Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource D6DDQ0O, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/4 -2018 05:26:55
6.9 years ago.

Ended:19/4 -2018 17:03:06
6.9 years ago.

Checked:19/4 -2018 17:16:32
6.9 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: ghost_enf_seek_pause_soft.swf-(4.3 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/18/18(Wed)23:26:14 No.3330427

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)00:10:18 No.3330437

  If minusNIG truly wants to get better he should learn to add some frames to the fucking feet in
  his flashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)00:15:55 No.3330439

  pay more attention to anything happening other than the feet. enjoy the faces, or just the music

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)00:24:23 No.3330442

  I can't not notice the janky-ass motherfucking feet, I simply cannot. Everything else has the
  deception of fluidity due to the bounciness of it all, except the GOD DAMN FEET.

  I take a overall look at each of the artistic representations of the four ghosts from Pac-man and
  each of them suffer from the same 2-frame foot syndrome and it kills my ability to enjoy this
  shit. FUCK.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)00:31:37 No.3330444

  sounds like a personal problem.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)04:51:32 No.3330483

  bruh just reframe it so you cant see the feet then, bruv.
  broseiden lord of the brocean

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)06:39:10 No.3330503

  Dude, at least the feet move. Shit, they could have put big stupid sneakers on them and not
  animate anything below the knee and 98% of the target audience for this flash would still be
  investing semen into it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)06:44:46 No.3330505


  >borseiden lord of the brocean

  my sides, they hurt like the 2 frame foot animation hurts this poor man's eyes

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)07:29:11 No.3330512

  Where can I find the rest of his animations?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)07:39:13 No.3330513

  You might be gay if the feet are taking your attention

  >Shit, they could have put big stupid sneakers on them and not animate anything below the knee
  and 98% of the target audience for this flash would still be investing semen into it.
  My fucking sides

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)07:41:58 No.3330516

  don't forget to wear your hazard suit while visiting swfchan tho

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)08:07:36 No.3330521

  whatever happened to -8 anyway, he just stopped releasing stuff...

  are you salty about some ads that can be blocked anyway?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)08:21:25 No.3330522

  probably hiding from the gov in some cave and yes, I am salty about ads and popup windows that
  contain malware

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)08:24:27 No.3330526

  yeah it's not good. how much have you been donating to the site?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)08:35:51 No.3330528

  You are stupid as fuck. The feet are fine.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)09:07:05 No.3330531

  I'm sorry but I feel entitled to use this service for free as it is my white privilege to do so

>> [_] Anonymous 04/19/18(Thu)10:56:28 No.3330542

  kek, and also to keep complaining and urge others to make sure to block their ads as well

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Created: 19/4 -2018 05:26:55 Last modified: 19/4 -2018 17:16:56 Server time: 18/03 -2025 10:57:53