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discophrenia 7.swf
6,43 MiB, 04:08 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[G9WQH8U]F !…
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 30/5 -2024 04:28:03 Ended: 31/5 -2024 14:48:16Flashes: ~1 Posts: 14
File: discophrenia 7.swf-(6.42 MB, 800x580, Other)
[_] /r/ for feedback inside. Anon 3508311 (To the archiver, Sorry for the repost) Someone sent me isolated vocals using a vocal remover. I used AI vocals to sing, but not this one. I was pretty entertained; what do you think Anon. My singing isn't quite there yet, I hope my neighbors don't mind my future attempts. I don't like the gasping or breathyness w/e
>> [_] Anon 3508316 >># • Some of the notes are a bit off key, sounds like a lot of correcting needs to be made. Could be wearing headphones and not hearing your own voice which could be causing the offkey notes. • Definitely the gasping and breathyness, sounds like you're out of breath and having difficulties singing some notes due to being exhausted. Would recommend something with slower lyrics to practice more tonality. • Lastly, although it makes sense you have neighbors, it sounds closer to whispering through your microphone to avoid waking up neighbors. Maybe try during the day or a time period where you could be louder. That would probably allow you to hit the tone you're looking for more consistently. All in all, if you keep practicing, perhaps with a slower lyrical song with less words, you can work on your tones and your breathyness as well as improving your confidence with yourself. You got this anon, believe in me who believes in you. Also, the Chocolate Rain, "I move away from the mic to breathe in" thing.
>> [_] Anon 3508318 >># discophrenia anon banzaaai!
>> [_] Anon 3508320 >># It's so nostalgic, like some sort of borrowed nostalgia. I don't get the audio thing. Is that a kid singing? Is that the one made with AI? Like the first anon said there's some big clashes with the keyboard background tunes, overlapping the voice, making it almost unusable. The man voice in the flash (your original voice?) is much much better, and it works with that nostalgic feeling. AI is quite new, I'm sure you will find the right voice app pretty soon.
>> [_] Anon 3508321 >># >># >># Thank you anons; So -- Ive been trying to promote my music a bit more; I'm a little less afraid now. I've been pasting my soundcloud and bandcamp in /mu/ Going over OP post; The original song had AI vocals in them; the vocaroo upload has Taylor Swift AI vocals (lol). My girlfriend's been complaining that 1) I should use my own voice 2) Garfield/Lorenzo music etc isn't really a singing voice; I've been using that voice for most of the videos -- so I tried a different voice in the vocaroo, with weird results I definitely need to learn to record better and be less shy, and learn not to breathe in the middle of a verse; breathing at the end is fine, some musicians have done it in some of their songs. Thank you /f/ for being kind, I appreciate that, and all the feedback. Hopefully I will get better; thank you :bow:
>> [_] Anon 3508333 >># *move away from the mic to breath in* CHOCOLATE RAIIIIIN
>> [_] Anon 3508335 >># Keep at it anon and don't give up! Would love if you posted more often with your results to see how you've improved, kinda like those draw threads how they start out pretty shitty but then get better and better. /f/'s own diva making it big. >># SOME STAY DRY AND OTHERS FEEL THE PAIN
>> [_] Anon 3508345 >># this is great i'm gonna sing this all day lol
>> [_] Anon 3508346 >># Breathe in smoke until i'm fried.
>> [_] Anon 3508347 reminds me of negativexp but not gay and faggy at all
>> [_] Anon 3508349 >># Dude, I need to find your other song, it goes like "I don't wanna say goodbye, I don't wanna say forever" and I remember you've made a typo in the title while posting it on /f/ for the first time and now I can't find it. Help me please
>> [_] Anon 3508350 >># I never found out why I couldn't find it on swfchan, but I'll reupload it again soon.
>> [_] Anon 3508351 >># ia5finalSorry.swf
>> [_] Anon 3508357 Enjoyed this flash a lot I browse /f/ at 3 am hoping to find things like this Never seen your work before Gonna go dive in the archive later
Created: 30/5 -2024 04:33:41 Last modified: 1/6 -2024 06:18:20 Server time: 26/06 -2024 01:50:16