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This is resource P3NYMI0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/9 -2019 13:11:48

Ended:18/9 -2019 17:55:12

Checked:18/9 -2019 18:42:26

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: touhou-music-quiz-v1.0.swf-(9.73 MB, 300x400, Game)
[_] OC for tuesday Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)07:08:15 No.3402728

  well "OC"
  I stole the idea and the first 3 songs from

  Looking back, I think 30 songs is a bit too much. You get fatigued by the end. 20 would've been
  fine... but I didn't want to cut any of them out.
  (also I was too lazy to figure out how to make a pause button)
  I was also unsure of where to put the reveal. In most songs I put it just as the hook kicks in,
  but in some I allowed the hook to play for a little bit before revealing. dunno which one is

  I plan on making a v.2 with less songs and (maybe!) actual button you press to guess
  Feel free to suggest songs to put in that. Just note that these need to have a hook that kicks
  in, so no songs where it's just one motif that repeats forever (e.g. Alice in Wonderland)

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)07:08:54 No.3402729

  aaaaaaaaaand the preloader doesn't work

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)07:12:50 No.3402731

  okay I'm gonna ask here:
  how would I make the preloader work for this?
  I put all the songs in the flash library thing, then checked "Export for Actionscript". I did NOT
  check "Export in frame 1"
  I then loaded them just by doing ``new Song13()"
  So, uhhhh... how would I do it RIGHT? So the Flash would load everything BUT the song in the
  first frame, start playing the preloader, and then load the songs in the preloader scene?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)07:23:45 No.3402732

  Works for me. Thanks OP I didn't think 30 was too much. It's fun with a drink

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)09:34:21 No.3402740

  Worked fine for me. Was neat, thanks.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)09:37:31 No.3402741

  the thing is you can't call for audio through code otherwise it will load in the first frame
  which renders the preloader useless

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)09:53:59 No.3402742

  so how do other flashes do it?
  0x40 Hues has a preloader. It doesn't use code to play its songs? Are you saying all the music
  there is directly embedded in the frames?

  really? you saw the flashing "Please wait warmly" and increasing count up to 30?
  because all I get is a white screen until it loads

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)10:16:41 No.3402748

  I'dve cut out the pre-windows stuff, but then again, I recognised Alice's tune so eh.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)10:29:05 No.3402750

  it's only Alice's and Shinki's themes

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)10:52:03 No.3402752

  No I just see the Play
  Isn't the reason because it just loads fast with my conneciton?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)11:18:13 No.3402753

  0x40 Hues is made of magic and those people who made it didn't pass on the knowledge
  if you take for example loops.swf it has as many frames as the number of songs it has so in each
  frame you put a song in the properties tab and you put this in the code

  stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopSnd);
  function stopSnd(event:MouseEvent):void

  so the current song will stop playing

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)11:45:00 No.3402754

  nvm I THINK I've figured it out
  I went to File->ActionScript Settings and changed "Export classes in frame" to 2 instead of 1
  Now my size report says:
  Frame # Frame Bytes Total Bytes Scene
  ------- ----------- ----------- -----
  1 15621 15621 Loading
  2 10190560 10206181 MainScene (AS 3.0 Classes Export Frame)

  so basically all the heavy sounds are shoved into the actual game scene and the preloader is a
  breezy 15621 bytes
  I still can't TEST this without actually uploading an updated version, tho...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)12:32:07 No.3402758

  Here's how you can test:

  Install python, rename the swf to "weeb.swf" and run the script in the same folder, then navigate
  to http://localhost:8080/weeb.swf. Adjust CHUNK_SIZE, CHUCK_TIME and other variables/constants as

  for CHUNK_SIZE, larger is faster
  for CHUCK_TIME (interval between chunks) smaller is faster

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)12:47:44 No.3402759

  ah nah I'm not gonna do this
  I also keep running into "Error #2068: Invalid sound" whenever I try exporting to anything other
  than frame 1
  I think I'll either have to bite the bullet and just put all the sounds in the timeline (ffs) or
  give up on having a preloader

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)12:53:30 No.3402761

  >I also keep running into "Error #2068: Invalid sound" whenever I try exporting to anything other
  than frame 1
  Thank you, kglad from Jan 19, 2012!
  Apparently Flash is dumb and can't load .wav files. I have to convert all my files to mp3

  now if only Flash weren't a dying medium I would've posted a PSA on some forum somewhere to let
  other know. Oh well.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)15:47:00 No.3402764

  Really nice, anon! You could also add a button to switch to the next track manually and just keep
  the timing as it is, if you're concerned about it's length.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)16:06:50 No.3402765

  Nice one, I've seen some of these on niconico before so the concept's nothing new to me but it's
  still fun.

  Some personal thoughts on how to improve this:
  -Letting the hook kick in when the countdown starts is a better idea, since they're the most
  catchy part and what people tend to remember most. And if they still don't get it after 5 secs of
  that then they weren't gonna get it anyways
  -I've noticed you use roughly 25~ secs give or take 2 or 3 secs for each song, I think you can
  cut this down to 20 or even 15, as there's little reason to let the song play out much after the
  -I know you're worried about the filesize as this is 9.73 MB already, but the mp3s are around
  50kb for the whole track, or at least that's what I'm checking from the chinese touhou wiki which
  has the mp3s along with midi files embedded so you can listen and download (I don't even know
  chink at all, but it's a handy thing for moments like this)
  %88%86%E7%B1%BB:ZUN%E4%BD%9C%E5%8E%9F%E6%9B%B2 go to any page and check out the mp3s, even the
  full length Necrofantasia at 5:41 hosted there is only 50kb. I originally wanted to suggest you
  lower the audio quality to cut down on filesize, but you're switching to mp3 from wav. I think
  using the tracks they've got there is good enough, it should be even smaller than 50kb since
  you're just cropping a small part.
  As the rest is just simple text and borders/jpeg, I believe you can really cut the filesize down
  massively to add other features
  -Speaking of Necrofantasia, it blew my ears out when it came on, classic. You can lower a few dbs
  on that in any audio editor, the quality will technically go down a bit but who cares this is
  -Pretty sure you're aware already, but the bottom "Song X of 30" cuts out when the song number
  hits double digits, and song titles get cut out a lot too, but these are easy fixes

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)16:51:49 No.3402766

  (Part 2 because I hit the character limit)

  Personal song suggestions, instead of picking my favorites I'm picking the ones I think are
  underrated and most won't get immediately (btw you can just copypaste the japanese titles into
  the chink wiki and it redirects you to the page, so it's easy even if you don't know any kind of

  -Tomorrow will be special, yesterday was not (MoF extra stage theme)
  -Rural Makai City Esoteria (UFO stage 5 theme)
  -Flower of Japan (Yuuka's theme....from that Seihou Project game! How many are even gonna get
  this one?)
  -Catastrophe in Bhava Agra ~ Wonderful Heaven (Tenko's theme from SWR)
  -Sakura sakura ~ Japanize Dream (PCB staffroll theme)
  -Retrospective Kyoto (StB)
  -Fall of fall (MoF stage 4 theme)

  and that's it, lets see how the next version goes, but first things first is to get flash working
  right lol. Good luck dude, despite my love for flash I never really got much into making anything
  with it beyond school projects, here's hoping everything works out for you

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)17:04:03 No.3402767

  uhhh, don't know where you're getting the 50kb figure from, but from tracks I see they're a few
  MBs each (Necrofantasia is 5.22 MB). even the midis tend to be in the 100kb range.

  >Speaking of Necrofantasia, it blew my ears out when it came on, classic. You can lower a few dbs
  on that in any audio editor
  all the versions I had were peaked to all hell
  I even tried ripping it off directly from the game and it was STILL peaked
  there was ONE version from one of ZUN's CDs that wasn't as bad as the others, so I used that. I
  realize now I should've also reduced the amplitude a little bit.

  >Pretty sure you're aware already, but the bottom "Song X of 30" cuts out when the song number
  hits double digits
  It doesn't for me. I used the generic _serif font, so the particular system you use probably has
  a big default serif font. I couldn't embed my own font into the swf b/c I ran out of space
  I'll try fixing it in the next version

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)17:20:53 No.3402768

  Ah nevermind, I was downloading the wrong thing, you're right it's a few MBs. Well, let's see how
  it goes, sacrificing audio quality and length should allow for something to squeeze in

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)17:26:32 No.3402770

  >sacrificing audio quality
  that goes against the point of the game...
  if there is one thing I DON'T want to sacrifice is sound quality!

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)17:33:08 No.3402771

  hey those ARE some of my favorites
  especially MoF extra stage, Wonderful Heaven and Japanize Dream

  >Flower of Japan (Yuuka's theme....from that Seihou Project game! How many are even gonna get
  this one?)
  it's (also) from DiPP

  I'm putting your post into song for next version.txt

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)19:30:04 No.3402777

  Adobe Flash has an option to simulate downloading the file though
  in the flash preview of your build press ctrl and enter again

  always use mp3 for the compression anyway, you can still make it slightly compressed if you're
  that worried about the audio quality

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)19:34:18 No.3402778


>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)19:59:24 No.3402780

  Nah, 30 clips of songs isn't too much, and it's a good selection. I guess the Bad Apple arrange
  sticks out because it's the only fan arrangement.

  I guess a pause button and maybe a button to replay the clip depending on if and how you
  implement a guessing feature. And if you've got the full songs in there then you may as well work
  on an option for a music player function, but if you were using wav files I assume you cut them
  down to get them to fit.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/17/19(Tue)20:25:49 No.3402781

  Fuck you icicle

>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/19(Wed)11:23:58 No.3402820

  love you too, samanon
Created: 17/9 -2019 13:11:48 Last modified: 18/9 -2019 18:42:38 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:06:17