/ > /fap/ > Thread 11710
Age: 115.01d Health: 0% Posters: 14 Posts: 17 Replies: 14 Files: 1+3
>> Dumper 25jul2017(tu)20:45 No.51739 OP P1
Tifa and Red Titfuck
I once turned one of n0nd3scr1pt's comics into an animation. Now I decided to make my own animation
in his style because I liked it so much. Too bad he seems to have rage quit the internet.
The RedXIII was traced from artwork by doctor proxy though.
There's 2 different endings depending on what Tifa's doing.
[IMG] Tifa_Red2.swf (342.3 KiB)
382x480, Compressed. 7 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Dumper 25jul2017(tu)21:14 No.51744 OP P2
As suggested I compiled my stuff into a collection:
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)07:23 No.51772 A P3R1
Bro your stuff is amazing! You need a Hentaifoundry account, furaffinity account, tumblr or
something! I love the way you animate.
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)16:02 No.51787 B P4R2
shit is dope, but... dog, man. why?
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)16:03 No.51788 B P5
how to undog?
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)20:18 No.51793 C P6R3
Not allowed you supremacist, nazi, piece of shit.
>> Anonymous 26jul2017(we)20:24 No.51794 D P7R4
sweet dude!
>> Anonymous 27jul2017(th)07:18 No.51808 E P8R5
really wish it wasn't dog dick
>> Anonymous 27jul2017(th)09:32 No.51810 F P9R6
It looks like his dick is on backwards...
>> Anonymous 27jul2017(th)14:01 No.51813 G P10R7
gj dumper, best idea for alt endings in flash.
>> Anonymous 30jul2017(su)00:41 No.51918 H P11R8
Great flash seriously. I absolutely love both the flashes you've done with tifa, I really hope you
do more.
>> Anonymous 3aug2017(th)08:14 No.52115 I P12R9
Do you have a tumblr or something? I think I saw your vault girl on shadman's website once?
Love your work, dude
>> Dumper 3aug2017(th)13:23 No.52125 OP P13R10
I have issues
I wasn't too sure at first but ultimately I decided to make it resemble the other comic regardless
No tumblr. The one on shadman is the original. Someone suggested animating it on here:
and I like animating my favourite pics so.....
>> Anonymous 3aug2017(th)18:59 No.52146 J P14R11
So you made that Irelia flash, pretty good!
Not a fan of furry, but this is close enough.
>> Anonymous 3aug2017(th)23:59 No.52161 K P15R12
Could you add a creampie to the betilla flash?
>> Anonymous 4aug2017(fr)23:56 No.52189 L P16R13
>> Anonymous 11sep2017(mo)23:17 No.53204 M P17R14
There's no such thing as quitting the internet. People just change their names and occasionally
their habits.