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This is resource MWPZOUT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/2 -2018 21:50:25

Ended:27/5 -2018 22:30:03

Checked:27/5 -2018 22:43:04

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 12718

   Age: 95.03d   Health: 0%   Posters: 12   Posts: 14   Replies: 11   Files: 1+2

   >> Anonymous 14feb2018(we)21:48 No.57047 OP P1

   requesting fixed version

    sex_machine by burrowers.swf (4.57 MiB)
   640x640, Uncompressed. 451 frames, 30 fps (00:15).
   Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
   Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 15feb2018(th)17:11 No.57073 A P2


   Here's how you can fix it yourself:

   1) Get a knife from your mother's kitchen drawer.
   2) Sharpen it. Really hone that edge until it can easily cut through the very drawer you took it
   out of.
   3) Make yourself comfortable. Maybe in the bathtub.
   4) Now here's the really important part: Cut across the length of your forearm and relax until
   you fall asleep.

   Incredibly simple, isn't it? Now get to it, little bird.

   >> Anonymous 16feb2018(fr)12:24 No.57093 B P3R1

   All that alliterative effort and you don't even know that it's across the street for attention,
   down the road for results.

   >> Anonymous 16feb2018(fr)15:39 No.57094 OP P4R2

   He did say "across the length", which means "down the length".

   >> Anonymous 16feb2018(fr)15:43 No.57095 OP P5

Actually never mind, I that read wrong. Across the width would have been right.

   >> Anonymous 17feb2018(sa)00:48 No.57097 C P6R3

   a simple kys would have sufficed and made you sound less like an edgelord

   >> Anonymous 17feb2018(sa)01:35 No.57105 D P7R4

   if the 'fixed version' anon actually goes to such lengths I will be genuinely impressed

   >> Anonymous 17feb2018(sa)03:49 No.57109 E P8R5

   what is there to fix?
   i dont think theres a convincing way to get rid of her pants...

   >> Anonymous 17feb2018(sa)04:52 No.57110 F P9R6


   >> Anonymous 17feb2018(sa)08:21 No.57115 G P10R7

   would make it sound more like an edgelord imo
   at least >>57073 showed effort to tell OP to take his memes into oblivion

   >> Anonymous 19feb2018(mo)22:43 No.57177 H P11R8

   I don't understand why political/racial discussion is so prevalent in the comment sections of
   porn sites, is it insecurity? Is it boredom? This place is far from being an isolated case.

   >> Anonymous 20feb2018(tu)01:05 No.57180 I P12R9

   >see black dick size
   >see own dicklet
   >get buttmad

   It's pretty simple actually.

   >> ???? ???? 23feb2018(fr)01:36 No.57255 J P13R10

   That would be hilarious.

   >> Anonymous 27feb2018(tu)13:25 No.57411 K P14R11

   De-niggered version when :^)
Created: 14/2 -2018 21:50:25 Last modified: 27/5 -2018 23:05:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:24:43