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Threads (26):
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3465215 no beef >> [_] Anon 3465265 >It doesn't have to be beef The Japanese mind is truly beyond comprehension >> [_] Anon 3465266 if you showed the Japanese a century ago what their country would become, I think they'd all harakiri themselves. >> [_] Anon 3465267 ok can someone please explain the joke to me. >> [_] Anon 3465268 >># if you showed the Europeans a century ago what their continent would become, I think they'd all suicide themselves. >> [_] Anon 3465293 >># *Americans funny how USA seem to think that Europe is just these three countries: UK (68m population) France (65m population) Germany (84m population) in reality Europe is 748m people, most of which are nowhere near clown-land-USA >> [_] Anon 3465304 >># Nanking never happened >> [_] Anon 3465308 >># She will never earn her place in Yasukuni shrine. >> [_] Anon 3465313 if you showed the russians a century ago what their country would become, I think they'd all sudoku themselves. >> [_] Anon 3465320 >># >># everyone is fucking gay, just get over it >> [_] Anon 3465323 >># No, Russians are used to suffering.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3428623 >> [_] Anon 3428661 still less than 100 years ago japan was like this >> [_] Anon 3428666 >># Isn't it still like this outside of major cities? >> [_] Anon 3428672 >># no and the culture is very different. maybe you're thinking of china. >> [_] Anon 3428698 >># even then, they were showing festivals and events. It doesn't really give a good sense of who they were. It IS propaganda after all. >> [_] Anon 3428708 Incredible. What a bizarre culture and people! >> [_] Anon 3428709 >># Tell me about it! That's not how you make beef stroganoff at all! >> [_] Anon 3428718 Nice mashup. Never seen the second part to the end, always click it off after the first few seconds, so wasn't expecting the honor restoration joke either.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Loop) [_] Anon 3418395
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Other) [_] Anon 3413501 >> [_] Anon 3413504 Imagine Japan went from this to NIPPAAAAA in just two generations. >> [_] Anon 3413510 Oh fuck you got me good >> [_] Anon 3413525 nuclear fallout is a helluva drug >> [_] Anon 3413531 "Too much sympathy for the Jap people." -- US Pentagon, 1945 >> [_] Anon 3413560 >># they just that based
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3404358 Gotcha! >> [_] some guy on a sub 3404396 it doesnt have to be beef
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3377606 >> [_] Anon 3377612 Gute maimai >> [_] Anon 3377619 100 years ago it was 2 months since the first world war ended. The world lost over 1% of its population and the same amount were wounded. (WW2 had three times more deaths.) >> [_] Anon 3377630 >># >It's not good to hurt yourself without restoring honor >Howling japanese track in the background Lost >> [_] Anon 3377654 That was interesting >> [_] Anon 3377660 I find it disgusting how globalism has destroyed so much culture. >tfw in future every place will be about the same >> [_] Anon 3377683 Ah, naruhodo.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Other) [_] >># Anon 3371110
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Other) [_] Anon 3369142 >> [_] Anon 3369190 mindblowing how much japan changed in such a short time. haven't even been 100 years since WW2 began >> [_] Anon 3369192 >># *the world changed >> [_] Anon 3369238 >># i bet pre ww2 japan boys DIDNT KNOW THIS >> [_] Anon 3369239 >># usa haven't changed anywhere near as much as japan since 1920 >> [_] Anon 3369266 >># well, they did purposely not advance, or advance as little as possible up until they lost the war and were put under foreign government maybe a short time beforehand, as they tried to pull modern technology to win the war which obviously didn't help them against BEEE SEVENTEEEEEN BAAAAWWMER japan always had interest in trade and aquiring forein knowledge, but their social rites and structures were fixed for centuries shortly after WWII, they pulled a 180 and started spying on everything technological around the world and took pride in their newfound way of life, which let them to be industrial country and one of the most technologically advanced at that (technical as well as socially accepted - think of caring robots at hospitals) up until this point where they're most likely the only 1st world country with a negative birth rate and hoards of (voluntarely - as opposed to china) GFless hikikomoris which the government has to put into official state practical sex ed - I kid you not also they hire other asians and finance them their entire life, as long as they make babbies with their assigned japanese (real) waifu the best country ;_;
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3364798 >> [_] Anon 3364834 japan were worse than the nazis, we're lucky they never got anywhere. soviet probably have both of them beat though i dont know much about soviet sadly. shame movies focus so damn much on nazis. >> [_] Anon 3364889 >># You slick motherfucker, I didn't see that coming. >> [_] Anon 3364894 >># Nah they weren't. The Japanese treated war traditionally like warlords would. They took what they needed and razed it all through steel and fire when they were done. If their own platoons became tactically useless, they simply left them to starve rather than try to find a new way to utilize them. Japan was counting on winning the war FAST, and when that didn't happen they were just too stubborn to surrender. The Nazis are way more interesting because they conducted war and murder on an industrial scale that had never been done before, and their biggest undoing was that Hitler wanted to micromanage everything while also taking morphine. That said, agreed about movies. The two best are Letters from Iwo Jima and Bridge on the River Kwai, but those two are givens. >> [_] Anon 3364899 >># >Japan was counting on winning the war FAST They were counting on the war with the US ending quickly so they could have breathing room in the Pacific, mainly so they could conduct the war in China which had become an expensive quagmire. And the shit they did in China was in every way as bad as any stories you hear about the Nazis.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3359640 >> [_] Anon 3359657 >># yup >> [_] Anon 3359742 clever >> [_] Anon 3359748 holy shit this is good >> [_] Anon 3359754 >># My enemy are shitposter like you. Prepare your anus my anger will fall on you without lubricant. >> [_] Anon 3359755 >># t. Nippon-jin >> [_] Anon 3359763 good one >> [_] Anon 3359776 Fantastic, the payoff was completely worth the buildup. >> [_] Anon 3359812 beef stroganoff lol wut honor cut finger? da fuk?
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Other) [_] Anon 3354944 Boys don't know about the Japanese mind. >> [_] Anon 3354950 >># It doesn't have to be real nukes. >> [_] Anon 3354957 >># Why do I love this so much? >> [_] Anon 3354977 crash into the carriers from above >> [_] Anon 3354993 You got me Good laugh, thanks >> [_] Anon 3355012 >># doesn't have to be real showers >> [_] Anon 3355056 >and it doesn't have to be beef It DOES have to be beef, or else it wouldn't be beef stroganoff. I will never understand the Japanese mind.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3351362 >> [_] Anon 3351488 Yeah we know the filthy Yanks are the enemies, so anon why the enemy propaganda? >> [_] Anon 3351501 KEK, beefu straganoff
/ > /show/ > Thread 13315 Age: 113.77d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 59883 [IMG] Know Your Enemy.swf (10 MiB) 480x352, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3333446 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3333496 amazing how different japan was... remember this is how they were before world war 2, it's not even 80 years ago. >> [_] Anon 3333525 Never nuke twice >> [_] Anon 3333533 I mildly enjoyed the black humour. >> [_] Anon 3333560 >># Man, that's fucked up.. >> [_] Anon 3333578 boys don't know this >> [_] Anon 3333595 It's not that weird. Just ancient warrior worship, like us loving knights, along with some weird folk festivals which aren't as restrained as our are by the centralizing church, and then pop culture aimed at young people eighty years later. I mean, even then my grandfather loved comic books and stuff. >> [_] Anon 3333596 wew
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3316925 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3316946 this might be my favorite flash >> [_] Anon 3316959 I came for propaganda and stayed for the memes >> [_] Anon 3316962 Source on the anime? >> [_] Anon 3316981 >># how did she "restore honor"? >> [_] Anon 3316982 >># Vid name? >> [_] Anon 3317043 >># A knife, and a friend, and a while lot of zen. >> [_] Anon 3317047 >># Blood for blood. The samurai way.
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3299706 >> [_] Anon 3299709 I swear I don't do weird shit when I'm drunk. >many drinks later *makes anime* >> [_] Anon 3299797 >># >>>/r/eddit
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3289449 >> [_] Anon 3289454 heh >> [_] Anon 3289456 Noooooooo >> [_] Anon 3289513 good one, also I'm suprised this animu sorta works with rest
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3282666 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3282676 Well, that came outta no where. >> [_] Procyonidae 3282687 >># boy detected >> [_] Anon 3282688 >># OTOKO NO KO WA >> [_] Anon 3282692 >># I was expecting it a lot sooner >> [_] Anon 3282776 Was expecting Hood. Only mildly disappointed. >> [_] Anon 3282794 >B O Y S D O N T K N O W T H I S
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3279477 >> [_] Anon 3279483 fucking kek, didn't see that coming at all >> [_] Anon 3279582 Fuck you. I was watching that!
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3277737 >> [_] Anon 3277766 nice >> [_] Procyonidae 3277768 Why can't we all just get along? It doesn't have to be a beef, you know. >> [_] Procyonidae 3277787 >># DUBS >># DUBS >># DUBS LOL >> [_] Anon 3277808 >># >hey japan doesn't seem so bad hey their festivals look a little wack but whatever, its a festival, it doesn't need to make sen- >fucking sandals. with socks. say no more uncle sam, hand me rifle and pass the mags >> [_] Anon 3277810 >># Is this intentionally trying to make japan look as retarded and backwards as possible or is it just a coincidence? >> [_] Anon 3277812 >># That's definitely half of it. This is obviously wartime propaganda, so the US would want the troops to believe that they were fighting against barbarians to increase morale. Despite this I think it actually does a good job of depicting japan pre-war. A confusing amalgamation of progress and tradition. >> [_] Anon 3277817 >># Pretty much this. American who used to live right outside of Osaka here: it's still a confusing amalgamation of progress and tradition. I love modern Japan, but prewar? They were fucking monsters. Jap officers literally ate the livers of downed pilots on one island. (the one near where GHWB was shot down in his Avenger) >> [_] Anon 3277820 >># wearing socks in sandals are extremely comfy, denying yourself that is almost as bad as being vegetarian >> [_] Anon 3277824 >># Yes, propaganda doesn't have to mean it's not true. Know Your Enemy from 1944 is absolutely propaganda but it doesn't lie. Japan was worse than Germany in those days, hard to believe it's the same country today. >> [_] Procyonidae 3277839 >># But by the standards of Asia, it was futuristic. Japs figured out they needed a navy, repeating weapons, telephones and mass transit to have a shot at becoming relevant. Not bad for a country still practicing feudalism. >> [_] Anon 3277882 damn nips were cool as fuck back then, merging tradition with modern >> [_] Anon 3277884 >># why do people care about this? why do they think it doesn't look good? >> [_] Anon 3277886 >># I disagree. Wearing sandals without socks is far more comfortable. My feet get sweaty and hot in socks. >> [_] Anon 3277893 >># well you just have nasty gaijin feet then >> [_] Anon 3277898 >># I'm not the one that needs to hide them in socks you autist
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3274057 >> [_] Anon 3274059 That ending though >> [_] Anon 3274065 ( ゚∀゚)o彡゜尊皇攘夷!尊皇攘夷!
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3268023 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3268039 >># Fuck you it does >> [_] Anon 3268040 I had not expected such a sharp and drastic change in this. Well done >> [_] Anon 3268042 >># nice >> [_] Anon 3268080 >># Heh. >> [_] Anon 3268157 test to see whether sage works anymore >> [_] Anon 3268159 >># :(
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3264426 >> [_] Anon 3264441 B E E F E E F >> [_] Anon 3264443 >B E E F B E E F B E E F >E E F B E E F B E E F B >E F B E E F B E E F B E >F B E E F B E E F B E E >B E E F B E E F B E E F >E E F B E E F B E E F B >E F B E E F B E E F B E >F B E E F B E E F B E E >B E E F B E E F B E E F >E E F B E E F B E E F B >E F B E E F B E E F B E >F B E E F B E E F B E E >> [_] Anon 3264445 >># *you're >> [_] Anon 3264457 gogd DDDAAAAANM this needs to be a .webm but it's embedded in such a way you can't convert it in ffmpeg >> [_] Anon 3264500 >># >># It doesn't have to be beef! >> [_] Anon 3264519 >># kek >># swf master race
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3261382 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3261385 Got me >> [_] Anon 3261402 Kill them. Kill them all. >> [_] Anon 3261403 oh come on >> [_] Anon 3261482 Americans don't know this >> [_] Anon 3261503 has anyone tried making the recipe before? Is it any good?
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3260210 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3260211 Thanks for the reminder of where I am >> [_] Anon 3260216 LOL >> [_] Anon 3260217 incredible >> [_] Anon 3260303 that was funnier than I expected >> [_] Anon 3260312 For what purpose? >> [_] Anon 3260314 >># it seems you didn´t watch it all up to the beef stroganoff >> [_] Anon 3260349 >># Was not expecting. A real sleeper meme. >> [_] Anon 3260373 What the fuck is with the Jew star made of stars at the beginning? Fucking American Goi-slaves. >> [_] Anon 3260374 >># Oh wow, jokes aside, that fit in way better than expected
File: Know Your Enemy.swf-(10 MB, 480x352, Japanese) [_] Anon 3259545 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3259555 I was about to call this fake because there were no chinese cartoons in the footage, and then suddenly boys don't know this >> [_] Anon 3259576 This is some content. Some straight content. Boys don't know anything about this. I would place this in Egypt so we can think about it for years. This is the type of thing that only comes up when an eight-armed being starts rolling those tapes. >> [_] Anon 3259630 >># >boys don't know this And it doesn't have to be Meiji! >> [_] Anon 3259777 >># What the fuck? >> [_] Anon 3259792 Shit fuckin killed me. |