File[dontshityourpants.swf] - (102 KB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:03 No.1298972
dont shit your pants right click click play to activate it
>> [_] Â Â 06/24/10(Thu)23:09 No.1298975
:take off pants
two awards down, 10 to go,
>> [_] Â Â 06/24/10(Thu)23:09 No.1298976
dont know what i did but i got the slow typer award too, =D
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:12 No.1298981
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:16 No.1298984
6 and 7 elude me
>> [_] Â Â 06/24/10(Thu)23:20 No.1298988
get as far as you can and type "punch door" and watch what happens =D
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:20 No.1298989
two words:
fart gently
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:21 No.1298990
1: play, pull door, take off pants, sit on toilet, shit
2: play, take off pants, shit
3: play, shit.
4: play, pull door, sit on toilet, shit
5: play, suicide
6: play, take pills, fart lightly, wait for timer to run out
7: Do 6.
8: Shit.
9: let time run out
10: do all of these.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:25 No.1298995
shot web
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:33 No.1299000
yeah he can't
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:41 No.1299007
I dont know how to why are you pink?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:46 No.1299011
Type "look at hair"
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:51 No.1299014
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)23:54 No.1299016
how do i get 4?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)01:19 No.1299095
play, pull door, take pants off, sit on toilet, suicide
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)01:54 No.1299113
sit look for pills
fart gently
take pills
"wait 45 seconds"
"wait 10 more seconds"
??? profit x2
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)02:10 No.1299126
Shitting at the stating gun
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)02:14 No.1299130
oh I see
don't say play, just shit. lolol
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)03:07 No.1299167
remove pants
kill self
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/10(Fri)03:24 No.1299178
/r/ing more dos like games