File: how2f v1.4b.swf-(1.08 MB, 1200x800, Loop)
[_] Suggestions for a sticky? stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)21:13:34 No.3098569
Hey /f/ I'm planning on making a sticky flash building off of this one, probably incorporating
the same style and graphics.
I'll probably include a page about days of the week, but I won't list any as "official" as you
can see in this one WTF Wednesday doesn't exist any more. My reasoning is that if it becomes
stickied, there should not be a lot of things in here to mark its age and make it inaccurate.
A few examples that highlight how old it is are as follows
email field, password field, Japanese link, text box for choosing the file, etc.
Also in that same vein it shouldn't say disregard the rules, because it will hopefully become a
I'd probably include a better and more correct description of what sage is and does, explain what
the "Marked for deletion (old)" means and how the timer system works exactly.
Any other suggestions such as songs to use, I might just use one that a flash from the 4chan
archive uses, and styling are all welcome.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)21:16:01 No.3098571
We should amend the rules to not be specifically anime as this rule isnt even enforced.
Also put something in about NOT replying to people who repost the same annoying flash every day.
>> [_] stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)21:23:20 No.3098578
>We should amend the rules to not be specifically anime as this rule isnt even enforced.
I wish we could, I guess the feedback page is the only answer there. If you want to start
something about removing that rule which is never enforced try starting a thread about it.
>Also put something in about NOT replying to people who repost the same annoying flash every day.
I see that as part of the beauty of /f/, you can find ones that are almost a decade old still
reposted regularly.
What about those flashes lowers the quality of the board in your opinion?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:04:07 No.3098587
having a sticky will greatly increase the flow of summer onto /f/.
>> [_] stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)22:10:58 No.3098592
In what way? I thought that having a flash like this one where the first page is how to find the
source on a flash would greatly decrease sauce requests, leaving only those people who couldn't
read or didn't open the sticky.
Are you saying a sticky would somehow make people who are not on /f/ more aware of /f/?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:27:00 No.3098602
Right now there is a bug(?) where you can't post over 9mb, it used to be the limit was 10mb.
So you might want to wait if you are going to post what the flash limit size is.
lol thats not how that works.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:29:57 No.3098604
>Right now there is a bug(?) where you can't post over 9mb, it used to be the limit was 10mb
It's fixed >>3098548
>> [_] stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)22:35:47 No.3098608
>So you might want to wait if you are going to post what the flash limit size is.
I'll wait anyway to more of these as my flash is in progress, since I haven't even started yet.
They will be important in convincing the people who read the feedback page that it truly deserves
to be a sticky for /f/, since /f/ to my knowledge has never had a permanent sticky.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:36:19 No.3098609
so it is, good
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:40:20 No.3098613
>Suiseiseki Sunday
Never ever again ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:42:52 No.3098617
Why do we need a sticky? Virtually no one new comes here, and those that do care enough to stay
already know the rules. Its not like having a sticky is going to decrease the amount of
newfaggotry anyways, since most of it is just blatant trolling or retards. It's a pretty fucking
stupid idea imo.
Maybe not summer, but it will definitely encourage more newfags to post. This place is pretty
much its own secret club, explaining the "rules" to newcomers will make them think they know all
the "ins" and just increase the amount of traffic while simultaneously decreasing the quality.
We'd just end up with more youtube rips and /b/ quality humor.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)22:43:06 No.3098618
No stickies. Stickies are stupid and have never helped anything.
Leave all the slots open for user upload.
>> [_] stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)23:14:16 No.3098632
>Stickies are stupid and have never helped anything.
I have been helped by some of the stickies, such as the /t/ one, it's helpful as an intro to
terminology and a few of the common legal issues around torrenting.
A sticky can't stop shitposting but it will help people who do want to learn. Think of all the
sauce requests like >>3098607. He could be trolling but it he's serious and nobody answers him
he'll be forced to ask again until someone teaches him to find the source or gives it to him.
>Leave all the slots open for user upload.
Hopefully if it is requested in the feedback for it to be near the board name or "[Start New
Thread]" link the people who implement that wouldn't just ignore the post and have it take up a
whole slot. If that isn't an option they could probably just increase the amount of slots open by
one so that the number doesn't change.
>Virtually no one new comes here
There's no way to prove that.
I see plenty of source requests even when it's not summer, so if some people do learn from the
sticky then that's better than if they never learn and continue to make requests.
How did you learn to find the source? I personally learned when someone else asked for the source
and they were answered with "resize the window." I probably would have looked at a sticky that is
at the top of every page eventually and wouldn't need to ask by proxy.
>but it will definitely encourage more newfags to post.
I don't see how you can't simultaneously say that there is virtually nobody new here while also
saying that they can somehow lower the quality of the board in a significant way.
>explaining the "rules" to newcomers will make them think they know all the "ins"
Good point, I'll include a more serious version of lurk moar, explaining the reasoning behind it.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:18:03 No.3098636
change the days of the week section I guess
also add /f/ tan
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:25:17 No.3098643
>you can't simultaneously say that there is virtually nobody new here while also saying that they
can somehow lower the quality of the board in a significant way.
You seem to have completely missed the literary prose of hyperbole. Also considering that every
"point" you made in attempt to defend your idea revolved around your lack of perception, I will
rephrase what i said for your convenience.
>There isn't a large enough flow of new people to justify a sticky
>Adding a sticky will only encourage newfags to stick around thinking they know enough when they
really don't
/f/ is a board where people come and if they care enough to want to be involved, they'll spend
the time to lurk and learn, like all of us have. People who don't are usually yelled off the
board. By adding a sticky like you want, you're pretty much giving a shortcut for newfags to post
low quality content while still sticking inside the guidelines enough to "justify" them sticking
around. You can't substitute years of lurking with a simple sticky, no matter how detailed you
make it, its just a recipe for disaster. Besides, do you really think anyone is actually going to
spend the time to read an entire essay on /f/ culture? Sure it might help a few, but overall, bad
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:31:13 No.3098649
I have been following /f for a couple of weeks and let me tell you this helps me understand the
terminology a ton. I rarely contribute that much but It does help when I actually understand some
of the stuff.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:35:56 No.3098651
That tie is going fucking nuts
Yes I realize its always been like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:36:07 No.3098652
That's great, but you can't really assume the average passerby will be as understanding and
willing to learn as you are. This is 4chan after all.
>> [_] stickyman 06/14/16(Tue)23:39:14 No.3098655
I think some people would read an essay on /f/ culture, not that many who are new though.
Why would I include a culture essay in the sticky? Culture becomes obsolete and outdated as shown
in this flash.
My idea for a sticky would be one that includes as little culture as possible, encourages lurking
and waiting before you post, details how to find the source of a flash and explains how the timer
works on /f/, since no other board has one that works quite like it.
What portion was most helpful, the trolling terminology page?
Do you think that I should replace that older depiction of anonymous with /f/-tan?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:39:17 No.3098656
Valid point, because now-a-days all people do is try to be "funny" and "troll" others instead of
contributing to a conversation or a board.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:41:30 No.3098659
Yes, the Troll terminology helps me know what to avoid and how to actually contribute.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:43:03 No.3098661
>Do you think that I should replace that older depiction of anonymous with /f/-tan?
I think you should
it's the offical tan of the board and would help garner for art for the tan. but I mean, that
doesn't really help out with the sticky a whole lot though.
on the plus side it would help distinguish /f/ apart from just being "interactive /b/"
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:45:54 No.3098663
Also please don't bring up thanks, doc. in the sticky.
Some things you just have to learn for yourself.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/14/16(Tue)23:51:44 No.3098665
"Culture" is a broad term for a collective society, stop playing semantics and reply to my actual
argument. I understand exactly what you are trying to do.
Besides, as anon just replied it was the page on culture that actually helped him the most.
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)00:45:47 No.3098706
Sorry, my response is taking a while to write up. I still value your feedback so if this thread
is deleted before either of our meaningful responses I'd continue reading and posting in the
4plebs ghost mode.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)00:52:35 No.3098714
Don't worry about it. I'm not entirely looking for response, more or less trying to explain the
faults in the idea of a sticky. Either way, I doubt either of us will change our minds.
Good luck with your project.
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)01:13:02 No.3098725
Right sorry. I meant to keep out specific mentions of culture. I don't want to mention things
like lolicatgirls or daily dose and have them be alive only because they are in the sticky.
As an example I would write about the life cycle of forced memes on /f/, that would cover
Kinishes, Takeo and yee, without actually mentioning their names.
>I understand exactly what you are trying to do.
Would you expand on that more? Text doesn't convey the tone, which can change the meaning
>/f/ is a board where people come and if they care enough to want to be involved, they'll spend
the time to lurk and learn, like all of us have. People who don't are usually yelled off the
Similarly this sticky would be a piece of information that can help people who are willing to
learn. Just like you can't learn everything about a board without viewing it in real time, you
can't learn everything from a sticky. I would try and present that aspect that the sticky can't
and won't teach the reader everything about /f/ culture; It's just a collection of general
information you might find from lurking. Everyone should know basic information such as how
useful swfchan is and how to save a flash. Since the sticky does not explain specific memes and
culture, newfags cannot pretend that they know anything that should have learned from lurking.
They will still subsequently be yelled off the board if they post something off.
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)01:22:31 No.3098730
>By adding a sticky like you want, you're pretty much giving a shortcut for newfags to post low
quality content while still sticking inside the guidelines enough to "justify" them sticking
Newfags and regulars alike post low quality content, just look at Real Sugar Baby.swf, I doubt
that a newfag posts it every single time. Adding a sticky won't change this.
>"justify" them sticking around.
With the sticky the newfags can find information about how to download a flash, find old ones in
archives, interspersed with guidelines and suggestions about what makes a quality post and to
lurk moar. If they use their knowledge to download a flash and upload it later, that's probably
in bad form. The newfag hopefully would learn from the response they generate from /f/ that what
they did was not in line with the culture. Perhaps the sticky should make it very clear about
waiting and understanding at least an aspect of the culture before posting new threads.
That's something I hadn't considered putting inside of this flash. We can generally agree that
most video rips should stay on youtube and similar generalizations like that should be reflected
in the sticky. Quality is more or less subjective, but there are similar scales that most people
on /f/ use. Take screamers for example, they don't scare most people and are generally low effort
video rips and as a result you don't see them very often. However this kind of sticky shouldn't
be a replacement for rules, since the community here more or less makes the rules; I've never
seen rule #1 enforced, and to say the sticky here would dictate absolutely what's in /f/'s
culture is preposterous.
>You can't substitute years of lurking with a simple sticky, no matter how detailed you make it,
No argument there, definitely will include a section about the importance of lurking. You can't
force people to lurk though and the newfags you do see posting for sauce probably wouldn't post
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)01:24:42 No.3098733
>its just a recipe for disaster.
I'm going to use this space to outline your argument as I understand it, correct anything wrong
>>Newfags will view a sticky as the complete guide to /f/ culture
>>with the knowledge of how to post things they will abuse it and won't assimilate into the
>>they will continually post low quality content as a result of not assimilating, thinking that
they understand completely the culture of /f/
>Besides, do you really think anyone is actually going to spend the time to read an entire essay
on /f/ culture?
I honestly would and here you are responding to one.
Thanks for (hopefully) reading and responding. I look forward to your input to the subsequent
iterations of the sticky. Your contributions will make it the best it could be.
Sometimes I wish that the character limit was larger.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)01:38:26 No.3098742
>WTF Wednesday
>no thursgay
shit flash as always
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)01:40:14 No.3098743
>I doubt either of us will change our minds.
I don't believe I've ever been in an online debate where someone actually changed their mind.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)01:45:23 No.3098746
I believe that this flash or something similar should be the sticky.
Newfags keep renaming flashes, and posting with the wrong tags.
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)01:45:48 No.3098747
It's old, not shit.
Take a look at the earliest version in the archive and it's posted at around 2011, this one was first posted in 2013 and hasn't ever been
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)01:56:41 No.3098753
Agreefully, it's old /f/. It needs to updated.
>Mongolian Mondays
Culture changes, oldfags must adapt, while keeping the old goodies like Touhou Tuesday.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)02:01:56 No.3098756
>Would you expand on that more?
To be more specific I understand the idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Create a quick
little crash guide on the inner workings of /f/ including post timers, archive, how to find
sauce, and possibly explanations of common lingo etc. I'm basically saying that you don't need to
explain what you are doing, just come up with reasons why it would help /f/ as a board.
> just look at Real Sugar Baby.swf, I doubt that a newfag posts it every single time. Adding a
sticky won't change this.
This is what I'm sort of talking about here. A sticky isn't going to stop people from posting
these flashes for the sake of trolling. But what I'm really getting at is the amount of
mainstream humor (youtube rips, /b/ tier humor, etc.) that making /f/ an accommodating place is
going to attract. I think that its the idea that most newcomers have no fucking clue how to use
/f/ is what helps keep trolling and etc to a minimum. As a comparison, most boards you can just
throw in a quick image and some trolly text and watch replies and buthurt fly in, here you
actually have to FIND a flash thats trolly, then figure out how the posting system works and by
then most trolls aren't going to spend that much effort to learn /f/ just to troll a few people
who actually use this board. A sticky just puts that information at their fingertips. (Including
the find a flash part if you included swfchan in the sticky)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)02:02:59 No.3098757
>The newfag hopefully would learn from the response they generate from /f/ that what they did was
not in line with the culture
Sure, but you did just admit that it would indeed add a bit of extra stress to the existing
community of having to put up with newfag mistakes as opposed to them being able to learn how to
post properly through lurking. You're sacrificing knowledge for accommodation, and accommodation
isnt always the best. Think about what happens when the board becomes more accommodating to
newfags, it allows for new people to become quickly involved in the community. Not a bad thing?
Well think about this: What happens when we get to a point when the newfags outnumber the
oldfags? There won't be anyone left to enforce civil behavior and you'll end up with whats
happened to pretty much every major board on this site. Not saying this is a guarantee, but a
sticky definitely makes it easier.
>since the community here more or less makes the rules
One of the reasons i would point out the futility of a sticky. Seeing as this community really
doesn't have much moderation, we're pretty free to build and create our own culture. A sticky
would do the opposite. Although it might not be intended as such, you're going to get people
screaming "READ THE STICKY NEWFAG" and acting like its the law of the land.
It looks as if you've gotten the gist of my argument. Its not so much of an opposition to a
sticky, but more of an opposition to being accommodation to newfags which I find to be
detrimental to a culture such as /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)02:04:10 No.3098758
>Similarly this sticky would be a piece of information that can help people who are willing to
I saved this for the end because it addresses my overall point. As i believe i have reiterated
several times now, I believe that especially with such a private, out of the way community like
/f/, its not beneficial to try and jumpstart newcomers into the group. People who truly want to
be a part will take the time to learn, and flashes such as this one will be reposted over time,
giving them insights into how /f/ works. But people who just want to quick and easy path into
jumping into a community aren't always the best ones to invite in. Additionally I'd say that a
guide also takes away some of the fun of actually learning to become a part of /f/'s culture and
community, that its more interesting and enjoyable to lurk and slowly catch on to filenames,
sauce finding techniques, and eventually become a full part of the community themselves.
>I honestly would and here you are responding to one.
Well, i doubt either of us can be considered the average internet user.
Although, I can understand the want for a sticky, to help deal with renaming, and other problems.
If anything, however, I would simply suggest a very small, and basic sticky that would include:
Rules (Don't rename, use tags, etc.)
How posting works (timer, post limit, archive, etc.)
Thats all. Doesnt need to be some huge thing, or even as big as this flash, tons of boards out
there have some pretty simple stickies that still explain what's necessary.
Character limit is a bitch
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/16(Wed)02:14:05 No.3098763
Anyways, I've put in my 2 cents. It's getting pretty late here and I have work tomorrow, so I'll
be going to bed. Although, if you still want to reply, I'll be sure to check the archive tomorrow
to read.
Best regards
>> [_] stickyman 06/15/16(Wed)02:15:23 No.3098764
Your clear cut and thought out responses have swayed me, maybe the reason nobody changes their
mind on online debates is that they never go on a long time.
I'm still making the flash, as a homage to this one, maybe it can be my essay that people will
A simple sticky is probably the way to go, use ^_^.swf and add Rules (Don't rename, use tags,
etc.), How posting works (timer, post limit, archive, etc.) as text overlaid on it.