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This is resource WDODF4X, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/4 -2017 00:21:49

Ended:7/4 -2017 09:20:27

Checked:7/4 -2017 14:05:15

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Into The Light.swf-(4.58 MB, 818x450, Loop)
[_] So I played it. Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)18:17:44 No.3232155

  And finished it.
  Now how do I restart?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:06:51 No.3232165

  Are you getting a room continuously? Try uninstalling your save and rerunning with the clover app

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:15:34 No.3232166

  I want to fug the bird imouto. Also
  >you will never keep Silver company in the Barrens

  Any other comfy RPGM games?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:19:09 No.3232167

  oh shit I didn't try to open the clover again
  I must delete the save file which is... uhm... in... err... rrright, uninstall it is

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:20:56 No.3232170

  you might like Lisa, the ost is pretty great. I'm playing undertale to decide if its worth and
  I'm already 4 hours in and chuckled a few times so I guess it got really lucked out
  playing Oneshot tho, comfiest ost

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:22:00 No.3232171

  uninstalling does nothing, you have to go into your docs or the specific oneshot folder and
  delete Autosave I think was the name

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:22:05 No.3232172

  nvm found it
  it was in the C:\Users\dedo\Documents\My Games\Oneshot

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:22:18 No.3232173

  I've played both Lisas, Undertale, OFF and now Oneshot

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:26:51 No.3232174

  oh shit again, does it have a different playthrough the second time around?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:27:21 No.3232175

  Make a backup while you're at it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)19:32:12 No.3232177

  if you wanna endanger another poor Niko

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)20:08:18 No.3232186

  There's 3 routes in the game (If you have the Solstice update, otherwise it's just 2):

  >Send Niko back
  >Save the world
  >(Solstice Update): The vault is now unlocked and the true end can be achieved. Protip: It starts
  from the mines in the Barren, if you dont do anything there then you've failed to access the
  route. Since this is the true end, you should play through both normal endings first

>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)22:52:52 No.3232222

  I found this game to be above fantastic. I might just be a faggot but few other games really
  connected with me like this one. Thank you /f/ anon whoever you were for spamming shit about the
  solstice update prior to it's release.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)00:03:20 No.3232234

  new here, what do the tags stand for?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)00:39:41 No.3232241

  ya welcome lad, I was berated by the original creator but I had to get word out while the update
  was fresh.
  Remember Niko
  They're just so people can identify what a file is before opening

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)00:41:03 No.3232242

  Yee, i get that part, but I don't know the code
  [C] for chill?

>> [_] Nurse 04/07/17(Fri)01:15:13 No.3232255

  That's really all there is to it, either what you post falls under one of the abbreviated letters
  [O] Other [H]- Hentai [L]-Loop are the most common aside from [J]-Jap and [A]-Anime but it must
  be relevant. It can only get so randum before you get shit for it

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)01:27:39 No.3232258

  you were spamming it quite a bit
  again its nice to see someone like my flash though

>> [_] Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)03:16:16 No.3232279

  This thread makes me feel good.
Created: 7/4 -2017 00:21:49 Last modified: 7/4 -2017 14:05:30 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:14:37