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Threads (2):
File: toromi-loop.swf-(5.5 MB, 720x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3487401 >tfw soul-crushing hurry and constant stress over said hurry
File: toromi-loop.swf-(5.5 MB, 720x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3455650 spotted an issue with my flash that i posted a few days ago, though you won't even see it if you don't resize the flash. fixed it in this upload :) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3455655 >># Pretty cool. Could also lower filesize by making the desk and black bg a static image that persists and only make the moving parts (yuuko) seperate images. >> [_] Anon 3455656 >># oh shit, didn't think of that! i thought it was kinda on the large side too, and i'll definitely keep that in mind for my next flashes (or i'll update this one when i find the time) >> [_] Anon 3455657 I must have missed the original version, thanks for posting it again. Nice work! >> [_] Anon 3455665 >># found out that every frame is repeated twice, so i just removed every other frame and halved the framerate, that dropped the filesize to 3.3MB. i'll probably post that tomorrow since i don't want to spam the board >> [_] Anon 3455666 When is /f/ getting the new grounds treatment or whatever. >> [_] Anon 3455669 Hey so embeded flashes are just not working anymore, guess Adobe really implemented the killswitch. Any tips on how to play flashes on the browser (embeded or otherwise)? >> [_] Anon 3455676 >># get a browser that doesn't suck and whitelist /f/ in mms.cfg also not uninstalling flash (happens automatically if silentautoupdate isn't disabled) would help other than that you can download flashes and open in projector >> [_] Anon 3455680 >># which are ok? today ff started randomly blocking flashs despite mmc >> [_] Anon 3455685 Delicious Yuuko suffering. >> [_] Anon 3455687 >># Maybe it updated itself recently? Reposting The issue is actually something 4chan started doing a while back which is setting the x-frame header option to DENY which prevents any flash file from loading on the 4chan domain. Firefox used to ignore these header settings but the recent update made it start applying them. Current workaround is to install an addon called simple-modify-headers and configure it as follows: URL Patterns: https://i.4cdn.org/f/* Action: Delete Header Field Name: x-frame-options Header Field Value: null Apply On: Response Start it up and flash files should start working again. Be sure to send feedback telling Hiro that flashes are fucked and maybe they'll fix the issue, if not then we're just stuck with it for the foreseeable future. >> [_] Anon 3455691 >># Thanks anon. I managed to find the source of the problem. I hadnt entered the URL correctly in mms.cfg. (forgot / at end) Why that didn't become an issue earlier, I don't know. FF hasn't updated yet, so I assume that will happen in a few days and than I'll be remembering your guide as well. Thx. I found out about the AllowListRootMovieOnly = 1 option, which should be interesting for flashes that use a loding page. SWFs and libraries that are loaded within a flash (think of a game loading screen) will not be checked for their origin. Running games should become smother. >> [_] Anon 3455693 What an ugly fucking flash. Why is there a clock? Why is there a picture below the window? Why is there so much shit outside the window in general? >> [_] Anon 3455694 >># why not? why not? For info. >> [_] Anon 3455696 >># It's a fine flash But there's no beating the Rumia clock, the most powerful of them all >> [_] Anon 3455701 >># what rumia clock? >> [_] Anon 3455705 Nice dd/mm/yyyy format there pal. Can we get a proper mm/dd/yyyy version instead please? Thanks. >> [_] Anon 3455707 >># Yeah, I agree, logical date formats are for nerds. Confusing and unintuitive date formats are for REAL men. >> [_] Anon 3455710 >># this guy doesn't like clock flashes and this is not his first post about such >> [_] Anon 3455712 >># rumia_mascot.swf It's got an alarm function You get touhou music, she does a little dance, it's a good time >> [_] Anon 3455715 >># Seconding >># d/m/y is the worst one of the main 3. Not only does it not reflect the way most people refer to dates, but it is the worst from a file organization standpoint. Dessdcending is the best from an organization standpoint but also shows the typically least important information at the start and is the furthest from how anyone refers to dates. The format m/d/y retains enough of the organization benefits to be useable in a filing system while also reflecting how the language is spoken, it's the most well-rounded format. The only reason to ever propose ascending order is in order to satisfy some dumb fixation with a linear order. What's worse is that m/d/y from a numerical standpoint satisfies the above fixation better for more than half of all 365 days. I could understand arguing for y/m/d, but seriously advocating for d/m/y is the mark of thoughtlessness. In short, stfu yuropoor. >> [_] Anon 3455718 >># >most people mm/dd/yyyy is an anglo thing, most people don't use it, and it has absolutely no organization benefits, only yyyy/mm/dd has. >> [_] Anon 3455721 >># It basically has the exact same benefits of y/m/d. If you want to find a certain file, having m/d/y means the files naturally record according to their dates with in a single year. The only extra step required compared to y/m/d is to put everything in it's own container or folder at the end of the year as to not have previous years sit on the same plane. So basically from an organization standpoint y/m/d only saves you 5 minutes a year electronically and a day a year with a physical format. Otherwise it's almost the same. Try sifting through a folder timestamped d/m/y where the date matters and have fun with every single file recorded on the x of each month being shown adjacent to one another. As far as speech goes, you may be right but in all my years on the internet which has enough european presence I almost never see people refer to dates as "The 6th of January". People typically opt for brevity which is where "January 6th" comes in. >> [_] Anon 3455723 >># >it the exact same benefits of y/m/d except you have to sort on multiple keys Which means it doesn't have these benefits. If you're gonna have a multiple key-sort then dd/mm/yyyy is a more logical notation than mm/dd/yyyy. >As far as speech goes, you may be right but in all my years on the internet which has enough european presence I almost never see people refer to dates as "The 6th of January". People typically opt for brevity which is where "January 6th" comes in. That's because the latter is the correct english notation, but other languages don't work that way. >> [_] Anon 3455734 >># the time is right next to her, you must have found it by now >> [_] Anon 3455740 >># >># >I almost never see people refer to dates as "The 6th of January" Most languages are like this though. >> [_] Anon 3455752 >># Why is it important, everyone has a fast enough internet to load 5 mb >> [_] Anon 3455753 >># m/d/y if confusing because most europeans say the day before the month, your americans won't change that even with the internet |