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Threads (1):
File: swedish.swf-(1.92 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3236160 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3236170 But think of all the diversity! Surely that's worth a few tens of thousands of rapes? >> [_] Anon 3236248 >># >># sorry to ruin the fun but it's only because the number of reported rape crimes has increased, not the number of actual rapes. example 1: regret blowing that guy the next day? rape! example 2: he talked you into it? rape! example 3: he groped you at a party? rape! example 4: she was 14, he was 16 and both wanted to have sex? rape! honestly we're doing a lot of harm to girls teaching them that they have been "raped" when in many other countries they just brush it off. first of all it reduces the impact of real rape (you always have to wonder if it was real rape when hearing about someone being raped). second it makes the girl walk around and feeling that she's been wronged when in reality it's just part of life. tl;dr actual rape (forced sex) is not really high >> [_] Anon 3236253 >># yeah, my brother Abdul is right, 100% of the time it's not a real rape >> [_] Anon 3236262 >># haha, awesome |