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This is resource CROZEXZ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/1 -2021 00:24:13

Ended:16/8 -2021 05:37:28

Checked:16/8 -2021 05:48:53

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 44.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 21600

   Age: 191.21d   Health: 0%   Posters: 27   Posts: 44   Replies: 38   Files: 1+2

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)00:21 No.83189 OP P1

    ankha_by_ankha By zone.swf (9.48 MiB)
   1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 4220 frames, 24 fps (02:56).
   Ver43, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)01:09 No.83190 A P2R1

   "Flash is dead" Ha yeah my ass.
   This is a masterpiece.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)08:18 No.83197 B P3R2

   Sweet! Tho wish her tongue didn't look like that at the end zoom-in... I wonder why he decided
   to make a -8 remake out of all things he could have decided to do.

   Very happy he released the swf file. Seems to work OK in Ruffle but some effects are missing.
   Should be seen with the flash plugin. You probably need a pretty powerful CPU to view it in
   fullscreen at intended framerate.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)09:00 No.83198 B P4

   Music is cut together from an instrumental version of "Camel By Camel" by Sandy Marton.
   The song was made in 1985, little did he know where it would end up 36 years later... The singer
   from Croatia is close to 62 years old and seems to be still alive.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)09:11 No.83199 B P5

   Found a video version of the flash here:
   Only 1080p, in poor quality, and the mp4 is 130 MiB.

   I suppose it's a crudely made re-encode of Zone's official video release but still, flash always
   wins. Except performance wise, you'd need a beast of a CPU to run this flash in 4K at 24fps.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)10:03 No.83201 C P6R3

   Holy shit FINALLY a -8 flash I can say safely say it's great without any asterisks or

   All it needed was to be made by someone else.

   >> DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU 30jan2021(sa)11:03 No.83202 D P7R4

   Something by Z0NE! Looks like there is a god!

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)11:20 No.83203 C P8R5

   Now YOU have to do an Ankha scene as well.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)11:21 No.83204 E P9R6

Holy shit I thought this was gonna release as an .mp4, glad to see I was wrong!

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)12:02 No.83205 F P10R7

   kek, come on brah

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)12:47 No.83209 G P11R8

   I was under the impression that this was going to be interactive. I guess I just got my hopes up.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)17:09 No.83218 H P12R9

   Wow, great pearl for a parting gift. Flash can die happy now.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)19:52 No.83225 I P13R10

   Pretty fucking good.

   >> Anonymous 30jan2021(sa)20:09 No.83228 J P14R11

   Huh, i wonder if -8 is going to remake one of zone's works now

   >> DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU 31jan2021(su)04:15 No.83240 D P15R12

   ..Do I have to though?

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)05:56 No.83243 K P16R13

   Nah, Ankha is clearly getting enough love.

   You got a bunch of requests your last thread from a majority for one of your flash ideas. Why
   focus on Ankha when she now has 2 (going on three) animations from Minus8 and now a better one
   from ZONE?

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)08:44 No.83244 B P17R14

   >and now a better one
   Having heard how mentally unstable -8 have sometimes been over the years (deleting accounts and
   such) I wonder if Zone's homage was a good thing for -8's ego. He probably have seen this flash
   by now, did it make him happy or did it conjure other feelings?

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)10:43 No.83246 L P18R15

   Good to see you Din

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)10:46 No.83248 L P19

   Any progress can share ?

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)10:56 No.83249 M P20R16

   I can see why Zone gave up animating to stream on Twitch, that was mediocre.

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)12:38 No.83251 N P21R17

   Holy fuck
   praise to zone

   >> Anonymous 31jan2021(su)20:09 No.83259 O P22R18

   You could do it, go to twitter and get into the zone community. I bet you'd get a whole lot of
   praise from zone himself and badabing badaboom you're a popular r34 artist swimming in
   commissions. Possibility of raking in patreonbux and never doing any actual work inclusive.

   >> Anonymous 1feb2021(mo)14:03 No.83275 P P23R19

   I'm gonna be that guy and ask for a no bulge edit because it is not my fetish and it honestly
   looks like a xenomorph about to pop out which is also not my fetish
   I did however with some difficulty manage to fap to it nonetheless, bravo flash and bravo ZONE

   >> Anonymous 1feb2021(mo)15:44 No.83276 F P24R20

   *sigh* "The shit I put up with." *zip*

   >> Anonymous 3feb2021(we)20:02 No.83328 O P25R21

   Zone already gave in to that suggestion once in the past.
   also B A L L G A G

   >> ???? ???? 4feb2021(th)06:12 No.83347 Q P26R22

   When pigs fly and hell freezes over

   >> Joshex 4feb2021(th)15:46 No.83350 R P27R23

   Ahh.., Zone has spoken. Flash shall not die. and you cannot rest till she's finished. thats the

   >> Anonymous 8feb2021(mo)07:55 No.83374 S P28R24

   streaming, well done, brings in that money, zone can't keep relying on hentai key chump change
   and a half dead zone archive. Not to mention that burn out from ghost busters. Doing flash
   animation for that length solo takes it's toll on you. Also the new lord dominator one is taking
   so long because it's gonna be animated to "I'm the bad guy" and syncing hentai to music rhythm
   is harder then a few loops with transitions. If it was 3d models or hand drawn it would be
   faster but this is flash motion tweening.

   >> Anonymous 8feb2021(mo)17:42 No.83375 O P29R25

   funny to think about that a format trying to emulate hand drawn animation and make it easier
   takes more time than just doing it by hand and scanning it anyway
   what's even the point then, why did zone ultimately make it in flash? can he not draw by hand

   >> Anonymous 9feb2021(tu)01:59 No.83378 H P30R26

   >flash with tweening is harder than hand drawn animation
   What the fuck am I reading.

   >> Anonymous 9feb2021(tu)09:02 No.83379 S P31R27

   have you seen the work process from wakfu compared the the work put into foster's home? It's a
   lot of work compared to hand drawn.

   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)14:44 No.83747 P P32R28

   >newgrounds DELET'd this
   wtf I hate tom flup now


   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)15:15 No.83748 T P33R29

   i gave up on newgrounds a long time ago. i remember it being REALLY difficult finding the adult

   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)15:32 No.83749 B P34R30

   Probably has something to do with copyright, which Newgrounds have been dealing with more
   extensively in later years. It got so bad that they even changed the music in the classic Pico's

   It's unlikely Zone licensed the music used in this flash. Since it's not YouTube and they can
   claim ad revenue it'll go away instead. If whoever owns the music rights wasn't the problem
   maybe Nintendo was. They are notorious for shutting down even the most passionate fan projects
   and wouldn't give a damn about any fair use claims from porn parodies, knowing that neither
   Newgrounds nor Zone would take them to court over it.

   >ERROR — This project has been removed by the Newgrounds moderation team.
   They should have written the reason why it was removed. Even if writing the reason is not
   something they usually do for removals this project is so high profile that it's sure to spread
   rumors if it just disappears without any explanation.

   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)18:12 No.83751 B P35

   When was the Ankha video removed from Newgrounds? Checked both their forums and reddit and
   nobody's talking about it as far as I could find. Either it must have happened very recently or
   I'm overestimating their activity.

   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)18:28 No.83753 K P36R31

   Eh, I liked his previous work.

   >> Anonymous 5mar2021(fr)20:20 No.83765 U P37R32

   speaking of newgrounds how do i access the secret supporter forum

   >> Anonymous 6mar2021(sa)07:48 No.83788 V P38R33

   There's a secret forum?

   >> Anonymous 6mar2021(sa)07:58 No.83797 V P39

   i keep looking for a secret forum but i haven't heard anyone talk about it.

   >> Anonymous 6mar2021(sa)17:29 No.83833 W P40R34

   I think he means the voting forum?

   >> Anonymous 9mar2021(tu)14:33 No.84002 X P41R35

   Hasn't that been around forever?

   >> Anonymous 9mar2021(tu)22:31 No.84014 Y P42R36

   Yeah, that's how Midna was selected last if I remember right.

   >> Anonymous 10mar2021(we)17:51 No.84047 O P43R37

   that was one zone-archive though, not on newgrounds, idk about any secret stuff on newgrounds
   the voting forum was working up until the late 2010s and got shafted some time after zone went
   to minimalize his website (oekaki also removed), but it wasn't used since maybe the midna flash
   man, when I think about all those stellar recommendations on there...
   instead we got motorcity ... yaaaay

   >> Anonymous 12mar2021(fr)18:49 No.84085 Z P44R38

Created: 30/1 -2021 00:24:13 Last modified: 16/8 -2021 05:49:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:07:18