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This is resource MM17C2W, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/11 -2016 21:48:49

Ended:9/11 -2016 04:47:01

Checked:9/11 -2016 05:38:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Pizza Sucks.swf-(9.26 MB, 320x176, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)15:47:42 No.3173585

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)16:23:24 No.3173608

  If you don't like pizza, just don't fucking eat it.

  OH. RIGHT. We live in an age where anyone can rant on fucking jewtube and act like their opinion
  is the word of God Almighty himself.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)16:28:56 No.3173613

  If you don't like pizza, just don't fucking eat it.

  OH. RIGHT. We live in an age where anyone can rant on fucking /f/ and act like their opinion is
  the word of God Almighty himself.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)16:30:49 No.3173616

  Tried to make it through, but couldn't.

  He lost me with the "le genepool" meme

>> [_] John H. Hamilton 11/08/16(Tue)16:47:49 No.3173628

  I eat pepperoni by itself... ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)17:01:51 No.3173635

  Cheap pizza is shit yes, but good pizza is good. Fuck him and his knee jerk opinion.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)17:27:23 No.3173645

  No joke, the only reason I didn't walk down to the store and buy a pizza to have for supper
  tonight is because it's Canada, it's cold, all my pants are dirty, and I'm waiting until 7pm hits
  so elecritcy costs less and I can do laundry.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)18:34:17 No.3173677

  tfw just ordered pizza

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:19:27 No.3173696

  This guy looks like Tai Lopez's retarded little brother. I'm not surprised that he has a shitty
  wrong opinion.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:25:30 No.3173699


  Jesus fuck, Canada sucks

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:25:40 No.3173701

  pizza's pretty good but he's got a point

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:39:55 No.3173706

  what, because it's cold?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:53:13 No.3173710


  Because having to wait until 7PM to do some laundry, how is that a money decision?

  Also all their programmers suck ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)19:59:14 No.3173713

  I don't HAVE to, it's just a nice option to have. What, would you rather your electric company
  charge you full price all the time? In what possible way is what I have the worse option?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:07:11 No.3173741

  pretty sure they do the same thing in the UDA

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)22:25:29 No.3173773


  Grilled cheese sandwich is shit? Fuck you, buddy.

  The cheese on pizza IS the shit of cheese, points for accuracy there.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)22:45:19 No.3173779

  it takes a flash with someone bashing pizza to get anons really talking
Created: 8/11 -2016 21:48:49 Last modified: 9/11 -2016 05:39:04 Server time: 07/01 -2025 03:02:42