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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 41. Discovered flash files: 1 File[IdleQuest_ladderv13.swf] - (20 KB) [_] [G] Updated your IdleQuest Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:43 No.1372757 Final upgrade for today fulfilling anon's /r/s. Changes affect new characters only. Changelog: Cowboys switched to ranged weapon class, still use mounts. Archeologists and Rangers switched to melee weapons to better match their characteristics, but do not get mounts. Non-magic user classes have their stats buffed substantially, the exact pattern depending on class. Bards are now a magic-using class; they are still much weaker in INT and WIS than other magic users, and gain fewer spells per level and per equipment purchase. The reason for the mount bug was non-obvious and I saw in the code the original creator's unsuccessful attempts to fix it, so now instead of HP, mounts now grant +STR and +CON. They are permanent buffs. There are new MELEE weapons above the previous highest level for increased deadliness for melee characters. Fixed a bug where the shop would show the wrong dialogs for the characters who had their equipment changed. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:51 No.1372762 Well? How about a thank you at least? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:53 No.1372765 Thank you. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:56 No.1372767 Thanks keep up the good work >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:56 No.1372768 don't know if it's just a placebo effect but my knight feels a lot more deadly already >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)16:58 No.1372770 >>1372768 No, the change really should be apparent from the start on with melee characters hitting more and doing more damage, especially as you get better mounts. Rangers may have become a lot deadlier than they were before too. >> [_] Sage 09/13/10(Mon)17:00 No.1372772 my gnome rouge is fighting with a sling and wooden rocks wtf lol >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:02 No.1372774 Should Necro be have spells for that class ( Summon,Curses or am i playing too much WoW) >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:05 No.1372776 >>1372774 Probably should but fuck if I can be bothered to program those as it is, Necros and Wizards have some differences but the spells are the same >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:07 No.1372777 >>1372776 Could you clarify on what the differences are between the two? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:08 No.1372778 >>1372777 i would be guessing either Scrolls or STATS? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:10 No.1372780 >>1372777 I'm gonna be a dick and say no 'cause it's more fun that way inb4 someone decompiles and checks for himself >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:10 No.1372781 >>1372776 Following on the question it would be awesome to have another POISON effect which gives you a little health or so for NECROS >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:11 No.1372782 High Elf Knight reporting in Questing successfully at Graveyard at level 3 Fuck yes. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:11 No.1372785 I just saw this update, playing it now. I still have my character running in the default game, but the changes seem good! Thanks a lot! I can't wait to see how balance plays out in the long run, but it's nice to see my paladin not entirely sucking now. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:12 No.1372786 >>1372781 Yeah, I was considering tweaking the spells a bit and also things like rogues picking up sixth sense as a bonus as they level up, but that'll have to be another day. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:16 No.1372789 >>1372786 (not too soon so don't worry about not having time to play this version, also do give feedback on the changes) >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:16 No.1372790 Ooh, my Half Orc Knight is doing waaaay better than before. Thanks for the update. >> [_] Jared, The PokePorn Dumping God !jUVJI1BWUM 09/13/10(Mon)17:17 No.1372791 Newfag at this game, but is that all you do is sit here and watch? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:18 No.1372793 >>1372791 >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:26 No.1372799 >>1372782 Now questing succesfully in Orcish Cave at level 4 Fighters really got upgraded >> [_] Jared, The PokePorn Dumping God !jUVJI1BWUM 09/13/10(Mon)17:30 No.1372801 >>1372791 oh wait.. IDLE quest I'm such a derp >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:31 No.1372802 Bard's instrument is a bit overpower. Charisma+Instrument= spam of spells Can you reduce the rate of spells learned per instrument? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:33 No.1372805 >>1372802 It's only supposed to be one spell per instrument >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:37 No.1372806 >>1372805 it is 1 spell/instrument. but my lv2 bard already changed instrument 5 times. and i dont have enough mp to use my spells >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:40 No.1372811 >>1372799 Dread Hills at level 5 >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:41 No.1372812 >>1372806 Yeah, OP said bards get less wisdom and less wisdom means less mana. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:45 No.1372818 >>1372802 >>1372806 Charisma + spells is actually not overpowered, or you'd expect hypnosis-focused wizards that also get a fuckton of charisma later to dominate when they actually don't. I'm curious to see how this new bard plays out though, because it does get more charisma earlier than a hypnosis wizard. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)17:55 No.1372826 lolwut my high elf knight just bought a wooden beam sword side-effect of better weapons? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:04 No.1372834 >mfw melee fighters are actually competitive *_* inb4 bitching wizurds >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:09 No.1372845 Lol i must suck, Died on first quest! >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:10 No.1372849 >>1372834 I don't know why wizards would be bitching just because Necromancers aren't the only class that can compete with them anymore >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:17 No.1372858 >>1372818 my bard learned a lot of spells but I can use only my passive spells. Ice Arrow IV uses how many mp? >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:18 No.1372860 >>1372858 9 i think >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:37 No.1372878 Level 5 Rogue in Dread Hills with Dex 573 (+9), all other stats are below 10. That seems a bit excessive to me, but I didn't take the time to look at the hit/dodge formula either. >> [_] Sig !!DBI97MeOzwZ 09/13/10(Mon)18:57 No.1372884 OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:01 No.1372886 >>1372884 somehow I don't think that's this version >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:02 No.1372887 I must find the incredible puppy! :O >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:17 No.1372902 >>1372884 thats nothing, I had a lvl 350 high elf wizard, raping undefineds and getting raped. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:38 No.1372921 >>1372878 I'd say it's not excessive. Lvl 7 knight, got 52 dex and I'm not dodging ANYTHING and enemies are dodging most of my shots (however in this version I actually do some damage when I hit). If you're going to base your whole defense around dodging, you'll need that much. >> [_] Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:42 No.1372922 you are all smalltime |