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Threads (21):
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] -(。ヘ°) 3517633 >> [_] Anon 3517634 junk? FOODS >> [_] Anon 3517694 :v >> [_] Anon 3517709 what happened to :v ? she gone ;_; >> [_] Anon 3517716 >># a legend has it you can summon her by posting her flashes and asking for recipes >> [_] :v 3517722 >># >># >Implying I ever left. Still lurk, just don't work nights anymore so my schedule isn't quite as good for blog posting. It is nice to see people still post these though. /f/ will always be best board. Helped me get through some shit for sure. >> [_] Anon 3517724 >># I'm a delight, actually. Stop raising your eyebrows at me.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3508749 >> [_] Anon 3508795 One of my favorite flashes.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3506346 >> [_] Anon 3506362 :v >> [_] :v 3506374 >># Have a (you)
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3483994
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3476356 >> [_] Anon 3476416 >>>/co/127177239
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Anon 3471025
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3462637 >> [_] Anon 3462676 >># I miss :v, I hope she's doing ok
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3447751
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Anon 3439395 >> [_] Anon 3439515 *only
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3432097
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3426240
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Prove me wrong Anon 3401446 Watermelons are blue inside until your cut/break the outermost layer of rind. >> [_] Anon 3401452 Give me the name of this song, pls. >> [_] Anon 3401459 >># https://soundcloud.com/user-237406180/ju nkfoods you can also resize your window >> [_] Anon 3401461 >># Schrodinger's Watermelon >> [_] Anon 3401462 >># It's only a matter of time before they find out how awful at spelling you really are.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Story of my life... Anon 3395441
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] Anon 3375385 /r/ing the music loop of a part of Immortal Technique's "Dance With the Devil" to this image: http://i.4cdn.org/x/1546481746720.gif >> [_] Anon 3375392 I know what flash you're referring to but can't seem to find it, sorry anon. >> [_] Anon 3375394 >># it was the first flash on /f/ I remember ever seeing >> [_] Anon 3375407 >># the swf is called hoodstory >> [_] Anon 3375426 >># thx /f/riend
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Anon 3371614
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Anon 3359115 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3359131 this is a good flash........ >> [_] Anon 3359135 not much time left for me >> [_] Anon 3359144 what a shitty thing to say >> [_] Anon 3359163 I like this one >> [_] Anon 3359187 that cuts deep, why would you say that >> [_] Anon 3359201 I really enjoy this guys content :v >> [_] Anon 3359212 all these replies are bots >> [_] Anon 3359218 im bot >> [_] Anon 3359224 >># why would they be bots? It's sadboi circle jerk and business as usual here >> [_] Anon 3359227 >># I see no reason for existence more than one. Because two can meet with each other. But seven and more for sure can organized hardcore orgy. >> [_] Anon 3359255 >># also a bot >> [_] Anon 3359257 >># 12 posts. 11 people.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Junk food has ruined my life. Anon 3355953 I'm fat, but I just can't stop eating shitty food. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3355956 >it's ony a matter of time before they find out >just how awful you really are DELET THIS >> [_] Anon 3355957 >># Its genetic. Go easy on yourself. Enjoy life. Junk food and me are this tight. I am sucking mint oreos from my teeth as i type. When i am done i will eat more and after you read this treat yourself. I'm over 6 feet and ectomorph eat more sugar than any other substance doctor says I'm fit as a fiddle. I am younger than him. my bloodwork is better than his. He asked me how I did it. I did it this way I drink water everyday more than most people. I start my day with water I take my vitamins and minerals in chewable form so I am able to digest them and put them to work immediately. I don't exercise the lot I always take the steps and I park my car the farthest spot from anywhere in the parking lot keeps me active but you're not going to catch me running around like some kind of fag. We graze for the minerals and vitamins our bodies need. The most important advice any doctor ever gave me was a doctor at a Grateful Dead show he said "sometimes when you think you're hungry you're really thirsty. Never drink your calories" He would tell me that the mind cannot decipher hunger and thirst and it's better to digest pure water. >> [_] Anon 3355960 >># Dagnabbit I got to thinking about the Grateful Dead put in some music and 20 minutes later I'm like oh where's my Oreo. Bottom line. enjoy yourself >> [_] Anon 3355962 find some staple foods which you really like. for me it's a certain kind of rice, cheese and beans which are really easy to make at home. if you just stop eating junk food and go to something like this with variations you'll loose weight pretty quickly just because you're no longer drinking soda and eating bad food as much. >> [_] Anon 3355965 >># start lifting and cook the junk food yourself instead of buying shit from mcdonald's. That burger will taste better and be better for you if you use better quality beef than the shit. they have. Also start lifting so all those calories go somewhere besides your gut. >> [_] Anon 3355969 >># >start lifting and also start lifting >> [_] Anon 3355970 >># I said it twice for emphasis >> [_] Anon 3355975 >># Just go for a walk after you binge on those junk foods. No, seriously, just take a walk up and down your street. Doesn't matter if it takes five minutes or fifty, just do it. Listen to some podcasts or play some mobile games, but get off your butt and walk those steps. Everyone's gonna tell you to measure calories in, calories out, or to just do starting strength routines, or to only eat certain foods, or to eat one meal a day, or to fast for some ridiculous length of time. The above will certainly help, but none of them are easier than just going for a brief walk through the neighborhood. Stretch your legs once a day, get some fresh air for a change. 4chan will still be here at the end of the day, so what do you have to lose? >> [_] Anon 3356066 >># sound advice anon. also, start lifting >> [_] Anon 3356076 >># Jesus knows exactly how awful you really are, but he loves you anyway. >> [_] Anon 3356079 All you need are some packaged meats for protein, doritos for carbs, soda for water, and just get some fruit and veggies and see what you like from that, otherwise just take pills. If you wanna switch it around, you could always go for tv dinners or kids cuisine. Otherwise, just stick with sandwiches, milk, and rice or potatoes. Maybe have a meatloaf every now and again. There are plenty of different ways ot give yourself the energy and nutrition it needs, and hell, When a 2 liter bottle of soda is cheaper than water, I just take a dr. p home and drink away whenever I'm awake. No problems yet. Oh yeah, almost forgot, you could also try eating those lofthouse cookies, they have a shitload of carbs.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] it's only a matter of time Anon 3350058 >> [_] Anon 3350059 >># shut up sadboy >> [_] Anon 3350077 This isn't /f/ material No bump for you sadboy >> [_] Anon 3350078 It's too late. They know how awful I am, but they stayed with me anyway. Is this belonging? >> [_] Anon 3350082 > :v is a doctor who helped people recover from a natural disaster > makes self-deprecating shit like this Must suffer from Imposter Syndrome. >> [_] Anon 3350083 >># :v cured my AIDs >> [_] Anon 3350087 they already know they don't care because they're awful too >> [_] Anon 3350114 >># Where's the music from? >> [_] Anon 3350198 >># E x p a n d the window
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Anime) [_] No, but this is. :v 3262653 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3262780 >># Damn, now I want donuts. >> [_] :v 3262796 >># >Not craving melon bread Filthy gaijin >> [_] Anon 3262823 I wish they would find out sooner so they would stop trying to be my friend. It would be much less painful that way.
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Other) [_] Anon 3258542 >> [_] Anon 3258582 Of course, actual audioloop flashes get ignored in the grand scheme of things. But I see you... <3 >> [_] Anon 3258596 >># sauce song >> [_] Anon 3258597 >># sauce is in the usual place >> [_] :v 3258608 I'm really surprised someone re-posted this. >> [_] Anon 3258619 >># :V IS LIFE; :V IS LOVE >> [_] :v 3258622 >># Wish I was as cool as :V but alas, I am only :v >> [_] godk 3258626 >># Don't sell yourself short, :V :D
File: Junkfoods.swf-(4.81 MB, 540x573, Loop) [_] :( inside also a recipe :v 3247563 tfw you live out of vending machines because you keep forgetting to make lunches to take with you because your a shit waifu tfw when someone notices and pokes fun at you for not bring in elaborate lunches anymore tfw now you have to make one just to keep up appearances >pls just let this horrible week end so I get take my mini vacation Recipe I talk about making stuff to put over ramen a lot but I don't think I've ever posted my super easy miso/soy broth. 3 cups chicken stock 1/4 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup dry sake 2 packets miso paste (white miso paste - like from insta miso soup packets) 1/2 cup water grated ginger - 1 tbsp or more if you like garlic - 1 tsp couple drops of sesame oil (I like to use spicy sesame oil) a few pinches of sugar (maybe a tbsp?) add some sesame oil to a hot pot add ginger and toss about add miso paste packets and water stir dump everything else in... bring to a boil stirring occasionally reduce heat to simmer and hold as long as needed You can cook your noodles directly in it I prefer to boil my noodles, drain them and then pour hot broth over them once they've cooled a bit it. Add some thin sliced cooked meats, green onions and shredded seaweed and feel like a real fucking weeb Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3247579 Sounds harder than tear open packet add magic dust >No thanks >> [_] Anon 3247584 Why would you care what someone thinks about what you bring to lunch? >> [_] Anon 3247585 >># it feels nice to be appreciated and that feeling doesn't come when you don't give a fuck >> [_] :v 3247587 >># appearances are everything >> [_] Anon 3247588 wow tried to go to /f/ but it looks like i got redirected to some absolute faggot's blog what the heck >> [_] :v 3247591 >># p-please like, rate and subscribe ~desu >> [_] :v 3247593 >># >tsch nothing personal kid >> [_] Anon 3247613 >># Sounds pretty taste OP >> [_] godk 3247630 >># >tfw >tfw >tfw sounds like spaghetti for lunch. >># >that feeling doesn't come when you don't give a fuck Very true. Easier said than done though for some of us. Not a horrible state, just takes some practice. Just know that WE don't give a flying squirrel about your lunch condition , but we appreciate your recipes and oc's. :^) Speaking of which, the miso sounds groovy, think I'll try your method soon. >> [_] Anon 3247641 >># Don't worry, their blogposting always comes with original loops and recipes, so it's all gravy. >> [_] Anon 3247644 >># sounds tasty dude, ill try it myself and maybe tweak it a bit to my own tastes. >> [_] Anon 3247653 >># Newfag go home. Come back after summer. >> [_] Anon 3247654 >># >*her* blogposting, Know Your Namefags >> [_] :v 3247658 >># Thank fren I hope you do, it's super easy and adaptable >># The best part is how easy it is to add "layers" to this. Want some acidic flavor for hot and sour style? Bam add some chili and rice wine vinegar Want it heavy for beef toppings? Add some hoisn/oyster sauce and black pepper And even more soy sauce and ginger You like sweet corn style? More sugar and leave out the ginger and up the sake a bit Soup is love, soup is life. >I made some ongiri with spicy tuna filling to look fancy >I feel like this just invites criticism for being a weeabo fgt >I want to cry, considering bagged spaghetti option >> [_] Anon 3247661 >># >I feel like this just invites criticism for being a weeabo fgt You do you, boo, like what you want. >bagged spaghetti it goes better in your pocket... just don't spill it. Alfer might whisper in your ear. >hoisn try salt mirin, what a tang! >> [_] :v 3247662 >># Is their really a gendered word? I don't have a degree in butthurtstudies so I'm not up and up on what's "oppressive speech" these days. >> [_] Anon 3247663 Wow. This thread is pathetic >> [_] anonymous 3247667 >># oh yes, recipes are always a skeleton to be built on. As someone from New Mexico the first thing I had in mind was to hold on the ginger some add lime and my homemade red chile sauce; then top with thin sliced pork. I have never worked with dry sake before any brands you recommend? >> [_] anonymous 3247669 >># >># Also in addition: Fuck anyone that criticizes you from being a weeb because you made some tasty motherfucking food. They are just mad they don't have any and are too stupid to cook. I mean as long as you cooked it for the sake of having something delicious and not to pretend you are Japanese your Net Cringe is probably at a -3 >> [_] :v 3247676 >># They usually are q . q >># >># I use the cheap stuff from my local azn grocer or whatever is around when I'm shopping. It's not a strong flavor so really so long as it is flavored with fruits it should work Being so out of place and so far away from anyone I know it's hard to put up such a hard front I'm already quiet and that gets people talking to you for some reason I guess they feel the need to break that for some reason? Now I've got some weird ass food???! I GOTS TA BOUT DAT I'll spend my time explaining what they are and how I made them and such because I'm too worried about being liked to tell people to fuck off >I have no problem being cut throat or competitive professionally...just in person to person interaction >spaghetti flows through me >> [_] Anon 3247677 >># Sorry, didn't you state "she" at one point recently? my bad if not. IDRC at any rate. I just appreciate your involvement here. >># >implying you're not >> [_] :v 3247684 bunch of fuckboy fags in here >> [_] Anon 3247686 >># >I have no problem being cut throat I hope I never have to meet you in real life. You lure people in with your cooking and act awkward but when they're not looking bash their fookin skull in. >> [_] godk 3247688 >># but being Stronger Than That, you continue to post on. *slow clap* >> [_] anonymous 3247696 >># i never said be mean I'm just saying it shouldn't get to you at all because at the end of the day you are the one with some bomb ass food and never has to see their dumb ass ever again. also people just think you are cool for not feeling the constant craving of others attention; you're a real strong and stoic type kek. Same shit happens to me. >tfw in middle school I thought it was because they were trying to pick on me >> [_] :v 3247702 >># First off if I was going to call someone a fuck boy I'd spell it fuccboi >Please disregard the fake fuccboi >># Shit they onto me >> [_] Anon 3247722 >># BUSTED!! That's ok, we famalam here >> [_] Anon 3247725 :v is probably the best troll ever to grace /f/. >> [_] Anon 3247757 >># >magic dust kek >> [_] Anon 3247758 >># >its one of the few people who still make OC GJ faggot >> [_] Anon 3247765 >># OC jockeys still exist, you gotta look between the toe hoes though. |