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This is resource RL3ZG97, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/9 -2017 12:20:01
7.4 years ago.

Ended:16/1 -2018 12:13:05
7.1 years ago.

Checked:16/1 -2018 12:21:53
7.1 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

  / > /fap/ > Thread 11986

  Age: 110.01d   Health: 0%   Posters: 13   Posts: 17   Replies: 16   Files: 1+3

  >> Dumper 21sep2017(th)12:04 No.53556 OP P1

  League of Legends (Irelia) 2

  I turned another one of Afrobull's works into an animation.

  My collection:

   League(Irelia)2.swf (257.8 KiB)
  350x450, Compressed. 7 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
  Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
  Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
  [find in archive]

  >> Anonymous 21sep2017(th)22:11 No.53565 A P2R1

  mah hero

  >> Anonymous 21sep2017(th)22:59 No.53566 B P3R2

  Great work ! wish the first was colored too... you did it well ;)

  >> Dumper 23sep2017(sa)05:49 No.53616 OP P4R3


  thanks, colored depends on the amount of time I have

  >> Anonymous 23sep2017(sa)11:28 No.53627 C P5R4

  Nice work dude, this is great!

  >> Anonymous 23sep2017(sa)20:39 No.53636 D P6R5

  Good jerb

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)09:36 No.53655 E P7R6

  you're pretty good

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)10:07 No.53657 B P8R7

  Yes, for having tried, I know it takes time ;(
  Did you try to add backgrounds ?
  maybe you can use some parts of wallpapers or just add colors :p

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)13:21 No.53669 F P9R8

Good job mate. It's nice to see that you're still making some quality flashes.

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)16:12 No.53673 G P10R9

  could you add a cum button to the betilla flash please?

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)22:50 No.53686 H P11R10

  good shit👌

  >> Anonymous 24sep2017(su)23:01 No.53687 I P12R11


  >> Anonymous 25sep2017(mo)00:15 No.53689 J P13R12

  any chance you'll do the other irelia pics from afrobull?

  >> Dumper 25sep2017(mo)13:37 No.53718 OP P14R13

  I did, however I scrapped it. Got sick of looking at it. It was just a generic forest background.
  Since I don't actually play league, I just based it off posters/screenshots. Plus I decided to
  keep it white to resemble the original piece better.

  No, I'm done with that.

  Maybe? But not likely, I want move on.

  >> Anonymous 30sep2017(sa)15:57 No.53845 K P15R14

  please please do it one more time afrobull just released a better than ever irelia vaginal pic!

  >> Anonymous 6oct2017(fr)00:39 No.54002 L P16R15

  Stuck on loading :(

  >> Dumper 13oct2017(fr)13:02 No.54199 OP P17R16

  Just refresh or use swfchan's bar to move forward 
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Created: 21/9 -2017 12:20:01 Last modified: 16/1 -2018 12:22:48 Server time: 19/03 -2025 01:53:55