File: SuikaDrinkingGame.swf-(7.76 MB, 720x540, Game)
[_] Anonymous 05/31/16(Tue)18:50:38 No.3090991
fuck i forgot it was tohuuo teusday
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 05/31/16(Tue)21:25:33 No.3091063
Had not expected piss at that ending. Was frustrating without proper English rules at the start,
but was fun once I got the hang of it.
600 pts
>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/16(Wed)00:01:01 No.3091126
What are the rules? I don't speak moon.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/16(Wed)00:18:12 No.3091135
At the start of the round you can put cards into hold which reduce how drunk you are.
Each card has an effect and a number, number is how drunk you get for drinking, effect im not
sure how to activate (They have a blue border when they activate) but they are:
Can: Kirin replaces 2 cards
Bottle: Trades a card
Mug: Gets to put one card into hold
Martini glass: Kirin loses 4 drunkness
You can click on a card in hold to pass a turn and gain a card
Basically click cards and make sure you don't max out your bar, make sure not to help the
opponent too much and then just wait until she self-destructs
>> [_] Anonymous 06/01/16(Wed)00:23:22 No.3091139
Playing some more and I think the card effects activate if the number is lower than what she