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This is resource WI7V1NA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/1 -2024 22:55:31

Ended:6/1 -2024 08:44:32

Checked:6/1 -2024 12:54:32

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Anthem Machine v1.2.swf-(9.79 MB, 1433x890, Other)
[_] 4cc dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/03/24(Wed)17:52:46 No.3503001

  The New Year is almost upon us and for the first time in a short while that means it's time for
  /f/'s appearance in the Winter Elite Cup!

  Hope you all enjoyed your holidays, I wanted to see how everyone felt about the team's last
  showing and if there were any further suggestions as well as drop the schedule. It looks like the
  first weekend will be January the 19th and will continue the following 2 weekends after that, I
  will try to have threads around our match times so keep an eye open. We'll get to find out who we
  play on the 14th when the draw occurs. As always links to the stream can be found at the homepage.
  With that out of the way lets get down to business. We had a strong showing in Autumn where we
  went undefeated in our group then immediately dropped a disappointing (but exciting) elimination
  game to the horsefuckers to send us home early. I'll post the current roster after this but as
  always, anything about the team is open for discussion for changes. Anthems, goalhorns, chants,
  players, any kit ideas, ad boards, anything about the presentation I will do my best to make it
  happen if it's something the board wants to see. I've already got a couple small surprises in
  store but anything /f/ related you want to suggest let me hear it here. If need be I can open up
  a poll for the roster but I think the board is slow enough to hash everything out in a thread.
  Everything on the wiki page is up to date if you want more details on all of our existing stuff

  >what the fuck is a winter elite?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/03/24(Wed)17:54:41 No.3503002

  Currently the roster looks like this
  Lord Fulp
  Pepsi Man
  Bourbon House
  Integral Story Bro
  High Tension Japanese Goburin
  Monday Approaches
  Takeo Ischi
  Xiao Mei Mei
  Resize The Flash
  Billy Herrington
  Gardevoir Paizuri
  Van Darkholme
  Party Hard
  Daily Dose

  Our silver medals are still Party Hard and the Doc, while our golds are Da Hood and Lolicatgirls
  who is also the captain. I've always been happy with the core of the team but I also like
  rotating some new/returning players into the lineup as well to keep things a little fresh. As far
  as "new" players go the only thing I could really come up with was OrinJam, this could be a
  replacement for the High Tension Goburin as our 2hu rep or someone else if we wanted to double up
  our 2hu reps. Just keep in mind that if we add someone someone else has to go. I'll be lurking
  the thread a bit tonight and keeping an eye on it, I'll try to reply to everything but
  wageslaving keeps me pretty busy.

  Also holy shitting dick nipples this flash finally works in Ruffle. If you want a link to the
  fuckhueg version that contains the full songs I've got a link here

>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)19:38:20 No.3503005

  man i like orin jam, but perhaps it could be a chant instead of a player

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/03/24(Wed)20:36:39 No.3503011

  That's fair enough, it would be easy to loop that section of the song a few times into a good
  chant. If I had to pick someone from this lineup to drop I'd say >renaming, it's important to the
  board but not a beloved player, like I'm not hearing people go 'holy shit I can't believe >r
  enaming didn't get in'. I think it could work better as an ad board like maybe use the text from
  original_filename.swf? That being said I haven't come up with anything that I think we're
  desperately missing in a player either.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/24(Wed)21:45:54 No.3503013

  Have a free age on me! I don't watch but I still appreciate the tradition.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)09:55:25 No.3503025

  I'm satisfied with the current roster.
  >replacing suika with orin

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)10:29:57 No.3503026

  I love these 4chan cups, never could find where to watch them currently though, plenty of reposts
  on youtube at least, the commentary is golden

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)11:09:33 No.3503027

  Last run was great. I like the team and with not much OC these days it's hard to come up with any
  suggestions for changes. I'm okay with switching the goblin for orin, but have no strong feelings
  one way or the other.

  /f/ is the only place an oldfag can still feel new again. I love the classic flashes being
  anthems for each team. If anything funny happens in who we draw with maybe I'll offer to make a
  shitty hyp again.

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/04/24(Thu)11:18:08 No.3503028

  Thanks anon, if you spot a gameday threas I'd encourage you to stop by and watch a match, we put
  on a pretty fun show
  Understood, just trying to get some ideas flowing, it doesn't have to be suika either 2 touhou
  reps would be justified.
  I'm trying to do a better job of getting threads up on days we have matches so keep an eye out
  but if you want to watch past ones damn near every cup match ever played is available at
  I feel the same way anon, thats why I love this place so much and why I want to do my best to
  represent what we've got here.

  Also forgot to mention last cup we won the Goal of the Tournament award for EDDIE's off the bench
  game winner vs /vg/

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)15:42:25 No.3503032

  oh shid almost time for winter
  camon /f/ score some fakkin goals

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)16:02:00 No.3503033

  man can't wait to hear final in the finals!
  GO /f/!

>> [_] John Moses Browning 01/04/24(Thu)16:25:25 No.3503034

  We are in the Elite Cup?

  Our roster is genuinely old as fuck. Like no joke, how old is the "newest" player? The meme/flash
  its based on that is

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)16:37:10 No.3503036

  you say that like it's a bad thing

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)17:03:08 No.3503038

  fantastic flash OP, good job!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)18:03:56 No.3503045

  I made 3 adverts so far:
  Maybe I'll have more done by the 19th, currently have this unfinished chirumiru/cirno-flash
  oriented one;
  For such, if anyone has a good recognizable big 2hu side-profile tit shot, I'd be welcome to a
  link, the tit present is either a placeholder for such or will be turned into a silloheutte. Not
  sure what text/logo (originally intended the ramune from cirno bottle launch but it doesn't scale
  down well) I'll put in the central area, so suggestions welcome.

  Regarding chants:
  Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 / (alternatively
  could be an anthem for SP I suppose)
  Some part of Link's_Barrel_Beat.swf
  Anthems(or goalhorns):
  I think if we win a good montage song would be: Hi-Fi - Пecня Цapeвны
  A low hanging fruit for anything where gay is relevant: , don't know where to place it
  same as above:

  Only suggestions I got are the same as last thread, the manticore (which.swf) as a backliner (I
  suggest over pepsi) and maybe toll booth (trip.swf) as a keeper

  Other advert ideas I have in mind in case someone wants to do them or gets ideas from them:
  rentry dot co/z4snx

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/04/24(Thu)20:14:20 No.3503049

  I will lose my fuckin mind if I get to hear Finale played as an anthem
  Without looking my guess would be Monday Approaches. I think that's part of the strength of the
  team. Almost everything here is classic and even people with a cursory knowledge of 4chan know
  what most of the players are. To add to that, what can you think of /f/ related that came out in
  the last 5 years? We should stick to the classics and for the most part we have.
  That first catbox file is empty, I dig the idea for the Chirumiru one it looks good so far. Maybe
  just use the text from the swf itself? I'll admit to opening a lot of swfs up with the decompiler
  to use as assets for team stuff, it's pretty easy.
  We do have 1997 as a chant, we have an assload of chants so it probably doesn't get played very
  often but it is there I swear. Baby boy/whatcouldthisbeiwonder.swf is our goalhorn for /cm/, the
  Meet n Fuck theme is pretty good, I'm trying to think of where we could use it. As for the other
  songs I'm not sure what to do with them either.
  I wanna hear some more opinions on bringing back Manticore (he played on the team about a decade
  ago), I'm not against it, it'll be a difficult player to get a model for but I don't think it'd
  be a bad flash game rep. Pepsiman has been on the team for a good while and while I'd hate to cut
  him he also works double duty as a player for /vr/. Like where your head is at though, some good
  suggestions and please reupload the ad boards, we could definitely use them.

>> [_] John Moses Browning 01/04/24(Thu)21:57:56 No.3503053

  I guess I am mildly sad we didnt have any big new flashes/memes in the past years

>> [_] Anonymous 01/04/24(Thu)23:26:51 No.3503055

  If manticore is done perhaps its model could be nice in the same way that /i/ does their models,
  should it not be too difficult (and known), nor cause headaches with kits. Considering he's a
  vector drawing and it would stand out given there's not many 2d on the team aside from resize's
  head and >renaming (I think in part?).

  Here: , Not sure if this site does anything with the image
  quality, though they look fine so it's inconsiquential anyways. Did a dl prompt for you even
  emerge? I tried the zip and it worked on my end. If I complete some more ads before cup, is it
  fine if I just upload it here ? I can edit
  the gallery linked above in case not. I don't do any instant messaging.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/24(Fri)04:50:35 No.3503065


>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/05/24(Fri)09:06:22 No.3503067

  Of these 3 I like the "Enable Flash" one the most but I feel it's still a bit empty, maybe we add to it or link to the archive at I'm not sure I get the other 2, the
  Rei(?) one has some noticable compression effects in it and yellow one also might be a little
  hard to make out from farther off. The Chirumiru is the best imo, we'll probably have to take the
  tit out though or at least make it less obvious cause all the ad boards have to be able to get
  shown on a youtube stream. I'll make a note to myself to check that imgbox gallery if you want to
  keep uploading there.
  I'm onboard with doing Manticore in the /i/-style player, I think I can make that work. I also
  wanna keep Pepsiman around though so I'm suggesting we drop >renaming in favor of Manticore and I
  can work up a renaming adboard.
  One last adboard I had an idea for was that I'd really like a "Fuck Adobe" board somehow but I've
  had trouble getting something that looks good. Here's a mockup of about the best draft I have,
  hopefully it jogs someones noggin for other ideas to make it look good. Maybe we work the Fuck
  Adobe into the enable flash player one?

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 01/05/24(Fri)09:08:18 No.3503068

  would probably help if I put a link where I said I was going to huh? It's early and I am
  unfortunately retarded

  Fuck Adobe

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/24(Fri)21:17:18 No.3503083

  /v/ hymn completely schwach reflecting it's weak pedophile moderator, and the complete
  degenaration into a worthless /porn/ board.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)02:05:26 No.3503097

  >not yoho a pirate is free you are a pirate ( lol limewire )

>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)02:18:30 No.3503098

  /t/ already uses that for their goalhorn

>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/24(Sat)03:41:03 No.3503100

  Rei(yes) is a parody using .
  Enable flash is indeed the most minimal but I disagree that it needs more, just shouldn't be the
  status quo. It's befitting for it to be such cause it's meant to simulate an ad that wasn't able
  to load cause it itself is a flash and that is how it would appear most recently. A similar one
  could be based off the yellow out of date notification that would be more filling, and I suppose
  I'd be fine with it. Though I don't think it would have same meta-appeal so to speak as such has
  only ever been a small popup as opposed to something that fills the screen. Both it and an older
  version of the puzzle piece can be seen in out-of-date.swf. I'll probably make a yellow alt form,
  cause it's so low effort, later. If links were to be added to ads in reference to being out of
  date I would think it would be or some similar link.

  In regards to potential combination the two obvious main ways to do it: The yellow drop-down
  overlaying it from above or as the puzzle piece as a central seperator if the words were made to
  be more even length-wise somehow. Could maybe do it linguistically but maybe not, for instance
  screw adobe does that linguistically but then both are odd which conflicts with your usage of the
  logos, so probably not. Well either way, I think both combos look too cluttered with the current
  implementation. Regarding your idea more generally, I think the thing to think about is what
  background to overlay it on, I like the idea of using the logos for one or both of the words and
  since they're mostly transparent it might be fine as is if you find something suitable.
  How many ad slots are there total (in the stadium)? Perhaps that divided by 2 is the optimum
  amount to have.
Created: 3/1 -2024 22:55:31 Last modified: 6/1 -2024 12:54:55 Server time: 27/07 -2024 08:06:54