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This is resource DZWAN59, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/6 -2024 12:11:07

Ended:24/6 -2024 03:44:29

Checked:24/6 -2024 04:08:19

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: Anthem Machine v1.2.swf-(9.79 MB, 1433x890, Loop)
[_] It's that time again dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 06/22/24(Sat)08:07:54 No.3509236

  Six months has come and gone and it's nearly time once again for the Summer Elites and to my
  continued surprise /f/ will be taking the field. Dates have been announced as the weekends of
  July 19th, 26th, and August 3rd, we'll find out who gets drawn into our group in a special
  Summmmmmerslam Spectacular on July 14th.

  But all of that is still a month away so I wanted to see what (You) thought of our recent
  performances, now is the time we can make changes to the team so if anyone has ideas for new (or
  returning) players, kits, anthems/goalhorns, anything at all let me hear it here. All of the info
  over at the team page on is up to date, as is everything in this swf
  so if we don't come up with any changes this will be what we run with.
  I'll post the current roster next to try and get some discussion going but any input is welcome,
  even if you just want to call me a fag it proves you guys still want to see this team and that it
  represents all of us here. I'll try to keep up tradition of having a thread on game days so keep
  your eyes open next month for the fun.

  >what the fuck is any of this?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 06/22/24(Sat)08:11:36 No.3509237

  Currently our roster looks like this

  Lord Fulp
  Pepsi Man
  Bourbon House
  Integral Story Bro
  High Tension Japanese Goburin
  Monday Approaches
  Takeo Ischi
  Xiao Mei Mei
  Billy Herrington
  Gardevoir Paizuri
  Van Darkholme
  Party Hard (Silver)
  Daily Dose (Silver)
  DA HOOD (Gold)
  Lolicatgirls (Gold) (C)

  This cup we're going back to an older version of PES with some new rule shake-ups that buff
  non-medals in scoring positions, I haven't tested anything yet and I don't know if we're going to
  run it but I'd like to get 2-3 non-medal nominees if we do wind up going that way. What I'm
  currently leaning toward is for Zone, EDDIE, and Osaka but there are some strong arguments to be
  made all around so put your favorites foward and we'll see if they can score. I don't know if
  we'll run a formation like this yet but I'd like to be prepared. The only other thing I can think
  to add is that the version of this swf with the full anthems is still located right here

  That's what I got, I'll reply to everything I'm able to so let's hear it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)08:57:19 No.3509238

  hydrocity zone vs aquarium park is pretty cool

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)10:51:29 No.3509241

  Think /f/ will be able to score some again?
  Break a leg dadfish!

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 06/22/24(Sat)11:11:43 No.3509244

  From what I've seen of this version of the game there are going to be a LOT of goals, which is
  why I'm wanting to get a feel for which non-medals people want to see up front as we're likely to
  get some rare or possibly first time goal scorers that way.
  I love the song but I hate hearing it cause it's our anthem for when we miss the final weekend
  and get sent to garbage day. Good find anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)12:48:46 No.3509251

  i have no idea what any of this is even after the wiki

  but those are some banger anthems

  good luck with everything op

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)16:33:20 No.3509259

  Osaka. Always Osaka.

  As for the other two, Zone and WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY.

  Zonehas some good /f/ representation so I'd agree with that, and WRRRRRRRRRRRRY is an old meme
  people still recognize, unlike say Manticore which I don't think many would get.

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 06/22/24(Sat)17:12:50 No.3509264

  It's easier to show than explain it imo, here's a link to a game from our last tournament. This
  match was an exciting elimination game against /a/
  That archive has all our games and I try to shill it a bunch cause it's a really cool way to
  watch almost every game we've ever played. If you see a thread in July stop by and shitpost with
  WRRRRRRRRRRRRY used to be up front a long time ago and even has a couple goals, I wouldn't have
  any objections to him returning. I agree with the sentiment about picking forwards people would
  recognize, I like having a mix of shit only /f/egits would get like Manticore as well as
  site-wide classics like the Doc on the team but the scorers should be the classics.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)18:44:23 No.3509266

  I was skeptical about going all the way back to '16 but seeing the sheer number of goalfests from
  Spring was super fucking fun, looking forward to seeing some real shenanigans coming out of the
  elites this time around. Best of luck bro

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)19:52:08 No.3509267

  Is there even actually a way to access the sources of the music in the file?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)20:54:44 No.3509270

  I love this kind of shit. I remember a swf from about a decade ago that was just a jukebox of
  meme songs. There was a pixel art guy running and I think his outfit changed when you changed the
  Idk wtf this thread is about I just like the music in this file

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)20:56:59 No.3509271

  Here you go, anon

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)21:19:01 No.3509274

  Fucking hell you found it. Going through a nostalgia morning right now and this has unlocked a
  lot of memories for me. Cheers mate

>> [_] dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 06/22/24(Sat)22:25:07 No.3509280

  Thanks anon, I don't know how 16 is going to treat us but we'll roll the dice and try to put on a
  You can open it with FFDec, or you can skip that step and get individual files on the team wiki
  page at
  Alternatively all of the swfchan sources for the anthems are listed in the flash, you could rip
  them that way as well

  Talking anthems jogged my memory about a change I wanted to make for /m/, what does everyone
  think about using massivedamage.swf instead of Slamming Finger? Slamming Finger is pretty hype
  I'll admit but massivedamage used to get posted all the damn time. Feels like we overlooked

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)06:40:17 No.3509295

  What the hell is Mongolian Porn.swf and why have I never seen it. It sounds amazing.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)06:51:44 No.3509297

  I am severely disappointed that its not actually porn.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)08:29:39 No.3509298

  There's a lot of that stuff on the /f/ archive, including the earlier versions of that file.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)11:19:55 No.3509305


>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)14:14:37 No.3509306

  You just gotta see Chinese porn

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)23:31:56 No.3509319

  is there no /ic/ or am I blind

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)23:44:22 No.3509321

  Nope, there is no /ic/. I was about to say that.
Created: 22/6 -2024 12:11:07 Last modified: 24/6 -2024 04:08:21 Server time: 08/09 -2024 00:02:17