Archived flashes:
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This is resource MXP6JI4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/8 -2017 12:39:37

Ended:26/8 -2017 01:30:12

Checked:26/8 -2017 03:51:41

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: recipe inside.swf-(1.37 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] is :v still among us? Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)06:34:38 No.3275353

>> [_] :v 08/25/17(Fri)07:23:02 No.3275361

  Last time I checked I was still alive.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)07:26:42 No.3275363

  Did you check the pulse? Just to be sure? No one can be certain with these things these days.

>> [_] :v 08/25/17(Fri)07:30:43 No.3275364

  I've got a killer headache today so I feel every heart beat in my eyes today...
  But yep, still alive.

  How are you today /f/ren.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)08:52:27 No.3275375

  well if you have a headache then looking at a fast flickering source of light isn't gonna speed
  the recovery but I guess we have to choose our own punishment to ease the consciousness lol

  I'm working on my new flash, photoshopping a picture and it goes really slow with my current
  skills but I can manage.
  The flash will be a rehash of my latest flash so it'll be of better use.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)12:30:05 No.3275405

  Stay away from the cowfee, sip some gween teeya for maximum comfy.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)13:49:55 No.3275416

  song name pls

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)14:01:26 No.3275420

  resize the window pls

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)14:14:46 No.3275423

  won work

>> [_] :v 08/25/17(Fri)15:43:18 No.3275443

  I spent most of today working on validation
  I really hate Excel...
  I hope your project turns out, Photoshop is a strange learning curve depending on what you are
  trying to do.
  I don't care for coffee, caffeine pills and water or bust.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)15:58:48 No.3275447

  managed to get rid off the clock arms in this picture
  been working on that for a few minutes for almost a week
  and yes, it's gonna be another flash with clock in it

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)19:10:09 No.3275487

  I'm not the guy who asked for sauce, I'd like sauce, but what do you mean by this, if I knew how
  to find it I would.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)19:18:16 No.3275489

  I mean you to do exactly this

  make the window tall and narrow and you'll see a text popping up from under

>> [_] Anonymous 08/25/17(Fri)19:26:58 No.3275491

  Thank you based anon
Created: 25/8 -2017 12:39:37 Last modified: 26/8 -2017 03:52:07 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:37:30