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This is resource YAXWCA1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/7 -2022 03:50:41

Ended:23/7 -2022 06:44:57

Checked:23/7 -2022 08:54:05

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Doors.swf-(208 KB, 900x750, Other)
[_] Why so many Zeitfag threads? Anonymous 07/21/22(Thu)21:47:10 No.3485632

  What the fuck is up with that? It´s been like this for over a year at least, the first few times
  were funny in some animations but it´s just retarded now.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/22(Thu)22:35:28 No.3485635

  Started working on a history of the zeitgeist shit flash where it shows Wojak happy in in 2007
  and gets increasingly angry from 2009 onwards from when zeitgesit first appears to the present.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/22(Thu)22:49:11 No.3485636

  Unrelated, but the flash you works and feels rather nice to use on mobile.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)00:25:19 No.3485641

  please god no

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)01:33:47 No.3485644

  >flash on mobile
  fuck, that's a thing?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)03:05:49 No.3485646

  SWF Player Free works in new version Android OS.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)03:27:48 No.3485648

  yes, it has worked on my last 3 phones.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)04:43:16 No.3485649

  As cringe as it may be on paper I would like to see it.

  I fucking hate apple so much it´s unreal, jobs can suck a thousand cocks in hell just because of
  what he did to flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)09:07:54 No.3485657

  Alphabet (Google) also played a big part.

  The flash video player was required to use YouTube up until I dunno, 2010 or something, and the
  flash player was supported until 2015. (published January 28, 2015)

  Yet they STILL absolutely refused to allow flash animations on YouTube even though it would have
  saved them 90% bandwidth. It's easy to make a parser that strips away all ActionScript from
  uploaded files except explicitly allowed simple stuff like gotoAndPlay() and button-click-logic.
  We can only dream of an interactive YouTube and how far that would have taken flash and the field
  of vector animation as a whole. Imagine the motivation Adobe would have felt to improve flash if
  they saw such a bright future for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)10:48:16 No.3485670

  >flash on mobile
  I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

  inb4 cringe screaming wojak shitpost (don't let it get to you, anon. Every OC is better than no

  Yeah, apple just NOPED flash from the start, but Google&co is what actively purged it from the
  HTML5 just provided way more power to them instead of Adobe who wasn't even too hot about
  handling the liabilities that came with a severely underdeveloped flash environment (as in they
  gave 0 fucks about improving it).
  Add in that the web was chock full of flash game sites which equal app games in purpose and
  quality, but instead of buying them for 50cents you just get 'em for free oti.
  It was just a matter of time after the chrome web era began really, though I won't forgive them
  for playing extremely dirty with the OMG FLASH IS VIRUZ at the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)11:23:41 No.3485675

  The 0th layer of hell where steve jobs is eternally spitroasted by hitler and stalin.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)12:11:08 No.3485682

  perhaps the worst part is the swf format is actually open and people are free to develop their
  own flash players. so browsers could have developed their own capability to render flash, just
  like they can render a jpg without a special plugin. if chrome/firefox could render swf on their
  own they probably would get to have a big say on how the format would progress as well, you have
  to wonder why they insisted on pushing html5 with canvas rendering instead of building on the
  media format that has already dominated the web for 10 years.

  come to think of it, chrome already had their own flash solution in "pepper flash". they didn't
  even use adobe's plugin.
  unless the "pepper" was just adobe's plugin in a capsule, but they say their player provided
  newer features so sounds like that isn't the case.
  why force-kill flash after all this effort, i never read a good reason. their posts just say
  "time to sunset flash". but why exactly? if they had their own flash player it couldn't have been
  about adobe's security.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)12:18:43 No.3485683

  > their posts just say "time to sunset flash". but why exactly?
  Because flash is evil and will kill your family in your sleep. You wouldn't stand in the way of
  development for all humankind by playing old ass free internet games, now would you? I know,
  because my gradma told me so.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)16:56:19 No.3485695

  How dare you, Flash is a good guy! He's the fastest download there is!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)19:05:05 No.3485702

  I have an android 2 sony ericson that I use to browse /f/ in bed (and as an alarm clock).

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)19:17:44 No.3485703

  Webdev community bought the "FLASH IS VIRUS" thing hook line and sinker, possibly due to high
  proportion of macfags, but now I'm speculating.
  Towards the EOL date a few tech sites ran articles lamenting its immanent switch-off and all I
  could think of was how a few years back they were all calling for its destruction in unison.
  Journalists man...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/22(Fri)19:28:19 No.3485705

  the unfortunate Zeitfag history is almost done. I've added the wojaks now I need to add images
  for every single flash referenced.

  it'll use Hatred's music, seems approprite.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/22(Sat)00:44:36 No.3485713

  i bork it
Created: 22/7 -2022 03:50:41 Last modified: 23/7 -2022 08:54:06 Server time: 05/11 -2024 08:27:30