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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 46. Discovered flash files: 1 File: anon_partyhard90.swf-(899 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Error: Specified thread does not exist. Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)19:35:08 No.3149938 I'm so tired of writing something and then having the thread 404 on me. This is a continuation of Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)19:36:28 No.3149939 here's what i was going to post when the thread 404'd >>3149806 >there may not be enough justification for increasing it wut, that's even more of a reason to increase it. means that we can afford the extra bandwidth since not that many are downloading the flashes. it's not like all flashes would be 20 MiB from then on also, plenty <5 MiB would still be posted. average swf size on any time on the board would probably be around 10 MiB. also 4chan serves flashes via CloudFlare so any bandwidth conserns are null and void to begin with >>3149807 >What do you want to post that 10MB just isn't enough? there are so many, classic animations (newground co-op compilations) and porn animations (several great new ones by zone) >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)19:45:06 No.3149944 I'll repeat the only three rules /f/ should have (on top of the Global rules): 1. Don't upload anything that violates copyright. 2. Don't upload redirectors or exploits (such as popup spawners). 3. All other flash content is allowed, including loli/shota, furry and guro. + increase upload limit to 20 MiB (no it won't increase the number of youtube rips, only make them get better quality that would be uploaded anyway) I've been here 9 years now and have been trying to increse file size limit several years now. Had given up but all this talk about rule changes made me worried that maybe some new mod will be brought in that doesnt understand how /f/ works (that the rules should be ignored like they have always been). These three rules I believe will preserve and protect /f/ like it has been. Unfortunately I can't monitor this thread but in all honesty I've lost hope for change for the better by now so it probably doesn't matter anyway. I've tried at least. Please check out the previous thread before adding your 50 cents so that shit doesn't get repeated. Here's a link to the post that spawned this whole thing: >>>/qa/677151 >hiroyuki ## Admin >I ruled to permit one thread par boards to talk about the board. I hope it'll change them better. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)19:52:58 No.3149951 >>3149944 These rules and that upload size would be awesome. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)19:55:02 No.3149952 >>3149938 Shoot I was busy typing >>3149947 and didn't notice this. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:02:04 No.3149958 >>3149944 I would word your 3rd rule less specifically - if you say explicitly that "loli is allowed", the board is likely to be overrun with loli. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:03:40 No.3149960 >>3149938 I'm still pretty against an [M] tag, for the reasons stated by the two (or more?) Anons in the earlier thread >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:03:42 No.3149961 >>3149958 How does "Anything else is allowed" work? >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:05:14 No.3149963 >>3149944 Yeah, I like this. 20mb limit / no exploits/copyright / otherwise let it rock >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:06:23 No.3149965 >>3149961 If you say "all else allowed" then loli that is posted will stay. If you say "all else allowed - this means loli" then loli not otherwise posted will be, since people who wouldn't have otherwise considered it will have it brought to mind. /b/-users, mostly. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:08:41 No.3149966 >>3149963 >>3149939 >>3149944 I'm not entirely convinced by the 20MB limit, i think it will encourage YT rips etc and I've never had a problem with it when posting. But it might be worth doing, or ideally trialling for a time and then deciding, if anyone cares that much about /f/. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:11:00 No.3149967 It's defiantly important to fix the captcha bug before increasing the limit so much, I don't know how long the timer is but I have a feeling it would be mostly pass users who could post at that upper limit. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:11:39 No.3149968 >>3149944 >20 MiB oh boy I can't wait to watch whole episodes of some weebshit animu in equally shit quality I mean c'mon what actual flashes are there that have 20 megs? how many anons can actually upload 20 megs under 2 minutes? >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:17:29 No.3149974 >>3149967 Eh. With a good connection you can upload 20mb in 10-20 seconds. You have to have pretty crummy upload speed to not be able to upload 20mb in under a minute let alone 2 min. But if it is easy to fix I would obviously support increasing the captcha reload time for users with poor net speed. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:20:43 No.3149976 >>3149970 Tripcodes can be useful, for well-known content creators who come regularly. But I can definitley see the argument for banning them - /f/ or site-wide. 48h cooldown would stop "daily post" memes hopefully. Probably a good thing, unless you argue it's /f/ meme culture or something? >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:24:35 No.3149983 >>3149960 The addition wouldn't really affect negatively the board experience, also not all loops are songs, so I'd vote yes for an [M] tag. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:28:39 No.3149986 Easier to read over there but anyway >>3149980 >>3149983 The argument against is basically: Youtuberips are lazy because anyone can make them, they're lazy and usually aren't very good. Even if they are the rips wear out their welcome very quickly. Similarly people would make posts with static/no images and a song, posting it here because it's easier than putting in the effort for a loop. Because [M] would be in the tags it would encourage this behavior, leading to an unnecessary decline in /f/ content. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:33:39 No.3149991 >>3149988 I mean that we've been stuck in the 10mb limit, so most people will say that there is only youtuberips to be had by increasing the limit because they haven't been exposed to anything good that's over 10mb. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:44:09 No.3149996 Has anyone really been banned for something they posted on /f/? I have it in my head that /f/ is totally forgotten by the mods and just does its own thing in obscurity. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:47:08 No.3149998 >>3149983 Negative is very possible, as several anons have argued. I'd add that it won't actually positively impact the board experience. Music is already posted, and the tag sustem is not really strictly followed or enforced - it's not like the lack of a [M] tag is a massive issue, With the current system, we have some music on /f/, which is nice, Adding an [M] tag, we'd likely have TOO much music on /f/, skewing the ratio too much away from other content I think. [M] would take over /f/ because it would be low-effort content. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:48:07 No.3149999 >>3149996 I've not posted anything ban worthy. I think someone posted the americanCP.swf which looks like it will be CP but isn't, and he was banned. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:48:12 No.3150000 >>3149996 You could try it, report back! >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:50:28 No.3150001 >>3149960 I agree. An [M] tag would be useless. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:51:22 No.3150003 >>3149999 >>3150000 I've always thought tags were a joke and hardly ever tag anything correctly If I'm not using the tags for a joke with the subject line then I usually just use Other no matter what the flash is. People getting banned for 'mistagging' comes as a surprise to me. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:52:18 No.3150004 >>3150003 Yeah. Sounds like a mod just wanted to have a bit of fun. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)20:53:34 No.3150005 >>3150003 No, that anon was banned because the mod thought is was Child Porn (CP) which is not allowed anywhere. Some anon said that he was banned for mistagging, but that was probably years ago when (if?) /f/ had more moderation. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)21:00:16 No.3150007 >>3149996 >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)21:04:44 No.3150008 >>3150007 He didn't say where he was banned, could have been banned from posting anywhere for doing that on some other board >>3150007 >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)21:07:39 No.3150010 Here's something I never understood about /f/. When looking at the list of all the flashes, some of the lines are colored like a light red, while most are either white or gray. Does the light red mean those are the flashes closest to expiring or something? >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)21:09:52 No.3150011 >>3150008 >ruined the board's layout with some arabic characters. however i believe they modified the page |