggotry is done as a display of dominance. There are no faggot couples. There
   are no faggot partners. There are no faggot pairings. BECAUSE THAT MEANS THE END OF THE FUCKING
   GENETIC LINE. There are ZERO faggot animals that don’t then go and impregnate females.
   >Analyzing your surroundings, rather than merely perceiving them, is a skill reserved for human
   beings. Making choices based on logic, rather than instinct, more so.
   And yet you think that faggots are okay, despite claiming that humans are MORE than just their
   >Homosexuality is not learned behavior
   Explicitly proven to be learned.
   >nor is there any existing data that would support this point of view.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)19:15 No.30502 AD P53R44

   Holy fuck! So much bullshit in this wall of text...
   I'll just pick the most obvious bullshit adressed at me and leave it at it.

   >Oh, so you even admit that you were lying when you said you were born with it.
   I'm not the same poster. Or you read me wrong. I don't really care which.
   >Everyone on Earth is born straight but can be turned into a faggot, yes.
   Actually it's proven that the latest boy born in a big family is more likely to be gay because
   of antibodies released during pregnancy.
   The more boys the mother had before, the more likely it is he'll be gay because of this.
   In other words: It's hormones. Since you can't control your hormones, it's not a choice...
   >That they engage in faggoty behavior isn’t the same as human faggotry. Animal faggotry is done
   as a display of dominance. There are no faggot couples.
   There ARE gay animal couples, most prominent storks and penguins.

   The only valuable thing you posted was the statistic jpg.
   I honestly didn't know something like that was done.
   Everything else you wrote was simply homophobe bullcrap and insulting gibberish.

   >> Anonymous 18mar2016(fr)22:12 No.30503 AF P54R45


   Statistics are fun, particularly if you don't read up on the details. In the one you quote, the
   sample size entails 15.000 adults, 250 of whom reported that, at some point in their upbringing,
   they had one parent in a same-sex relationship. Suddenly, those percentages don't seem at all
   The creator of the study also has this to say:
   >People gay or straight should stick with their partners. I think the study provides evidence of

   Furthermore, if you believe you can counter my points with "hurr because I say so" and then do
   exactly that, you are more deranged than I initially assumed.

   >Current Thinking on Homosexuality

   pick one

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)03:32 No.30506 Z P55R46

   >Homosexuality is NOT a mental disorder

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)03:40 No.30507 AG P56R47

   Silly anon SJWs would have outraged anyway because of what the little I know about of this
   Tumblr infected cartoon and their reaction it would be that they'd rage over anything that
   doesn't support the idea of these gem characters being genderqueer or trannys or whatever the
   fuck which means cis lesbians are problematic to their cause and very triggering.

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)10:17 No.30520 AF P57R48


   Well, at the very least, you're being civil about it, so I don't feel like talking to a potato.

   >It increases your likelihood, yes.

   Again, based on the assumption that it is a disease. Which, in turn, would imply, that there is
   some kind of agent or pathogen enabling transmission. Also, if you state something as factual,
   you should have solid proof.

   >Mental discomfort and "suffering" is pretty common, according to gays.

   I was speaking of the discomfort as a direct result of homosexuality, which you believe is a
   disorder or disease (they are not synonyms, btw.) I was not alluding to the discomfort and
   suffering caused by social ostracism and stigmata; which, though related, is a different subject.

   >That is currently and has been, up for debate for a lot of years now.

   That is quite true, and it is also quite true that you've completely ignored the sentence that

   >Making choices based on logic, rather than instinct, more so.

   This statement refocuses the previous argument. I do believe that logic is not only reserved for
   but also invented by human beings. Though some mammal species analyze their surroundings to some
   degree, it is not clear whether this form of pattern recognition, retaining, and re-application
   is instinctual or not. Logic, as is the point here, is not born of instinctual behavior.

   >Yes. Not getting cured is a choice.

   The problem here is not a strawman fallacy but the application of circular logic. You assume
   homosexuality is a disease/diseases can be cured/receiving treatment is a choice (talk to me
   again if you ever suffer from a life-threatening disease about choice, but I digress)/hence
   homosexuality is a choice.
   You did not prove anything but rather worked around the burden of proof. And, I'll say it again,
   you have yet to conclusively prove that homosexuality is a disease. Moreover, I find it very
   interesting that you think becoming infected with influenza is a choice.

   >That means that children can't learn their sexuality from others [...]

   This is where it gets interesting. We can either assume that children are basically blanks that
   become infused with a copy of whichever environment is present during infant and later learning
   stages or that the general direction of their development is pre-ordained by their genetic
   imprint. The truth is likely found somewhere in the middle of the two extremes; some forms of
   behavior, particularly social adjustment, personal tastes, likes and dislikes, religious and
   political alignment ... the list goes on ... are certainly learned and taught through action or
   inaction, i.e. some areas will receive more attention than others (consider liberalism v.
   conservatism, for example.) Sexual alignment, if you will, and behavior are more difficult to
   teach, learn, and copy by and from parents due to the fact that, even in very liberal
   households, sexuality is often a topic of taboo and discomfort if it has to be discussed. Hence,
   the direct peers in your developmental group are a more likely
   source of sexual experience and experimenting than your antecedents. Think back to your
   highschool days and see if you cannot agree a little.
   Moreover, if we assume that sexual behavior is definitely learned, then, following that strain
   of logic, only children of same-sex parents would become homosexual, only children of
   pedophiliac parents would become pedophiles, and only children of necrophiliac parents would
   become necrophiles. There are, of course, magnitudes of difference there, and I do not wish to
   put all of them in the same basket, but they are sexual alignments, after all, as is
   If we assume that sexual behavior is learned through other sources, besides parents, modern
   forms of media come to mind. But, that would also entail that homosexuality is a modern
   phenomenon, which it is clearly not. It is merely discussed today to a greater extent than in
   the centuries prior.
   Developmentally speaking, the biggest source for learned and copied sexual behavior are the
   direct peers of a child. Consider for example how children "play house" or "play doctor." Those
   pastimes, if you will, are forms of exploration and confirmation vis-à-vis, though of course not
   exclusively, sexuality, nor is the first time you fingerbang a girl in highschool anything less
   or anything else. If we speak of sexuality, we should not disregard the strength of behavioral
   auto-replication, or learning by doing, if you will. After all, the process of analysis,
   comparison, experimentation, and re-evaluation seems to be at the core of human singularity,
   genetically even. So, in conclusion, keeping the points above in mind, sexuality is not exactly
   learned (in the sense of taught) behavior but rather auto-replicated through experimentation,
   observation, and re-affirmation (i.e. communicating sexual experiences to peers.)
   That last point is also one of the major issues leading to "sexual confusion" exploited by the
   people who promise a so-called "cure." The pressure to fit in is often greater than the freedom
   to express individuality (unless you were a jock, the feeling should be familiar,) and
   affirmation and confirmation by peers thusly a one-track experience.

   Now, it is still early in the morning, and I do hope I didn't ramble too much. My brain is still
   booting up in a sense, so forgive me if I digress at times.

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)14:21 No.30523 AH P58R49

   You seem to be quite educated in that field.
   I'm impressed, especially by the last paragraph you wrote.
   You don't happen to study psychology or magisterium, do you?

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)14:22 No.30524 AH P59

   ugh... my ip changed again...
   I'm anon Y and AD.

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)14:29 No.30526 K P60R50

   I can't seem to post my reply.
   I apologize in advance for any double/triple/quintupleposts I'll make.

   >> Anonymous 19mar2016(sa)23:27 No.30541 Z P61R51

   >since schizophrenia, Alzheimer, Parkinson has no pathogen then it means is not a mental disease

   Also homophilia enters in the definition of mental disorder.
   "A mental disorder, also called a mental illness, is a diagnosis of a behavioral or mental
   pattern that causes either suffering or a poor ability to function in ordinary life."

   Are you going to say that homophiles are mental sane and stable human beings?

   >> Anonymous 20mar2016(su)00:05 No.30542 AI P62R52

   Seriously, when did Tumblr take over this site? All of these whiny faggots in here crying
   because they got their gay feelings hurt. I bet you cucks also support Muslim immigration in

   >> Anonymous 20mar2016(su)08:53 No.30552 AJ P63R53

   >gay feelings
   >Muslim immigration
   You forgot to mention that we are also against populating mars and for the regulation of garden
   watering equipment...
   Seriously, what has one thing to do with the other?
   It's like saying you are a french vegan and therefore know kung-fu, it makes no sense whatsoever.

   Also the only ones whining here are the homophobe idiots with their circular 'hurr durr'
   arguments, mainly Anon W, and speaking about 'gay feelings' is childish at best.
   How you manage to throw cucks(?) and muslims in there baffles me.
   If you mean 'feminazis': These people are the worst and apparently actively trying to destroy
   I actually think most 'feminazis' should be thrown in jail for sedition.

   -I'm perfectly straight and I didn't choose to be that either.
   In fact I think beeing gay would be much easier, but I can't just snap my fingers and be gay,
   that's not how it works. Could it be because it's not a choice? No, impossible, that would clash
   with your world views.. get a grip, man.
   And just because I'm not gay doesn't mean I should look down on people who are. I can still
   treat gay people like any other human. What they do in private doesn't affect me at all.
   How sexually insecure do you need to be to attack these people just to feel better about

   -A quick search on 'cuck' makes me wish I didn't... weirdest shit I've seen in quite some time.
   Other people might call this a fetish... I think it's disgusting. However, that's just my
   opinion and I'm not pointing at people who do this. Why should I?
   And why would you use this as an insult? What is wrong with you?

   -A good chunk of mulsims doesn't want to be integrated and therefore should go fuck themselves.
   A lot of problems we have in europe comes from the difference in culture (not religion) between
   europeans and muslim immigrants.
   Politics refuses to do something about this because they don't want to appear as racists and,
   ironically, that's why right wing political partys gain so much votes. Politics was too far left
   for too long and now the population is simply fed up with this crap.
   Sadly politics these days only know extremes. Left or Right.

   Any other bullshit?

   >> Anonymous 20mar2016(su)12:54 No.30555 AK P64R54


   You are correct; they are mental disorders. Well, schizophrenia is, but more on that later.

   Disorder and disease are not synonyms. I have emphasized this.

   They are not synonyms for good reasons, a disease requires some sort of pathogen, agent, or
   physiological degredation causing distress, illness, or even death in the host as part of the
   pathogen's reproductive cycle (or the degeneration of tissue, naturally,) which is disruptive to
   the normal functioning of the host or host systems.

   Homophilia is not the same as homosexuality though the etymological roots might betray
   differently. Homophilia has Greek roots. Homo meaning "of one and the same" and philia "of
   brotherly love." One could say this is a case of composite tautology. The word homosexuality has
   both Greek and Latin roots: Homo as above and sexuality from Latin sexus, which means either
   male or female, or simply gender. In both cases, the etymological roots, linguistically, point
   to an attraction towards the same gender; however, today homophilia commonly refers to the
   attraction towards homosexuality or the attractiveness of the idea of homosexuality (among
   others; there are several groups, who prefer different definitions) whereas homosexuality means
   sexual orientation towards the same gender. So far to clear up any linguistic confusion.

   The DSM-5 lists neither homophilia nor homosexuality as a mental disorder. I believe the
   American Psychological Association, as one of the largest, if not the largest period,
   organizations in the field of psychology should have pretty good insight into the issue. That is
   not to say that they didn't come a long way as well. As a matter of fact, homosexuality had been
   included in the DSM until 1973. It goes to show that even persons of great learning are not
   warded from ignorance.

   Last but not least, your definition is flawed as it does not consider the source of functioning
   or distress, which is external rather than internal with respect to homosexuality. To use your
   examples, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, they are neurological dysfunctions caused by a
   degeneration of affected cerebral matter. The distress these horrific diseases cause is
   internal, and we--as an educated and empathetic society--try to help alleviate the pain of those
   suffering (Alzheimer's, contrary to popular believe, causes more than just memory loss, btw) so
   as not to add external pressures on top of the internal. In this case, psychological and
   physiological pain are the direct result of the disease affecting the brain (both matter and
   function) of affected individuals.
   [Notice how they are called diseases because they have neurological, i.e. physical, causes. I am
   reiterating this point just in case.]

   The distress or discomfort that emerges due to dealing with the bias, aggression, and stigmata
   generated and exhibited by certain parts of the population towards homosexual or homophiliac
   people is first external; and then--as a psychological extension in a system of positive
   reinforcement (i.e. "the more x, the more y")--internalized. Particularly, during critical
   developmental stages, such as puberty, the psychological ramifications can be great. Depending
   on the willpower, social adjustment, and support of and received by the individual in question,
   certain mental disorders (such as social anxiety disorders or depression) may--yes, that means
   perhaps they will, perhaps they won't--surface or resurface during (later) developmental stages
   (diagnostics during puberty are often more difficult due to the already present hormonal
   upheaval.) Again, the aforementioned is not a direct result of the sexual orientation (i.e.
   homosexuality as a state of being or as integral sexual
   identity) of the individual, but the outcome of societal, familial, religious, etc. pressures,
   ostracism, and hostility experienced during the critical stages--if they are experienced,
   naturally. A person, no matter the sexual orientation, who grows up in a stable environment is
   by magnitudes less likely to develop any sort of mental disorder (hereditary transmission of
   certain disorders notwithstanding, but that, as per usual, is a different subject.)
   In this regard, homosexual persons are no different from persons, who suffer through similar
   experiences due to their ethnicity, gender, intelligence, chromosomal disadvantages, body types,
   class and station, etc. Nor is the resulting distress in any way unique. To give but one
   example, a very affluent businessman, who loses his job, bank account, and house over night may
   consider suicide caused by the drastic psychological (and maybe even physiological) turbulence.


   Thank you. You would probably be surprised upon hearing that I have studied Anglistics or
   English Language and Literature (and failed to graduate rather spectacularly.) Psychology,
   psychological development, and basically the brain, however, have always been areas of
   fascination for me. Fortunately, any number of sources on any subject, today, are readily
   available at your fingertips. I could ramble on, but the wall of text is large enough as it is.

   >> Anonymous 20mar2016(su)18:10 No.30566 AL P65R55

   Personally, all I want is a recolour of the original so it's not a futa. (Removing the tits,
   Maybe keep pearl's tits small, too.

   >> Anonymous 20mar2016(su)18:51 No.30567 AL P66

   Can't we all just talk about Pearl's ass instead of all this fierce debate on homosexuality?

   >> Anonymous 21mar2016(mo)06:07 No.30585 Z P67R56

   I cannot concur with your opinion about how homophiliacs experience their mental distress by the
   exterior instead of the interior.

   >> Anonymous 21mar2016(mo)09:51 No.30592 AJ P68R57

   you are on the internet, on a flash board, and want to discuss the actual post?

   >> Anonymous 27mar2016(su)08:46 No.30847 AM P69R58

   But what if his... Penis... gets in the way?

   >> Anonymous 27mar2016(su)13:40 No.30853 AN P70R59

   >/pol/ shitting even here on /fap/

   Seriously, these fuckos are even worse, more annoying and more bigoted than SWJs.
   At least, SWJs stay on tumblr or whereelse they don't botter me.

   I don't find them preaching about 'muh morals, social degeneracy' in my fucking porn.

   >> Anonymous 28mar2016(mo)21:10 No.30890 AO P71R60

   Steven's PEEEEENIS

   >> Anonymous 28mar2016(mo)21:45 No.30893 AP P72R61

   >Actually it’s proven that the latest boy born in a big family is more likely to be gay because
   of antibodies released during pregnancy.
   Look at all those sources...
   >Since you can’t control your hormones, it’s not a choice...
   Holy shit, you’re a complete retard.
   I don’t fear faggots. I hate them. I insult them because they are mentally defective. Something
   isn’t gibberish because you don’t understand it. Try again.
   Have an actual argument, queerlover.
   >The DSM-5 lists neither homophilia nor homosexuality as a mental disorder. I believe the
   American Psychological Association, as one of the largest, if not the largest period,
   organizations in the field of psychology should have pretty good insight into the issue.
   2. The APA was threatened with the death of their family members if they didn’t remove faggotry
   from the list in the 1970s, you useless sack of historical illiteracy.

   DSM-I is the only medically valid book.

   >> Anonymous 29mar2016(tu)12:57 No.30918 I P73R62

   You must be tired moving those goalposts around so much.

   >> Anonymous 29mar2016(tu)18:43 No.30938 AP P74R63

   That’s my line, queer. You’ve yet to have an argument. I’ve blown you the fuck out every
   time you came up with something new.

   >> Anonymous 29mar2016(tu)19:23 No.30954 AJ P75R64


   >Look at all those sources...
   I don't really like this one because it shows a rather negative image of christians, who have
   absolutley nothing to do with the matter, in a ridiculous passive aggressive way, but it's the
   quickest I could find.

   >>Since you can’t control your hormones, it’s not a choice...
   >Holy shit, you’re a complete retard.
   Did you skip biology in class or didn't you go to school at all?
   The only way you can influence your hormones is by working out which will trigger an increased
   production of testosterone and that's pretty much it.
   If we want to be super nit-picky: You can increase the amount of adrenaline in your blood by
   putting yourself in danger...

   >I don’t fear faggots. I hate them. I insult them because they are mentally defective.
   Insult yourself then.

   We once thought the sun orbits the earth.
   But hey, just because it's old doesn't mean it' wrong, right?
   You better avoid taking the train as well.
   When locomotives were first developed renowned scientists said that the high speed (about 60
   km/h) would drain the air out of the cabins so everyone inside would suffocate.
   I think you had not enough oxygen as an embryo...
   The sample size was small and handpicked.
   If I go to a ghetto and make a statistic about wealth, suddenly 100% of the population is poor...
   I don't like you because you are an idiot.

   >The APA was threatened with the death of their family members if they didn’t remove faggotry
   from the list in the 1970s, you useless sack of historical illiteracy.
   Oh goody! Look at all these sources!
   Oh.. wait..

   You are literally the most stupid person I've ever had a conversation with.

   >> Anonymous 30mar2016(we)10:58 No.31004 I P76R65

   Listen here cumslut, I'm not even the guy you've been trying to argue with. I wouldn't waste my
   time trying to correct some retard on the internet that can't even notice the letters next to
   the post numbers that act as a pseudo ID for posters. Unless mine has changed for some reason,
   I've been "I".
   Furthermore, you haven't blown anything but a lot of hot air. But please, do keep thinking you
   have some sort of moral high ground. It helps show you for the subhuman scumbag you actually are.

   >> Anonymous 30mar2016(we)21:07 No.31021 AP P77

   If homosexuality is comparable to infertility, then it is a disability.
   If homosexuality is comparable to straight people engaging in oral sex, then it is a fetish.
   If homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, why do they have sex?
   If homosexuality is safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDs and literally tear apart each
   others’ sphincters?
   If homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them
   If homosexual “love” is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?
   If there is nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual
   society cease to exist beyond a single generation?

   Degenerates and liberals will take you on a wild chase through fallacious logic and appeals to
   emotion, but at the end of the day, the truth has always been our very first thought as children
   when we saw gays.


   Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error. Somewhere
   in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred. In what other situation is an
   error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today’s media? You may ask yourself
   how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to
   believe, can be indoctrinated. Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay
   skyrockets in the presence of gay “parents”?

   >Did you skip biology in class or didn’t you go to school at all?
   Either you can control your hormones and faggotry (and trannies) can be cured or you can’t
   control them and trannies don’t exist. Which is it, you fucking retard?

   >Insult yourself then.
   Sick burn, man. I am blown the fuck out now.

   >But hey, just because it’s old doesn’t mean it' wrong, right?

   >The sample size was small and handpicked.
   A study about faggots only studied faggots, which make up 0.8% of the population, and you’re
   surprised it’s a small study?

   >If I go to a ghetto and make a statistic about wealth, suddenly 100% of the population is
   If you’re specifically doing a study OF THE GHETTO, yeah, they probably are. You seem to miss
   the point of a study about faggots.

   >I don’t like you because you are an idiot.
   And yet you have zero evidence of this, as well as zero evidence to back your claim that queers
   are normal or acceptable.

   >> Anonymous 30mar2016(we)21:07 No.31022 AP P78R66

   Continued because of invisible character limit.

   >Oh.. wait..
   The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, also known as the DSM, is the official list of mental
   disorders to which all mental health professionals refer when diagnosing patient. The first
   version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopathic personality disturbance. In
   1968, the second version (DSM II) reclassified homosexuality as a sexual deviancy. Soon
   afterward, gay protesters began picketing at the APA's annual conventions, demanding that
   homosexuality be removed from the list completely. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous
   disturbances by gay activist, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from its next manual (DSM
   III). What followed was a swarm of outrage from psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with
   the decision and demanded that the issue be reconsidered.
   In 1974, a referendum was called and approximately 40% percent of the APA’s membership voted to
   put homosexuality back into the DSM. Since a majority was not achieved to reverse the decision,
   homosexuality remains omitted from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. To the LGBT
   community, this omission from the DSM was a logical move. They felt that, absent from any
   unbiased social-science research to prove that homosexuality is inherently pathological, the
   only thing that had been keeping homosexuality in the DSM was societal prejudice. However, many
   in the scientific community have criticized the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from the
   DSM, claiming its motives were more political than scientific.
   Dr. Ronald Bayer, author of the book Homosexuality and American Psychiatry, writes:
   “The entire process, from the first confrontation organized by gay demonstrators to the
   referendum demanded by the orthodox psychiatrists, seemed to violate the most basic expectations
   about how questions of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in sober discussion
   of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political controversy. The result was not a conclusion
   based on an approximation of the scientific truth as dictated by reason, but was instead an
   action demanded by the ideological temper of the times.”
   Along these same lines, a recent radio documentary on the subject of homosexuality revealed that
   the president-elect of the APA in 1973, Dr. John P. Speigel, was a “closeted homosexual with a
   very particular agenda.” Another of the reasons APA members were so quick to vote in favor of
   homosexuality’s removal from the DSM, according to Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, is that many in the
   psychiatric profession had “failed to identify, with certainty, the psychodynamic causes of
   homosexuality, and consequently to devise a reasonably successful treatment for it.” It should
   be noted that although the psychiatric profession as a whole has failed in treating homosexuals,
   there are still many psychotherapists who report great personal success in such treatment.
   While the medical profession in general has done much to advance our knowledge of human
   functioning, in some cases it seems that modern medicine seeks to recognize or diagnose only
   those problems that it believes it can remedy. I found this out a few years ago when I
   experienced an unexplained twitching in my eye. (The medical term is “blesphorospasm.”) I
   visited a general practitioner, two optometrists, an ophthalmologist, and a neurologist and
   underwent a thirteen-hundred-dollar MRI only to be told I had no problem. Although a few of the
   physicians were able to name my symptom, none could tell me, with certainty, what was causing
   it. It wasn't until I visited a doctor friend of my dad’s (whose alternative methods were not
   recognized as legitimate by my insurance company) that my problem was diagnosed and corrected.
   And, I might add, he charged me only forty-five dollars. Gordon Dalbey writes, “I am convinced
   that the American Psychiatric Society [sic] removed
   homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses simply because the psychiatrists were tired of
   failing in their human efforts to heal it.” He suggests that the reason much of secular
   psychiatry has failed in treating those with unwanted homosexual desires is that it has ignored
   the spiritual component of this process. Dalbey points out that homosexuality is something that
   “only the Father God can heal.”
   Another factor in the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list may have been the
   perception that there were not many homosexuals who desired therapy to change their orientation.
   This perception may have been fueled by the fact that ex-gays were not nearly as vocal in 1973
   as we are now. I take issue with the fact that the APA and many other professional organizations
   have moved far beyond just saying that homosexuality is not an illness, and instead are now
   saying that reorientation therapy could potentially “harm” someone tying to change from gay to
   straight. Groups like the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social
   Workers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have upset a large portion of their membership
   by rejecting the idea that homosexuals can change. In doing this, most of the major
   psychological associations have turned their backs on people like me. But there are still
   hundreds of mental health experts successfully
   treating homosexuals; they just aren't advertising it. This is because doing so could get them
   into trouble, if some gay activists have their way. There has been a move in the APA to make
   treatment of homosexuality a violation of professional conduct for a psychiatrist, even if it’s
   done at the patient's request.

   Drown yourself, you cocksucking queer.

   >I’m not even the guy you’ve been trying to argue with.
   So your argument–that you posted–didn’t exist, then.
   >Furthermore, you haven’t blown anything but a lot of hot air.
   This is the best argument I’ve ever seen a queer come up with.
   >But please, do keep thinking you have some sort of moral high ground.
   Definitionally am, and you’ve yet to show otherwise.
   >subhuman scumbag
   No, that’d be the queers.

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)00:00 No.31034 E P79R67

   What is going on in here?
   Why are there walls of texts that nobody will read everywhere?

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)02:47 No.31042 AQ P80R68

   literally nobody is going to read any of that shit. nobody gives a shit about your opinions and
   your perceived insights are worth less than actual garbage, which is something people pay for
   other people to take. the same applies to you as a "person". and also this flash, because why
   the fuck does Pearl have any tits or ass.

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)03:12 No.31045 M P81R69

   holy fuck the amount of intellectual dishonesty is staggering.
   If its a choice how about you go suck some cock, its just a choice right?

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)03:23 No.31046 Z P82R70

   >it is because it doesn't fit my narrative

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)08:35 No.31063 AR P83R71


   Why did you spend time typing this?

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)12:10 No.31064 AJ P84R72

   I love how you copy paste a whole article instead of linking to it and don't bother to give a
   source either.
   Not to mention that the article in question is written by Chad W.Thompson and I doubt that you
   actually looked him up.
   Books he wrote include "Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would" and "The Homophobia Stops Here".
   So basically the opposite of what you propagate here.

   In other words: Your giant wall of text there only shows, once again, how incredibly stupid you

   It's like arguing with people that say vaccines cause autism...

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)15:43 No.31068 M P85R73

   He also cites as DSM-I (1952) as the only medically valid book but then he doesnt realize that
   homosexuality was added to that book for political reasons.

   At the same time Hysteria (and specifically hysteria being a female only condition) was a
   (sexist) mental condition that wasn't removed until DSM-III (1980)

   Nobody now would argue that hysteria (which has been redefined into several other disorders) is
   a female only disorder yet this guy is clinging to an even older inaccurate book to make the
   claim that homosexuality is a disorder.

   Like holy shit dude he doesnt get that people get things wrong. Darwin got a buttfuck ton of
   things wrong with his first theory of evolution by netural selection and we improved on it.
   Nobody now is saying or propogating that his original theory is right.

   I dont get the hatred towards homosexuality and as long as the people who are homosexuals are
   doing their sexual activities with consent why should you give a fuck?

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)15:58 No.31069 AJ P86R74

   Didn't even see that one because of the wall of text

   >Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay skyrockets in the presence of gay
   Once again, no credible source.
   You are repeating yourself and even if you say/write it another 100 times it won't change how
   true or false it is.
   What matters are facts, not your personal opinion.

   >Either you can control your hormones and faggotry (and trannies) can be cured or you can’t
   control them and trannies don’t exist.
   You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
   Your body is producing hormones autonomously.
   At this point I can only assume that you are talking about artifically produced and dispensed
   hormones to make any sense out of this.
   They were never part of this discussion though.
   You still can't control your hormones by sheer force of will and this won't change.
   If you can do that: Use this power to grow yourself a brain.

   Did you even READ that? Apparently not.

   >A study about faggots only studied faggots, which make up 0.8% of the population, and you’re
   surprised it’s a small study?
   >You seem to miss the point of a study about faggots.
   I actually found the study you brought up here before without providing an actual source:
   In short, it says what another Anon said before:
   It's better for children if the parents stay married and don't separat, or in other words:
   It's better for children to grow up in an intact family. This has nothing to do with gender.
   Also children of gay parents suffered more from the social stigma (ergo: people like you) than
   the actual fact of having same sex parents.
   here's an excerpt:
   >though the findings reported herein may be explicable in part by a variety of forces uniquely
   problematic for child
   development in lesbian and gay families—including a lack of social support for parents, stress
   exposure resulting from per-
   sistent stigma, and modest or absent legal security for their parental and romantic relationship
   statuses—the empirical claim
   that no notable differences exist must go.
   They also mention how many studies done on the subject were "non-random, non-representative data
   often employing small samples that do not allow for gener-
   alization to the larger population of gay and lesbian families."

   >And yet you have zero evidence of this, as well as zero evidence to back your claim that queers
   are normal or acceptable.
   Good thing that I'm not in obligation to provide the evidence in this case.
   You've proven your lack of intelligence and inability to provide any sources for your claims
   yourself over and over again.
   And neither me nor you are in any position to say that homosexuals are 'normal' or not.
   That they are 'acceptable' however is coverd by basic human rights.

   Hating on people just because they are 'different' is the most stupid thing I can think of.

   >Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error.
   Dude, you are a perfect example for an error...
   Like I said: It's like arguing with people that say vaccines cause autism.
   No matter how much you contradict yourself and ignore sources and scientific facts: You'll still
   live in your own world were your bullshit is the truth.

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)16:01 No.31070 AJ P87

   >Nobody now would argue that hysteria (which has been redefined into several other disorders) is
   a female only disorder yet this guy is clinging to an even older inaccurate book to make the
   claim that homosexuality is a disorder.
   That's exaclty why I brought up the examples of "sun orbiting the earth" and "suffocating in
   trains due to speed".
   And he still doesn't get it.

   >> Anonymous 31mar2016(th)22:56 No.31083 Z P88R75

 >Implying fags don't deserve to die

   >> Anonymous 1apr2016(fr)00:55 No.31091 AS P89R76


   >> sage 4apr2016(mo)07:50 No.31235 AP P90


   >lol you’re dishonest because i say so
   >lol i don’t need an actual argument you’re just wrong
   >i said so that makes it true
   >why bother being correct?
   This is why you fail.
   >lol you quoted someone that makes you wrong
   >because i say so
   Faggots have the choice to stop and get treatment or be killed. End of story. Mental illness and
   the spread of disease are not acceptable.
   You’re thinking of DSM-II.
   >Like holy shit dude he doesn’t get that people get things wrong
   Says the person who says that faggots are normal, sane, and acceptable and can never ever be
   anything else but that.
   >Once again, no credible source.
   lol, kill yourself:
   >Your body is producing hormones autonomously.
   Which magically precludes the ability to change those hormones and their expression, of course.
   Oh, wait, no, you’re a fucking idiot.
   >It’s better for children if the parents stay married and don't separat, or in other words: It's
   better for children to grow up in an intact family. This has nothing to do with gender.
   And yet I proved the following
   1. faggots are statistically unfit to be parents
   2. mental illness precludes a person’s ability to raise a child
   3. it is legally child abuse under the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child for faggots to
   have children
   >Also children of gay parents suffered more from the social stigma
   So the fact that faggots sell their children into sexual slavery and mutilate their bodies
   doesn’t have any effect, huh. Great going.
   >Good thing that I’m not in obligation to provide the evidence in this case.
   You don’t seem to understand how arguments work, queerlover.
   >inability to provide any sources for your claims
   Anyone literate knows you’re lying.
   >Hating on people just because they are ‘different’ is the most stupid thing I can think of.
   I’ve proven that faggots are mentally ill, a threat to civilization, spread hundreds of
   diseases, rape and abuse children, and are incapable of operating in society.

   So yeah, not only will I continue hating them, they’re all going to be rounded up and killed in
   the VERY near future. Enjoy, queerlover!
   >ignore sources and scientific facts
   That’s my line. You’ve refuted zero of the facts I’ve posted.
   >lol he doesn’t get it because i say so lol
   >i can’t possibly be wrong about queers being normal lol ignore every statistic that proves
   otherwise those statistics are just wrong
   >HIV is a lie invented by the drug companies that’s the only explanation for why faggots have it
   more than sane people lol
   >i win now
   I’d also be fine with killing the people like you who support them.

   >> Anonymous 10apr2016(su)22:27 No.31475 AT P91R77

   Is it just me or the original is nowhere to be found

   >> Anonymous 11apr2016(mo)01:12 No.31479 I P92R78

   You are fucking insane.

   >> sage 12apr2016(tu)05:08 No.31525 AP P93


   Nah, you just have no argument and your feelings are hurt by facts you can’t explain away.
   Faggots are mentally defective and need to be executed.

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)02:58 No.32011 AU P94R79

   >Sage is a downvote
   Seems the only one needing to be executed here is this newfag

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)03:25 No.32013 K P95

   Sage is a statement, everybody here knows that it has no power on SWFchan.

   Also, you accuse someone else of being a newfag, while bumping a dead thread.
   Mission complete, now go back to eating your own shit, faggot.

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)03:32 No.32014 AV P96


   sage actually does have an effect on swfchan tho

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)04:25 No.32015 K P97

   It has the original effect of sage, which can be countered by 1 guy and a proxy.

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)04:43 No.32016 AV P98

actually thyme does that

sage does that but also hurts the thread's health, more if more people sage too

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)04:53 No.32017 K P99

   SWFchan explanation of Email fields:
   Thyme = It does nothing
   Sage = It does nothing
   Noko = We're too slow for this to be necessary.
   Etc. Etc. Etc.

   Sure the mechanics are there, but our userbase is retarded.
   This means that every Sage and Thyme is countered instantly = No reason to do it, other than as
   a statement.

   I.E my Sage does nothing at this point, I know, but I keep it anyway.

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)05:15 No.32020 AW P100R80

   The music used for anyone interested:

   Pascal And Pearce - Disko Biskit (Original Mix)

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)05:44 No.32021 M P101R81

   A sage wont bump a thread.

   >> Anonymous 22apr2016(fr)06:00 No.32022 K P102

   Stop, you're not being funny.

   >> sage 22apr2016(fr)15:40 No.32034 M P103



   Not bumping

   but remember, sage goes in all fields.

   >> sage 23apr2016(sa)09:10 No.32068 AP P104


   You can always tell the retards by the fact that they project their concept of “downvotes” onto

   >> Anonymous 30apr2016(sa)22:44 No.32345 AX P105R82

   When the fuck is OP going to upload the next one?

   >> OP 3may2016(tu)23:25 No.32514 H P106R83

   Nigga idk what to do next

   >> Anonymous 5may2016(th)20:27 No.32592 AY P107R84

   Why did I check to see why this flash had 80+ replies? You guys really are something...

   >> Anonymous 13may2016(fr)18:40 No.33003 AZ P108R85


   >> Anonymous 19may2016(th)03:22 No.33264 BA P109R86

   I thought the idea was:
   >Clean up white spots
   >Improve head
   >Shrink tits
Created: 11/3 -2016 07:57:46 Last modified: 6/6 -2016 11:12:37 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:06