File: dontshityourpants.swf-(100 KB, 640x400, Game)
[_] WINTERBALL Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)18:29:49 No.3177705
Regarding the coming event, we asked /t/ >>>/t/744599 and looks like they already rejected.
Should we ask another board? Also, a lot of other boards have remade their -tan, I think we could
give a try to make another /f/-tan.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)19:05:39 No.3177714
1) type: pull door , pants off , sit on toilet , shit 2) pants off , shit 3) just type : shit 4)
pull door , sit on toilet , shit 5) type : suicide 6) fart gently , take pills , and then just
wait 7) u get it automatically with 6) 8) before u start the game type shit 9) pants off , wait
for the time to end Final) complete all other awards
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)19:28:20 No.3177722
what are some other text based games that have a funny vibe to them?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)20:23:18 No.3177736
man, nobody cares about us. we're the fucking wallflower of the board.
also, who the fuck is gonna draw a /f/-tan, all the content creators are long gone
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)20:31:01 No.3177739
I have a couple more I could post later
doesn't matter if it gets draw or not, let's just discuss if it has potential or anything. Give
ideas and so, I think we could be part of this autism at least to participate as a whole website.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)20:48:11 No.3177746
You know, I'm not sure if that poll was accurate because a lot of the people seemed to not like
the idea of the ball in the first place, so there might be people who voted for people /t/ to go
with someone else when they really don't like the whole board-tan thing in the first place.
I don't think we should make another poll though.
/i/ or /ic/ have people who draw, maybe they'd be willing to have /f/ there. Someone in >>485076
drew something newer (I think, I haven't seen it on the shimmie out of the few pictures of
/f/-tan at all)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)20:56:00 No.3177751
Whops >>>/i/485076
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)21:02:53 No.3177753
we should go just to stay alive, this board is pretty dead and little OC comes by.
I was not aware of the poll, but if no one wants to then maybe next year
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)22:00:21 No.3177800
I think I'll ask /i/
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)22:21:36 No.3177816
its because
is complete
and noone rea
lly giv
es a
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)22:22:35 No.3177817
dubs says do it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/17/16(Thu)23:53:50 No.3177854
Thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:07:01 No.3177860
Crossboarder here, in my opinion you guys have one of the best-designed board-tans. Good luck
with finding a date! You can do it!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:08:45 No.3177862
We should ask /ck/ and link them the swf of beefu stronganffu as a gift
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:10:26 No.3177864
or ask /v/, since their shit gets posted here all the time
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:12:22 No.3177867
/ck/ is married to /co/, and /cock/ is basically unbreakable. /v/ has had every single one of
their threads except for one deleted this year.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:31:37 No.3177877
what about /gif or /s4s
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:42:17 No.3177883
[s4s] is going with /c/
fuck /gif/, webm was a mistake
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:44:20 No.3177885
/gif/ doesn't seem to have had any threads on it so far (so they're either apathetic, haven't
realized it's time, or have been getting their threads deleted like /v/). [s4s] asked /c/ already.
/w/ and /wg/ don't seem like they're doing anything, and both those board-tans are female.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:51:19 No.3177888
OR how about /hm? I think this board board should just come out as gay already, what with
thursgay and all
or even better, we could ask /fit
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:53:21 No.3177891
/fit/ with /lit/
Let's ask /news/ since they have no images too.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)00:53:37 No.3177892
or /jp?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/18/16(Fri)01:26:23 No.3177910
That's who I suggested on our first thread.
Or /wsg/.