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EroPharaoh - Rick and Beth public.swf
1,42 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (4):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/2 -2018 02:25:36 Ended: 17/2 -2018 09:08:13Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: EroPharaoh - Rick and Beth public.swf-(1.41 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anon 3316020
>> [_] Anon 3316023 why
>> [_] Albert Einstein 3316024 >># 300 IQ porn, thanks man this is all I an intellectual can use for masturbation.
>> [_] Anon 3316076 >># This is so high quality. hats off to the animator even if I don't like porn.
>> [_] Anon 3316101 It still lacks sounds and a climax. Fucking patreon leeches

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 22/11 -2017 06:49:00 Ended: 18/1 -2018 06:53:50Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
/ > /fap/ > Thread 12358 Age: 50.02d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 55281 [IMG] 693367_eropharaoh-rick-and-beth.swf (1.42 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 4 frames, 24 fps (00:00). Ver21, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 15/5 -2017 20:01:08 Ended: 16/5 -2017 07:48:03Flashes: 1 Posts: 62
File: EroPharaoh - Rick and Beth public.swf-(1.41 MB, 1280x720, Hentai)
[_] Rick & Beth EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244554 This loop was commissioned by Juststing. There's only audio in the Adult Swim parody screen, sorry about that. No audio was commissioned for this animation. I'll probably add to it in the future if people like it. Hope you enjoy :) Note: If you have issues with the preloader not working when saved to your computer, right-click and press play, or open in a browser other than Chrome. Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3244574 Why do people make porn of unattractive characters in an unattractive art style? It's pointless. No one's gonna jerk their little ricky to it.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244576 >># It was a commission, meaning someone specifically asked for this. It's kind of pointless telling your opinion as if it's hard fact when you're immediately contradicted from the start. Thanks though!
>> [_] Anon 3244577 >># >I like rick n mort pls no lewds
>> [_] Anon 3244581 This is pretty shit. People pay for this sorta stuff?
>> [_] Anon 3244583 Uninteresting and not arousing. Good try though.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244585 >># >># Different strokes for different folks!
>> [_] Anon 3244586 incest
>> [_] Anon 3244587 >># would have been better is she was fucking morty that whole mother's day thing
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244589 >># I know, it was a commission though so I didn't have that kind of control. I threw the mother's day thing in last minute because that's the day I released it.
>> [_] Anon 3244595 >># Are you supposed to be working on a different R&M project, Pharaoh? Why double up when you're doing other stuff?
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244597 >># I've made a couple posts about this: animation is my job right now, so I gotta do commissions to fill the gap and pay my bills. Once I get enough people backing my work on Patreon I'll be able to work more on my "personal projects" like Summer's Birthday and a couple others I'm working on. I AM still working on these projects - I released Summer's Birthday v0.3 inbetween commissions - but I can't work on them as much as I want to until I get enough from Patreon. I work really hard, most of these commissions were made in under a week. As of right now, commissions are paying most of my bills and Patreon is a wonderful filler.
>> [_] Anon 3244600 >># I see. Idk the Birthday flash a personal project.
>> [_] Anon 3244601 >people complaining about a commission Seriously guys, no one's forcing you to watch this. It's better than the artists who do fucking furry diaper whatever commissions on Deviant Art. I appreciate how close this is to the original artstyle. Some artists, both western and eastern, tend to throw the original out the window, which kind of defeats the purpose of rule34 imo.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244603 >># Yep yep yep! >># Thank you! I don't know how to apologize to people for something someone asked and paid for. At least critique it on the quality rather than just trash the idea.
>> [_] Anon 3244618 fuck off and stop shilling your garbage here
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244624 >># I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings. Still friends?
>> [_] Anon 3244625 >># >wahhh nobody is forcing you to watch plz stop bully :( Fuck off. It was his choice to post the flash in the first place, it's perfectly within anyone's rights to tell him it's garbage. If either you or the OP don't want their feelings hurt, don't post anything in the future. Okay, sweetie?
>> [_] Anon 3244626 >># >this was a commission, therefore any criticism is invalid ?
>> [_] Anon 3244629 all the h8rs ITT: The linework is perfectly canonical. the animation/flash-wrangling is perfectly competent. The only nit is, no sound. easily "corrected" That being said, there's no accounting for taste. Like EP says, happy customers pay the milkman. This was apparently enough to make a thirsty customer happy. Personally, the scenario does nothing for me. Something about the characters' personalities makes *everything* they do seem a chore. It translates to derivative works (another sign the job was done competently). Maybe if it was Bird Person squanching Morty, maybe...
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244635 >># That's not what I was saying at all. My whole point is that they were saying nobody wants my animation, when somebody SPECIFICALLY asked for this. Perfectly open to any constructive criticism, unfortunately, telling me it's "garbage" isn't constructive in any way. >># My feelings aren't hurt, I expect some people to not like my work. Not everybody likes everything. But as I said above, there's nothing actually constructive about the negative comments, just "oh, I don't like this, so you suck and you should NEVER post again". Maybe tell me how I can improve? What part of it looks like garbage? >># Thanks! I'll be adding sound to it eventually.
>> [_] Anon 3244644 >># >"garbage" Who are you quoting?
>> [_] Anon 3244647 >># Hey Ero, do a secret scene in it where this anon is sucking your cock. Should be plenty of source material for that one
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244653 >># I was mixing anons up, ops! >># Why are you so aggressive?
>> [_] Anon 3244657 >># It's funny because in my opinion the only thing that's pointless is making drawn porn in anything but show-accurate artstyle. If you can't even emulate the style of the shit you're parodying might as well work on something else.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244658 >># I appreciate it, if you're saying I accomplished emulating the style. I've seen some stuff that's not style accurate that still looks great, though.
>> [_] Anon 3244661 >># Someone should send this to Justin Roliand. I bet he'd get a kick out of it.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244663 >># Someone else mentioned that. I agree
>> [_] Anon 3244664 >># I'm not aggressive, I am horny. Draw me porn of yourself you bitch
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244665 >># I am mostly bone
>> [_] inkjob 3244685 I'm kind of disappointed in the lack of easter eggs as I probably clicked every picture frame and article of clothing. That said, do you need a coder for future projects that could perhaps provide more advanced interactivity? I've worked with several /f/ based animators over the years and I'm looking for new projects.
>> [_] Anon 3244692 >># I'll commission you to chop your hands off and never make garbage like this for 100 million dolalrs. my parents are loaded
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244694 >># I know how to do all that coding; I haven't added anything extra to this yet because it's only what the person commissioned. Thanks though!
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244695 >># That's an appropriate response to my video I suppose? Not sure how I offended you so deeply, but sorry.
>> [_] inkjob 3244705 >># I didn't mean coding for easter eggs specifically but more advanced programmatic features. This is a complete assumption but most flash animators in my experience learn timeline control, movieclip handling, and user input, but then stop there. I've always been passionate about doing more with flash and coming up with ways to make an animation feel like a unique experience. Sorry if you totally know what you're doing and I'm barking up the wrong tree, but if there's something you maybe imagined but didn't know how to code I could probably help out with that.
>> [_] Anon 3244706 >># You do this for a living?
>> [_] Anon 3244709 >># $200/mo on patreon plus whatever he gets paid for a commission not quite a living but definitely a lucrative hobby
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244712 >># >># I just started doing this a little over a month ago. I had some money saved up from my last job before the company went under so that's the bulk of it. I'm getting a lot of commissions, so I should be able to pay my bills if I can do 3-4 commissions per month.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244714 >># I can't think of anything right now, but send me an e-mail and I'll get back to you if I have something creative and complicated :) I really appreciate it, I'm sure I'll need it eventually if I want to do a complex game or something.
>> [_] Anon 3244715 Just because some one's overly agressive doesn't mean you need to overly suck off some namefag's cock
>> [_] Anon 3244731 >># Reminds me of that /3/ anon who made 3D cocks in Second Life for a living. I guess any porn sells but who is buying is what is more disturbing.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244737 >># That sounds like a pretty damn specific market.
>> [_] Anon 3244738 >># aren't that what commissions are?
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244740 >># I think drawn porn is a little more popular than 3D cocks in second life...I could be wrong, though.
>> [_] Anon 3244747 >># I knew someone who made furry dicks in SL and converted his earnings into an average of $2000 a month.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244749 >># Damn. Like I said before, different strokes for different folks.
>> [_] Anon 3244750 >># you are the biggest faggot. p.s. how is it pointless if they're makin money off it?
>> [_] Anon 3244752 >># 20 seconds of animated drawn porn in obsolete flash media from an adult swim cartoon show.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244758 >># 3D dicks in an obsolete game on the internet. What are we doing?
>> [_] Anon 3244759 >># I am not the dick sculptor, you are the flash artist who commission cartoon porn for ezy dollar, should use your talent for something more.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244761 >># This is what I love doing, and I'm getting enough money to pay bills...what more is there?
>> [_] Anon 3244763 >># >theremustbemoretolife.jpg
>> [_] Anon 3244765 >># >f o u n d t h e c u c k You're just butthurt because you have to give actual blowjobs to make a buck. Must suck being such a mad nigger.
>> [_] Anon 3244767 Just putting this out there: Just because there are infinite universes, each one of an infinite number of possibilities does not mean every possibility exists. You can have an infinite set that does not contain different values. If I made a set of every odd number that set is infinite but you won't find the number 2 in it.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244769 >># There's a Morty with a hammer for a head... I bet there are a lot of possible universes where everyone has fucked. ;)
>> [_] Anon 3244773 >># The premise is still a false one. 0/10, can not fap to these falsehoods.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244774 >># It's also a cartoon that includes a character called "Mr. Poopybutthole", but sorry the incest is too far-fetched for you ;)
>> [_] Anon 3244775 >># Incest isn't farfetched. I just can't fap when bad logic is involved. Don't kinkshame me
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244777 >># I get the feeling you're the kind of person who is very difficult to watch movies with.
>> [_] Anon 3244779 >># Well, fatties are far from attractive. Also, can't fap to this art style. How much did anon paid you to do this?
>> [_] Anon 3244780 idk if this is one of those things where the people who like it are busy enjoying it or what, but so much hate here The guy makes porn. More porn is always good. There is so little /f/ OC. Besides, it's not bad. The expressions are a weird kind of disengaged, but the position, animation, looping, and art style are all quality. It's not my new favorite porn or anything but it's good enough to save.
>> [_] EroPharaoh !!6x7DPRMSm8S 3244781 >># I didn't think it would deeply offend some people. I guess some people just want the same lolicatgirls loop over and over. Thanks!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 14/5 -2017 19:32:28 Ended: 19/8 -2017 19:50:53Flashes: 1 Posts: 18
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11310 Age: 90.01d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 18 Replies: 16 Files: 1+2
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49473 EroPharaoh - Rick & Beth This loop was commissioned by Juststing. There's only audio in the Adult Swim parody screen, sorry about that. No audio was commissioned for this animation. I'll probably add to it in the future if people like it. Hope you enjoy :) Note: If you have issues with the preloader not working when saved to your computer, right-click and press play, or open in a browser other than Chrome. [IMG] EroPharaoh - Rick and Beth public.swf (1.42 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 4 frames, 24 fps (00:00). Ver21, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49474 P.S. Happy mother's day!
>> Anon 49477 another good one my dood! Also another great one to have more added to it in the future!
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49478 >># Thanks! :D
>> Anon 49479 love your stuff, how do you make these flashes so quickly?
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49480 >># I work long hours with little food and sleep ;)
>> Anon 49499 >># so selling ur soul? got it
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49504 >># A little bit, yeah.
>> Anon 49505 Nice one, man I love vectors. Btw I'm curious. When you say something is comissioned does that mean someone has suggested something and you think it's a good idea and do it, or did someone give you money to draw something with specific instructions? Also then how do you go about setting things up, someone just e-mail you and put money on your paypal and you get to work or what?
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49509 >># I do use people's ideas for my "personal" projects like Summer's Birthday, but the ones that say they're commissioned were paid for. Yep, just e-mail me the details, I tell you where you are in line for the commission, and payment comes just before I start. You can see my commission guide on my Hentai Foundry account: araoh/blogs/10577/Commissions-open
>> Anon 49530 >># Thanks! I didn't know it was simple to find people willing to pay a hundred bucks or more so soon after starting out. Thought you had to really grind for free during several months before finding any interest but it sounds like you already have a queue of clients. I noticed you have a policy of force-aging cartoons to 18 years old, which is a pity but interesting read. >$100-$150 - Short animated loop, 800x500 resolution (Color, simple background (basic stuff like a bed or something, not a lot of details), 1 main character of your choice and 1 non-descript anonymous character sex pairing, 9-12 frames, no audio) >$200-$300 - Short animated loop, 800x500 resolution (Color, detailed background (more complicated, like the garage background of the Summer animation), 1 main character of your choice and 1 non-descript anonymous character sex pairing, 9-12 frames, no audio) You shouldn't need to write "800x500 resolution" since your art is in vectors, maybe you mean the rendered webm/avi version will be in that odd resolution? Btw I hope you never stop releasing the swfs like so many other losers, I'm enjoying being able to watch 10 year old flashes in 4K resolution these days as if they were released yesterday. As long as you keep using swfs your porn will never get an outdated resolution! Most people's CPUs are still too crappy to display vector animations in 4K but they will eventually get better. Especially now that AMD has made a comeback, forcing Intel to stop being lazy.
>> Anon 49547 I love this but it feels unfinished did he not want a cumshot?
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49553 >># Yeah, the finished non-swf video files are saved like that, but I'm already changing it. Most of my commissions at that resolution are still bigger, I need to update that. I also include an HTML version that opens the swf at that resolution in case a client has a slower computer. I think usually people take a bit longer to find commissions when they first start out, but I got really lucky and had a WONDERFUL gentleman e-mail me pretty early on, interested from my Summer's Birthday flash. Since he commissioned me, it got me some more samples for other people to decided whether or not to commission from me. Otherwise I would've been doing free stuff and eventually needing to get a non-animation job...this one guy basically made my career! >># He originally wanted a picture, but I noticed he commissioned this same positioning of Rick and Beth from a bunch of other artists, and I felt I had nothing more to offer with a picture, so he ended up asking for a simple animation. But I added a "v0.1" in the corner in case I want to do more with it. ;)
>> Anon 49556 >># I know that supergirl one got me on board : D
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49557 >># Thanks! That was a fun commission :)
>> Shrek 49569 With a few more animation and some good voice actors, you got yourself a full course meal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> EroPharaoh!b8rgIEveP6 49570 >># Thanks, Shrek! I loved your first two Dreamworks films!
>> Anon 49571 >># xD made my day
Created: 14/5 -2017 19:38:32 Last modified: 28/7 -2019 02:21:20 Server time: 06/11 -2024 01:57:47