/ > /fap/ > Thread 12116
Age: 104.59d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 20 Replies: 15 Files: 1+3
>> Dumper 12oct2017(th)09:26 No.54177 OP P1
Tifa and Red Reverse Cowgirl
Sorry knot-haters. Original art by malkiorx.
My collection:
[IMG] Tifa_Red3.swf (201.2 KiB)
345x500, Compressed. 4 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Dumper 12oct2017(th)09:28 No.54178 OP P2
Oh forgot to mention, I made it "less extreme" than the original.
Eg. tummy inflation and boobs are smaller.
>> Anonymous 12oct2017(th)10:56 No.54181 A P3R1
Though I normally despise knots, your stuff is somehow good enough to help me look past it.
I love it, keep this shit up.
>> Anonymous 12oct2017(th)10:56 No.54182 B P4R2
do you have a version with tummy inflation and the boob size?
>> -- 12oct2017(th)18:47 No.54185 C P5R3
this is almost perfect except the bulge
>> Anonymous 12oct2017(th)22:57 No.54186 D P6R4
But are you going to do a legit doggystyle animation? That's some hot shit.
>> Anonymous 12oct2017(th)23:51 No.54187 E P7R5
again with the dog dick... i mean its good but still
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)00:27 No.54188 F P8R6
mah hero delivers again!
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)03:04 No.54189 G P9R7
So you said it's less extreme than the original? Then where is the original? I googled the hell out
of malkiorx, but couldn't find anything.
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)08:56 No.54193 H P10R8
daaaamn son, those juggs are huuuge. her back gotta be very muscular
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)08:57 No.54194 H P11
>boobs are smaller
daaaaaaaamn son
>> Dumper 13oct2017(fr)13:07 No.54200 OP P12R9
No, but it shouldn't be too hard for me to edit.
Because you don't like bulge or is it something else?
Also easily found on rule34 sites.
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)13:11 No.54201 OP P13
You mean in general or Tifa/Red combo? Because I've done a few d-style before (actually one of my
favourites) but I try to space them out in case people get sick of the same position all the time.
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)15:23 No.54203 I P14R10
Very nice, but what about audio? The ones on Bowser was done properly.
>> Anonymous 13oct2017(fr)19:30 No.54209 G P15R11
Thanks, I was only turning up a blank hentai foundry account. I didn't even think to look at rule
34 or pixviv, thanks.
>> Anonymous 14oct2017(sa)01:13 No.54215 J P16R12
Personally dont mind the dog dick at all. Good shit once again! Hope to see more. I think the
titjob was my favorite.
>> Anonymous 14oct2017(sa)05:43 No.54221 D P17R13
Totally makes sense. I meant in regards to Tifa/Red.
>> Anonymous 14oct2017(sa)05:44 No.54222 D P18
Didn't know you did that vault meat one, fucking awesome.
>> Anonymous 15oct2017(su)05:03 No.54238 K P19R14
I would like to see a penetration and knot/initial cum animation and a bigger dick. But it's good.
>> Anonymous 16oct2017(mo)23:17 No.54291 L P20R15
Great job!
Any chance of smoothing the transition between scenes?
I also liked the alternate path you used in the 2nd flash
Keep up the good work