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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 8308 Age: 49.19d Health: 0% Posters: 21 Posts: 33 Replies: 31 Files: 1+2 >> 4ere4nik 27024 [G] You'll_vomit - 4ere4nik edition My version of Gayer version of You'll_vomit [IMG] You'll_vomit- 4ere4nik edition.swf (417 KiB) 720x480, Compressed. 1090 frames, 30 fps (00:36). Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 27036 neat. >> Anon 27039 less gay is good but i cant unlearn what i know >> Anon 27042 Couldn't quite fix that cum, could ya? >> Anon 27052 >># You forget a thousand things every day. How 'bout you make sure this is one of 'em? >> Anon 27054 You're still gay OP. We all know the truth. Have no shame. >> Anon 27055 >># I approve of your quote of choice. >> Horsie 27066 Neat!, but now we need a futa version, a furry version, a FNAF version, and an Undertale version. >> Anon 27067 >># A futa version would be any different from the original how? >> Anon 27068 >># That joke went so far above your head it's in outer space now. >> 4ere4nik 27069 >># futa version have no balls >> Horsie 27070 >># That was no joke. I DEMAND all the versions. I'm on the Internet, I'm entitled to all my wishes. >> Anon 27073 minus8 is cute! CUTE! >> Anon 27074 >># Calm down temmie. >> Anon 27081 Fuck, now I have autism. Thanks. >> Anon 27085 >># That's not necessarily a bad thing. >> Anon 27086 >># Says a guy with Autism >> Anon 27087 >># Actually,yes,doesn't really bother me though. >> Anon 27232 Am I the only one who's okay but the dick but disgusted by the fact that the guy's fucking a 30-year-old? Half that age is too old. >> Anon 27248 >># Most of the people who draw/film/animate what you fap to are grown ass men. >> Anon 27249 >># Dude, we fap to rule 63 all the time, grow up. >> Anon 27250 >># Original gay version http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=1828 81&n=You%26%23039%3Bll_vomit.swf >> Anon 27253 >># He has terminal autism. The only cure is death, pray that it is quick and painless. >> Anon 27256 >># Oh my god, what the hell is your problem with autists?! >> Horsie 27258 >># He's a boring run of the mill standard low grade troll. He's not even trying. Or if he is, that's a sad sad thing. >># Thank you. Now where are the rest? >> Anon 27269 >># You know, at first I fucking hated you... So I just sat back and watched your posts, trying to figure out what your objective. was. I have figured it out now, and I'm convinced that you're the only non-retarded person left on here. Funny how some things turn out. >> Anon 27273 Some of us here actually do have autism, even if it's high-functioning. Not that I expect anyone to care. I have it, and I don't care. I just wanted to express that, just so that no one can say 'It's not like anyone here has autism'. Thanks. I will now go back to whining and being overly sensitive like the rest of you. >> Horsie 27306 >># Did you do the official tests? I thought I was too, but I failed the tests. I still don't know what to think about it, I'm somewhat relieved that I don't have autism, but now I don't have excuse for my social ineptness. >> Anon 27314 >># I feel compelled to answer, since I brought it up: I had three different psychologists make the same suggestion, all within two years of each other. As a kid I spent two years simultaneously in the gifted program and in the mentally handicapped program - in two different schools. I'm in my 40's now, autism wasn't really a thing back then. Personally, I find my behaviors and difficulties expressive of high-functioning autism. But I really don't like talking about it - especially in a place like this. This should be a place for fappage. End conversation. Thank you. Me out. >> Horsie 27316 >># Sorry for making you answer, you didn't have to. Anyway thank you for your response. I know this is a place for fappage, but this also a place where I feel like I can talk any topic without worrying about taboos, awkward situations or even scaring people away, that's why I asked you so naturally. >> Anon 28525 what's the bg music btw >> Anonymousé 28530 >># What are you, a fucking autist? A good 90% of the people on these boards have autism. >> Anon 28534 >># i have like weird nipples |