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Discovered:7/3 -2019 04:37:51

Ended:8/3 -2019 20:38:52

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File: dice.swf-(94 KB, 800x600, Game)
[_] It's dice time, mother fuckers. Anonymous 03/06/19(Wed)22:33:06 No.3383486

  Select maps with "lakes/voids" if you feel this game cheats (it does, but that's the fun of it.
  You have to beat a cheater). Also, git gud.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] vageta 03/07/19(Thu)04:07:55 No.3383505

  Fucking cheating AI. How the fuck do I lose 14 out of 15 fights.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)04:27:59 No.3383507

  Remember when I first saw this game it looked boring as hell. At the time I didn't realise this
  was a world war simulator

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)04:46:33 No.3383508

  Here we go again. This piece of fucking shit game. It is rigged to the bone. There is no debating
  it. There is a 90% chance that you will lose the fight you take or lose when trying to defend
  your own territory from an invasion. There is nothing fair about this. The one who goes first is
  at an immediate advantage. The one who goes first can just sweep up the board and once his turn
  ends can get dice right back before the other player can even make a move. Fuck this trash game
  for stealing 30 minutes of my life everytime it gets posted.

>> [_] vageta 03/07/19(Thu)04:50:55 No.3383509

  Are you dumb enough to try to make big moves? The way to play is to get a corner, get into a
  defensive position, then stall until your all stacked. Of course the npc does this too once you
  get too big but you'll have an advantage and get 5-6 spots before they can match you. I never
  play a game that doesnt end up with every block having 8 dice on it and got 20 dice in the pocket.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)05:07:47 No.3383510

  It doesn't fucking matter what strategy you go with if you lose to 3 dice with 7 over and over

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)05:37:52 No.3383511

  look at this brainlet.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)14:38:44 No.3383538

  fuck this game

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)14:40:39 No.3383539

  I could not even start my first turn and I already lost every land I have
  What the fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)15:06:42 No.3383540

  protip: connect all your pieces to a big one so you have more dices given at the end of the turn
  freebie tip: split enemy lands into little pieces so they have less dices given at the end of the

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)15:40:26 No.3383542

  i just used 40 minutes on one round and won against this RNG hell

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)16:36:37 No.3383548

  Is there a more sophisticated version of this game? Preferably online, I feel like this is too
  simple and easy

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)17:16:05 No.3383552

  >Taking 30 minutes to win in this game.
  >People crying about how rigged it is
  It's pretty easy, I feel.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:02:51 No.3383558

  Yea once the board is down to me and one other team, even though we both have full 8 dice stacks
  they seem to usually (but not 100 percent) give me a lower roll than expected.
  Just rolled 8 dice and got a 23. That's like 2 or 3 for each dice rolled. Which shouldn't
  persistently happen like it does.
  Still saved tho. It's pretty fun for the brain.

>> [_] DonaldJTrump 03/07/19(Thu)18:08:55 No.3383559

  I always win. Never takes more than 20 minutes.
  But, because you can chose any map, I always choose the maps
  where there is a void in the center, and I control one of the bridges.
  Early game is easy- accumulate territory while defending your ass.

  What you have to do is learn after that is anticipate your opponent.
  I know that's too hard for any of you here to learn. LOW IQ.
  Here are some hints to help you out:

  Your opponent can only attack you with stacks that border your
  territory/border a capture territory. Don't just go absorbing all
  the zones. Focus on strategically accumulating power,
  and wait for them to attack you.

  Move a strong stack behind their front lines and leave some easy
  spaces around for your enemy to capture. They go for the easy stuff first.
  This leaves their defenses weakened and you with troops ready to go.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:21:08 No.3383561

  Actually I was sorta curious. Seeing as though you're some faggot boasting a high iq. Answer me
  this smart guy.
  How come when it's a draw, rather than both sides losing nothing or losing an equal amount, it's
  the side that attacked that gets the hit?
  Doesn't that know...defeat the purpose of a draw?
  Doesn't even fucking say draw.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:22:19 No.3383562

  just keep baiting the computer into attacking you while never expanding quicker than you are
  getting dice (<16 dice only one attack per turn) eventually it just turns into an 8 stack slog
  and if you keep baiting the computer attacks too often to replace it's dice

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:28:16 No.3383563

  It's all about growth and attrition, /f/riends.
  15 minutes, 7 players, 1 victory.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:29:55 No.3383564

  isn't it common sense? if you attack you gotta overwhelm the opposition. in a siege the defendant
  always has the upper hand

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:32:17 No.3383565

  The AI is shit. Different players have different, singular targets. If you recognize which AIs
  target each other and which target you, you can just lock some of them into a situation where
  they decide not to accumulate landmass because they don't have a straight access to your property.

  So uh, that's the "high IQ" thing that shitstain of a faggot up there was referencing to.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)18:34:28 No.3383566

  Isn't it also common sense that if you're being attacked at all there's a good possibility that
  the ones defending would suffer losses too?
  Sure results vary depending on fortification, environment, and tactical advantages but still. To
  say the person defending isn't gonna lose jack shit during a draw...pretty ridiculous.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)19:27:04 No.3383569

  ah, sweet victory. I went full retard atacking anything close by as long as my "tower" of dices
  looked slightly bigger or equal to the enemy, and somehow i won.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)19:30:32 No.3383570

  congrats you played the exact same way an npc plays. Because of that you had a 1/8 chance of

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)21:10:54 No.3383577

  I have the phone app and use this game as a time killer.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)23:34:37 No.3383585

  i play this game all the time. the boxing one the guy made is fun too

  it's pretty simple, like a few anons said, get in a corner, or in a pocket, and don't over extend
  yourself. AI is dumb, and can be baited.

  i do feel occasionally that the AI cheats, you seem to loose several attacks in a row that you
  easily should've won, but it's not a regular thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)23:38:16 No.3383586

  >can't wrap their reddit heads around Statistical Advantage

  It's not the size of your stack, you plebs, it's the chance any possible roll of that stack may
  overtake any possible roll of your stack... size doesn't matter like you think.
  If I have 6 dice, I could roll at MINIMUM, a 6. of you have only 2 dice, you could roll a MAXIMUM
  of 12...
  the strategy is geographical, not by-volume.

  If you can't beat this in 10-20 minutes a play, you should stick to cooking beef stroganoff.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)00:14:55 No.3383590


>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)02:54:05 No.3383601

  Game isnt Rigged but Meta needs to be removed.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)04:25:55 No.3383604

  absoloutly based.
  t.beef stroganoff hater

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)04:39:54 No.3383605

  boy detected

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)06:24:18 No.3383607

  why are you shouting about it like it's some big revelation?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)07:07:21 No.3383608

  1st game, 7 players, lost.
  2nd game, 8 players, won
  3rd game, 2 players, won.

  What's the hardest number of players?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)07:24:56 No.3383609

  >the rng is actually rng
  >waah its not biased towards the player

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)07:26:21 No.3383610

  it depends more on the generated layout. the more scattered and comparably lesser your landmass
  and total dice amount is, the harder it is to win.

  the turn order is also randomized, but you can't see it before the game. you could technically
  lose the game before you even get a move

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)07:31:13 No.3383611

  I find 2 players hardest. since you both start out even and the other guy just relentlessly
  attacks you and the board is just chaos.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)13:35:48 No.3383633

  It's impossible to win in a two player match.
  Shit game

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)14:06:06 No.3383635

  Objectively false. Weigh your options between cutting up his territory, consolidating your own,
  and taking out a power stack, and you'll find the game becomes significantly easier.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)14:11:00 No.3383636
  I hate this fucking game and I hate everyone who posts it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/19(Fri)14:36:41 No.3383637

  Going second in a two player match is near impossible, since the computer can take out some of
  your most dangerous stacks and get a 15+ reinforcement before you even get the chance to move.
Created: 7/3 -2019 04:37:51 Last modified: 8/3 -2019 21:56:15 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:48:24