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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11506 Age: 116.47d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 18 Replies: 16 Files: 1+3 >> Ctrl-z Tails Samp 50587 A new one of these [IMG] 1498099956.ctrl-z_tailssamp[1].swf (43.3 KiB) 1024x768, Compressed. 48 frames, 30 fps (00:02). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 50594 I wish my girlfriend had a pussy directly under her ribcage >> Anon 50596 >># pretty sure it's supposed to be a camera angle going on here >> Anon 50629 man finally he picked up the the development again >> Anon 50640 can someone zoom out the flash i saw a couple of arrows when the flash was loading >> Ctrl-z Tails Samp 50642 >># it dosen't go anywhere i think its just part of a bigger scene and they just didn't clip out the arrows >> Anon 50643 Man I wish he would stop showing this bullshit zoom-ins and just finish the damn thing. This was supposed to come out in fucking january. >> Ctrl-Z 50648 >># Takes me literally 2 mins to make a sample that is pretty much cut and pasted. It takes HOURS to make the animations depending on how many moving parts there are. Don't you enjoy a little teasing before the action? But don't worry, the final product won't have invasive nonsense like a simulator or tons of text to click through to get to the good shit. I loath those type of things. >> Anon 50652 >># I don't think these samples satisfy anyone. You would literally get the same point across if you just updated your journal. These are, no matter the amount of courtesy, a waste of time. >> Anon 50657 not enough to really be considered a tease. This is more like a taster >> Anon 50659 >># You don't understand. My dick needs this to come out. >> Anon 50662 >># I'm going to make all the dicks white and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot. >> Anon 50675 >># He could just not release it? You fucking moron. >> Anon 50682 >># I've been fine with the little teasing from the months and months of extra work it's taken. I get you don't get paid for doing this, I'm just an impatient asshole. Is there a new ETA yet? I'd like to stop checking your furaffinity page every day. >> Anon 50683 >># I don't see how that would make him the victor. >> Anon 50793 >># Same goes for us. >> Anon 51088 Get a Blogspot / Wordpress page, swfchan comments section is never going to make your life any nicer. >> Anon 51089 >># He uses a Furaffinity page to post progress updates. |