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This is resource UMHJEVU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/1 -2017 22:53:07

Ended:25/1 -2017 05:34:12

Checked:25/1 -2017 05:49:01

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Religious Cartoon About Obedience to God.swf-(8.47 MB, 720x405, Other)
[_] Guaranteed replies. Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)16:52:05 No.3206537

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)16:53:34 No.3206539

  >rolling a spellsword

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)16:55:21 No.3206540

  >kid throws his friend's toy away

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)16:58:04 No.3206544


>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)17:56:26 No.3206561

  >what would jehova think of this .swf?
  >if jehova really hated this .swf would you want to post it?
  >it would make jehova really sad if you were to post this .swf

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)17:59:26 No.3206562


>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)18:45:28 No.3206572


>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)19:04:55 No.3206580

  It's ok they either leave the church or die out since smaller families lead to less in each

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)19:53:31 No.3206609

  Jehovah's Witnesses breed like rabbits, same with Mormons.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:15:40 No.3206624

  >do you want to make jehova upset

  the kid says

  >I don't give a fuck!

  >youtube pooping this now

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:15:55 No.3206625

  catholics like this oughta be shot

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:21:14 No.3206632

  Someone tell me, is this even serious?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:23:36 No.3206634

  Millenarians act like this, non-Apostolic catholics generally do not

  Google 'become jehovahs friend', it's on the witnesses main gathering ground

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:25:00 No.3206635

  This is why the West is spiritually dead.
  >muh all magic is bad

  Praise kek.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:25:07 No.3206637

  I know a family who doesn't let their kids watch Harry Potter because "black magiks"

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)20:51:05 No.3206662

  Ever seen a Jehovah's witness? They practically strip themselves of everything valuable for the

  I was at a cosplay themed convention when a jehovah's witness came to me asking what's all this.
  After answering he started babbling about how to be careful, for satan's followers usually hide
  in robes and cloaks.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)21:21:26 No.3206701

  >is that toy magic?
  No mother, you dumb bitch, it's plastic.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)21:24:11 No.3206708

  >tfw the good old days of stoning people who say "jehova" are gone
  >tfw I have no face
  >just like "gawd"

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)21:26:46 No.3206711

  my father became a jehova's witness

  anything tv programming that could potentially reference a spiritual universe outside of gawds
  influence is deemed "D-TV" (demonic TV)
  Beetlejuice is D-TV

  but that was then, I havent talked to him for over 10 years

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)21:44:22 No.3206727

  >Sad because of Adam and Eve
  >Not fucking pissed the fuck off
  What in tarnation is this lady jawing off about?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)21:47:27 No.3206731

  >Guaranteed replies
  >Like that's always a bad thing/pathetic

  I'll never fully understand the troll religion.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)22:35:29 No.3206759


>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)22:41:36 No.3206763

  Are there any Christian cartoons about crying wolf and harping on petty things until you lose so
  much credibility that people in the media wind up able to do nearly anything they want with the

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)22:57:47 No.3206774

  I didn't even read any of the responses. I just like being included in the overall number.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)23:16:13 No.3206781

  freaking muggles

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)23:17:09 No.3206782

  >implying Jehova doesn't think wizards are bitchin'
  Is she implying that Jehova's a fag?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)23:18:12 No.3206784

  Mormons are much better.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)23:29:37 No.3206790

  Same, Except I actually read it all. Lurk hard 'erry day son

>> [_] Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)23:31:36 No.3206792

  Like Amish people but with technology.
Created: 24/1 -2017 22:53:07 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 09:45:34 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:08:27