File: Shopkeeper.swf-(321 KB, 530x400, Game)
[_] What can I get ya? Anonymous 08/16/18(Thu)21:05:04 No.3352420
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/18(Thu)22:58:44 No.3352438
Le funny game
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/18(Thu)23:01:50 No.3352439
Can anyone get past the knife?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/18(Thu)23:03:43 No.3352440
Whoopee doo
Your bag is full of lovely stuff.
Nice one Sonny Jim
>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/18(Fri)16:14:09 No.3352563
you can, but its rigged. It doesnt always go to the start point when it resets on the knife level
so you have to watch for the pattern.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/18(Fri)16:34:50 No.3352564
course ya can