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This is resource RGVW0EI, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/7 -2016 09:28:34

Ended:22/7 -2016 17:28:22

Checked:22/7 -2016 18:38:20

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obediance to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Hentai)
[_] [A][P][P][Y] [O][R] [S][A][D][?] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:18:37 No.3118845

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:29:17 No.3118852

  lol god isn't real but the kid doesn't know that

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:44:22 No.3118860

  >Throwing away something he was probably only borrowing

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:45:21 No.3118861


  Jehovah wills it

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:48:17 No.3118863

  >Dad used to be Jehova's witness
  >Wouldn't let me watch or talk about enjoying Harry Potter
  This cartoon is giving me memories I didn't need.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)03:59:29 No.3118867

  Harry Potter is shit though

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)04:06:01 No.3118868

  If more mothers were like her there would be less losers in the world

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)04:09:31 No.3118871


  so that's what happened to my fucking sparlock

>> [_] Anonenahmusk 07/22/16(Fri)04:18:12 No.3118874

  I mean you're not wrong

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)05:05:09 No.3118901

  Swear to jehova , the porn on /f gets weirder and weirder .

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)05:09:16 No.3118903


  I'm pretty sure I saw some rule 34 of this bitch one time.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)05:30:17 No.3118911

  Nah we just go for hard Sci-fi instead.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)05:50:20 No.3118915

  >God is real but the fedora keeps Him out because He has standards

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)07:38:24 No.3118933

  Mom and son incest?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)07:48:27 No.3118943

  There's a bunch more on paheal

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)08:02:26 No.3118945


  thanks mate

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)09:39:42 No.3118975

  Kids like wizards and video games, that's a fact of life. My greatest childhood friend and I used
  to obsess over Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon. Sure I turned out to be a loser, but that's because I
  attach myself to things and refuse to let go, and it's because I have autism. He isn't fucked in
  the brain and went on to become an air/heating technician with a wife and adopted kid.

  Normal kids either grow up to be productive members of society or drug addicts, and the latter
  isn't to be blamed on letting your kid play with wizard toys.

  This fictional mom, and real moms everywhere who practice the Jehova faith rob their children of
  a normal childhood by refusing to allows their children to play with the same toys, or watch the
  same shows as other kids, or hell, even celebrating their birthdays or allowing their kids to go
  to birthday parties, simply because 160 years some fuckwad said so, despite the fact that none of
  these moms probably even know who he is. I sure as hell don't know the guy, and I studied with
  them for nearly 2 years out of my house.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)09:59:55 No.3118978

  Can someone explain this shit to me?

  How does not playing with wizard action figures not make you a criminal.

  I can't follow the logic here.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)10:08:30 No.3118979

  Denying kids the latest craze makes it so they have nothing to talk about with their fellow class
  They become losers and>>3118868 has more people to talk to on /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)11:09:16 No.3118993

  >all the kids in his class like sparlock
  >everyone is a loser besides Jehovah kid.

  Thank god his mom saved him from being a loser, if only she had enough foresight to see that 7
  years that her kid's school was going to be on the local news and that her 9 mm pistol had some
  how went missing.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)11:21:52 No.3119005

  This isn't hentai.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/16(Fri)11:27:45 No.3119012

  Ayy, fellow autist lul.
Created: 22/7 -2016 09:28:34 Last modified: 22/7 -2016 18:38:23 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:23:32