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This is resource VMLFKH6, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/8 -2016 20:35:09

Ended:4/8 -2016 00:50:25

Checked:4/8 -2016 02:33:41

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obedience to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] Guaranteed replies Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)14:29:21 No.3126372

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)14:46:22 No.3126375

  Poor kid. I bet he took the toy out of the trash the moment his sheep mother wasn't looking.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:14:00 No.3126386

  thank you for showing me the way /f/. I will now throw away all my magic themed anime toys, sexy
  figurines, dakimakuras and sex dolls etc, to make Yoda happy
  i'll have to do with just the non magic related stuff

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:26:26 No.3126396

  Sparlock is left handed, like the devil.

  Also, so sparlock 'attacks' then they need someone to save them, then it's sparlock that can save


>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:44:25 No.3126401

  Obedience: the Jehovah's Witness keyword to indoctrinate their cult.

  Always remember.... OBEY!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:46:48 No.3126405

  >friend gives the kid a toy
  >mom throws it away

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:58:48 No.3126410

  this is why the sandniggers are taking over. christians are too worried about stupid faggy
  bullshit. that and jehovas witness is a cult

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)15:59:37 No.3126411

  >God hates magic
  >Jewish mysticism
  I guess they did deserve to be persecuted and hated for all those centuries.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)16:08:15 No.3126415

  wtf I hate magic now

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)16:08:51 No.3126416

  You guys are mistaken. God doesn't like Magic: The Gathering. They just couldn't explicitly state
  it because of copyright issues.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)16:13:26 No.3126418

  this is fucking terrible. poor kid, growing up in a family like this. someone needs to do
  something about this, its a very serious matter to raise a child in such an extreme enviroment.
  if they dont start adapting to the society and start teaching him the way that is socially
  accepted as right and wrong, he will surely be an outcast of society and looked down appon by
  others. not to mention the negative impact the likes of them have one everyone. someone needs to
  go over there and give it to them straight: sparlock is just made of plastic and no magic at all.
  he is to be put in the plastic recycling, not the freaking garbage! this behavior has a bad
  influence on your kid

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)16:23:18 No.3126424

  >God hates fun

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)16:32:09 No.3126431

  Sadly it isn't just Jehobos that pull this kind of crap. I knew some Evangelical kids who weren't
  allowed to play Pokemon or watch Harry Potter.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:13:10 No.3126464

  I want pr0n of the mother.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:27:09 No.3126468

  better to be taught in this kind of extreme than to be taught to accept mentally disabled people
  that got the label as transexual and the other 151 genders those fucked up people make up.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:34:44 No.3126471

  seem to be problems with

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:37:09 No.3126473

  It exists. Google it
  "caleb's mom r34"

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:42:18 No.3126476

  lol, i get nothing related when using those keywords
  i guess that tells me a bit about you or rather what google knows about you

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:44:17 No.3126478

  I came here for the same thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:44:38 No.3126479

  nvm, fucking google auto corrected it slightly which made a huge difference in results

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:56:10 No.3126483

  Pokemon Go tard identified.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:57:54 No.3126484

  Sounds like my kind of God, I bet he hates video games too.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:14:15 No.3126492

  Mom teaches kid poor emotional boundaries

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:33:13 No.3126503

  Reminder that normal Christians don't believe this.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:43:28 No.3126513

  >caleb's mom r34
  >can't into google
Created: 3/8 -2016 20:35:09 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:20:04 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:15:11