File[dontshityourpants.swf] - (102 KB)
[_] [G] Push Know your Destiny off the board! Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)01:50 No.1106522
It's a shitty fucking flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)04:43 No.1106698
pull door
remove pants
sit on toilet
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)04:48 No.1106702
remove pants
kill self
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)05:01 No.1106705
how do you get the inevitable achievements?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)05:07 No.1106711
Fart lightly
Take pills
Wait for timer to run out
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)05:12 No.1106716
how about the starting gun and king achievements?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)05:13 No.1106717
nevermind, got 'em